OOC: Heroes for People Q&A




People rarely like being experimented on, especially with any kind of mind game... Let me rephrase: People don't like being experimented on secretly... What I don't need is someone manipulating me or my characters without my consent.

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I'm afraid I don't fully understand your comments, Ravenswing. Surely the purpose of all marketing, advertising and polictical propaganda (in whatever form) is to convince the individual to think/act/buy in the way prescribed by the writer? The wording of petitions can be seen in the same light, even poorly worded ones!

If the writer is good at their job, and is able to predict the reactions of the reader correctly, then manipulation is the both the aim and the result. Is it the writer's fault that the reader has reacted in a wholly predictable fashion, or is that the responcibility of the reader?

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



I think it's funny, and maybe a bit insulting considering my heroes ages , that, all the NPC heroes, save maybe a few like myself and raven who doesn't actually sign or not sign any petitions, who ask people to sign their petitions are discribed as young male heroes, often alot younger than themselves.

I think its kinda funny because it suggests that only the young and naive inexperience heroes would believe in WV petition enough to go around trying to get people to sign it.

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Much like a (religious) cult, isn't it?

A few people swayed by the good intentions (and perhaps speach) to spread 'the word'

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



while i cannot speak directly for Ammon on reguards to the particular comment made by Paul stone (that would just be rude of me for a start) i can say this.

I personally believe it was of the characters own opinion, it makes no hide nor hair of a difference to anyone but himself. Everyone has their right to object to such an opinion and made they're reasons pretty clear as to why they wouldn't or would wish to sign (except me...man that was a rubbish post..really should have RP why Smith signed it but too late now).

Thankfully as thefloatingfatman mentioned...the OOC arguement has now cool down and i have no wish to fan the embers so to speak.

The character in question may believe that those who don't sign are nieve but that doesn't really matter to anyone else, tis only an opinion.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I'm one of the oldest, if not the oldest, so I naturally think youngsters are nieve and impetuous, because you all are.
Also, one of Ammon's stories (pretty sure it was him) features an older hero telling a younger one that anyone who doesn't read the petition the way WV intended it to be read is basically a fool, indicating that older heroes can also be nieve.

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But Birdy, that character is iirc over 300 years old, to him YOU would even be young and naive
Let alone the 26 year old Grav.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



I was disscussing with Raven this, and thought, what the heck I'll share it withthe world. I think it's funny, and maybe a bit insulting considering my heroes ages , that, all the NPC heroes, save maybe a few like myself and raven who doesn't actually sign or not sign any petitions, who ask people to sign their petitions are discribed as young male heroes, often alot younger than themselves.

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Personally, I used a young trainee hero as the bearer of the petition as, IMHO, it would be the younger and ultimately less experienced generation of Paragon's hero population that would be first to agree to the principle aim (that being the recognition of the non-superpowered heroes)

For those who've seen more of the harsh realities of heroic life (the loss of friends and loved ones, injuries, emotional hardships etc) would look a little deeper into WHY the sudden outcry.

A gross generalisation I know, but it tends to be the younger age groups that are more idealistic than the older, more set in their ways groups (and this carries over quite often IRL, and has even been seen at GG in the time I've been attending, with newer attendee's comign up with heaps of ideas for making things "better" while the older RPers try to show them how these ideas have failed in the past.)

Even though this particular plot device has sparked both IC and OOC arguement, i feel that despite it's many criticism, it has engaged the RP community on CoX as a whole, in both good and bad ways and that is pretty darn rare in itself in any online game.

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Yeah, the last time I saw something that managed to spark such wide spread participation within the RP community was the Requiem war plot. And if this turns out to be even half as much fun then I can only consider it a good thing


(Please note, the mentioning of past rifts between new visitors to GG and the older attendee's is NOT intended to cause further debate, but merely to serve as an example of "youthful" enthusiasm sometimes lacking a little clear thinking. As several have pointed out (myself included) the original petition did have some fairly blatant (IMHO) Anti-Hero messeges, though they were glossed over by the primary aim which is in fact a rather noble cause.

And I really wish I was able to make sense when I type instead of just waffling randomly, ahh well, Sleep deprivation FTW!!! )



It really hasn't got anything to do with age, but stereotypically, it would be the younger heroes who would signa and then seek other signatures without considering how the petition sounds.

