T'was the Night before CoXmas




Since I can't enter THIS contest, even though it's right up my alley, I decided to pen a little something in the Christmas spirit.

T'was the night before Christmas
And through our fair game
Not a player was stirring
Which was really lame.

The newbie who got it
As an early gift
Was spamming for teamplay
And getting quite miffed.

He used his new Jump-pack
From Good Versus Evil
And tottered and teetered
On the globe like a Weeble.

"Why is no-one here?"
He cried in alarm
"I've a Blaster to play
And Enhancements to Farm"

When, all at once
There arose such a stupor
And Heroes arrived
Who were very Super.

The Scrapper with Claws
In spandex so yellow
The Blaster in red
Who was very mellow.

The Controller sure
About her Containment
The Tanker who laughed
And Taunted to contentment

Stasis stood proud
And Weasel beside her
Infernius near
Drinking nearby cider

DreamWeaver stood poised
And ready for action
Xanthus was moaning
'Bout PvP Factions

Chiefette in bikini
The male players swooned
Not knowing that Catz
Would leave them marooned

On islands of desert
All covered in snow
With bumps on their heads
From a hammer blow

FG was still missing
But somewhere around
Armed with christmas music
Melodious sounds

His morning show prepared
He sat very smug
Remember to tune in!
(Gratuitous Plug)

Raz there in Atlas
His wings flapping round
As the Newbie stared at him
And jumped to the ground

His health bar dipped down low
He was in the red
But luckily falling
Would not make him dead

When someone jumped out
Of the City Hall
Affected by Confuse
And ready to brawl

He smacked the poor Newbie
Once twice, three times!
The newbie then faded
To some safer climes

And Spawnus then cackled
(For yes, it was him)
As players petitioned
He said with a grin

"I got you, young Newbie!"
As others turned glum.
"Merry Christmas to you,
And I've had your mum!"



Damnit FG! I demand you stop being to flipping creative and talented AT ONCE!

P.S: Loved it!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



and for good measure...

Great lyrics!

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



But also question:
Are you going to produce an audio version of this - either to some funkadelically Christmas Music or just you reading it I suppose!?




Hmmm you do realise you would have won... right... :P



Most Awesome FG!! Most Awesomeee!




Haha, had a good laugh at that one FG, very nice.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



That was heavi.



Very nice it's been a while since we've had one of your parodies.

Just a note though, Stasis doesn't wear yellow spandex!



Hehehe, that's some funny lyrics

@Moonshade - too many to list anymore



Very nice it's been a while since we've had one of your parodies.

Just a note though, Stasis doesn't wear yellow spandex!

[/ QUOTE ]

I've tried to get her as well Oh, you mean in game...



Amusing as always FG.



Loved It!



Heh. very nice FG, as always.