What the hell happend to hurricane.




You've gotta be kidding me you can easily get in melee hits on a stormy now, when did this happen :O?



Nerfed. Alledgedly.

Trust me, it still works. Unless I'm a complete and utterly useless PvPer, running and jumping at them will simply debuff you and therfore make it a bit impossible to damage them effectively with my stalker. True, I was only level 20, but Hurricane still does a good job.



maybe in acc debuff but not in the repel thingie.



the repel factor always been easy to avoid by decent PvPers.. the strong point of hurricane is the acc debuff

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



maybe in acc debuff but not in the repel thingie.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to think twice about attacking stormies. Say you're an Ice/ controller. You slow my rate of attack down, curse you! Anyway, I make another run at you, time a perfect jump and, uh-oh! All I have left to use is Shadow Maul, pants! I hit it anyway, making the best of this oppurtunity. I miss, and in the animation time, I get repelled back, albeit slowly, undoing my work and leaving myself vunerable to your attacks. 5 seconds later, I'm chainheld, and you're thrown up a lightning cloud and are LoL'ing at my plight.



Hurrcane is still nice in PvP, ubut if your fighting against it, don't try and stand toe-to-toe with its user, most of the time, you won't hit them. Best thing to do is use range or get in and out as fast as possable, most debuffs in the game will take a second or two to take effect, which is long enough to activate an attack.



Just had this discussion with a friend in Sirens and think all these cries of ZOMG, Nerf are a bit OTT.

Hurricane's debuff is still bloody hard to hit through. I hit Build up with three to hit buffs slotted and fired off two attacks with two acc slotted. The stomry in question had no other real defence buffs apart from superior invis. Attmepted this 3 times and only hit once out of all six attacks.

Hurricane is still powerful. Trollers are squishies and should be hurt by melle builds that get hits on them and hurricane still puts paid to that so not sure how powerful people think it should be.



I tried this when the change to Hurrcane's repel came in, to tone down being cornered, I was still able to keep a scrapper and a blaster in the corner with it. I used no other powers (thought Artic Air might have helped keep them in the corner so didn't run it). The Blaster even had SS on and still couldn't run out of it.

Oh and if any Devs are reading this, this is all made up, never happend.






get in and out as fast as possable, most debuffs in the game will take a second or two to take effect, which is long enough to activate an attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

tada...I've noticed that a lot (having stormie as main troller on union)..most people who come close are stalkers so they can only hit me if they hit BU and attack at once...if they wait a second more their acc is screwed..I must say that melee attacks seem to hit a lot more 2 then range attacks from close range..

Tho seeing indeed as sup invis=+def and my hurricane is heavy slotted with to hit debuff I feel very safe..I don't think the repel nerf is a problem..tbh I hate the fact that hurricane repels in pve now




tbh I hate the fact that hurricane repels in pve now

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I thought it has always done so?



focused accuracy and you're screwed?



focused accuracy and you're screwed?

[/ QUOTE ]

Aye, which is why stormies are a bit gimped atm. Storm defenders are below average in both PvE and PvP now .

A Paragon Defender



Reduced the repel radius from 20 to 15 iirc. Its so easy to get into hurricaine its unreal now. All stems from the moaners Just going to have to change my stormy tactics a lot more now i guess. Still sucks though



Yeah i noticed that yesterday when ifghting aesir, i could easily get melee hits. Get one melee hit be replled then run in again and get a melee het, not hard at all.



Storm defenders are below average in both PvE and PvP now .

[/ QUOTE ]

Pah, nonesense.



"ZOMG im no longer uber some one beat me in PvP" Pfft Adapt and learn easy.



"ZOMG im no longer uber some one beat me in PvP" Pfft Adapt and learn easy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty much my view. Storm defenders are still the biggest problem for me behind spine/regens.




tbh I hate the fact that hurricane repels in pve now

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I thought it has always done so?

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it was nerfed when I got it



Storm defenders are below average in both PvE and PvP now

[/ QUOTE ]

you take that back!

Besides, isn't the controllers' hurricane debuff only 80% of the defender version?



3accs and tactics and i hit through hurricane no probs