Sisarose Mansion




"I can at least assure you that we are free from psychic interference," said a voice from the corner of the room. Although invisible, the sneer apparent in the tone made it evident that it came from Lord Erebus. "I have no expertise with technology but I did feel it appropriate that we are shielded from any such arcane prying. I took the liberty of surrounding this fine building with a field designed to deflect such interference. I hope that our host does not object. Even so, I am not in favour of attendance by remote control!"

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



"I know of the enchantments... I have my castle protected with the same...", Elizabeth replies. "They will suffice..."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



“All I ask is that if I extend my hospitality to this group you resist the temptation to attempt to place any of your fields or enchantments without my knowledge or consent. I would hate any of you to fall victim to an accident so early in our endeavours.”

Romanov stood, leaning forward slightly with his hands placed on the surface of the table. “And on that subject, let us turn our attention to the reason we are here. I have given the idea we ended our last discussion with some thought. There are many vulnerable nations in the former Soviet Union where I have influence and resources, but where is the challenge of taking a prize that any man with an ounce of ambition and a few million dollars could win?”

He looked around the room before continuing. “No, I have somewhere in mind that will far more…entertaining. Tell me, are any of you familiar with the Liberty Islands?”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Lord Erebus nodded in acquiescence as he dropped his cloak of invisibility. The field had been a risk but he knew of far too many psychics who liked to keep track of his whereabouts.

"I have heard of them," he replied. "An island state I believe. Aside from an active volcano I have considered them beneath my notice. What is their political situation?"

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Romanov turned to Lord Erebus. “The political situation is complicated and unstable, which I’m sure you will agree suits our agenda. One of my teams has put this brief outline together to give you a taste. A more detailed report and profiles of those with a part to play in our little game will be forthcoming if you all find it suitable.”

Romanov placed his hands together then smoothed them across the surface of the table. When they came to a stop there was a smile pile of A4 paper in front of him. He handed a sheet to each of the LoRDs that were present. He took an expensive looking fountain pen from his pocket. Hundreds of tiny black insectoid creatures scurried from the silver nib and jittered across each of he pieces of paper. When they stopped moving, a printed report was written in black ink on each of the pieces. The creatures then each burst into a tiny cloud of dust and disappeared.

“I will give you a moment to read while I enjoy another glass of our hostess’ fine wine,” said Romanov.


Name: Liberty Islands (Îles de Liberté)

Capital: Liberty City

Largest city: Saint-Célestin (population 380,000)

Population: 978,000

Currency: Liberté Dollar (formerly the Euro)

National bird: Liberty Fish Eagle

Size: The main island is 83 kilometres (52 miles) long; 61 kilometres (38 miles) wide; and covers 3172 square kilometres (1971 square miles) with several smaller islands to the south

Location: Located in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar, about 400 km (260 miles) south west of Mauritius.

Government: Benevolent dictatorship

Ruling party: The Liberty Party, the political wing of the People’s Libertarian Army (PLA) led by General Jean-Baptiste Buku

Opposition: In the last year the United Freedom Coalition (UFC) has become the main opposition to the Buku regime. They promote equality, social reform and forging links with the outside world. They are led by a former captain in the PLA Hatem Nasri and his daughter Rashme Nasri.

The predominant religion is Roman Catholicism (62%), with Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism also represented. Since the rise of General Buku, practising the island’s native spirtualism has been encouraged with 20% of the population said to be followers in 2005

Main export: Sugarcane

The economy has traditionally been based on agriculture. Sugarcane has been the primary crop for more than a century, and in some years it accounts for 90% of exports. The gulf in the Liberty Islands between the rich and the poor is extraordinary and accounts for the persistent social tensions. The white and Indian communities are substantially better off than the native and African population. The outbreak of severe rioting in March 1999, on a day remembered as Black Thursday (Jeudi Noir), resulted in the death of six natives, which set in motion the rise of General Buku’s People’s Liberation Army. However, since his takeover six years ago little has been done in reality to close the socioeconomic gap and tensions are getting close to boiling point again. Since the takeover, the tourism and gambling industries, which once employed 20% of the population have been eradicated.

