Warshade Human Dwarf




is it possible?

dis is my first real attempt at at a warsahde ig to to 20 early dis afternoon n got dwarf n had planned from the start to make him human dwarf but had to go heavy on squid with slots early on to get soem real dmge n stuff

is there ne builds out there on human dwarf warsahdes?



Well since warshades are more of a combo of blaster/controller they tend to focus on damage and control. I myself dn't have experience on warshades but human dwarves are usually peacebringers.



Certainly its viable, but missing out on the nova form I imagine would reduce a lot of damage output.

Remember that once you have Eclipse, a lot of the squishy issues that Nova form has - disappears/is overcome. So nova becomes more than a power to get you through the early levels.



yh i mean im still gna ave the nova form just not slot it as mcuh as it is now liek 1 extra slot in all powers n den slot dwarf more but human has got me stumped dno wat to choose or how to slot lol



yh i mean im still gna ave the nova form just not slot it as mcuh as it is now liek 1 extra slot in all powers n den slot dwarf more but human has got me stumped dno wat to choose or how to slot lol



For my nbuild i focused on the buffing powers of human form .i.e sunless mire, stygian circle, eclispe - then the status effects i.e hold, disorients.

With WSs, you can build something that works for you, depending on what you like doing, you can focus on control, blasting and tanking - or all three.

Don't worry about being confused and having to respec - its a part of being a WS Experiment and try out what works.

Theres some decent guides around giving advice on what the powers do. But if you keep the nova form, then I'd suggest you do slot it well, perhaps concerntrating on the aoe blasts before you start getting more slots.

Maybe you could post your build so that others could advise you on what to go for, once you're sure about what you want to do.



well my builds kinda all ova the place atm coz i bin w8in to get to lvl 22 befor ei start slotting properly for SO's so slots r empty in sum cases n stuff wen i use 1 f my respecs i will slot in So's n post a build n idea



check out my current build I got going for my WS
perhaps it can give you a few tips

Name: Frank McTank
Archetype: Warshade
Primary: Umbral Blast
Secondary: Umbral Aura
01) Shadow Bolt -Acc - Dmg - Dmg
01) Absorption -DmgRes
02) Ebon Eye -Acc - Dmg - Dmg
04) Gravity Shield -DmgRes
06) Dark Nova -EndMod - EndMod - EndMod - TH_Buf - TH_Buf
08) Starless Step -Acc
10) Hasten -Rechg - Rechg - Rechg
12) Sunless Mire -Acc - Dmg - Rechg - Rechg - Rechg
14) Shadow Cloak -EndRdx
16) Super Speed -Run
18) Gravity Well -Acc - Hold - Hold - Hold
20) Black Dwarf -DmgRes - DmgRes - DmgRes - EndMod - EndMod - EndMod
22) Stygian Circle -EndRdx - Heal - EndMod - EndMod
24) Nebulous Form -EndRdx
26) Unchain Essence -Acc - Dmg - Dmg - Dmg - Rechg - Rechg
28) Whirlwind -EndRdx
30) Essence Drain -Heal
32) Dark Extraction -Acc - Dmg - Dmg - Dmg - Rechg - Rechg
35) Quasar -Acc - Dmg - Dmg - Dmg - Rechg - Rechg
38) Eclipse -Acc - DmgRes - Rechg - Rechg - Rechg
41) Stygian Return -Rechg - Rechg - Rechg
44) Shadow Blast -Acc - Dmg - Dmg - Dmg
47) Penumbral Shield -DmgRes
49) Twilight Shield -DmgRes
01) Power Slide -Run
01) Sprint -Run
01) Brawl -Acc
01) Shadow Step -EndRdx
01) Dark Sustenance -Empty
02) Rest -Rechg
10) Shadow Recall -EndRdx
06) Dark Nova Blast -Dmg
06) Dark Nova Bolt -Dmg
06) Dark Nova Detonation -Dmg - Dmg - Dmg - Rechg - Rechg
06) Dark Nova Emmanation -Dmg - Dmg - Dmg - Rechg
20) Black Dwarf Strike -Dmg
20) Black Dwarf Smite -Acc - Dmg - Dmg - Dmg
20) Black Dwarf Mire -Acc - Dmg - Rechg - Rechg - Rechg
20) Black Dwarf Drain -Acc - Heal - Heal - Heal - Rechg
20) Black Dwarf Step -EndRdx
20) Black Dwarf Antagonize -Acc

