RP Roundtable - Roleplayer/Storyline list
My idea, so hey, I'll start:
Loup Garou (level 24 Scrapper)
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Loup Garou
Current Story Arcs: Two for NHU (link forth coming); Ongoing history/story arc/character development, relevant information at A little hand from Beyond
Loup is my main, and he is open for roleplay. I'm currently needing to do the respec trial with him at the moment so he's mostly just for roleplaying. He is currently in his own Supergroup as it suits the character to be a bit of a lone wolf, but I'm open to having him belong to coalitions or to start his own coalition.
Jambalaya(level 12 scrapper).
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Loup Garou
Current Story Arcs: N/A
Jambalaya is an alt, and I'd like to be involved in some of the more magic-based story arcs if possible. She has no SG of her own and I'd be open to her belonging to one provided she's the right "fit".
OK, I think it's a worthy idea and well worth a try, so I'll bite!
Tiger White (Miss Ellie) - Level 50 Peacebringer
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @FloatingFatMan
Current Story Arcs: N/A
Ellie, or Tiger White as she was recently renamed too (always was her hero name IC), was my first RP character and still my main. Her early history is fraught with RP errors as I was a newbie back then; but I refuse to retcon any out as they're an integral part of who she is. More info on the wiki link.
Tiger Dark - Level 21 Warshade
Server: Union
H/V: Hero (Reformed Nictus)
Global: @FloatingFatMan
Current Story Arcs: Bad Storm Rising (Currently paused since the start of the Rikti invasion. Looking to resume before long)
Tiger Dark is a Nictus duplicate of Tiger White (A somewhat long and convoluted story partly explained in Tiger White's wiki).
Novastar. (Note the dot at the end)
Server: Union
H/V: Hero (Technically, just a scientist right now)
Global: @FloatingFatMan
Current Story Arcs: Lost in Space
Nova is from another dimension and is lost in ours due to an accident. He comes from a parallel Earth called Terra (Paradigm City), which was burned almost to cinders by solar flares 30 years previously, and is a Stellar Engineer. He ended up in our dimension as as result of attempting to prevent their Earth's sun from going Nova. He succeeded, but the sheer energies involved blasted a rip in the fabric of space, and he ended up stuck here.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Cassandra. Zero (level 50 Tanker)
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Cassandra
Current Story Arcs: Nothing at the moment except for Char development.
Having just moved Cass over from Defiant, still working her in to RP in general at the moment. open and available for most kinds of RP though. wiki page still a work in progress.
Cheers, folks, what I'm going to do is put everyone's details and contacts into the first post so no one has to try and sift through dozens of pages to find pertinent information.
Spread this around and we'll see what we manage to do.
This board software only allows edits for up to 6 hours after the original posting time, so you probably won't be able to do that.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I'll get as near as demmit, nothing more irksome than trying to sift through dozens of threads. I have managed to get this lot on at the very least though.
Hm, the thought occurs I'm not certain whether this would fall under "Community Plot", "Supergroup", or some other thing I haven't quite sussed yet. I'll chase up with the Powers Wot Be.
I'd use community plot. Tho, as I have previously suggested, in Union Wiki I'd just slap all plots under one banner anyhoo.
My play style more or less concurs with what is talked about here. Except drama is a part of what goes on. Things happen, like it or not, and there's reactions. A lot of it interaction between people as they define and redefine their relationships as situations change.
I have also a bigger plot in my head, have had it for a few months now. I just need to work on it more. It could encompass all those who wish to take part, while providing reasoning for others to stay away, if they like it that way.
There's also an RP locale in the works, also something that has been circling around for months. Maybe I'll launch it. Fits for whomever feels it's their cup of tea.
Then again, I might call it a day and go read books.
Global is @Coile.
Righto, Coile, I'll put you on ze list when you solidify some things. And I'll work on putting the idea under Community Plots. I'll seek you out ingame for a natter about it.
It sounds a bit like you are hoping to duplicate all the functon of the Union Handbook Wiki into a thread, and even edit that into one gigantic post.
This is what the Handbook of the Union Universe is about/for. To act as a database for all the active plots, characters, etc so that RPers can find each other, and borrow (with permission) from each other to create a more enjoyable and realistic setting and game experience.
