Snaptooth Solo?




OK, not a 100% fair comparison, given the relative levels, but:

My main (50 En/En blaster) can solo Snaptooth: Hover up by the roof and blast the *!%$$! out of him, mainly keeping him on his back with KB.

My controller (50 Fire/Rad) can solo Snaptooth on Invincible (pre-imp nerf): Send the imps in, debuffing and healing as required

My scrapper (37 Kat/Inv) can solo Snaptooth: keep him bouncing with the KD/KU attacks, with Divine Avalanche worked in to keep DEF high

...all with strategic Insp munching to keep health and End up.

My PB (tri-form 32) gets his <beep> handed to him when he tried to solo Snaptooth on Heroic; human form just can't take the punishment, and self heals aren't up enough to mitigate the damage, Dwarf can stay up a lot longer but can't hand out the damage the take Snappy down before he finishes me. This applies even if I empty the Insp tray (mix of purples, greens and blues) in the attempt.

Has anyone found working tactics here, or am I attempting the impossible.



Wait until Light Form, I guess... or run the S/L shield, Tough and a Break free.
MAYBE you could hoversnipe him in Nova, but that'd be impossible for a Human/Dwarf.

My INV/SS tanker has soloed snappy several times, ditto for my Kat/Reg scrapper and my Bot/Dark MM.
My PB has soloed him, but I don't think he'd last very long when Light Form drops.

The perils of trying to solo an EB i'm afraid.

Even my scrapper wouldn't last very long without using IH or Divine Avalanche. Snaptooth just hits too darn hard, he can strip over half my Dull-Pained HP with two hits (as a +3 EB anyway...)

I reckon my Human-form PB could just about handle him without Light Form by resorting to the full-tray-of-purples method, but at level 50 that's 20 purples...



That's similar to my experience. I've managed to solo him with every one of my heroes and all the villains I have tried so far with the difficulty ranging from Heroic to Invincible. The one exception has been my tri-form PB, also level 32.

For me I think the problem is lack of slots. I only have a couple of slotted attacks in human form, shields and self heals are also not well slotted. If I were to try again in the late 30s/early 40s after Light Form I think I could take him.

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.



More slots can't hurt, but I'm not sure that's the critical factor; my 32's human form has Shining Shield 3-slotted for damage resistance, 3 damages in all decent attacks and Hasten to give a near-complete attack chain.

To a fair degree, he's doing as much damage, and is as well armoured, as he reasonably can be at that level.

Unfortunately, the shortfall in armour and/or damage compared to what would be needed to take down Snappy is so large it's not even close to an even contest. Extra slotting in heals wouldn't close the gap significantly, IMHO.

Dwarf form with lots more slots...maybe - I haven't done enough lobstering to know how damage-capable that could get, but to be honest I have my doubts.

I'm not too put out by this, as I realise soloing EBs is a bonus if you happen to be able to do it, rather than a States-given right...but it did strike me as odd that the PB seems significantly worse at this job than all the others I've tried.

Edit: Oh yes, my 26 Bots/Poison MM could (just) solo him on Invincible too



Depends what other powers you have I guess? I did him a few times yesterday for the badges and the first was on invincible as I forgot to lower it. With Lightform it's no real problem other than taking almost the full three minutes to kill him. Without Hasten it might have been a different story...

Didn't try without LF but may give it a go over lunch. Reds, purples and a bit of knockback will be my method.



The only power that might have been handy was the, um, Conserve Power analogue, whatever it's called, to reduce the demand in blues.

Possibly the footstompy knockdown attack, but would have that been up enough to make a difference?

I do have Quantum Flight, with I really should have used to save my behind...but forgot about it and didn't.

Main powers used - mainly in terms of other power sets I can remember the names of:

Shining Shield, Dull Pain, Self-Heal, Total Focus, The Punchy Knockback Attack, Hasten, the two early single target ranged attacks (both puny, but help close the attack chain)



Quantum flight is only really useful for running the heck away. Drains too much end to be useful mid fight IMO...

Footstomp is about as damaging as Radiant Strike (Punchy Knockback) but drains end fast.

Snaptooth seems very weak to Knockback: not for the first time I wish PBs could get Air Superiority...



Quantum flight is only really useful for running the heck away. Drains too much end to be useful mid fight IMO...

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Oh yes. That's the only time I would (should!) have used it, when down to a sliver of health and/or end, and wanted to make a strategic retreat to rest up and come back in before Snappy could recover himself.



well my lv 8 brute can solo him, (ss/elec) so can my scrapper, but my warshade just doesnt have a hope in hell and never will, although im sure a pb has alot more of a chance.