I'm lvl 17 atm and mostly slotted with TO's and a few DO's and its going very well with this current build

hope this helps with some slotting idea's



I don´t know which kind of planet the OP comes from where apparently vocals are in short supply and numbers have their own grammar, but if we are talking about purple aliens I can surely add one thing or two.
So, first of all I would like to say the following: if you want to be a warshade never ever plan a spec without paying attention to slots. Something that looks ok power-wise can be a nightmare slot-wise. This is the purple aliens´ curse. Forget quantums and voids, they are harmless in comparison.
The second thing is: there is not much sense in taking nova without slotting it while slotting human-form attacks heavily. Nova form is all about damage. So, either slot for damage or leave it altogether and go for a different concept.
And one more thing: a human/dwarf WS is certainly doable but I would not spec out of nova before level 32 whereafter purple fuzzies help a lot with damage output. (Hell, I personally would never spec out of my Purple Flying Fortress of Doom, but if it really has to be, let it be at an opportune moment.)

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



i went 1-50 as human dwarf then respecced to triform at 50... the triform is way more damaging however i do find the human form most rewarding and certainly very fun.

1-20 was painful, but as its a human form it always is till stamina...

however the surprise power for me to make the human form a front running attack character was gravitic emanation, with that you can daze almost whole groups at once, its ace... i took it at 30 after unchained essence and inky aspect (it works in conjunction with inky), but it could be brought forward, you may find yourself getting into trouble with bosses though.

right up till the 40s the dwarf was pretty much unslotted and was used as an emergency button, once the human side was slotted up 'enough' the dwarf got slotted up from 40-50.




I was saying a few weeks ago that I was intrigued by the idea of a Human-based WS. Partly because you simply don't see them, the answer I got was "where do you get the damage from?".
I think it would be tricky going.



my ws is lvl 38 now and the last powa i took was dwarf.
i went all the way human,and didnt even take the squid..
it was hard but fun !

im planning on slotting the dwarf now from lvl 38.
this morning i was doing a respec on the WS but just before i was finished [and ready to try it out] the servers went down!!!
so i have to do that again probably...

im planning on human/dwarf but cant tell much about it cause its my first WS ever.

ill let u know once ive done my respec again...
stamina is needed doh, on the human form!



I was saying a few weeks ago that I was intrigued by the idea of a Human-based WS. Partly because you simply don't see them, the answer I got was "where do you get the damage from?".
I think it would be tricky going.

[/ QUOTE ]

<----- all human

teaming helps alot, but i can still slaughter huge mobs by tping in using eclipse -- mire then killing something, extracted essencem that starts to kill stuff, stygian, yeah its doable, fun too.



my ws is lvl 38 now and the last powa i took was dwarf.
i went all the way human,and didnt even take the squid..
it was hard but fun !

im planning on slotting the dwarf now from lvl 38.
this morning i was doing a respec on the WS but just before i was finished [and ready to try it out] the servers went down!!!
so i have to do that again probably...

im planning on human/dwarf but cant tell much about it cause its my first WS ever.

ill let u know once ive done my respec again...
stamina is needed doh, on the human form!