Similar to the island Hawaii insofar as both are located above hotspots in the earth's crust.
The Piton des Enfer (The Peak of Hell), a shield volcano on the eastern end of the main Liberty Island, rises more than 2631 metres (8632 feet) above sea level. It has erupted more than 150 times since 1640 and is under constant monitoring. The most recent eruption was November 12, 2006.
The Piton de Chaudière volcano, the highest point on the island at 3204 metres (10,512 feet) above sea level, is north west of the Piton de la Ancêtre. Collapsed calderas and canyons are south west of the mountain. Like Kohala on the Big Island of Hawaii, the Piton de Chaudière is extinct.
The slopes of the volcanos are heavily forested. Cultivated land and cities like the capital Liberty City and the island’s largest city and economic centre Saint-Célestin are concentrated on the surrounding coastal lowlands.

The most widely spoken language is French, with many words and terms from the native Swahili and some Dutch (coming from South-Africa). English is also widely spoken. However, an official orthography has yet to be agreed upon.
Local food and music blend influences from Africa, India, China and Europe. Local delicacies are renowned for their hot spices.

The islands colonised by the French in 1642 who named them the Fortune Islands (Îles de Fortune). Fierce and constant riots between the rich, mainly European settlers, and the poor native population have been a common occurrence throughout the islands’ history. The native spiritualism religion was all but quashed and Roman Catholism was promoted by the ruling elite.

Until recently the islands were one the overseas départements of France and was one of the outermost regions of the European Union.

Recent history:
The Rikti Invasion had little impact and the remote islands avoided any conflict. With the worlds’ attention focused on the bigger threat, the predominantly native and African supported People’s Liberation Army led by General Buku took control of the islands in a bloodless coup. Buku successfully toppled the government and seized control from the white ruling elite, and implemented an isolationist policy and promised major social and economic reform. General Buku created a relatively benevolent dictatorship and renamed the island Îles de Liberté (Liberty Islands) and withdrew from the European Union.
In reality, wealth is still the privilege of the minority and there is widespread poverty. However, several projects have been started by the Buku regime to improve the quality of life with so far little success. The major change was the resurgence of the native spiritualist religion that had been banned for more than a century.

During the second Rikti invasion, Vanguard established a reserve garrison on one of the smaller islands. This has caused increasing tension with the isolationist government and there is growing hostility among the population to Vanguard who are seen as a tool of the west and a reminder of colonial rule. In recent months there has been an increased focus and investment in the nation’s small military force.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Lord Borealis scanned the handout quickly, nodding at times to himself.

"Ah yes, once an important outpost for shipping travelling between the East and the West... until the Suez Canal made that great route redundant. After that, it became a relatively worthless piece of real estate apart from tourism to see the great Piton des Enfer, which if memory serves is just about the most active volcano in the world. I may not have recognised the name of the islands, but I could hardly forget that wonderful volcano"

He put the paper down and drummed his fingers for a moment as he considered. "Offers one of the worlds most accessible and abundant supplies of geo-thermal energy if we could tap that volcano..."

"Which side do we favour making puppets of?"



Elizabeth read the document carefully, not used to being surprised... "...south west of Mauritius it says here... Isn't that South of South Africa? When I was at the Council of X meeting in Nairobi, Kenya back in 2006 I remember hearing from the local vampire lord Melisizwe that he managed to remove most of the local shamans, houngans named there. And that they fled across sea to the south. I wouldn't be much surprised to find them on islands in this area."

"Aside of that I don't know of this desolated place. It doesn't sound like high society, and I hate jungle. I hope we can bring some comfort and style to this island if we are going to use it as outpost?"

"But an idiot like this general seems easily controlled..."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Romanov looked at the vampire and gave a half smile. “I’m sure you can introduce some comforts, Countess. However, in addition to the power source Borealis has identified, the human resources and opportunity to develop projects in secret are much more important to me at this stage.

“Buku would indeed be a potential avenue, and as you say, Countess, we would be able to find a method suited to influencing or controlling him.” He looked at Borealis before continuing. “But the inherent problem that presents is that the growing ill feeling between Buku’s regime and Vanguard would become ours. Much better, in my opinion, would be to reach out to Buku and give fuel to his mistrust of Vanguard and the west. Give him the resources and weapons to take them on while running a simultaneous media campaign in the west to paint his as the next Amin, Noriega or Saddam Hussein.”

He paused, stroking his chin for a moment. “Yes, we should hitch our plans to the UFC, it won’t be too difficult to foster an image of Nasri and his daughter as freedom fighters. We create pressure for an election, then ride the wind of change into power.”