I think a Shade could give Snappy a good seeing too, if he'd kept a constant dual-pets up, sunk a couple of reds and Dwarfed him. Wouldnt even need Eclipse, but obviously if you get a nice one, itd be even easier to hop in Nova and give him a slap.
Might give this a try tonight and report back



Keep 4 defense insps running as much as you can and concentrate on dealing damage. Otherwise I guess its down to whittling his hp down in dwarf form. I admit I havent tried myself. My lvl 50 tank soloed snaptooth on heroic but it took forever and a day.



It´s doable to down Snappy pre-LF with a PB, but I can´t say it´s too much fun going through a full tray of inspis. My best advice would be just to not solo Snappy with a PB and rather enjoy soloing him with a controller, brute, mm, dominator or whatever else you like.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



I could probably do it with my Warshade (Pure human form), but it wouldn't be easy. You'd need to herd up 7 mobs to get a nice kick off Eclipse and Sunless Mire and then pummell the hell out of him - with Inky Aspect, Gravitic Eminiation & the Beanbag temp power I could probably keep him semi- or even perma-disoriented.

Might give it a try tonight.

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Keep 4 defense insps running as much as you can and concentrate on dealing damage. Otherwise I guess its down to whittling his hp down in dwarf form. I admit I havent tried myself. My lvl 50 tank soloed snaptooth on heroic but it took forever and a day.

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I soloed Snaptooth 5 times with Spad on Unyielding without any real trouble - only took me a couple of minutes to down him too. Self-heals were handy though for when he did land a big hit.

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Keep 4 defense insps running as much as you can and concentrate on dealing damage. Otherwise I guess its down to whittling his hp down in dwarf form. I admit I havent tried myself. My lvl 50 tank soloed snaptooth on heroic but it took forever and a day.

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I soloed Snaptooth 5 times with Spad on Unyielding without any real trouble - only took me a couple of minutes to down him too. Self-heals were handy though for when he did land a big hit.

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For my tank it wasnt his damage that was problem, it was my own damage output. After popping 8 damage insps, I got him down to 80% life before they ran out. Think I got him down in a bout 15 minutes. This was on heroic of course.



Got round to trying this on my PB. RS and SF kept him pretty much on his back the whole fight. Conserve Energy meant no end problems and hasten kept my DPS up nicely. Used 8 insps - mostly reds with one yellow and one purple and only had to use my heal once (although I used Essence Boost as well to be on the safe side). On heroic of course.



As Hammer said, take lots of Purples. That's how I did it with my Arch/Dev Blaster on Unyeilding. I only popped two at a time though. Stupid low level insp tray.

Oh, and use Hover (or whatever the PB version is called), stay out of melee as often as possible. That's where he does the most damage.



To be honest, If you keep an eye on your INPS and HP you should be fine.

Good luck!



To be honest, If you keep an eye on your INPS and HP you should be fine.

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Good advice but perhaps a little general - applies equally well for all ATs in all situations.



Heh very true.

I did do a long wordy post, but it had all been said before so i just left it with that



Managed to solo him on my tri form PB on rugged at lvl 39 but can't say I want to try it again - took far too long. Unfortunately my light form isn't slotted well enough to be much use so it was Dwarf Form all the way but 2 sets of 2 normal purples allowed me to get him to half health and his resistance is floored by then so I could get decent damage through - did have to run several times to recover end though.
The biggest problem was his positioningbeing just past that archway so you cant target him until you're in mellee with him and can't pull the rest of the mob away from him. The +3 void Lt next to him didn't help either.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
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Go in in human, build up IS/RS, self heal to take the first strike, shift to nova, and get up high. Takes a while, but his ranged attack is pants compared to his melee attacks.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



If your having problems with EBs you should allways pick an friend or usefull insps, they will help a lot



Soloed him a couple of times with my level 17 PB. Took a few purple insps though.

I really should do something about this signature.



I have solo'd him on both my PB and WS. For both I use Squidform. My attack chain always runs cone-AoE-big blast-little blast, then spam the two single target blasts, little-little-big until the cone or AoE is up again, manouever to get remaining minions in range then cone-AoE to finish the minions.

Stay near the roof, move loads to stay out of his melee range and have a green insp handy in case you get stuck and he hits.

The biggest problem I have is if he runs away too soon because fighting him in the corridor is hellish in squidform as it's flying is too bouncy and I'm not quick enough.

Snaptooth is no problem, more problems are met with the Void Stalker who invariably sits in the corridor leading to his lair who takes up your last couple of useful insps after the Void in the big room standing next to the Winter Lord who meets you there. Even worse in a team of 8 when there's a White Dwarf sat in Snaptooth's corridor.

"Pride is all well and good but a sausage is a sausage"

For Lent I gave up...