PvP in Siren's!
People going on /hide is annoying I also tend to not stay in a zone if noone is in there, so in my opinion any "tactical advantage" that might be gained by useing /hide is pointless.
I must admit though that it is not as annoting as people who dont have "enable hero/villain chat" switched on.
I just dont see the point in staying in a zone if no one is talking to each other
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
I must admit though that it is not as annoting as people who dont have "enable hero/villain chat" switched on.
I just dont see the point in staying in a zone if no one is talking to each other
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I agree with you, but on the other hand, insults are sooo common in pvp that I can understand player who switch off these channels :-/
People going on /hide is annoying I also tend to not stay in a zone if noone is in there, so in my opinion any "tactical advantage" that might be gained by useing /hide is pointless.
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The tactical advantage is that people stop asking if you would like to fill for their team for two mins when you're pvp:ing
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I think it would be nice if /whoall would show how many heroes/villains are in the zone even if they are hidden.
I think it would be nice if /whoall would show how many heroes/villains are in the zone even if they are hidden.
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I agree with you their Power_Doll if people go on /hide when in pvp zones its very annoying what have they got to gain from it all that will happen is they will attack the first person and then will be known by all the people in the area and if they are in sirens they will no doubt be some1's bounty anyway.
There is a known bug/exploit that others can use if people do not use hide in a zone.
@Sweet Chilli
There is a known bug/exploit that others can use if people do not use hide in a zone.
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There is a known bug/exploit that others can use if people do not use hide in a zone.
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really? what is it, ive not heard of this one
There is a known bug/exploit that others can use if people do not use hide in a zone.
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Are you thinking of the friend list (not sure if it worked with search) one that was fixed months ago?
Wouldn't work anyway apart from in Warburg, as you cannot befriend an enemy!
Nope - different bug that was still working yesterday.
@Sweet Chilli
Wow a known bug which no one knows about except SweetChilli. I've not heard that one before. Much. This week.
Wouldn't work anyway apart from in Warburg, as you cannot befriend an enemy!
[/ QUOTE ] it affected global friend list too but like I said, it was fixed.
Wow a known bug which no one knows about except SweetChilli. I've not heard that one before. Much. This week.
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dammit LOL I almost choked!
First time I've ever mentioned a bug. I never said I was the only one who knows about it. Why you getting a bit weird about it? Have I offended you in some way?
@Sweet Chilli
It was sarcasm and no.
I know it was sarcasm - thats why I said what I said. If i'd have taken what you said in a none sarcastic way, I wouldn't have said what I said.
@Sweet Chilli
there is never anyone in sirens
First time I've ever mentioned a bug. I never said I was the only one who knows about it. Why you getting a bit weird about it? Have I offended you in some way?
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no but seems everyone wants to know wich bug is
there is never anyone in sirens
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We had some good fights going on yesterday.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
there is never anyone in sirens
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Well maybe there is but they all on hide
there is never anyone in sirens
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Well maybe there is but they all on hide
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Or they ganked the wrong person who called in back up .
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Just wanted to say something nice!
Im still a PvP newb but I have been playin around with some of my toons for PvP recently. Spent ages in Sirens yesterday and had a really fun time. On hero side. I found it really fun with the ebb and flow of villains and hero's. At one point there was a really together Vill team pwnin the hero's with FFG an heals. All great fun.
A couple of thoughts tho, why do so many people, mainly Vills have hide on so their name doesnt come up on whoall? I just find that if i go to a PvP zone and no names come up I will leave to do something else. Does it really matter if I know there is a stalker in the zone? Doesnt everyone just act as if there is one there anyway?
Also maybe it is more in Sirens than other zones the only thing that I found a little boring was the huge numbers of stalkers. I am not bashing the players of stalkers and some are very good players but it just felt like the most fun was when there was a balance of Villains around. Otherwise it just seemed to be - Wait in a small/big group of heroes. AS or dual AS from one or more stalkers, chase stalkers, kill or not. Repeat. Maybe I just need to pick up a +per IO.
Also yesterday wasnt too bad with ppl leaving the second they got killed. Why do people do that? Its not like you get debt or anything?
Either way I hope to make PvP'in a bigger part of my CoX time.