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I thought of that too, but again I think its down to perception. In RL there is a age gap between me and you Ravey, so maybe in your experiences its always been you people coming up to and and ssaying "Hey mister can you read this and sign it please!" in my experience its "Hey you youngster! This is very important, read it sign it and then show it to your parents!"

I was just wondering from a psychological point of view if it was because I was younger than most of you, it would be a older person trying to get me to sign a petition. I mean wiether you release it or not, everyone draws on personal experience to influnence their reactions, wiether its something you read, something you went through, or something you were taught. Sometimes its even choosing the opposite of your own personal react to dicate what you would do.

Anywho... its was just a curiosity.

Good to see the arguements have died down

Also are we planning a massive rally or something? I know my own SG is meeting up IC to disscuss this plot with the PCP I think.



I'm afraid I don't fully understand your comments, Ravenswing. Surely the purpose of all marketing, advertising and polictical propaganda (in whatever form) is to convince the individual to think/act/buy in the way prescribed by the writer?

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Yes. And what exactly does that have to do with people attempting to enjoy thmselves in a game setting?

I think you got the wrong end of the stick there. I was talking about the effects of the plot on the players, not the effects of the petition on the characters.

Several of Ammon's comments have read just like a psychology student who has started up a project to find out what would happen if this bit of disinformation was spread, and then is kind of shocked when people don't like discovering it was all done in the name of science.

Is it the writer's fault that the reader has reacted in a wholly predictable fashion, or is that the responcibility of the reader?

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In this case, it's the writer's fault. Are you honestly telling me that White Vampyre wrote this petition with the intention of turning hero against hero, and the public against their guardians? Because if you are, then that's exactly the opposite of what Ammon has said. However, that is exactly the predictable result of this petition hitting the streets.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



While that was the predictable outcome (and has led to some interesting RP because of it). I believe a couple of things

1) I believe he petition is written by the passionate heart, not by the logical head. Obviously the writer believed at the time of writing it that what she had written would be seen by all heroes as a good thing, this belief was not tempered by the the normally logical mind stepping in and going "hang on...some people might not quite like the way this is worded," since the heart was overruling the mind by that point.

A classic case of too much passion, not enough logic, which we are all prone to now and then and kick ourselves afterwards thinking "why on earth did i say that?".

2) If the above fact is indeed true (it may or may not be the case, perhaps secretly the writer really did want this division of heroes to happen, even on a subconscious level...we simple don't know) then the petition is merely a poorly worded but passionate speech about what the writer feels so very strongly about, lacking any alterior motive behind the petition and like my Detective Smith character...not actually considering the direct outcome of their actions but merely doing them because they believe it is the right thing to do.

Believing something is the right thing to do and knowing are to completely seperate beasts. White obviously never looked to weigh up the pros and cons of unleashing this thing upon her fellow heroes and the general public at large, her passion simply got in the way.

Of course this offers perhaps one explanation out of a possible myriad of theories and until it is either confirmed or denied by Ammon himself/herself then it remains merely a postulation as to what went on in the mind of the writer while creating the petition.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



What I'm finding interesting is the reasons for why people are/aren't signing.

Take a look at my characters, for instance.

Cauter was mulling over signing, and got talking to Suzi. When he tried to make the point that police officers got paid for the job they did, he risked his neck for nothing in situations much worse than a police officer would be expected to face, he got that thrown back in his face and got called a merc, and was told 'I expect to see you in the Rogue Isles'. The fact that the petition had stirred up some of the usual crowd of hero haters (Most hero settings have them, just watch Justice League, X-Men, Spiderman cartoons, or look in game for the 'Maybe you capes aren't so bad.' comments), to chuck a brick at him was brushed off as him complaining that his suit got a scratch in started to annoy him.

Another thing I/he found interesting was the mention of Mediports. See, now in real life, I'd be a little... I dunno, creeped out if I was fitted with a chip that monitored my vital signs and my position within the city. 1984, much? Plus we need to remember that the Mediport system was created from Rikti Tech recently (5 years ago this May), and thus may be too costly/difficult to impliment on a populus wide scale, and thus is given out on the basis of need. A hero who often flies into dangerous parts of the city to face supervillains is more in need of one than a beat cop in Atlas Park or a school teacher in Steel Canyon. Plus, not all heroes -have- mediport chips, for character reasons. Wordmaker's character Nevermore didn't. Velvet Vengence I don't think has one, seeing as she dragged herself to hospital one time, and several of mine don't for one reason or another.