[/ QUOTE ]

woaaaaah, you took dwarf over eclipse?!



the only thing i can say man is that i cant leave with out my nova!his aoe's maybe the greatest in game and without it our dmg output will be lost!you can rely on your pets but in some cituations double mired dark nova aoe's is like a nuke!and when you get eclipse you will be a god!i tell my self that i cant w8 till i get eclipse...curretlly 33 lvl!good luck though if you have decided to do your concept but all veteran ppl will say that 3-form ws is the best way to go!

Rorix Bladewing 50 lvl Kat/Reg scrapper(341 badges)(For Death And Honour)
Soul Spike 33 lvl WarShade
Chalice Of the Void 30 lvl ill/Rad

As Master Yoda Said ”If So Powerful You Are..Why Leave?”



the only thing i can say man is that i cant leave with out my nova!his aoe's maybe the greatest in game and without it our dmg output will be lost!you can rely on your pets but in some cituations double mired dark nova aoe's is like a nuke!and when you get eclipse you will be a god!i tell my self that i cant w8 till i get eclipse...curretlly 33 lvl!good luck though if you have decided to do your concept but all veteran ppl will say that 3-form ws is the best way to go!

Rorix Bladewing 50 lvl Kat/Reg scrapper(341 badges)(For Death And Honour)
Soul Spike 33 lvl WarShade
Chalice Of the Void 30 lvl ill/Rad

As Master Yoda Said ”If So Powerful You Are..Why Leave?”

[/ QUOTE ]

i have a tri-form on test that i mess about with, i suck at it so im getting in more practice before i actually respec my live to it, that is if i feel the need to... switching forms is just a pain.



i can help ya oozy with my 3-form build!its something like double`s and jiaozy build with some powers that i switched cause imo are better!and it worked pretty well i thing...i went my 3form ws to 33 in 2 weeks and i love him when transforing...he is the Coolest char i have ever played!

Rorix Bladewing 50 lvl Kat/Reg scrapper(341 badges)(For Death And Honour)
Soul Spike 33 lvl WarShade
Chalice Of the Void 31 lvl ill/Rad

As Master Yoda Said ”If So Powerful You Are..Why Leave?”



one of the reasons i went human / dwarf was because of the form changing and toggle applications which delayed changing all the time... i went with the idea that shifting form with 1 form would help me get used to the form changing, like a training effort in getting used to form shifting. i'd seen too many bad khelds to dare be one myself

it worked, now that the character is tri form they shift much better and most of the time dont bother to retoggle all human toggles, just one or two.




01) --> Ebon Eye==> Acc(1)
01) --> Absorption==> DmgRes(1)
02) --> Gravity Shield==> EndRdx(2)
04) --> Orbiting Death==> EndRdx(4)
06) --> Dark Nova==> EndMod(6) EndMod(7) EndRed(7) TH_Buf(15) TH_Buf(17)
08) --> Hasten==> Rechg(8) Rechg(9) Rechg(9)
10) --> Starless Step => Acc(10)
12) --> Sunless Mire==> Acc(12) Rechg(13) Rechg(13) Rechg(17)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)
16) --> Shadow Cloak==> EndRdx(16)
18) --> Gravity Well==> Acc(18) Acc(50) Hold(50)
20) --> Black Dwarf==> DmgRes(20) DmgRes(21) DmgRes(21) EndMod(23) EndMod(23) EndRed(42)
22) --> Stygian Circle==> EndRdx(22) EndMod(25) EndMod(45) Heal(46)
24) --> Nebulous Form==> Rechg(24)
26) --> gravity emmanation==> Acc(26) disdur(27) Disdur(27)
28) --> Inky Aspect==> Acc(28)
30) --> Aid Other ==> Heal(30)
32) --> Dark Extraction==> Dmg(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Rechg(33) Rechg(34) Rechg(34)
35) --> Quasar==>Dmg(35) Dmg(36) Dmg(36Rechg(36) Rechrg(37)Rechrg(37)
38) --> Eclipse==> Acc(38) DmgRes(39) DmgRes(39) Rechg(39) Rechg(40) Rechg(40)
41) --> Stygian Return==> Rechg(41)
.47) --> Blank==> IntRdx(47)
49) --> Blank==> Rechg(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Shadow Step==> EndRdx(1)
01) --> Dark Sustenance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
10) --> Shadow Recall==> Range(10)
06) --> Dark Nova Blast==> Dmg(6)
06) --> Dark Nova Bolt==> Dmg(6) Dmg(45) Rechg(45)
06) --> Dark Nova Detonation==> Acc(6) Dmg(11) Dmg(15) Dmg(19) Rechg(31) Rechg(31)
06) --> Dark Nova Emmanation==> Acc(6) Dmg(11) Dmg(19) Dmg(25) Rechg(31)
20) --> Black Dwarf Strike==> Acc(20)
20) --> Black Dwarf Smite==> Acc(20) Dmg(40) Dmg(42) Dmg(42) Rechg(43)
20) --> Black Dwarf Mire==> Acc(20) Rechrg(3)rechrg(3) Rechrg(29)
20) --> Black Dwarf Drain==> Acc(20) Heal(5)Heal(5) Heal(29) Rechg(43) Rechg(43)
20) --> Black Dwarf Step==> EndRdx(20)
20) --> Black Dwarf Antagonize==> Acc(20) Acc(34) Taunt(37)
Taunt(46) Rechg(46) Rechg(48)

