Encouraging PvP - A Guide
The main advice I would give to anyone in a PvP Zone is to treat others as you would have them treat you
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The fairest way IMO is to treat others as you get treated, I sure treat others how I get treated.
The main advice I would give to anyone in a PvP Zone is to treat others as you would have them treat you
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The fairest way IMO is to treat others as you get treated, I sure treat others how I get treated.
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Which is exactly how new(er) players get put off interacting with a lot of the "established" PvPers.
Just because someone behaves like an anal-retentive idiot towards you (and "You" doesn't refer to Globey in particular here), doesn't mean you have to behave the same way to the next person you happen to encounter.
And even if it's just a case of taking it out on the same person that "wronged you": if someone new sees "a mouthy idiot fighting another mouthy idiot", do you really think they're going to want to stick around? Far better to just smack down whoever wronged you in combat and not give in to any of the verbal goading... that way you retain the moral high ground, display your skill, and show up the idiot for the [censored] they are all at the same time.
The main advice I would give to anyone in a PvP Zone is to treat others as you would have them treat you
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The fairest way IMO is to treat others as you get treated, I sure treat others how I get treated.
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Which is exactly how new(er) players get put off interacting with a lot of the "established" PvPers.
Just because someone behaves like an anal-retentive idiot towards you (and "You" doesn't refer to Globey in particular here), doesn't mean you have to behave the same way to the next person you happen to encounter.
And even if it's just a case of taking it out on the same person that "wronged you": if someone new sees "a mouthy idiot fighting another mouthy idiot", do you really think they're going to want to stick around? Far better to just smack down whoever wronged you in combat and not give in to any of the verbal goading... that way you retain the moral high ground, display your skill, and show up the idiot for the [censored] they are all at the same time.
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Yeah but, if people don't show respect towards you then why should you respect them back? U'd just be wasting your time anyway. But yeah I agree with what you say about the new person.
Yeah but, if people don't show respect towards you then why should you respect them back? U'd just be wasting your time anyway. But yeah I agree with what you say about the new person.
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(i) You'd not be any better than the first idiot is (either morally or in your actual perceived behaviour), so logically you would have no reason to get upset with them in the first place.
(ii) You would encourage the first idiot to act the same way the next time because they know their behaviour winds you up and that they are going to get a response out of you.
(iii) You would effectively be showing any onlooking newbies that "namecalling and poor behaviour = PvP".
In order to gain respect, you need to do something that proves you are worthy of that respect.
Acting like an [censored] "just because other people are" does not foster respect, but contempt.
Note that I've no problem with beating seven shades of brown stuff out of your enemies in a PvP zone; but treating people like dirt is not only bad form, but completely goes against the grain of a "multiplayer" game. The only exception I could ever see that would give someone a genuine reason for treating another person badly in a CityOfHeroes PvP zone would be if they were both roleplaying and at least one was a "villain".
The only exception I could ever see that would give someone a genuine reason for treating another person badly in a CityOfHeroes PvP zone would be if they were both roleplaying and at least one was a "villain".
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That's me indeed, RP FTFW
Globey is the God of RP PvP
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
(ii) You would encourage the first idiot to act the same way the next time because they know their behaviour winds you up and that they are going to get a response out of you.
(iii) You would effectively be showing any onlooking newbies that "namecalling and poor behaviour = PvP".
In order to gain respect, you need to do something that proves you are worthy of that respect.
Acting like an [censored] "just because other people are" does not foster respect, but contempt.
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/e clap
Its really easy, i just ignore peeps thats spaming the broadcast. I just keep coming after them, not saying a word. The one that moans over broadcast, is just a sad looser really....Thats 1 thing i learned in the zone´s , stay off broadcast as much as possible, just pwn instead. Dont see the point in it.
