Fire/Radiation SuperTeam starting December 10th
I forgot this in my post (it's that big and I still forget something):
On December 10th, all villains should start out as lvl 1 in Mercy Island with Kalinda as their starting contact.
defo up for it solar i should be free that day, though some sundays may be difficult i'm afraid
yup you can count me in , looking forward to it, and sundays is a better night for me
I'm up for this, sign me up
We have quite afew from our supergroup interested in this. I shall be discussing this others that may not visit the forums sooooooon.
I think T0ughGuy690 posted covered most things but if you have any questions can get in touch in game or through email.
Signing up myself and Scorpion Assassin (hopefully we have a lot more people interested to really make this a success).
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
count me in!!!!!
King Jum is in.
this is Union server, right?
this is Union server, right?
[/ QUOTE ]
It is indeed the Union server (where all the great and best things happen)
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
I'm in also solar dec 10th is also my day off so its pretty handy that isnt it hehe. Very curious about how fast these chars could lvl when grouped together.
Ghost' lvl 50 Illusion/Kinetic
plus far too many alts to cope with
Alright this is growing much faster then I expected, which is good hehehe. Just for good measure, I'm posting a temporary list of participants.
1. Solar Flash
2. Max Khaos
3. Jummy
4. Humanoid Doom
5. Thermatron
6. Scorpion Assassin
7. Wooly
8. Blackbone
9. Artanix
10. SamTheSeed
11. The Pidgenator
12. Raiden
13. Dr Infernum
14. Blind Minotaur
Wow, thats nearly 2 full teams already. Hehehe, this is good stuff, exactly what I was hoping for
Keep checking here for updates folks.
Any more people interested?
Hiya ToughGuy - looks very well thought out
Add me plz to the roster - sounds like an uber killing team looking forward to it.
Well u can add my name on :P
ill def join
so you know, you may have some severe problems with this, I ran a fire/fire team for a while, we herded nearly whole levels with the res cap and unleased hell in the form of combined fireballs. This did have the side effect of freezing the game server side for several seconds but when it restarted the mobs were dead.
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
Add me, Boerewors from EVIL
Clearly a mission team can only be 8 players or less.
[/ QUOTE ] You can actually get more people than that inside a mish quite easily.
Count me in!
I'm aware of this, but it's not very practical for this situation
As it looks like there is easily enough interest for two full teams would you consider running a slight variation to the super team. What I mean is have one team of all Fire/Rad and another of all Fire/? (maybe Dark Miasma) to see what the real super team is? Just a suggestion.
I can tell you the result right now. The reason we pick /rad is because of the great mix of buffs and debuffs. Dark Miasma is indeed the best alternative, but it still lacks a lot of things /rad has. Rad can totally debuff ALL properties of mobs. So can dark miasma, but it takes longer for the set to come into it's own, and the way these debuffs are applied works better in the radiation set. On top of this, Dark has nothing that can even begin to compare to accelerate metabolism, which is one of the most important parts of this team. Keep in mind it buffs damage, recharge and recovery. That's like having perma build up, stamina and hasten running, except those 3 powers only give a fraction of the buff that 8 AMs do.
As for picking fire assault, we need a lot of area of effects for this team to work, and there simply isn't any other primary that gives the same as fire assault, certainly not as soon as fire assault does.
The reason I want more then 8 people in this is because, inevitably, some people will lose interest and stop. (this is just a fact of life ) On top of that, some of us are much busier then others. If there is a group of 20 participants, it's much easier to get a team like this going more often.
So basically, the reason we want a lot of fire/rads is because we want to be able to run these teams often, and we dont want the team to die a young death
Thanks for the explainations. Fire/Rad suits me fine. Any idea what time this will start? And how long we plan to play for in a single session?
might be an idea just to make an SG for this group... maybe not perminantly, but whilst we have over 16 people interested, an SG would possibly be the easiest way to keep this all organised.
i think on sunday night, just until you're bored, used to do stuff on sundays from 7 till late... so i assume its the same case?
I'd like to get in on this aswell, sounds like a lot of fun.
I forgot this in my post (it's that big and I still forget something):
On December 10th, all villains should start out as lvl 1 in Mercy Island with Kalinda as their starting contact.
