Dark Armour on Brutes
I think that cloak of fear, cloak of darkness, oppressive gloom and death shroud are not designed to be always active...
Don't forget that your fury grows also by the attacks you receive. If all the mobs around you are permanently stunned or terrorized, that won't help.
And only a few brutes (like /elec) can use all the time their damages aura without heavy end problems ^^
So you only have to permanently wear 2 or 3 armors during a fight, depending on your opponents. Juste like other brutes.
Thanks for the reply !
Your right, i suppose DA is ment playing to toggle the powers according to the type of enemy.
And you are right about the fury !
I tried fighting without Cloak of fear, but the melee defence is too low.
That's why fearing the mobs did seem to me as some kind of defence.
The real defence powers (total of 3) are even lower on the end usage than the other brute power defences.
Unfortunatly they give no resistance to KB, so i'm playing with Acrobatics on also.
And that on adds up on the endurance-usage.
Main difference with the other brute's is DA has no auto-defence-powers !
So the defence is lower than any other brute powerset.
Should be compensated with Cloak of Fear and/or Death Shroud, but these are the big end eaters.
Will try to toggle Cloak of Fear shortly in combat and see what the result is.
Not using Death Shroud.
I have lvl50 ss/invu Brute and have 7 resist powers (4 auto powers) on all the time, without any problems.
Combat jumping not included (wich is also on all the time)
This brute is so much stronger than the DA one.
If the endurance-usage will be decreased on DA, it might be as much fun to play as a invu Brute.
But this is my opinion, i hope to get reply's from people who agree or disagree with me
So lets hear what you think !
I've always said Dark Armor is the worst Brute set. No KB resist, way too many toggles, two of which nerf your fury generation, a self rez*, and both Elec and WP have (well, slightly less?) Psi resist so that benefit isn't unique anymore either. Eats Endurance like you had a Malta Sapper stuck up your [censored].
*(I generally dislike self rez powers as they are situational and require you to die to use them... It's generally a better idea just not to die in the first place. Of course, DA's self rez has some tactical uses in teams...)
Ok, i have tried to toggle the powers.
Toggeling Cloak of Fear is a bit annoying for a brute, they just want to go in and smash.
Should be better if it was just normal PBAoE, not a toggle.
The DA is only playable with 3 defence powers on.
So if your playing against enemy's who don't do KB and Fire/Cold/Neg/EndDrain you could play without Acrobatics and Murky Cloud.
You have to figure out how to play against you opponants.
This way your're able to build up Fury.
But figthing against Heroes or Arch-Villains will be impossible unless you have a Kinetic Corr to back you up.
I came to the conclusion that Death Shroud and Cloak of Fear are useless, unless the devs do something about the end-use of these powers.
I say make Dark Embrace and Obsidian Shield auto powers and reduce end-use by 50% on Death Shroud an Cloak of Darkness, and keep it as a toggle.
Remove end-use on Cloak of Darkness, just like the Hide on the Stalkers.
Then the DA will be fun.
B.t.w. i have also noticed the Cloak of Fear is useless in Pvp.
This is the one that should be THE best protection against stalking opponants.
Better pick an other secondary, unless the devs fix this one.
Changes to Dark Armour are unlikely to happen, the set is fine as it is. Yes with all toggles running you are going use endruance faster than a Kin/Elec can drain it. However, Dark Armour offers so much utility, good all-round resistance and of course the best Self-Heal in the game. The key to Dark Armour is the right slotting, in which if you have a heavy-end costing Primary you must consider slotting the attacks with end-reduction too.
I dont have Oppressive Gloom as its only a small mag stun and i dont mind Minions hitting me, little damage but keeps Fury well up xP. However i have Cloak of Fear as a sort of panic button when Dark Regen isnt up (which is rare, i have slotted my Dark Regen very well for good Acc, Heal, Rech and End-Reduct) but just in case, i have it. So i dont use that all the time, i use all the Resistance offering shields all the time. Death Shroud toggles on for herding and when i want to max my AoE damage (my primary is Fire/), so this is not always on, but i still have it slotted for End-Reduct. Finally, Cloak of Darkness. . . Now this is a little tricky, i use it for stealthing and when i want an extra bit of protection (i have Combat Jumping so it stacks some Deff and Immob protection), it also has +Perception! Which is very helpful in some situations.