As I think Coile is hinting in the prior post, a lot of people do seem to miss out on the subtleties of the wiki. But this is just one of the many things it is for and would be better for than any forum post/thread.
Example: the Plotmonkey Category
This is a category for any and all characters stated to be suited as plotmonkeys, able to help plots along by being an expert in some field or skill that may be useful (or essential) to a plot. Just add a =Plotmonkey= heading to your character's wiki profile that explains what they may be particularly useful for and add [[Category:Plotmonkey]] to the listed categories at the bottom, and you're done.
Example 2: The Current Events category has ben empty almost continually. This should instead list all of the currently open, active plots that people can openly join in with. The Supremacy plot being a prime example.
I think what this thread might be useful for is a kind of 'looking for RP' section, whereby RP'ers with idle characters can post their characters details, abilities, unionwiki link etc. Then anyone who is organising a plotline or story arc can peruse through the list of characters and invite them to join thier RP.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
I see what ammon is saying though, and i kind of agree.
but this is most certainly the place to discuss and gain support for an idea, this being the forum.
But to store the info? the wiki.
It sounds a bit like you are hoping to duplicate all the functon of the Union Handbook Wiki into a thread, and even edit that into one gigantic post.
[/ QUOTE ] No, I'm not. I'm trying to create rp for people to get involved in, who may not belong to the various SG cliques which would allow us to actually get involved into plots. Where this is posted isn't all that important to me, so long as the rp actually happens, and right now, even with the Wiki's existence, it doesn't seem to be. To me the Wiki is just a bit of fluff, I'd never have thought of trying to contact people I see through Wiki, mostly due to the fact finding those connections is difficult. Quite a few players there are inactive, or have left, or retired, or what have you. Nothing on Wiki tells me what characters want to be active in storylines, which ones would prefer not to be involved in any story with people they don't know, whether their characters are more of the slapstick type, or not. That's the point of this thread, seeking out people who may want to have a bit more "hardline" rp.
As I think Coile is hinting in the prior post, a lot of people do seem to miss out on the subtleties of the wiki. But this is just one of the many things it is for and would be better for than any forum post/thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe this is because the Wiki is not as userfriendly as people may think. Again, I did note I intend on people linking their wiki information, but still - it means searching through dozens of plots, inter SG convolutions and trying to understand the politics to figure out whether or not someone's character would even be welcome in a storyline in the first place. I know several people who don't use the Wiki whatsoever, but they're good roleplayers. However they've no idea what contacts to make, or where, or how it's even done.
The Wiki is a nice tool, but it's just one tool of many. If people are interested in this idea, then they can sign up here, and I'll start something on the Wiki for it (provided I can figure it out or be arsed to do it)...but for those who just don't have the bloody time and yet want to get some serious rp going on, a few lines here will suffice.
Sounds good to me.
The Shadow Pariah
Level 35 Scrapper
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Mr. Erth
Current Story Arcs: Pariah perished?
My main. Member of the Militia.
Vergil Nerva
Level XX Scrapper/Blaster
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Mr. Erth
Current Story Arcs: Nothing important
Currently not in an SG.
Both are open to a bit of everything. I'll post wiki links when they're done.
I'm always looking for some RP so here goes.....
Anthem - Level 18 Blaster
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Redsight
Current Story Arcs: None at present
Dependent on when I'm free, count me in.
Lady Stormcrow: level 36 Defender
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Timbo
Current Story Arcs: It's complicated. Possibly the upcoming 'Somewhere in time' plot as well as character development/personal stuff.
The Inquisitor : Level 10 Blaster
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Maximillian
Current Story Arcs: None at the present.
Well done and thanks to everyone who has chipped in their characters and stepped forward. I have three storylines which are in the incubation stages right now, each of which people should be able to get involved in. I am just prodding the appropriate people to bring their posts here or to scan through, but I have a few queries first:
One - vigilante heroes. If you've got one, there's a possible storyline starting up with that, please contact @Synth.
Two - a rehabilitation programme for villians who wish to reform. This will NOT be an instant process. I imagine a requirement will be for people to start their characters on hero side from the ground up. There will be full vetting, screening, and people will have to work hard in order to be accepted by Paragon proper. I will hopefully have a contact for this shortly, just trying to get in touch with a few people.
Coile's ArrPee plans - going to send off an email tomorrow to find out about this and see if I can help, shall keep you posted.