[/ QUOTE ]
Does this mean we have to skip the tutorial and not get the exploration badge or would it be alright to do the tutorial and be lvl 2 for the team start?
As a lot of people may be aware, Superteams have been a regular thing, although they've been more common on American servers then European ones. For those completely in the dark: a superteam is a group of players that roll near-identical chars to enforce the strengths within these sets to extreme levels. The most recent example can be found here.

As you can see in this post, Controller superteams aren't a strange thing anymore.
EVIL would like to (re)introduce the superteam concept in Europe, but instead of going down the path of the Hero, we would like to do this with Corruptors. CoV has been far too empty, and we hope that all those who miss the busy days will take note of this opportunity. So what is our plan? Keep reading
First of all, the powersets: We've decided to go for Fire/Radiation Corruptors. A superteam is based on stacked buffs, debuffs, and decent damage output. The Radiation set offers a great mix of buffs and debuffs, as well as an area heal. Stack all these things 8 times, and the effect will be truly awesome. As for the primary, the goal is to be in large teams which means large spawns are the order of the day. So we need AoE damage. The Fire primary delivers this even before lvl 10. On top of that, Blaze is one of the highest damage per second single target attacks in the Corruptor sets.
Now, to change an 8 man team of identical powersets into an 8 man superteam, some coordination is required. Therefore, to take part, certain powers MUST be taken at certain levels. I'll jump right to business and make a list of required/preferred powers below. (if this doesnt immediately interest you, skip to the next part which deals with more practical issues)
Lvl 1: Required: Radiant Aura (obviously) and Fire Blast. Flares is regarded as one of the poorest powers in the game, so really, this should be an obvious choice.
Lvl 2: Required: Fire Ball. We want AoE damage, because we'll be fighting large numbers. This power gives it to us. 8 Fireballs launched into the middle of a fully debuffed spawn will end fights very very quickly.
Lvl 4: Required: Accelerate Metabolism. This buff will be one of the best things we've got. Accelerate metabolism boosts damage, recharge, endurance recovery, and mez resistance. Stack this 8 times, and powers like hasten and stamina become luxuries instead of necessities. By lvl 12, when we get recharge DOs slotted into the power, this buff should be perma. (stacked 8 times) That means we permanently have a tremendous buff to our damage, recharge, recovery and mez resistance. Good stuff
Lvl 6: Required: Radiation Infection: This AoE toggle will seriously debuff accuracy and defense of every mob in a spawn. If you stack this 8 times, it means you'll hit almost every attack, whilst not getting hit at ALL yourself.
Lvl 8: Required: Fire Breath. Granted, it may not be as good as Fire Ball, but it deals more damage. On top of that, it's our second proper AoE attack, which means we want it.
Lvl 10: Required Enervating Field. Same idea as Radiation Infection, only now it debuffs resistance and damage. So all your attacks that were hitting already anyways, now completely ignore the target's resistances. On top of this, if your enemy somehow manages to hit you despite of the accuracy debuff, the damage debuffs will cause his flamethrower to feel like a warm summer breeze.
Lvl 12: Travel power pre-requisite. Because travelling is truly a matter of personal preference, we've decided to leave this open. I myself will go for leaping, eventually picking up Acrobatics later on for the knockback resistance. I highly recommend others to do the same, but to each his/her own.
Lvl 14: Travel power. See previous lvl
Lvl 16: Required Mutation/Assault/Maneuvers. Basically we don't intend to die a lot, but having a few people around with a rez never hurt anybody. No need for everybody taking this, so other teammembers may opt to pick up either Assault or Maneuvers. These give fairly small buffs to damage and defense respectively, but the final goal is for all teammembers to have these two powers (and tactics as well). If you stack these buffs 8 times, they certainly can't be ignored anymore. Whether Assault or Maneuvers is picked up should be decided by this lvl, depending on what the team needs more.