My advice would be. . .
Slot your Energy/ attacks for decent End-Reduct (percentages should be between 40-60%, more for the big hitters).
Use all the toggles that offer Resistance, only use the other powers (Cloak of Darkness/Fear, Death Shroud) when needed.
Use Dark Regen alot and make sure its slotted heavily for End-Reduc (70-80%), you can achive this will some wise IO slotting.
I also have some decent +Recovery from IO sets, about 10-12%, im not too sure. That does help, but only if you are wise with your IO end-reduc slotting.
I love my Fire/Dark Brute and it will be my first level 50 Villain, soon as i get my last two levels xD.
Hope this helps, enjoy.
P.S btw /Dark isnt so bad in PvP, i help my own against 3 Scraps, 2 Blasts with only another Brute and a Corrupt. =D
Changes to Dark Armour are unlikely to happen, the set is fine as it is. Yes with all toggles running you are going use endruance faster than a Kin/Elec can drain it. However, Dark Armour offers so much utility, good all-round resistance and of course the best Self-Heal in the game. The key to Dark Armour is the right slotting, in which if you have a heavy-end costing Primary you must consider slotting the attacks with end-reduction too.
I dont have Oppressive Gloom as its only a small mag stun and i dont mind Minions hitting me, little damage but keeps Fury well up xP. However i have Cloak of Fear as a sort of panic button when Dark Regen isnt up (which is rare, i have slotted my Dark Regen very well for good Acc, Heal, Rech and End-Reduct) but just in case, i have it. So i dont use that all the time, i use all the Resistance offering shields all the time. Death Shroud toggles on for herding and when i want to max my AoE damage (my primary is Fire/), so this is not always on, but i still have it slotted for End-Reduct. Finally, Cloak of Darkness. . . Now this is a little tricky, i use it for stealthing and when i want an extra bit of protection (i have Combat Jumping so it stacks some Deff and Immob protection), it also has +Perception! Which is very helpful in some situations.
My advice would be. . .
Slot your Energy/ attacks for decent End-Reduct (percentages should be between 40-60%, more for the big hitters).
Use all the toggles that offer Resistance, only use the other powers (Cloak of Darkness/Fear, Death Shroud) when needed.
Use Dark Regen alot and make sure its slotted heavily for End-Reduc (70-80%), you can achive this will some wise IO slotting.
I also have some decent +Recovery from IO sets, about 10-12%, im not too sure. That does help, but only if you are wise with your IO end-reduc slotting.
I love my Fire/Dark Brute and it will be my first level 50 Villain, soon as i get my last two levels xD.
Hope this helps, enjoy.
P.S btw /Dark isnt so bad in PvP, i help my own against 3 Scraps, 2 Blasts with only another Brute and a Corrupt. =D
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mmm think this might the first time i ve seen someone like /dark. i personally like it (look n theme), but not actually made one to date yet. some wise tips there, though with tht much end red how strong r u is the queston, must have slotted ur /dark alot in the resis area, im thinking 4-5 each def power.

Dark Armour is a great Brute set. Not for everyone; but great in the right hands in PVE.
I think Energy Melee is a bit fast in action time meaning there is a lack of end recovery time over each attack; not good with several toggles needlessly running. You only need to run enough in toggles to survive a fight duration.
Dark Armour toggles need to be selectively activated. I would run one for part of a fight duration, turn another one on, maybe swap one toggle for another etc etc. I would most likely love Oppressive Gloom more with EM but there is wandering.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Honestly, I have never seen a brute that goes down faster than one with Dark Armour. I've had numbers quoted at me till my head is full and I still maintain that DA is the single worst armour I have ever seen or used.
I'll freely admit I've never got a DA to level 50. Or even higher than 20. But that's mainly because I got sick of getting eaten by mobs that every other brute I've made or teamed with could kill with relative ease.
Yes it has a lot more in the way of control abilities, but anything above a lieutenant and you tend to die within a few seconds from both my, and most of the people I've talked to's, experience.
Honestly, never seen a DA brute last more than 3 attacks from an EB, and 5 from a boss.