Slot48) Slot(48) Slot(50)

This is my build…something mixed from double jiaozy and some thoughts from us forums!the only thing I would change is inky aspect its good but I don’t use it a lot any more cause its toggle!i didn’t pick unchain essence cause imo sucks cause after double mire and nova’s aoe’s the most thing are pretty dead or scattered around with the nova’s detonation so I thing it’s a useless power and I used the slots to power up the bread and butter powers!also the 47 and 49 power I don’t know what to choose and I got 3 slots that haven’t put anywhere!
So iam enjoing so much my WS from all the chars I have made!i have died a lot with him(I thing I got the second dept badge)but didn’t notice it cause he is so…that I don’t care and I play a lot in 8teams with invicible mis so its easy to die cause I usrally get all the agro!i got him 33 lvl in 2 and a half weeks and really he is something else!so I thing my current sloting in 33 is very good cause I have full sloted the 2 mires and they recharge the same time,nova’s aoe’s are full sloted,dwarf heal helped me lots of times not to die cause the most of the time I change in dwarf I have 1/3 of my hps and the 3 heal SO’s in there helps a lot!
dont even bother for the shields cause you always change forms and you will not use em …better pick clicky powers they r the best for tri-forms!if you want the res you got the dwarfie!if you want to relax and you are tired don’t play a ws cause you will suck!if you aren’t you will be the man that make the difference in the team!i don’t know if you use binds but i use em all the time and really helps a lot in playing him!i got the forms in f1 f2 f3 f4 and its too easy for me!hope I helped cause I thing without nova your dmg output will be suppressed a lot!

Rorix Bladewing 50 lvl Kat/Reg scrapper(341 badges)(For Death And Honour)
Soul Spike 33 lvl WarShade
Chalice Of the Void 31 lvl ill/Rad

As Master Yoda Said ”If So Powerful You Are..Why Leave?”



looks good

im personally not that much of a fan of nuke type powers, i'd have swapped the quasar for unchain, it doesnt drain your end, drop your toggles and is pretty close to the same power level if i recall correct. however it does require full slotting so its pretty costly.

one of the things i used unchain for was to add an additional layer of disorient, so you have grvitic emination to slap the minions and LT's move in with inky aspect to continue the sutun and stack on bosses, mire then melee hold a minion, blast death then unchain him and fluff extract, the unchain will hit the things you missed with all the others plus stacking on any boss so you can have everything stunned and then topped up with inky.

with haste and full slotting you can use it every other group or every third group (if i rememebr right that is).

it was certainly great fun

i am curious as to why aid other is in there though