Lvl 18: Required: Blaze. Our highest damage single target attack. Imagine a fully debuffed (remember our toggles?) AV getting hit by 8 fully buffed (remember perma-AM?) Blaze attacks. Every 4 seconds. It will be like Purple Triangles of Doom never even existed. We NEED this power
Lvl 20: Required Lingering Radiation. Another lovely debuff. Our enemies were already without defenses, resistance, accuracy and damage capacity. We don't stop there, this power (not a toggle this time) takes away their recharge and their movement speed. Stacked 8 times this power is pretty much identical to an AoE hold, because as soon as our enemies launch an attack, it probably won't recharge before they're dead.
Lvl 22 and further: Because I personally don't know for sure just how this team will play at this point, I believe it's best to leave it open for improvisation. With enough slows from Lingering Radiation, it may be a good idea to all pick up Rain of Fire, because mobs cant leave the area anyways. But perhaps finishing off the leadership pool first has a higher priority. Or maybe we really do need Acrobatics on our characters. Undoubtedly our specific desires will be very clear by lvl 20 giving us enough time to decide.
As you can see, pre-lvl 20 there will be a lot of required power choices. The reason for this is, as explained before, because the effect of these powers stacked 8 times is nothing short of devastating.
What about enhancement slotting? That's the good part, because of our insane (De)buffing capabilities, we'll already hit just about every cap in the game, meaning enhancements are hardly even needed. The only requirement would be 3 slotting AM for recharge ASAP. Perhaps 3 slot Radiant Aura for healing too, but other then that, feel free to do as you wish.
Alright, I think the idea is pretty clear by now, let's get down to practical issues.
Clearly a mission team can only be 8 players or less. This doesn't mean our Superteam needs to follow the same rules. Obviously we all have real lives, and it will be hard to make sure everybody is online every evening. Therefore there is no limit to participants. We'll create a global channel, inviting all participants, and whenever 5 or more people are online we could all log into our Superteam alts and join up. If there is more then 8 online, we can split up into two groups. Clearly being in an 8man team is best, but a 5-6 man team will easily manage as well.
When do we play?
This is not entirely certain yet. Basically, well be playing on sundays (starting December 10th) but if theres enough participants online on another evening (very easy to tell, due to the global channel) a team could be formed with whoever is online to have some extra fun.
What about a lvl gap that might result?
Well, since our debuffs will make it easy for a lvl 12 to hit a lvl 16, without getting a oneshot death in return, this doesn't really matter much. We can always LK people up, and even if we are in the SO lvls and our LKs arent it doesn't matter, because as I've said before, enhancements will be pretty much unneeded anyways.
Clearly this team will be very cool, so we want to look cool too. What looks better then a team of identical villains blasting the world apart? A team of identical villains blasting the world apart in identical costumes! Since this is an EVIL effort, we'll all be rolling these characters with the EVIL VG Costume as their primary costume. This isn't a demand, but it would be nice if you play along here, even if you don't actually join EVIL. (It's only a costume)
You can find the male, female and huge model costumes at the respective links.
Alright I'm in, where do I sign up and when do we start?
Leave a message here if you want to join in. As for when, I think it would be wise to give I8 some cooldown time, so we'll start Sunday December 10th. At 7PM (GMT) we'll gather up our lvl 1s and start playing. If you can't make it this evening, no problem, depending on how many people particpate, we could very well have fire/rad teams running several evenings every week.
Once again, I'd like to stress the point that this is an EVIL effort to get some unique teaming done on the villainside of the game. All of our SuperTeam toons will be in the EVIL VG, and everybody who joins the SuperTeam is expected (but not required) to roll their character with the EVIL VG Costume. Clearly, anyone who is willing can also actually join EVIL, regardless of the affiliation of their main villain/hero. This is just an offer however, and by no means a requirement to join this team.
A short recap of requirements and requests:
Requirements: The character must be a Fire/Rad Corruptor and select certain powers at certain levels.
Requests: It would be preferred to play along with the team and roll your character with the EVIL VG Costume as your primary costume. Please note this doesn't mean you need to join EVIL, it's only a costume.
There is already a lot of excitement for this team within EVIL. I hope we can convince others to join in as well, so we can all meet some new people. I truly believe this is an excellent way to meet new people, and to have an entirely different experience then you've ever had on any of your villains OR heroes.
So dont hesitate, sign up right here right now, or if youve got comments/questions feel free to reply here or contact me @Solar Flash