Let's Get Ready to Rumble! 3vP Defiant Round One




Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Heroes and Villains of all ages!

Are you ready? Are you sure? Well, without further ado, or wasting of time, allow me to present to you...

The Team lineups for Rounds 1 & 2 on Defiant for 3vP.

Oh My! Here's the Link!

Good luck to all competitors, hope to see you all in Galaxy Arena (emerald) on Thursday 1st June. I'll be there from 7pm BST


(EDIT: Realised I'd made a slight error, replaced with the correct table)



Further to this, if you want to find out the powersets/ATs of your opponents, feel free to check the signup thread



The link doesn't seem to want to load for me.



Loads fine for me, you're just a n00b.



Imageshack hates me

I'll try later.



failing that, i'll struggle with the horrible formatting on this board to put it in

in any event, i made a slight error, by putting troke in twice

I'll post the updated link shortly




Looks like some interesting matches.....and I get to fight a friend in the second round!!

Bring it on, Harvest Moon

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



ah this is looking good hehe




Yay! It worked!

And ohcrap! I'm fighting Mesmer in the second round!



where can i place my bets?



cool, thx for posting the table!!

Not sure if it matters, but I'm actually taking part with my brute Anata (rather than my scrapper Anath). Just thought I'd mention in case it causes any confusion at the time....



Yeah, on the tables I have you are listed as your brute, so all good.



Heh, this will be interesting. Im against Soaring Dragon in these first two matches, but in the second one, Eat Static'll be with him (a teammate from my first round). Do I go all-out and risk them working out some kind of painfully effective tactic against me, or do I hold back as much as I can until the second match, then let rip?



This is going to be awesome, as long as my pc gets fixed first dont wont to let my teammates down



aye, thats why it'll be fun (rather than ego tactical), psy is in the same boat, vs sd first round and with him second.

/nike advert voice: just do it

dont worry about tactics

personally i reckon im gonna get marmalised but it should be fun dying




This is going to be awesome, as long as my pc gets fixed first dont wont to let my teammates down

[/ QUOTE ]
I know the feeling. If you peek into the tech forum you'll hear me whining about my dodgey graphics-drivers freezage problem. I can play well enough, but the last thing I need is a nasty surprise once we're in and fighting. Going to be a good few sleepless nights by the sounds of things..



I hadn't noticed that... heheh

Should be fun, looking forward to being beaten to a bloody pulp



Someone should record these matches. That way I could kick my feet up on friday with some popcorn and enjoy an hour long of good fights



heheh that sounds like we have a volunteer!




I'll have to run a quick search for the "how to make recordings" and "how to play back recordings" threads once I get my PC finally sorted out. If someone from each of the fights could record it, then throw the resulting demofiles to one of the 3vP authorities, we might end up with a video made up of combat snippets.
*rubs hands together* Oooh, this is getting good.



Just use Fraps. It's very easy and intuitive to use. I would, but it lags my PC too much, especially for a PvP contest, where it's not fighting brainless NPC's



I'm gonna try and record as many of the matches I can, the ones i'm not in anyway. Be nice to don the Camerman hat again!

I'll definitely be doing the latter matches as least!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Cool, two sweet looking battles here, including one I've wondered about for ages.

Looking forward to this already, Apologies to Qi and the other unfortunates stuck with me

Except Spawnus as I'm against him in the first round so my uselessness should cancel itself out



Just use Fraps. It's very easy and intuitive to use. I would, but it lags my PC too much, especially for a PvP contest, where it's not fighting brainless NPC's

[/ QUOTE ]
It'd be a better idea to do the easy 'soft' recording thing within CoX, and then using Fraps when you play back the recording (to get some decent angles). That way you're also not lagging in the middle of the match..


Looking forward to this already, Apologies to Qi and the other unfortunates stuck with me

[/ QUOTE ]
I'll cover your [censored] if you cover mine



Great Coin! looking forward to watching them when you get them all ready!

I would have signed up for the event myself if i was able to make it on ExtraGonk