Okay, it's getting late and I'm not as coherent as I'd like, but I'll post a bit more followup on the morrow.
The Current Events category has been empty almost continually. This should instead list all of the currently open, active plots that people can openly join in with. The Supremacy plot being a prime example.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree with Ammon. As a tool, the wiki provides a section to list, and recruit for, current plots and events, but I think community plots are just, rare. Supergroup plot-runners stay within groups and friends do the same.
This thread is a nice idea, but it probably needs more thought. I would imagine that these characters listed above would need continuous updates on status quo and as has been mentioned already, people cannot actually update their posts on this forum, so it defeats the point. We will probably end up with a disorganised clutter of new posts and updates.
My suggestion to everybody, when looking for a plot, simply join one that is actually recruiting players. There is usually little, if any, community plots going on (save the amazing Supremacy plot), so why not run one yourself and recruit people. How do you recruit players to your plot? Simple; do what we always do and make a post about it on this forum or announce it on the wiki's Current Events section, or both. Just my opinion.
Overall a very exciting idea.
1) Every rp has a repercussion. If your character is evil and decides to take over the world/introduce a plague/insert evil thing here and gets caught, then expect your character to be thrown into the Zig and need to be retired for a while until they manage to escape. And by "retired" I don't mean a few days. Expect that players may sometimes die, lose a fight no matter how "big and bad" they are, be injured, need to recover. No one is just going to be able to get away with something and return to the usual status quo by turning back the clock (even when time travel turns up!). There's no such thing as an easy out when your character decides to get a wild hair to do something. Please keep that in mind for all stories.
[/ QUOTE ]
I like this idea, especially to give me an excuse to play taxing characters like the Hatesman. He's great and all, but I often want to take breaks for OOC reasons and my own fun. The problem is I then feel I need a reason to be away, which is quite often that he has been in hiding.
What I'd love is if we could use this idea to set up cross-group Roleplaying that would result in a much better realised RP Universe. One much like Marvel's or DC's where now each Heroes Arch-Enemies will occaisionally pop in to fight someone else from that universe.
I know we have the Wiki and all, but it ain't working right now. I personally see a Wiki as a way to display information, not to use for communication. That might be the problem others have with using it.
The Characters I'd like to put up are mainly Villains, because I yearn for them to face off against Heroes.
Global: @The Architect
Hatesman - www.snipurl.com/hatesman
Level 30 Brute
Hatesman is the leader of the Terra Liberation Front, but he's also a Terrorist of the conventional and unconventional kinds. His style is mostly to use Explosives to get the job done, but he's most famous for leeching Statesman of a fraction of his power, and since developing Super-Strength, Flight, Speed and a Chaotic form of Zeus' Thunder that he can surround himself with. He's an idealistic super-genius, but that doesn't mean he's flawless in his plans. Especially not when he's possessed by his own personal Mr. Hyde.
Vincent Zampelli
Level 18 Stalker
Vincent is a Family Hitman, who possesses all the skills required to go after any target up to Mid-Range powered Super-Heroes like Manticore. He can be hired into plots for assassination jobs, or he can be placed in a plot as a tricky road-block.
Both of my Villains are suceptible to being thrown in Jail and injured via suitable force.
It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.
This thread is a nice idea, but it probably needs more thought. I would imagine that these characters listed above would need continuous updates on status quo and as has been mentioned already, people cannot actually update their posts on this forum, so it defeats the point. We will probably end up with a disorganised clutter of new posts and updates.
My suggestion to everybody, when looking for a plot, simply join one that is actually recruiting players. There is usually little, if any, community plots going on (save the amazing Supremacy plot), so why not run one yourself and recruit people. How do you recruit players to your plot? Simple; do what we always do and make a post about it on this forum or announce it on the wiki's Current Events section, or both. Just my opinion.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope, it's just it seems people have missed the point of the thread. However the majority understand what it's here for, and that's all I need at the moment. Namely, it is exactly because supergroup plots stay in supergroups or friends (namely, cliques) that there's not as much rp for the new rper or the rper who may belong to a casual group. I know a lot of jolly good roleplayers who have never heard of one another. I couldn't get many roleplayers to look at me twice until I posted here on the forums. Time to widen the circle a bit.