Finally from Cauter's point, he did mention that even if the money from building statues was used to make schools and hospitals and the like, he pointed out that statues are fairly low maintance/cost. You build one, clean it when it needs cleaning and that's it. The more 'worthy' projects would need a constant influx of money, staff and resources. Considering there's construction of Overbrooke, Baumton and still some places in Skyway being built, can the city spare money for that?

Jessica Kade [Zortel III] signed, but Jess didn't read the petition itself. Jess got told the good jist of it, that we should do more to honour the ordinary citizens of Paragon City and maybe use the money for statues for better causes. Yes, if the petition had been just that and not as contreversial, it wouldn't have had as much media attention, but how much of that attention will have been tainted?

Storm Sapphire is an interesting one, because she's both a hero and a police officer, being a Peacebringer in the PPD Awakened Division. She's seen lazyness in her police collegues and a 'Let the hero take care of it' attitude. Of course, the blame for that attitude can go either way, that's down to character oppinions whether the heroes are demoralizing the police, or the police are gladly letting heroes take the risk. Emily's seen first hand on the streets the affect of the 'passionate' wording, and as a police officer she feels she should remain neutral in these affairs.

Though I still have several other characters reactions to do yet, I think Fusebox's will be rather interesting, seeing as she started out as an Outcast and became a hero in part -because- of inspiration from the statues and friends of hers who happened to become heroes. Plus after a brief spell of death she had two 'Hannah Rolando Homes for Young Mutants' opened to house homeless or in trouble teen mutants.



If the above fact is indeed true (it may or may not be the case, perhaps secretly the writer really did want this division of heroes to happen, even on a subconscious level...we simple don't know)

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Yeah, we do. Perhaps you should have read the start of the thread.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I think some of the problems here are coming from the use of the word "Plot".

For me, a "Plot" has a predefined beginning, middle and resolution. I don't believe that "Heroes for People" falls into this category at all, but only Ammon can tell us that.

It seems to me (again, just my opinion) that this idea is very much freeform. The petition was written and posted, but without the expectation for the VAST impact it has had in inspiring a reaction. When Ammon and I were discussing this idea IC in Pocket D, it was almost a throw away conversation, but has grown (wonderfully) through other people's involvement.

If people are expecting this to have a resolution which they can be informed about ahead of time, then I don't think there is one. This "Story" is now being written by the people who have taken the responcibility to be involved in it and shape it.

I can't wait to see where it ends up! I'm sure it'll end up being as much a surprise to Ammon as anyone!

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



it is merely stated she hated HER powers, not those of other superheroes, plus nobody can state what was going on in her mind for definite apart from Ammon. I never claimed what i said was true, i merely opened it as an opinion.

While yes the division of heroes and the subsquent self destruction of the 'capes' may have been perhaps a subconscious goal. Even if it was such a thing the writers conscious mind would have no idea that her subconscious had implanted such feelings into the possible take on the petition by heroes and thus would indeed believe she was doing the right thing.

As i mentioned:

Believing something is the right thing to do and knowing are to completely seperate beasts.

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The author clearly believed what she was doing was the right thing. She obviously hadn't thought through the consquences of her actions or the possiblity her inherent hatred for her own powers would seep through into the document.

The right thing to do would have been to take the petition to a selection of heroes who aren't her friends and say, "look at this, what do you think, tell me what you disagree with," and not simply say that anybody who said, "well if you change X to Y i think it will come out a lot better," or "we'll i do this job because i choose to, it is a calling much like the police force or being a teacher and second of all...i'm not being paid to do this," that they were a merc and more akin to the villains of rogue isles.

If she then took those comments and made the respective alterations or even decided to consult the hero community at large vocally first before going to print with it then we wouldn't have this upset.

(edited because i missed something out..silly me..gah rogue isles..not island...man sleep deprivation is getting to me)

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



In other words, the character is no skilled statesman by any stretch of the imagination. In thinking about musicians who turn to politics to get inspiration, I was thinking of people like Bob Geldoff, Sting, and many others who say all the wrong things, even getting a lot of backs up, but have great passion for their cause.

