Hamidon: Up for it?




count me in... with whatever we need ;P



Me 2.Count me in!Have inv/ss tank,fire/nrg tank and scrapp spine/regen.Whatever needed



Sign me up, by that time I should have a 50 mind/rad troller



I would love to be there but with current and future work commitments, I cannot sign up til nearer the date as i won't know if i have the time off til then



An old style hami raid sounds fun

Unfortunately my main is probably a bit useless being a Mind/Empathy controller...



Would be happy to sign up for this. A few chars to choose from, depending on what needed nearer time, but count me in.



I'm interested, too.



Yeah! I've never done a Hami Raid before - but would be v interested with joining in one! Just name a time and place and I'll see what I can do!



yup, I'm up for it, tank,empath or blaster I'll bring whatever is needed



June the 29th? all I saw on the link was some birthdays.

*may* be able to make that.

My 2 inf: make sure *everyone* has EoEs.

Whoever leads it, be adaptable. Everyone who isnt leading, follow what's said.

Shall be on the tp,rez,buff team this time around. Yellow was, painful...



OK I've put up some nominations for leaders. Vote for your favourites

1. Xemulas
2. Halek
3. LeighB
4. Princey
5. Hey Man

So if you're not nominated, tough. You weren't nice to me

More information soon. So vote for your favourite so we can see who's up and who's not and who deserves to do this Hami Raid and who doesn't...you get the point.



Count me in, from reading the Hamidon Raid entry on paragonwiki, green team looks like the place for me. Mind/Rad troller.

I vote for Xem



About the EoE's a good idea is to usually try and do an hours farm on monster isle before the raid to make sure those why can't get teams to do farming for EoE's get a chance to get some.
Otherwise you'll get a load of people that'll show up going oh we don't have any and they'll start mooching off other members of the raid so we end up with less EoE's overall, sorry to make this sound a bit ranty but it's the truth from what i've learned from past raids so far.

If you guys actually want to have a succesfully raid make sure you start an hour earlier for EoE farming that way you'll have a better picture of how many people are going to be present for the raid and wither or not you'll have enough meleers, buffers and ranged damage dealers. The last 1 or 2 raids I've done the organisers didn't even bother with this and so not only did we find our selves short handed but those that did show up didn't even have enough EoE's

sorry if this has all been said but i can't be bothered to read through the thread right now.



I would be up for it with my lvl 48 scrapper unless he hits 50 and I get my controller at those levels by the time it starts.



It's been so long since I've actually joined a Hami Raid... I think my last was the penultimate one on Union before I9 was unleashed...

Up to you guys which one I bring - either an Elec/Elec/Muni Blaster with 3 holds and Vanguard, or a BS/DA/Body Scrapper - both level 50, although, I may have a DB/WP/Body Scrapper at the right level by then. It'll probably be a few raids before I can take any important roles again.



I'm up for it. I should have my AR/Dev Blaster at lvl 50 by.. Monday proly. What day?
The only time I've done this is the nerfed Hami in LGTF So I know what to do



Count me in



Hey again everyone; I'd just like to say once again that the date is still Saturday 29th June 5pm BST (UK time).

It is still going forward, I shall be planning and preparing the next few days, so get rearing and ready, Hami is about to get it's big eggy [censored] kicked.

Well, we hope.



Sounds good to me. lvl 48 (soon to be 50, finally) Grav/Kin Controller, likely with an escort of a 50 Ice/Energy Tanker and a 50 Energy/Energy Blaster.

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



Ignore me... I'm reading my own calender wrong...

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



Can't edit...

Is that Sat the 27th or Sun the 28th?

[/ QUOTE ]

I realisied the date was completly wrong. It's Sat the 28th according to our Forum Calendar...don't click 29th, it's wrong date.



Hey, I've never actually done Hami before. Count me in with my 50 WP / SS Tank if that's possible?



Hey, I've never actually done Hami before. Count me in with my 50 WP / SS Tank if that's possible?

[/ QUOTE ]

Everyone is accepted!

Hmmm...almost 50 people now...seems alright!

Hopefully we can do this one successfully and crack the big egg!



Hi, I've never done Hami either, but I'm up for it lvl 50 claw/SR scrapper