Friends are just enemies that haven't betrayed you yet.
As far as I can tell, treat a Dark Armour character like a Regen one - if you don't use the heal(s) well, you're dead.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
My Dark Armour is one of the strongest ones I have got and I have every set..I think XD (no not Invuln..not that again!). It is probably about knowing numbers and playing to suit. It's not "make a dark and think and play like everything else". Without using a single primary power, with the right pools I could build to and play through defeating +3 groups, solo..but I didn't level up building to play that way.
Leveling up the first half I didn't put a single resistance slot in the build XD (Tanked though) This was to first work out just how to get off on offense. This meant relearning to play the character exactly right after every long spell of not playing. Movement, timing, selecting the first main pain in groups and duffing them etc all mattered. I respeced out hasten once and that made it painful to play when relying on offense..regretted it!
If you level to 20 and have vet respecs I would recommend hitting 20 with all the good powers and then respec in stamina. 20 is 2 slots from SOs which change much also, SOs can make a power that looked bad in the teens to something great in the forties.
You get level spells of poor performance but it takes till 50 to complete a build and DA on scrappers is the strongest there is imo.
You can actually build a character that seems like only you can play; with Dark Armour; as opposed to what most sets offer; a set that anyone can jump on and play.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Ok, Dark Regeneration might be the fastest regen power, but it's also the most end-using.
Even with 3 end-reduction slotted in it, it uses 17 endurance (unslotted 33.8).
So if you use it a lot, you surely will run out of end quickly.
I tried slotting a lot of end-red in my primary power, but you won't make a scratch on anything.
You have to drop accuracy or damage, i dropped damage because accuracy is more important in my opinion.
This build was the most end-friendly though.
Now my build is almost like a Stalker one, lot of damage and no recharge-red in the powers.
The slots i've normally used for recharge-red are slotted with end-red.
Maybe i should drop hasten also.
All my defence-powers have 4 slots, 3 on resist damage and 1 on end-red.
But as i said earlyer, the resist powers are not the ones who are heavy on the endurance.
It's Cloak of Fear, Death Shroud and Dark Regeneration.
And the fact that you have to get Acrobatics for the KB-resistance adds up too.
Cloak of Darkness gives you twice as much defence than Combat Jumping.
B.t.w. got 12% recovery on sets, and still looking for Numia's Convalescence (+regeneration/+recovery)
Boy is that one expensive.
What is your primary power Shannon ?
Scrappers and Stalker do not use much endurance.
Dark Melee.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I have a DM/DA Brute. Thus far I've got it to 43 with very few problems. True, pre-Stamina it ate endurance faster than a bee in springtime. However, I feel it's all about end management. All my attacks bar brawl have at least 1 endredux. All the toggles are given at least one. Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud and Obsidian Shield have 2.
DA can give you incredible survivability if you use it wisely. I tend to use toggles selectively, using the one that would be most useful for the mobs I'm fighting. Of course, that being said I have managed to hold down a Hero level Citadel solo, with all toggles up, lackeyed. The rest of the team was either recovering or fighting mobs (I'm not sure, I was rather busy at the time). Surprisingly my endurance fared pretty well. He did manage to kill me as I failed to hit Dark Regen in time, but not before I knocked off just over half his HP. See, when used right you'll often be the last one left standing.
DA not only fits thematically with DM but it provides a very good companion to it. Dark Consumption helps counteract the end drain enormously. Of course the DM/DA combo isn't everyones cup of tea. It can be a difficult set to use if you're not prepared to do the work. Sometimes you have to forego fury generation in order to survive. This is were the soft control powers come in. They're great in keeping the pressure off others as well as yourself. You effectively become a Brutroller. Whilst this may be counterintuitive to the Brute play style, foregoing damage output for survivability, it keeps you alive longer. As long as you don't mind being knocked on your [censored] every once in a while.
And yes. Cloak of Darkness is useless in PvP. To be honest */DA is probably about the worst PvP set you can have.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
There is my point, DA is only possible to play if you have DM !!!!!!!
I have a Elec/DA, and i don't have Dark Consumption to fix the endurance.
It's not possible to combine it with other primary powers.