So yes, the petition was deliberately written to say things poorly, not just because creating division and a rift was the main thing I wanted to put opportunity for into the storyline, but also because it was entirely in character.

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Well, as I said elsewhere, I think that this situation has been caused by passionate woman attempting to address something she sees as wrong.

The method for doing so was completely wrong for the purpose, but that's another matter.

You said that you were thinking of the well-known music stars who have become involved in politics (though I would note that the two you mentioned have been more involved in charity than politics), and I would say that their largest and most successful forays into the arena have been televised. That was the first mistake. A petition only lets us read words on a page. A televised broadcast allows everyone to see the passion behind it, without reading what appears to be a vitriolic attack on super-powered people.

I also find it interesting that the divisiveness that has developed was intentional on your part (second paragraph above), and I'm going to back Birdy up with saying that in your posts on the original thread you seemed hell-bent on claiming that there were no negative connotations to the words as written, despite what people read, yet you have (apparently) reversed position and now say that dividing opinion was, in fact, your main aim.

This is what makes people think they're in a psychological study. Every time you reveal a deeper layer of thought and reasoning, it looks to the rest of us as if this is fully pre-plotted experiment, with you feeding us dribbles of information on a carefully prepared schedule. And many people (myself included) resent the thought of being used that way without our consent.

Now, I'm not saying that this is the case, but only that this is how it can be perceived.

I find the plot fascinating, and merely wish it was getting the GG crowd more involved, as well as the PD RPers.

I look forward to seeing how this progresses. Particularly in light of the fact that the Devs are unlikely to add a statue of a non-hero to the game any time soon.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



For me, a "Plot" has a predefined beginning, middle and resolution.

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It can have, but it need not. What do you call something which someone has carefully crafted to create an effect, but where they don't intend to influence they outcome? I still call it a plot.

If people are expecting this to have a resolution which they can be informed about ahead of time, then I don't think there is one.

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If we could be informed of the end results at the start, what would be the point of doing the bit in the middle?

Besides, having fixed end results to a plot is called railroading, and is generally considered bad form.

I can't wait to see where it ends up!

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Damp squib would seem most likely. I'd suspect that Britanic's press conference and the 'compromise petition' will quiet things down (or Statesman gives a press conference) and things will gradually revert to normal with no real changes.

Unfortunately, we have to deal with the reality of an MMO. Nothing can really change.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I'm afraid I don't fully understand your comments, Ravenswing. Surely the purpose of all marketing, advertising and polictical propaganda (in whatever form) is to convince the individual to think/act/buy in the way prescribed by the writer?

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Yes. And what exactly does that have to do with people attempting to enjoy thmselves in a game setting?

I think you got the wrong end of the stick there. I was talking about the effects of the plot on the players, not the effects of the petition on the characters.

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But surely as an IC document written in-character by White Vampyr, you, as a player, are aware that it's not real and are able to chose your characters' responces to it?

Your point about the effect of the "Plot" I've briefly discussed in my previous post. I don't think there is a "Plot" here, as in a defined storyline, at all.

Several of Ammon's comments have read just like a psychology student who has started up a project to find out what would happen if this bit of disinformation was spread, and then is kind of shocked when people don't like discovering it was all done in the name of science.

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I think it's interesting that this is what it has now appeared to have become, but that certainly wasn't the intention when Ammon and I were have that IC conversation about "Heroes for People". The original conversation ended with Crimson Archer offering to get his cousin (a lawyer) to draft up the petition (originally White Vampyr's idea), but White was obvious so empassioned by her idea that she couldn't wait, leading to the document as read.

OOC, it has now evolved into something more than the original freeform idea, and that's what making it interesting. It's just a shame it seems to also be viewed as premeditated to just this level of discontentment and offense.

Is it the writer's fault that the reader has reacted in a wholly predictable fashion, or is that the responcibility of the reader?

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In this case, it's the writer's fault. Are you honestly telling me that White Vampyre wrote this petition with the intention of turning hero against hero, and the public against their guardians? Because if you are, then that's exactly the opposite of what Ammon has said. However, that is exactly the predictable result of this petition hitting the streets.

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But again I say, we, as players, choose how our characters' react. We can decide if they follow the herd (react predictably) or if they strike out on their own. What White Vampyr's original IC intentions were are unimportant now, as our character's (through our choices of their reactions and statements) are making this petition adn the ideas behind it, into something different.