He opened his hands. “Of course, it will take a lot more than that and all of our resources and skills will be needed to see our plans to fruition.”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



"It seems that we'll need a disposable front company to supply the resources to Buku then. Or better still, disposable patsies." Borealis fingered the right side of his twirling moustache thoughtfully.

"I think the simplest would be simply to have an existing arms company supply him, now, before we demonise him. Perhaps some firm like KM Technologies? The company that is run by that chappie who turned hero. That way we get to discredit the heroes once more too."



Romanov considered Borealis’ suggestion, weighing up the pros and cons before verbalising them. “I agree, reducing the chance of the weapons being traced back to us and blackening the name of a hero would be desirable. However, we would need to know more about this company. If they have a conscience and insist on vetting potential customers then we have a problem as it increasing the chance of our influence being suspected. In this scenario, a hero being at the helm suddenly stops being an opportunity and becomes a problem. A problem that is only solved with one dead hero.”

He sat back in his chair and assessed the blue-skinned Borealis. “If you are agreeable, Lord Borealis, I am sure we would all be confidant in this area of our enterprise being left in your hands. If you are content that this KM Technologies is the right way to go then so be it, otherwise I am sure you are able to locate the hardware that is needed.”

“And now to the rest of us. I believe the best course of action would be for Hatesman, the Countess, Lord Erberus and the owner of that robot to visit the islands to set the wheels of conquest in motion. Hatesman I believe is the logical choice to stir up hostility and chaos among the populace. Ms Barzini, if you would send some of your operatives to act as agent provocateurs in fields, factories and meeting places I believe we can begin to light the right fuses.

He looked at the robot with a sideways glance. "When the attack on Vanguard is made, we need to ensure it ends in our favour. I suggest XV be on the ground to lead Buku’s forces and ensure there is sufficient carnage.”

He looked around the room before meeting the eyes of Bathory. “And Countess, your skills will also be needed to seduce Buku and keep him compliant. Stir up his fears and ambitions and make sure he is ready to act as we want him to when we want him too.”

He took a sip of water before continuing. “Now, Lord Erebus, your role is less defined but no less attuned to yours skills. The rise in spirituality on the Liberty Islands cannot be ignored and it is possible that it is evidence of some supernatural presence. I you can locate this force or forces and ascertain whether are course of action should be appeasement or destruction. I suggest the active volcano may be the place to start.

Romanov placed his hands together. “Now, forgive me for talking for so long and please do not interpret my forthrightness with a wish to lead our enterprise. It is just that my skills are planning and communication, and it is important that this group benefits from the strengths of us all. For my part in our island project, I will make sure events are presented to the world as we would have them presented and make contact with the Nasris to groom them for leadership…or rather the leaders we wish them to be.”

He unclenched his gloved hands and opened his palms to the room to show that he was ready to hear the views of those assembled.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



After reading the document and hearing what Alex Romanov had to say, Alicia Barzini had only one concern. "A sound plan Romanov, nothing short of whatI'd have expected. This island is perfect to experimet with, we know there are already political unrest so wouldn't Hatesmen's violence simply draw attention to him? And what do you hope to achieve by an army of gunmen killing the populace? I have to ask, no matter how much I'd enjoy causing havoc.



Romanov showed no emotion as he turned to Pistol. “Ms Barzini, forgive me, while I admire your taste for brutality I didn’t not mean to imply that your men would be required to shoot anyone. My intent was for them to act as instigators, to stir up the feeling between the rich and the poor and the different ethnic groups that is already there. They might choose to organise demonstrations and strikes, but they can leave their guns at home.

“That is why I thought Hatesman was best able to coordinate such a movement. As difficult to ignore as he is, I would hope he could manage to do this without his presence being known.

He looked at her, suppressing the parts of him that were anticipating their private meeting later. “But you raise an interesting point, Ms Barzini, perhaps this role requires more discretion than Hatesman is capable of.”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



"On the contrary. This endeavour is all about the resources we can bring to bear, and I believe Dr Oswald has offered us an invaluable and essentail resource for the early phases of this operation"

Borealis turned his cold gaze to ORACLE

"Unless I am massively overestimating the capabilities of this delightful assistant, her very nature makes her our best asset for instantly assessing and appraising the changing situation, and providing hard data and suggested tactical adjustments"

"ORACLE, my dear, if we were to place you on the main island, how long would it take you to scan the communications network and gather data on unit deployments, movements, and the identities of key figures in the chain of command? Could you also prepare a plan to hijack the communication network if we needed to?"