That's why people always choose the same powers.
And i just don't want to choose the same powers like everybody else does.
What's the point of combining two powers if only few will work.
They need to fix it so people have fun to play every combination.
I'm sure there are more combinations that won't work, but DA is one you cannot combine with any other power than DM.
B.t.w. killing E.B or heroes in teams depend on how good the rest of your team is.
Sometimes a brute is so busy, he/she won't notice people are buffing, healing and debuffing.
That's teamwork.
My DM/DA (live) is staminaless and the one I had on test had stamina but didn't use a single primary power in a test of making good use of the toggles buying time for dark regen thats super recharged and defeating everything in a street group solo. My first go wasn't great mind you because stacked stuns got me XD but that made me aware that I needed to use CoF better to reduce attack rate and this made the fight take longer.
I tend to do things like Energy/Energy, Elec/Elec, DM/DA. Prior to stamina the nrg/nrg and elec/elec have proven the most painful because hastened Dark Consumption is as good as stamina if you play it alright -> hit plenty with it. In fighting an energy melee EB solo in the early 20s staminaless, I had to lead him through more and more groups XD . Leeching and defeating them as I go but Death Shroud is such a great power that whilst hitting on the EB its doing everything else for me...fury builds faster in a group and how much damage I do for endurance stays up more, eventually I need to use less attacks overall.
The energy/energy starting out (being pants at aoe) can't handle the groups that elec/elec and dark/dark can. Often in groups the elec/elec finishes up in need of both a heal and end recovery (think unstoppable crash) but I would of just done enough aoe to an end bar and the dm/da would had a similar fight duration, had to of healed in it and of been able to move on to the next group sooner.
The energy/energy I found needed aid self more than stamina early on. The elec/elec could do with aid self just as much as stamina, but both can live without stamina later. The DM/DA can live without stamina sooner and isn't crying out for aid self but could more likely do with stamina for the highest of ranks.
I actually see leveling as one long experiment of pain, going without the "essentials" and therefore damn well in need to have to get as much out of what i got, then add the essentials and have a better understanding of what my characters about. Sadly altitis kicks in and has me learning and unlearning all the time. A good at nothing fumbler.
For me the main bits of end slotting DA with IOs is:
Dark Regen 2acc, 2 end,2 rechg
Cloak of Fear 2 acc, 2 end, maybe 2 to of whatever is to taste.
Death Shroud 2acc, 2 end, 2 dam.
CoF is great for reducing attack rate to self but death shroud counter acts it reducing the reduction in attack rate. I may just CoF to buy time for Dark Regen. Hastened Dark Regen recharges back in so few seconds and I would look to ST the higher ranks to the hp levels of the lower ranks. That way I hopefully finish the last 4 of the group about the same time for Dark Regen and Dark Consumption have slightly more than minimal numbers to effect for full bars and death shroud is hitting its cost effective minimal amount till the end. Normally, surprisingly everything is gone at the same time.
In teams you get people who use powers that act against yours. Someone in an attempt to save a DA that looks like they are about to die may say knock mobs away from them or from habit of playing with an energy brute or whatever prevent mobs from ganking the brute; but DM/DA; imo; is a sick set; because its somehow thrives on getting mullered and makes the greatest comebacks from near death experiences. Spread groups is why DM/DAs could do with stamina at times as you can't always leech enough end. I think in some teams with a control aura that works well, you could probably stand a better chance of survival and personally do more economical damage per end, if they all just stood at the door. CoF maybe a more useful power in soloing. I rarely see teams on CoV when I play. This is because its normally when people have gone to bed. So my experience with it in teams is still limited, even nigh non existent on it.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
You're a quite experienced brute-player Shannon.
So the best build for a brute is : use the same primary as secondary (DM/DA, Nrg/Nrg, Elec/Elec, ect).
I've heard some people mentioning this.
Don't know how this is on other Archtypes.
On lower levels my Elec/DA brute was quite good, on PvP it took 4 heroes (with 1 lvl50) to bring me down.
It was untill lvl35-50 it got whorse.
On the lower lvl's i did solo a lot, just to get the badges out of the missions.
But normally if i can i prefer to play in big teams.