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



I'd like to know if the originators of this plot realise that known villains have put their name to the petition (or have claimed to do so in conversations in Pocket D) as a gesture of "support" for their friend, White Vampyr.

Do they realise what an absolute disaster this would actually be? The public reaction alone would be crazy, and I don't mean within the "hero community", I mean with the general public and the municipal authorities. Heroes that have signed would have their status called into question even by the most supportive, and the taint of collusion with Recluse would seep through into public perception.

Another point I'd like to make... People have said things along the lines of "oh how wonderful that this has caused mass participation of the RP community"... And there has been a comparison to the Requiem plot... I avoided the Requiem plot like the plague (and was aided by leaving the game for 3 months), and truthfully I'd really like now to apply the same measures to this one, but the unfocused scope of this plot means I can't. It's city-wide. It's around every corner. I feel I can't justifiably ignore it (as I normally would do for any plots that I have no interest in. Decry that as "bad RP" all you like, I RP to have fun, not sit around feeling like bashing my brains out with a stone, my work gives me that enough.). Not being able to opt out of this is not condusive to my enjoyment.

I also feel like I'm not able to influence it (so I don't feel it's freeform... To me there seems to be a desired path.). Yes, I wrote the tabloid article here on the forums, but it doesn't appear to be that one that's caused any trouble, in fact it hasn't generated any response (of course the article is written with the implication that denial shows truth, after all why would they deny the document says what the paper said it did unless it really does...) and as has been pointed out by Quilla, where is the response to the production of a full pile of the signatures of every registered hero in Paragon? If the response is "oh well they were shredded immediately because we couldn't use them", I'd ask - Where was the moral indesicion? If passion wrote the petition, why should common sense and logic rule its collection?

As for getting the GG crowd more involved, please don't. I like being able to go and RP somewhere that the petition doesn't reach. Besides, you'd need a massive amount of hubris to pass that petition around at the feet of one of the objects you're essentially objecting to.



Doc, all I'll say is that 'secretly' and 'unconciously' don't mean exactly the same thing. We can draw our own conclusions about her unconcious reasons, and we must since all we have are our own views. However, you said 'secretly' and I think Ammon has pretty much come clean on any secret intentions she may have had, i.e. none.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.




If she did not wish the destruction of the supers secretly and Ammon has stated as such then it is to be considered the truth regarding the character.

That i shall claim i was wrong about.

However as we both agree on we have no clear descision of what the subconscious was doing.

So she had no secret intentions to cause disruption (though it is admitted by Ammon that he himself did, the player is not the one in question here, the characters motives are. He even states that the opening was delibrately worded poorly to spark such reactions).

but as we both agree on, what was going on subconscious is pretty much unknown.

Added as afterthoughts of musing: As for the newspaper article while it illicited no OOC respone, i did end up leading to a reporter being luzzed out of a 10th storey window IC and subsquent arrest of the Luzzee (and character deletion due to arrest) as for whether it was the right reporter or not...who knows...if it isn't well...that's gonna be pretty interesting.

It is a shame that what perhaps should have been merely a thought provoking plot has led to a lot of hatred both IC and OOC.

As i mentioned i would probably have gone to the GG meetings with my heroes instead of pocket D's but i personally felt that it was such a well established regular and large group that i would simply be either intruding or seen as a major annoyance attempting to RP while those more well known would go about their plotlines.

Thankfully i have what i like to call a 'breaker character' which is completely seperate from any plot and simply shows up as and when. The good doctor from which my name is derived. Cartoonish in his supervillainy, outrageous in his claims and occasionally, the provider of mirth. Quite content to plot to overthrow paragon even though the three villains plotting have got as much chance as a snowball of blowing up a tank.

If the RP is not to my liking i use the doctor, as he is unassociated with any plot he simple keeps on being alittle daft, reasonably mad and quite insane.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Oh yeah.

I'd argue that she hates her own powers, and by extension hates the powers of others, but even that may not amount to seeing the results of her actions turn upon themselves as they have. Which could be why she's vanished, but again, we don't know.

