The Liberation Front - Anarchist Super Team




This is A-bomination speaking.

They say every hero needs a villain.
I say every government needs opposition.
The Pope is the chief cause of protestantism, and governments are the chief cause of anarchism.

For several years now, I have roamed the City, as it is. Some say the city has fallen to Anarchy. I say this is not anarchy - this is merely Chaos. There are many elements here who have not yet understood the possibilities of recent events. There are many who still cling to old-fashioned notions of "government" or "order". They trust the police to handle their problems, the military, or so-called "super-heroes".

I am not a superhero. Superheroes are silly people in capes and spandex, populating comic-books created to make people believe in the supewriority of a few select "übermenschen". Those who call themselves superheroes propagate the myth that every problem should be solved by Someone Else. There is no glory down that road. If the People are ever to kinow true Freedom, they must be taught how to solve their own problems. In the meantime, those of us who wish to see a better world need to band togeather, to Unite. Not in the communist or socialist sense, for the absolut reign of the commune is just as bad as the absolute reign of the individual. There is no government anywhere. Government is a dream in the minds of the governors.

Some call me a terrorist, for blowing up the offices of several multinational corporations. Some call me a devil, for killing several heads of churches who endlessly try to force their own religion down people's throats using brainwave manipulation. Some call me a hero, for freeing the minds and bodies of hundreds of wage-slaves. Some call me a revolutionary, because I wish to liberate the people from all forms of hierarchies of power.

In truth, I am all of these - and none. I am not important. What is important, is that mankinds needs to move forward, into a new Age of Enlightenment and Freedom.

I am looking for those of you who share my ideals, or at least sympathise. One man, one machine, is not enough. We need to Unite. The Liberation Front needs you. We are open for applications, which may be posted here - if the Powers that Be don't erase this message first.


So, you want a revolution?

[OOC: in plain terms - are there any anarchist roleplayers out there interested in an Anarchist team?]




This sounds very.... familiar....

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -




This sounds very.... familiar....

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i actualy thought it was the same guys.
i suppose adding 'terra' makes it evil anarchism too.



This sounds very.... familiar....

[/ QUOTE ]

It does?
Please, explain. I am pretty new to these boards, despite being a common citizen of the City for more than two years now...



Actually when I saw this thread I thought it was us at the TLF too. You can be TLF2 if you'd like, followed by the TLF2000.

Yes, there are roleplaying anarchists that team fairly regularly, though not all of us are as anarchy-filled as the next. If you'd like to join or check out the Terra Liberation Front (we'd love the company) I think you'll find your character goals fit in really, really well. The SG leader is Hatesman and I believe his global is (he just changed it)
@The Architect

I'm on fairly regularly and my global is @billy horrorshow which is also the name of my main in the TLF.

Oh and welcome to the game!



((I probably should have mentioned: This is not primarily a supervillain team. CoH, not CoV. That doesn't mean there can't be CoV's who arent' nice anarchists, of course))



The Inevitable Revolution!

The Terra Liberation Front stands beside you, enlightened brother. Your allies will be few and far between, only those like us who see the world as it is meant to be will rally to the cause for now. In time, of course, there will be little choice but Chaos and Disorder as Government loses it's grip and the people rise up to strike down the ageing monster!

The new world order is coming, this is proof. Our paths will meet.

Stay vigilant,
The Hatesman,
TLF Chief Architect

((The Terra Liberation Front

I'm thinking we could perhaps team up into a Hero/Villain alliance. When I posted the idea for the TLF to the Miltia forum I got feedback saying that a few Heroes would find it hard to combat the TLF's goals because they believe in them. I hadn't thought of it as a possibility for Heroes to be Anarchists because of the way the world perceives "Anarchy" to be counter-productive to everything mankind has striven for in it's short and illustrious history of self improvement.

An underground Hero group is something new and interesting though. Perhaps using masks to hide their true agenda when they need it. The problem I have is that as a Hero it's hard to actually RP that in the world, because you never get to fight Longbow or the PPD, and some of the Villain groups are the ones who probably agree with Anarchy and Chaos in these forms like the Freakshow and Devouring Earth.

But, yeah I was shocked to see this title "The Liberation Front - Anarchist Super Team" and it not be about the TLF. Lets work together.))

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.




i actualy thought it was the same guys.
i suppose adding 'terra' makes it evil anarchism too.

[/ QUOTE ]((Totally.))