Adding another name here, as permission is granted:
Hand of Battle - 47 Scrapper
Server: Union
H/v: Hero
Global: @Hand of Battle
Story arc - current story arc completed, open to new storyline as available. I think Hand has several characters available.
For the names which are on currently, I'll be sending out some PMs shortly.
I like this idea.
As has already been stated: the Wiki is great for keeping tab and record stuff, but the forum is better for recruiting. At least IMHO.
I'll chip in GoodGuy in this mix.
He's a level 40 tanker and a true "Silver Age" hero. Complete with spandex (underpants on the outside of course!) and cape.
My handle is @GoodGuy. (not much of a surprise, but still...)
Right, got a start: RP Roundtable Wiki I have listed people by their global handles, and then can add their characters accordingly per storyline as we go.
Ingame chat channel - I will also list this in the WIKI once I create it for ease of communication. Anyone else who has a storyline they'd like some players for, or they've got characters they would like to put "on call" please add details here and we'll get them on the list.
Just in case the limit has not yet bitten your bottom - there's a hard limit of 5 global channels that your account can be on at any given time. While it is a very good idea to enhance communication between people and chat channels are excellent for that, there are likely to be people who just can't add one more.
Would be nice to get an increase for this. Would be nice to be able to have more coalitions than between 10 supergroups.
Wiki: It's a rather static data storage. It could be more, it could be used for a lot of other things, but alas, it is not. Currently I don't see it becoming much more than it is now. These forums are the main communication channel for us roleplayers and any and all threads that manage to target the crowd that it's aiming for are needed for that little extra boost.
Keep 'em rolling, Netherwitch! Your initiatives are one reason for me to start developing and realizing some floating concepts just to answer the call.
Gah, yeah I didn't know about that global channel thing. We could always make it a optional thing, or even establish nights for discussion - or, since you've an idea Coile I'll try and hash out a potentially weekly meeting area or something, but I'll want to chat with you about that before I do any hard and fast decisions.
Another addition - will be adding to the Wiki as well, I am also going to clean up the Wiki to include characters rather than just the global handles.
Blackfur Defender - 26 Defender
Server: Union
H/v: Hero
Global: @Welshman
Story arc - None formal at moment
Chaotic Good - 50 Tanker
H/v: Hero
Global: @Justice For-None
Story arc - None formal at moment
Okay, here we go:
At the moment, there are two mix-and-mingle areas for roleplay; Pocket D and Galaxy Girl. I am not going to take up a lot of useless time dissing either place here - it's not the point. What I will say is I am aware there are others like myself who like to put a bit more punch into their rp. A lot of these people tend to be written off before they even start as "serious" roleplaying is called emo, a wangst-fest, and a bunch of other not too cool put downs. But back in The Day when I actually used to read comics, I seem to remember angst was the norm. Stories of the wild and crazy were almost common place; "oh so you're a half alien who just happened to be the avatar of a deity from ancient China and you've just been infected with a mutagen which will turn you into a deity of destruction in thirty days unless it's stopped? Well, hi there, so am I!" It's cheesy, yes, we know, but that's part of the point!
There have been arcs and things which I wanted characters to get involved in, or there are arcs of friends of mine which have been started, but they can't find enough participants. Now, I know there are a bunch of threads here about different story arcs and things going on, but let me say something quite blunt here - unless a new player has references from other known players, no one wants them anywhere near their story. I actually had to post here a few weeks ago to get roleplay in my direction because I was an unknown name and no one would touch me with a barge pole. The old school rpers are a bit of a difficult chestnut to crack - like it or not, admit it or not, it's there. But I've realised I know a lot of incredibly good roleplayers who never seem to cross streams and meet one another, and all of them happen to be struggling with rp stories and trying to make the never-ending grind to 50 a bit interesting.
Therefore, I'd like to put forth an idea here about putting together a roleplaying roundtable/consortium/insert cooler word here for people who want to pursue arcs and storylines, and recruit players for it. There will be certain standards set forth which people are to agree to, and getting involved in a story is completely voluntary - you can choose your own involvement levels and hash out ideas.