Shannon, try replace 1 recharge with 1 heal on your Dark Regeneration, this will make your heal-per/sec better, and it's a bit less on end-use
I hav it slotted with 1Heal,3end-red,1acc and 1recharge (got 200.4 acc on this by set-inv)
Cloak of Fear : Glimpse(acc/end)(Fear/range)(End/fear),Endoplasm Exposure(Acc&Mezz),2End-red
And i should slot Death Shroud : Dam,Acc,3end-red,recharge on my toon.
Maybe i go try Death Shroud on my next respec, and make the build more on teaming with a Kinetic.
So the best build for a brute is : use the same primary as secondary (DM/DA, Nrg/Nrg, Elec/Elec, ect).
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"My apologies if I did not make myself clear" What I was saying is that Dark Armour alone with the right pools added, movement and timing can handle large groups without even touching the primary. So the DM part doesn't even matter, well normally until I am going for higher ranks. The key thing is that I still had all the primary with the pools added, even taunt. Any melee will do fine. A single target won't have me using death shroud, on less than four minions I see it as a waste. Generally its the same with CoF being DM.
I am an experimental player as much as someone who goes with concepts. I tend to synergize everything and put them thru the same paces. As much as I put my min/maxxing days behind me there is still me trying to do a lot with a little so then if I had the min/maxxed builds that some people do have I could theoretically do a lot more. So in real game I play gimped characters really.
Checking balance, in one day I had 3 Blasters who went and soloed Frostfire at level 7, each had a different advantages and disadvantages and each had to operate slightly differently to the other. All in all he got owned. I do sense a balance across sets and even had, with excel at one time found, common traits across them. They have shared values.
I could say that Dark Armour is gimped to everything else because of how I play it or say Dark Armour is one of my strongest brutes because of how I play it and that I did. They are reasonably balanced and its just how I play it or in the dynamics of how people team with me that tips the balance.
Shannon, try replace 1 recharge with 1 heal on your Dark Regeneration, this will make your heal-per/sec better, and it's a bit less on end-use
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The Dark Regen has been set in a way that is down to how I play. I do rely on a heals per sec. I know that you get a level of heal from the amount of foes you effect and work from that. In short, its PvE and because of how I play I almost never heal to anything but a full bar. A heal to do more to that full bar wouldn't do anything but a recharge to help gain a full bar more often, say every 12 secs from nothing increases my hps. If I was PvP I'd have a completely different build and would have to have a heal slot.
I wouldn't go and 3 end red anything on DA really. This is because well lets do it to death shroud:
Death Shroud plain IOs:
0 end slots: 0,52 eps
1 end slot: 0,37 eps (a difference of 0,15 eps)
2 end slots: 0,28 eps (a difference of 0,9 eps)
3 end slots: 0,26 eps (a difference of 0,2 eps)
Now with each additional slot the saving in endurance is reduced. I think of the whole build. Is there space for a slot elsewhere that can save more than 0,2 eps. Because we don't just run death shroud, we run other powers too and they all stack with each other and add up to give an overall endurance cost.
But I may not use that slot as an endurance slot. In order to save on a couple of endurance points I might want to do more damage per endurance points. Using one attack that can one shot someone. Its better to hit them once with it using just 2 damage slots than slot just 2 end slots and have to hit them twice to do the same amount of damage per endurance.
The Acc is there in DA because. I hate to miss. Damage and taunt stack together to make me the main target. If I am getting attacked then thats my fury bar heading in the right direction.
Conceptually I like my Brutes to be phenomenally brave, the one to fear most, the one major threat to put down first whilst they still are outnumbering me and therefore stand no chance of passing aggro onto anyone else even if it means my defeat. Anyone feeling like they can turn their back on me for someone else has paid my brute an insult
Generally Brutes secondaries aren't all that dissimilar to Tankers imo.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
this thread is making me make a ?/DA brute. curse u lot lol. i got 3 toons trying to hit 40-50 before i12 as it is 1 more dont help. 7-9 toons in i12 as well im gonna be swamped for ever lmao.