Well first of all, thing that gets me most in zonal PvP is the constant whinging for whatever reason:
i) "im getting ganked which is not fair, cause i ganked you just an hour ago", now I'm against ganking and normally dont participate in such. But I get sick of people complaining they are outnumbered when they dont complain if the tables were turned and often stand there gloating how uber they are at that time.
ii) "ffs you *bleep**bleep**bleep**bleep**bleep*, I was only here for <insert one of the following: xp/badges/inf>", well, to quote Rockjaw: "it's not a player hug player zone".
iii) "<insert abuse here>, I was duelling!", all nice n all you want to duel in a zone, I do it at times especially if sides are hugely unbalanced. However dont complain someone interrupts you, you are in a zone after all. If you want duels without interruption, theres a thing called arena for it after all.
Second of all, smacktalk is ok at times, as long as its just simple banter (and being obvious that it IS banter). People going at each other's throats over public channels immediately puts me out of a zone as i just cba.
So anyway, kudos to knight for opening this post. Some fairly good points adressed in it. Maybe a little thing the more established PvPers can do as well in a zone:
Sure, you got your own teams which work perfectly well and sometimes just own the zone. However this may also put people off at times as there sometimes just isnt a point in fighting seeing you know you are just gonna get hammered anyway without even making a dent.
Might want to try to include other players in a team and show em how a smooth team can work in PvP and how much fun that is. Might encourage them to make teams of their own and in overall zonal PvP is best imo if it works with teams. Alot of people get put off by PvP as they just enter a zone not knowing what to do, get humped by PvP teams and then leave having a "sod it.. no use" attitude. Without learning for instance the benefit of PvP teams.
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
I always roleplay when I pvp, that's why I dont have any villains. Doesn't suite my Rp style.
I always roleplay when I pvp, that's why I dont have any villains. Doesn't suite my Rp style.
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This really hold little reference here. I understand you guys wanting to have a joke and a laugh but this isnt the place we are trying to Improve the PvP stance. We are trying to discuss in a mature and sensible manner.
These comments dont aid the course.
Since I know you do want to improve the quality and quantity of PvP I know I can count on your support in these matters and expect you to show your support in a more constructive manner for here on in .
Ok. Anyways I was thinking you should hold a pvp event soon
Ok. Anyways I was thinking you should hold a pvp event soon
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Why don't you Psy? I Also feel the devs don't really do theselves any favours when PvP is concerned. I saw the Ski Slope stuff for Roleplaying/Badgehunting etc, but what did the people who play the game for PvP get? Jack [censored]. How about some S4 style tourney to TRY and get some life back into PvP, before frankly, it becomes too late. You can throw a little into it now to try and keep people at it, but I can safely say if things carry on going the same way, it will soon become to late to do anything, when they find out no one plays the game anymore. To summarise, Devs, Kerensky, GhostRaptor or whoever the mod is these days, look into organising some PvP event, for the people who PLAY THE GAME FOR PVP! [/two_cents]
Lol you actually expect people to show up if I hold it?
Lol you actually expect people to show up if I hold it?
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Do you expect people to show up if they know your in it?
Would seem to me the best place for pvp is the pvp sections of these forums
Im not into pvp as much as some of you that have posted here but i agree with the OP anyone going into the pvp zones for the first time or who isnt to up on cox pvp only to get ganked over and over again and then have to put up with the rubbish that is said on broadcast will be put of.
If the hardcore pvpers dont want there bit of the game to die out i would recommend you all try and sort out getting the life back into yourselfs and not wait for devs/mods to sort anything as you will be waiting for ever.
Ganking only happens when there is one side larger than the other. People will obviously get annoyed if they don't stand a chance and they won't know anything about teaming. I don't think anyone is to blame for the current situation, but it isn't helped by groups of experienced players picking off inexperienced players. The experienced players need to team with the inexperienced. Obtaining a balance will always be difficult but it can be obtained if there are a lot of players on both sides. Which is why organised events are so good. Singling someone out just because they think its funny to imitate certain players won't help.
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I know some people that wouldn't.
In regards to the topic at hand, the problem with PvP in CoH EU is the community that PvP's in the EU. Most older hands are either jaded and tired of all the [censored] that's involved with over the top childish showboating and bickering, or they're the ones that do the bickering, pointless name calling and arguments on Broadcast or Arena. Newer players are likely to be put off by the barrages of "lolol you suck your build sucks you can't play your AT we pwnz" or similar.