Yes, there are pros and cons to this. The cons are of course you see the same old hackneyed storylines over and over again ("I'm possessed!" "My past comes to haunt me, woe!" "So and so has been kidnapped!"). And of course, the inevitable new rper who makes all the wrong moves and becomes a royal nuisance as well. But there are some definite perks to the idea as well: some of the rp circles which I know exist out there can intermingle without having to leave their supergroups (I've never felt what SG you belong to should have any bearing on what rp you're taking part in), people can rp something a bit more heavy than the usual offerings or arguing about good and evil or cartoon slapstick, and stories can be entered here and also on the Wiki for anyone with an interest to keep an eye on.
It may seem like this is totally unnecessary - but we could spend a lot of time with people saying "Well I'm not like that!" or we can actually just get the ball rolling.
First off: Location. GG and Pocket D are already being used. Now, we've got a few other ideas; the Tiki Lounge (but you'd have to have the VIP pass to use it, and maybe a bar isn't the best of choices). Potentially, we could also use one of the battleground instances - something which would come into play in any event if we were facing off with some players from the opposing side for storyline. There's also the possibility of forming a consortium and then entering various bases to discuss events of the day. However, the main issue with all three of these ideas is it means taking the group out of the public eye, which may mean quite a few good roleplayers never know of the existence of the group...however it would also keep the immersion breaking stuff to a minimum. Please give suggestions on this.
Here's some guidelines to get started:
1) Every rp has a repercussion. If your character is evil and decides to take over the world/introduce a plague/insert evil thing here and gets caught, then expect your character to be thrown into the Zig and need to be retired for a while until they manage to escape. And by "retired" I don't mean a few days. Expect that players may sometimes die, lose a fight no matter how "big and bad" they are, be injured, need to recover. No one is just going to be able to get away with something and return to the usual status quo by turning back the clock (even when time travel turns up!). There's no such thing as an easy out when your character decides to get a wild hair to do something. Please keep that in mind for all stories.
2) Attempt to be original - gods knows there's been thousands of kidnappings/demonic possessions/clock ticking till death stories which have been done. Let's try and hash some things up which might be a bit more interesting. Assistance can be given if people ask.
3) If you are a new roleplayer, you will be asked to appear for at least one Roundtable meeting as an observer to understand what we're about. New roleplayers will not be allowed to insert their own commentary at this point, just to watch. Yes, it may be boring but you'll be able to see what roleplaying is, what works, what doesn't, how things flow together. Just strolling in with The Solution To All Problems from the get go won't do...besides, it's not any fun!
4) Insert usual words about godmodding here. No one saves the day within an hour. No one pulls superuber powers out of their bums to heal or cure the afflicted with a yawn and a shrug. Wiki links are for information and to decide whether or not your character is a good fit for a story or to get an idea what a character may be about, NOT to use to suddenly know everything about a character without a jolly good reason. (For example, it's highly possible Villian side would know about Loup from the Death Ring, but not many on Hero Side would have much of an idea such things even went on). Story arcs are just that...they tend to be rather convoluted and tend to span for a while.
5) This is a drama-free zone. I really get tired of drama, folks. I play the game to relax, not to babysit. If someone comes in and gets a load of complaints for their behaviour, then you're blacklisted off the storyline list, put on ignore, whatever works. No one here is boss, there is no leader. We're all just braves, not chiefs. Give a little, take a little, and respect your fellow players. Again, putting your stories and availability up here is solely voluntary - you can bow out at any time. Choose your involvement wisely.
Now, how does all of this work? Essentially, people submit their characters, server, play times, which "side" they're on, and whether they're on call for involvement or not. If you've got a storyline going on and would like people to participate in it, you can either link to a relevant thread, or you can start thread information here. What I would like to see is people create a Wiki introduction or put a thread somewhere on these forums which will be updated regularly about the storyline progress - that's entirely the creator's responsibility however. Don't cry about people not wanting to be involved in your story if you've given no one a point of reference to follow.
Roundtable meeting areas, dates and times: My preference would be weekends, though I'm aware most people run their Task Force stuff on those days, so maybe a week day would work better. These are informal but whoemver has signed up or whomever is curious is welcome. Essentially, it's a place to trade information on various plots, to roleplay while keeping the slapstick to a low minimum. Unfortunately, it seems Supergroup bases won't work for this purpose unless everyone belongs to a certain consortium, so we'll have to think up something else. Suggestions welcome: (it's been suggested to use the Tiki Lounge as we don't want to totally exclude people from our conversations and it's freely accessible to heroes and villians alike - yes, okay, so the party may potentially be crashed by twits, but that would happen anywhere - further suggestions welcome - what about using the battlegrounds as a "tournament" with no time limit? This is probably something which will end up being used for major storyline battles in any event). For villians who may need to get involved in either a positive or negative way, Pocket D's villian side will suffice.