though nice posts here. interesting ideas and thoughts about the secondary

I would sooner make DA tank but tanks are what I normally think about. I've heard it said that it could lead to a whole new way of tanking. I openly admit that I had personally thought prior to the past years game changes that a Dark Armour tank could be somewhat over powered indeed. The trick is, its not for those that concentrate on the offense whilst the passives take care of the defense. To get by you just can't always play just like everyone else does. I find it the most interesting anyway or most sick, sick is a better word for it.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I wouldn't go and 3 end red anything on DA really. This is because well lets do it to death shroud:
Death Shroud plain IOs:
0 end slots: 0,52 eps
1 end slot: 0,37 eps (a difference of 0,15 eps)
2 end slots: 0,28 eps (a difference of 0,9 eps)
3 end slots: 0,26 eps (a difference of 0,2 eps)
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Aahhh, now i get where i went wrong !
During the period i've made the mistakes with the endurance, i tried to max out the end-reduction.
Made me go blind on it.
The rule to use no more than 3 of the same in one power is good, but with a max of 2 of the same in one power you get maximum progress in all your powers.
I tried to squeeze every single endurance point out of every power, but that's wrong thinking.
It's all about balance !
Accuracy is also very important to me.
You see some people do massive damage when they hit, if they hit !
I guess my overall build is good, but have to make some minor changes.
Thanks for letting me my eyes open on this one Shannon !
Conceptually I like my Brutes to be phenomenally brave, the one to fear most, the one major threat to put down first whilst they still are outnumbering me and therefore stand no chance of passing aggro onto anyone else even if it means my defeat. Anyone feeling like they can turn their back on me for someone else has paid my brute an insult
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And i totally agree, with brutes it's not all about damage.
It's about keeping your team alive by being main target.
My first choice always goes out to a tanker on every game i play. (But i must say i will stand my man with every archtype).
Going to do a respec tonight, and will let you know what the result is soon.
Thanks !
0 end slots: 0,52 eps
1 end slot: 0,37 eps (a difference of 0,15 eps)
2 end slots: 0,28 eps (a difference of 0,09 eps)
3 end slots: 0,26 eps (a difference of 0,02 eps)
[/ QUOTE ]
I wrote those figures down wrong XD. Bold printed the missing digits. I know, didn't matter too much.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Hi there. I have just created a dark/dark brute myself and have found this thread very interesting so thanks to all those who posted. My theme also invloves flight which is annoying as I'll have to get sets that increase KB defence to try and make up for the lack of Acrobatics but thats's what you get for having themed villainesses I suppose.
My question regards the death shroud power and whether it is a neccessary skill to have. A lot has been said of it's endurance drain but not so much about it's damage potential. I myself was going to skip the power as I will be doing a lot of teaming with this villainess and value the defences side of her more than her DPS.
I look forward to hearing the opinions of more experienced players.
Death shroud does very little damage, brings plenty of agro your way though
I hav a lvl50 EM/DA brute. Now the end-usage is really horrible.
Tried reveral respecs and i'm unable to fix it.
Even spending a few million on Set-bonusses (End-recovery)
The end-usage is unbelievable, it's just annoying to play.
You run out so quickly you're unable to build up Fury.
It seems if you have a DM/DA build you can recharge the endurance with Dark Consumption.
But other build's don't hav such an power, so it's impossible to combine DA with any other powerset.
Even with a endurance-leeching power like EM.
The only thing you can do is drop Cloak of Darkness (wich is a very good power) and Death Shroud (wich i did not use anyway), cos they are really hard on the endurance.
But a DA brute has little defence, and don't try to compensate it with Fighting PoolPowers : Tough and Weave because they are really heavy on end-use also.
The only way to play a DA brute is team up with a Kinetic Corruptor.
This a bit limited isn't it !
And this is the reason why you see same builds everywhere.
Maybe this is something not for this topic, but what's the use of the other powers then.
I think they should balance the powers bit more.
So not everybody play's EM/SA Brutes, IC or MC Dominators and FB/KN Corrs.
A while ago i put in a petition about DA and did get no response.
So i'm a bit dissapointed.
I was hoping the endurance problems where solved when i got to lvl50, but i was wrong.
This is why you don't see many DA brutes because they are impossible to play.
And that's a shame, some of the powers are really brilliant !
Same as the psionic resistance.
But what a price to pay.