Borealis smiled, confident that he had understood her unique capabilities fairly well from Hatesman's initial introduction, and watching her interactions then and now.



ORACLE turned her head smoothly to Lord Borealis.

"Scanning the communications network would require a hard-line enemy terminal, or a Zenith Command post. Gathering data on unit deployments, movements, and the identities of key figures in the chain of command would then be entirely dependent on the technological level of General Buku's Communications Network with an average projected time-frame of fourteen hours, thirty one minutes."

She continued without pausing for long. "Could I prepare a plan to hijack the communication network? Yes. Blanket Jamming would require additional hardware, Electro Magnetic Pulse Bombs would provide a permanent wipe of the network requiring the target to replace all systems. Alternatively the existing Radar Network could be reconfigured to transmit blocking signals, creating a more permanent alternative that could be manipulated to allow a 'Comm Hijack' situation. I can also replicate voice patterns to further cause chaos in the system. The island's military would become isolated." she paused and switched to a more casual slow-paced voice.

"I am designed to assault the most sophisticated communication networks in the world." she glanced at the paper on the table. "The Liberty Islands are... beneath me."

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



"Thank you, ORACLE" Lord Borealis said, a satisfied smile still upon his face.

"I think you may underestimate the artistry we may yet require in the Liberty Islands. We are not about to waste anyone's talents. Jamming communications is far too crude. Hijacking means cutting into the middle, and relaying believable responses to both ends of the channel so that neither is aware the data they receive has been adjusted, or that their own transmissions were not recieved unchanged, do you see?"

"As Romanov has pointed out, this will be altogether a plan of subtleties rather than brute force. Applying brute force against such a small nation demonstrates nothing. But subtlety, ah, that is as hard against one person as a thousand people. That will be the test of our abilities, and the proof of concept we should seek, I believe"

"Do we all agree?"



"Agreed...", Elizabeth replies.

"There is a lot to plan for all of us now that tasks are divided. I for one need to gather info on this Buku and his society and more... I expect us all to perfectly understand what it is we each have to do and be ready for that by next meeting. So we can set this in motion."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Lord Erebus had said very little. He didn't feel that there was much to be said when there were other, far more verbose people in the group who could do the talking. Had he have had much of an ego, he could have felt slightly affronted at being 'issued orders'. But those sort of feelings of pride are associated with humanity and Erebus had lost most of that a long time ago. The island sounded interesting and the ressurrection of some ancient pagan religion meant that it would be rife for exploitation. It would not take much to sway the local spirits to side with him, which was a pleasing thought. Let the others worry about politics and planning. All he wanted was the arcane power that the volcano seemed to promise. He could almost sense the fury of it from here. He allowed a small smile to play across his thin lips.

"Very well," he murmered, already planning his next move.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



The XV suit present remained worldless throughout. In the base, Adam inclined his head slightly. He didn't have any problems with others doing the work, it was a lot more efficient. He sighed, and continued to wait for more information, whilst thinking of plans for taking over an island chain. Maybe he could relocate the base to somewhere less susceptible to Longbow subs, he thought, glaring at the cracks on the glass walls.



Romanov clapped his hands together. Although it was clear that with six other minds things would take longer he was satisfied that they would be done.

“Then it seems we are in agreement once more. If I may suggest we now focus on our own areas in this plot and reconvene when we are in a position to share information and deliberate on our next step?”

“The Countess has offered her hospitality to us for our next meeting and I for one am looking forward to it. Shall we meet at Castle Bathory in five days? And I will say this just once, any who do not attend in person for our next meeting should consider this their last official contact with us.”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Elizabeth stood up emptying her glass... "If that's all gentlemen... Alicia... I have lots to prepare. I will see you all Sunday February 3rd."

Without looking at Pistol Elizabeth turned, only giving Romanov a second glance. Then she walked out the room. The door guard quickly jumped aside, very carefull not to look at her.

Elizabeth looked over her shoulder and gave him a wicked smile. Then a shimmer came over her and her skin again started to change... A few seconds later a giant reddish bat flew into the darkness... towards Cap Au Diable...

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Romanov watched the vampire queen leave; the view from behind was a worthy subject to break away from talk of conquest.