While I would welcome an event I personally wouldn't get involved with organising a large one simply because I don't think the community would either be interested enough, or appreciate it enough to give it some respect and act sensibly (or at the very least civilly).
Of course, one could argue that if NC sponsored a player run event there'd be more interest - fact is in the past Bridger and Rockjaw have been reasonably vocal about them doing what they can if they're asked with enough advance warning, I very much that's changed now B's gone and we have GhostRaptor.
GhostRaptor is said to be keen on PvP (he is from Guild Wars after all), so I'm sure her would help with any events you wanted to run.
I really should do something about this signature.
To be honest i haven't seen much name calling or bickering recently. Most of the stuff that goes on in broadcast are requests for duels or more players to switch. I even know two players that quite like each other now that they have teamed outside of PvP.
nice guide ks mate.
I am trying to think of a "Event" that will give everyone a equal chance of winning i dont want to just do another event as i know what the out come will be. So thinking cap is on any ideas please pass my way.
You, as always, have my full support.
I've seen so many i want more PvP post! That i thought i might post some ideas of how to improve PvP.
Heres some ideas for who ever may feel that PvP is lacking.
This isnt just to the people that are looking to improve PvP but its a good guide to maybe how you can help others maybe enjoy PvP a little better.
The main entrance for PvP is the PvP Zones. This is where i do most of my PvP recently. This is where i find most of the off putting PvP.
This guide offers advice/ideas that you dont have to use and there not written law just a guide.
Please leave any other constructive advice you may have and any comments you have please leave constructively.
[u] Communication. [u]
Firstly and most importantly avoid a argument via any means of communication. If you lose, win keep it to your self or talk in team dont take it to broadcast or tells. just remember you can always get your revenge a later date. Dont respond to anyone "Taunting" you. Broadcast is emotional vent and gives you a chance of a emotional flair and say things in the heat of the moment you maybe not proud of but things you wouldnt normally say. Make your comments constructive rather than destructive.
[u] Unbalanced Sides/Teams.[u]
In my own views Warburg is the best zone at the moment as it comes to balance. You can fight Heroes or Villains and your allies are as big as your team. Ganking is a major off put for me so Im guessing it is most people. Whilst yes it cant be helped all the time Im not stupid. Being in situations before where people want the kill so all everyone turns on the weakest foe, it is the order of the world. But if this is not just happening once. but a few times this isnt going to encouraging anyone to come back? Maybe try a different toon or different target or not attacking when the rest go in for the attack. If your team out numbers the enemy in the zones. Take action to make teams a little fairer or balanced the team more try moving to the other side if you can or disband your team into a smaller team. Yes this will increase the chances of you being killed but will also increase the fairness and also let the people that are losing the chance to enjoy PvP. when there enjoying this they may ask more friends to come enjoy a more pleasant PvP environment and then when more enter the zone then go back to how you were. Remember you Uber PvP'ers you may have vast more experience PvP. Totally destroying teams and players, take into account how it feels to be ganked or without a chance to survive to retaliate and put off any backup showing up.
[u]Avoid NPCs.[u]
This affects different people in different ways personally doesnt bother me as i dont care about Debt as i normally play 50 in a PvP Zone. But its best to say that if unless theres no alternative dont try using NPC to kill your foe. Heavies in Recluses Victory. Simple if you are going to PvP rather than play in the zone with the NPCs dont take one. Play fair.
If someones struggling or doesnt seem to be performing well you can always offer advice. People may not always accept it but at least you tried to aid someone and offer what experience you have.
The main advice I would give to anyone in a PvP Zone is to treat others as you would have them treat you (Doesnt mean dont attack them but with all the aspects I have covered above.) Theres plenty of new players out there wanting to get into PvP but so many off putting things to PvP lets help encourage rather than put off
Respect your foe remember PvP stands for Person vs. Person.