Fun, isn't it.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



she had no secret intentions to cause disruption (though it is admitted by Ammon that he himself did, the player is not the one in question here, the characters motives are. He even states that the opening was delibrately worded poorly to spark such reactions).

but as we both agree on, what was going on subconscious is pretty much unknown

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It is not so much that my motives as a player were to cause disruption, as in I did not seek an artifice that would cause dissent not inherrent in characters themselves.

Paragon City is a place where a vastly diverse range of people carry the (very lose) definition of super-hero. We have clean-cut patriots, we have idealists, we have anti-heroes, and we have some so dark that the villains fear them worse than other villains.

But while we are all pounding on villains, there's not much motivation for this to create IC tensions between radically different moralities. The only thing we may argue about is just how hard to pummel a villain. It is heroism purely through the aspect of opposition to active villainy.

But introduce a moral fight to do good, to be selfless, and the differences between the heroes and anti-heroes have something to hang from and be expressed in regard to. Add in a bit of ambiguity to the mix, allowing even more diversity of heroic approach, and we (hopefully) have a vessel that allows any who want to be involved to show just how their characters approach to 'heroism' may vary from others.

This was not a 'mass experiment' in that nobody was lead into anything, nor asked to do anything at all. All I did was post a petition that could be circulating Paragon. To be honest, the amount of players who've chosen to become involved has far surpassed anything I expected many times over.

The involvement of so many is greatly appreciated, and I'm really glad I began something that a lot of people, including many of the less experienced CoX roleplayers, have found useful as an opportunity to get involved in a shared storyline.

There is no fixed destination for this storyline. I'm trying not to steer anything at all, (although I would like to see just a little less attention put on writing quality, and more on creative roleplay ideas, as not all players may have English as a first language, or be skilled writers. It would be a great shame if players felt they had to come up to a certain standard of writing or be excluded, if they are able to get their ideas and creativity across).

There's no 'manipulation' of players intended at all. I manipulated the original thread-starting post to simply take advantage of what I felt was an under-utilised aspect of the radical differences between the array of characters classed generically as 'hero' or even as 'villain'.

That is the level and extent of the 'manipulation' or 'division-stirring' that I was referring to.

As a player, what has been most interesting to me is that the vast majority of our heroes seen throughout the 'story' so far are reactive, and not at all investigative.

So far, very few characters have sought to determine Suzi's motives by talking to those who know her well (or at least better), even though many have made judgements on them. We don't seem to favour the 'Batman' type of brilliant detectivework in our heroes it seems so far. Most of us have portrayed heroes that go with their gut instincts, even on very little evidence.

I'd love to have an OOC chat another time, perhaps after this is over, to see if that is because the game machinery allows very little scope for independant investigations (the story lines are fed to us anyway, and there's no means of any real free-form investigation having impact), or is simply a matter of vast majority of taste in heroes we like to play? That can wait though, for another time and discussion.




gah..damn you for posting while i was editing my post (shakes fist). Kidding.

but seriously, i'm willing to just sigh, dust my hands and go right...this is going where-ever it's going to go and let that be that.

Though the fact one of the people who signed killed someone several nights later isn't going to help the cause. As mentioned it has also been signed by known villains and a full publication of all the signatures is gonna really make matters worse.

Plus as said...the developers aren't gonna add a statue of a cop or fireman anytime soon...so perhaps it's best to simply have it end in a 'damp squib' as you put it and let it merely be a moment of contraversy (gah spelling sucks).

For now i shall stick to the Doctor, there's just something about playing him against the backdrop of all this seriousness that makes it enjoyable

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



One could argue that the devs have already accepted the petition, in that I haven't seen a new hero statue appear in some time. The Sculpture in Faultline, byt the first contact, actually is dedicated to all who were killed, hero or otherwise, probably even including some local gang members.




having never levelled high enough to even go near faultline (highest hero is security level 7) i hadn't seen that particular sculpture, if such is the case then indeed the petition has worked.

Perhaps have someone mention that the petition has officially been 'considered' by the city and end this madness...madness i say..tis crazy-go-nuts

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Have any of you seen the Brit/Vigilante storm post? I thought it was rather good , and effectively show what good could come from this petition. She asked that instead of making more statues of cops and firemen, that most of teh money towards these projects get diverted to where they are needed and that a Wall of heroism be made in a city park so that any who come to paragon can read the names of those who died for the city, masked vigilante or regular joe, and be reckonise as a hero, as well as a thnak you to everyone for keeping paragon alive.