“I see that impulsive behaviour is not exclusive to living women,” he commented before reaching into his pocket.

He placed a black velvet pouch on the table. “The Countess’ departure reminds me that I offered to provide us with a way of communicating. I can do that now. I’m sure I can find the Countess later and give her what she needs.”

He opened the drawstring at the top of the pouch and tipped seven black objects on to the table. On closer inspection they appeared to be small arachnids no bigger than a fingernail.

“One of my exploration teams found the inspiration to these devices in some dimension or other. Arachnids with surprising telepathic properties for a creature so small. Selective breeding and biotech enhancements have resulted in an admirable communication device. If you will allow me to demonstrate.”

Romanov picked up one of the dormant creatures, which immediately began to twitch and squirm at his touch. He held it to his jaw. The creature burrowed through his flesh and disappeared, the tiny wound closing immediately behind it.

“The creature enters a symbiotic relationship with the host almost immediately.” He explained. “It is able to replicate the vibrations of the jaw as the host talks and transmit them to one, several or all of the fellow creatures in its batch. On the other end, the creature can transmit the vibrations to the host’s ear.”

He motioned to the other LoRDs. “Please take one, it does not matter which. I assure you that after a few moments adjustment you will be fully in control of what messages the creature sends and to whom. The messages are impossible to be intercepted by any known means, psychic or technological, and the creatures will die in 12 weeks when they will be harmlessly broken down by the body.”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Alicia accepted and placed the creature on her tongue.



Borealis looks with a mixture of skepticism and disgust at the arachnids. Part of his mind immediately suspected the creatures were designed to be loyal to Romanov, and might even be able to poison any of the others, but he had a suspicion that was a moot concern.

As he reached out a gauntleted hand towards one of the arachnids, it demonstrated the incredible telepathic powers that Romanov had spoken of ... by reading Borealis' intention to pick it up. It instantly 'awoke' and scurried back away from his hand.

Borealis managed to catch the escaping critter, partly because his reflexes were a lot faster than one would suspect from appearance, but more because the arachnid was still sluggish from its dormancy, and from the cold that Borealis radiated.

It curled up into a ball on his gloved palm, apparently hoping the big cold creature would lose interest. Borealis swiftly lifted his open gloved hand to rest beside his cheek. The tiny spider curled up even tighter. It was certain that this giant blue-flesh frozen creature was too cold and too toxic to serve as a host.

"I rather sense that this thing isn't designed to cope with my ... unusual biology, Romanov."

A thin rime of ice started to build up on the spider as it began to slip into the equivalent of hypothermia induced coma.

"Will your next suggestion be a jet-propelled zombie homing-pigeon from the netherworld?"



Romanov almost let his displeasure show on his face as in truth he was keen for the other guests to depart so he could firm up his relationship with their hostess. “No, Lord Borealis, I think my first suggestion is more than suitable.”

There were two possibilities for why Borealis’ creature has curled up and died. Although the team that engineered them had done so in the knowledge of all of the LoRDs’ various biologies, much had to be educated guesswork particularly in the case of Borealis. As tempting as the prospect of dissecting the blue-skinned gentleman in a lab to see what made him tick was, he needed Borealis alive until the alliance had run its course. However, if the creature was dead it would be a simple matter for someone with his mastery over life and death to resurrect it, if not completely, at least well enough to function without anyone at the table noticing.

However, it was the second possibility that Romanov chose to voice to Borealis as overcoming his objections to having a zombie arachnid inside him would be one distraction too many.

He picked up the lifeless creature, breathing on it until the frosty crystals disappeared. “Ah yes,” he said. “Nothing to concern yourself about, my friend. As I explained this creature is not only telepathic but symbiotic, it simply took your ‘sense’ of what would happen and interpreted it as what you wished it to do.”

He closed his eyes and, as they opened gain, the creature sprang to life in the palm of his hand. “Here you go, as good as new. Just try to keep your mind blank for the first few moments…I’m sure that won’t be too difficult.”

He handed the creature back to Borealis. "Now, please, if we can all conclude this minor matter there is something I would much rather attend to."

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



ORACLE took to her feet, picking up the arachnoid and enveloping it in a bundle of micro-fine grey tendrils that extended from the palm of her hand, retracting back beneath her holographic skin to hold it for safe keeping.

She left quietly, disappearing as she made her way outside.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.