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



((I probably should have mentioned: This is not primarily a supervillain team. CoH, not CoV. That doesn't mean there can't be CoV's who arent' nice anarchists, of course))

[/ QUOTE ]

((/e puts on psuedo communist/fascist uniform
Lies! all lies! theres no such thing as a 'nice anarchist!




The Inevitable Revolution!

The Terra Liberation Front stands beside you, enlightened brother. Your allies will be few and far between, only those like us who see the world as it is meant to be will rally to the cause for now. In time, of course, there will be little choice but Chaos and Disorder as Government loses it's grip and the people rise up to strike down the ageing monster!

The new world order is coming, this is proof. Our paths will meet.

Stay vigilant,
The Hatesman,
TLF Chief Architect

[/ QUOTE ]

I am exalted to hear that we are not alone in our struggle. It was inevitable that some of us would be perceieved as "Villains" in the old tradition of black/white thinking. Hagbard Celine once described us as travelling in the third dimension in a world in which most only see two dimensions - I am sure you are aware of the concept of "flatland", as it were.

However, Chaos is not an end in itself - and propagating that Chaos is the same as Anarchy, though understandable given the constrints put on those ideas and ideals by language itself, is counter-productive. The two are not the same, as I am sure you agree.

Whatever our petty differences in ideology or philosophy are, I am sure we can overcome them. The New World Disorder will come to pass, and soon!

Remember: The only true power any man has is to say, to quote Celine, "Non serviam" - I Will Not Serve - To say "No", and take the consequences.

If the Individual, or the Group, are ever to reach their ultimate potential, we must work togeather - unite - against the oppression of the Kapital as well as the oppression of the idea of Government.

((A Hero/Villain alliance sounds neat - You think I should change the name of the Front, or is it OK? As I said, I don't wanna step on any toes here. I'm the "nrew guy" on the boards and in the community, so I'm very open to suggestions etc.

Of course anarchists can percieve themselves as a constructive/dcreative force - in fact, most of them/us do. We/them simply believe that government and hierarchal structures are _destructive_ rather than _creative_... I'd be happy to have a debate on the morals and philosophy of anarchist some time, but perhaps not in this thread. Let's just say there's plenty room for anarchists being heroes...

The problem of RP'ing that you mention can be explained by using out-of-world stories. Things can perhaps not be played out, but in fiction - anything's possible.

In regards to groups who might agree with the idea of "chaos" - well, they're generally destructive, giving anarchy a "bad name" (or at least, that's why A-bomination combats them). His favourite enemies are, of course, the Council...

Any sufficiently narrow political ideology can explain almost any action or opinion... =)

In any case, A-bomination will continue his Punisher-like struggle against... well, against almost everyone... And if the Liberation Front (or whatever its final name might be) takes off, working togeather would be a very interesting idea.

For the future! Togeather!))



Description from in-game form:

"Too long have the people suffered under the oppression of the military-industrial complex. Too long have the masses starved while those in power gorge themselves on food which they have stolen from us! The Liberation front brings Freedom, TRUE freedom - freedom from the capitalist scumf*cks, free from their oppressive laws. Only in true anarchy can we ever know freedom"

And some background of A-bomination (also the in-game form):

"Created by Dr. Joshua Adams in the early eighties, A-bom was the wonderchild of the secret project codenamed MED-50. When the project was shut down by an unknown group of superhumans, A-bom escaped.

he has since travelled the underbelly of the human condition, eventually adopting a revolutionary anarchistic view of life and society. He styles himself a defender and protector of the lower classes and the innocent. Favourite targets includemultinational corporate bosses, their lackeys, and marketing people - all of whom are hunted down and terminated in messiest manner possible.

Some say A-bom is insane, some say he's a hero - largely depending on political viewpoint. Often portrayed negatively in 'corporate-owned media', and idolized amongst other anarchists, he really couldn't care less"

((I could have written much more, but there wasn't room...))



I simply hold belief in the fact that we must destroy and render all that stands before us, before we can successfully attempt to rebuild society. Giving it a fresh slate as it were.

((The name "Terra Liberation Front" came about because it's about freeing the Planet from those who don't deserve to control it's fate, or harness it's power. It also sounds sound anti-heroic and is a play on words. Terra = Earth/Terror, Liberation = Freedom/Theft, Front = Group/Facade. Plus, it gives a nice addition "cause" to a group who're basically about being Super-Villains to their heart's content, who, in general just do as they please and have pretty 1 dimensional existences as enemies.