I realise this is rather vague, and a lot more could be added to it. It will evolve as time goes on. I'm also not expecting everyone on Union or Defiant to go for it. If it's not your thing, then fine - just please don't clutter up the thread with how much you hate "angst driven rp" - if you don't like it, just don't participate, it's really that simple. But for anyone who has been looking for some more involved story but wasn't quite sure how to get people interested, I figure we could start a sort of "catch all" area. I'm just trying to put the information in a bit more accesible place than having to scroll through 25 pages of roleplayers or backtrack through dozens of threads to hopefully find one storyline a new player might be able to get involved in.
I'll put together a Handbook Wiki page for this idea with relevant links to players who are interested, story arcs which are open for people to be involved in, and so forth over the week. Understand however I'm going to be on holiday during most of December and as a result I won't be around much, but it doesn't mean the project is dead...I'm just the secretary, so to speak...it's up to the players to create the stories and to get one another involved.
Yes, I'm aware on the roleplayers totem pole I'm a relative nobody; I don't have loads of connections or the roleplay community stripes to back up my suggestions. But, in theory I shouldn't have to have those things to get something off the ground. In the end, it's just about roleplay, and that should be available to anyone provided they're willing to put the time and effort into it.
So...let's see how we go.
Loup Garou (level 24 Scrapper)
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Loup Garou
Current Story Arcs: Two for NHU (link forth coming); Ongoing history/story arc/character development, relevant information at A little hand from Beyond
Loup is my main, and he is open for roleplay. I'm currently needing to do the respec trial with him at the moment so he's mostly just for roleplaying. He is currently in his own Supergroup as it suits the character to be a bit of a lone wolf, but I'm open to having him belong to coalitions or to start his own coalition.
(level 12 scrapper).
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Loup Garou
Current Story Arcs: N/A
Jambalaya is an alt, and I'd like to be involved in some of the more magic-based story arcs if possible. She has no SG of her own and I'd be open to her belonging to one provided she's the right "fit".
Tiger White/Miss Ellie
- Level 50 Peacebringer
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @FloatingFatMan
Current Story Arcs: N/A
Ellie, or Tiger White as she was recently renamed too (always was her hero name IC), was my first RP character and still my main. Her early history is fraught with RP errors as I was a newbie back then; but I refuse to retcon any out as they're an integral part of who she is. More info on the wiki link.
Tiger Dark
Level 21 Warshade
Server: Union
H/V: Hero (Reformed Nictus)
Global: @FloatingFatMan
Current Story Arcs: Bad Storm Rising (Currently paused since the start of the Rikti invasion. Looking to resume before long)
Tiger Dark is a Nictus duplicate of Tiger White (A somewhat long and convoluted story partly explained in Tiger White's wiki).
Novastar.Novastar. (Note the dot at the end)
Server: Union
H/V: Hero (Technically, just a scientist right now)
Global: @FloatingFatMan
Current Story Arcs: Lost in Space
Nova is from another dimension and is lost in ours due to an accident. He comes from a parallel Earth called Terra (Paradigm City), which was burned almost to cinders by solar flares 30 years previously, and is a Stellar Engineer. He ended up in our dimension as as result of attempting to prevent their Earth's sun from going Nova. He succeeded, but the sheer energies involved blasted a rip in the fabric of space, and he ended up stuck here.
Cassandra. Zero (level 50 Tanker)
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Cassandra
Current Story Arcs: Nothing at the moment except for Char development.
Having just moved Cass over from Defiant, still working her in to RP in general at the moment. open and available for most kinds of RP though. wiki page still a work in progress.
Lady Cobra - level 50 scrapper
Server: Union
H/V: Hero
Global: @Lotus X
Current Story Arcs: Currently has several characters hero and villian available for storyline: (Jessica Chang, Masked Angel (Militia), Lotus X, and Rei Mizuni (Yakuza Girl) ). Each can be found on the Wiki for reference.