As for Anarchist's being good, I personally think they're the good guys IRL, fighting the man and the machine, for a fairer world. When you put them in the context of the City of Heroes game world however, I think they're on the Villains side, especially if they deal with people in "The Messiest Way Possible", they're bad guys, cos they could go after any of the Citizens in the city who aren't breaking laws, which makes them bad guys and targets for any Heroes who may oppose them. Simply because the game world is White and Black, Heroes and Villains, Right and Wrong.

Heroic Anarchists would have to play it by the book to avoid the Freedom Phalanx, Longbow or PPD coming after their rogue butts, unless you're going to ignore the game world backstory, in which case you may find it hard to interact with other RP characters. Saying that, it's entirely possible to pull off.))

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



I simply hold belief in the fact that we must destroy and render all that stands before us, before we can successfully attempt to rebuild society. Giving it a fresh slate as it were.

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This I can agree with; however, one must always be certain that one's actions serve a constructive purpose as related to that lofty goal and not merely random destruction.

((As for Anarchist's being good, I personally think they're the good guys IRL, fighting the man and the machine, for a fairer world. When you put them in the context of the City of Heroes game world however, I think they're on the Villains side, especially if they deal with people in "The Messiest Way Possible", they're bad guys, cos they could go after any of the Citizens in the city who aren't breaking laws, which makes them bad guys and targets for any Heroes who may oppose them. Simply because the game world is White and Black, Heroes and Villains, Right and Wrong.))

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((Actually, as several comic authors have proven, a superhero world doesn't need to be black and white... Look at Grant Morrison - or for that matter, just look at the original Punisher comics. That's the way I see this, as well: The world in itself doesn't neccessarily have a black/white metaphysics - it's just that everyone has agreed upon such a view of the world...

And "breaking laws"... There are LOTS of ways to break laws and still be a good person, and LOTS of ways to not break them and still be a villain. What is Magneto compared to the G8 people, Marlboro, or all those companies who exploid third-world countries, using sweat-shops, etc? Why doesn't Superman and the others deal with the people who actually ARE destroying the planet, enslaving the people, etc?

Well... As far as the Freedom Phalanx etc know, I'm playing by the book. They Don't Need To Know. =) Most of the "extralegal operations" A-bom is involved in, for instance, involves travelling to other continents and blowing up sweatshops etc - not that anyone knows for certain that A-bom's behind these operations, but... =)

I guess A-bom, for instance, is mostly like Punisher. Sure, he teams up with others to defeat certain common foes - and sure, sometimes he helps the police etc. But, mostly he just does his own thing. Why Punisher isn't behind bars yet is anyone's guess...))



((Looks okay for a start but... skip the "Superman" reference right? He doesn't exist in CoX and would be a break of the EULA if you tried to incorporate him. Use "Statesman" instead. Same character-type anyway.
Other that that... keep it up!))



You're making a second TLF? Why not co-lead the first TLF? Kinda pointless having two of the same thing.



((Looks okay for a start but... skip the "Superman" reference right? He doesn't exist in CoX and would be a break of the EULA if you tried to incorporate him. Use "Statesman" instead. Same character-type anyway.
Other that that... keep it up!))

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((I only saw Superman mentioned in ooc chat, Übermensch is something completely different.))




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((I was refering to the website. But then again... It's his website, he can do what he want there as far as I'm concerned.
Still no Superman in CoX universe though. ))



((TLF are villains and this new one is a hero (?) group.))



Aaah, didn't notice that. I've always played it that Superman is a comic book character, just like here. :P

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((That was exactly my point, yes. Superman - not as a character in COX, but as a comic book character. Thought I was obvious enough but so it goes...))



((TLF are villains and this new one is a hero (?) group.))

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((Exactly. The Terra Liberation front and the Liberation Front are two different groups - one is CoV, the other CoH. Personally, I'd like to think of them as "the People's Front of Judea" and "the Judean People's Front", respectively...))



Still no Superman in CoX universe though. ))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Not even in comic books?

Well, I might change it to Statesman, but i'd prefer someone who's fictional character in CoX))

((And why is this damn box so small?))



((I doubt that Superman exist as a comic in CoX (because of the trademark laws) and personally I doubt that there's even comicbooks about superheroes since they figure frequently in the news and tabloids (much as our celebrities. I mean... how cool would it be to subscribe to the comics "Steven Gerrard" or "Keanu Reeves" for example.)

The comicbook The Watchmen show this pretty neat I think. In there, supers are present so the comics (or at least the comic that's part of the story) are about pirates.

Now I'm not trying to "god-mod" you into anything. If you think that a Superman comic is needed in your playing experience, then by all means! I wont stop you!

But if you interact with my characters and bring up said hero, they wouldn't know who you talked about.))