Sisarose Mansion




"What the f**k you think you doing creepin' round Scisarose, you tryin' a getchyo self killed?" said Axel.



Vincent shook his head.

"Tryin'a get myself a new boss, y'know." he paused to choose his words wisely, "If death is the price for failure I'm ready an' everythin' but I dunno, buddy. Y'know if ya didn't have such good security I could'a shown ya what I'm good at."

Vinnie dipped his head and dragged himself to his feet. "I'm joss here t'make a name fo' myself, Mr. Hunter. Sneakin' around was my opening act."

Vincent, a tall, 20 something hitman already had a name for himself amongst the Mafioso. He was known as an Assassin who only ever worked for mafia interests and stayed unaligned to any one faction. He kept to a single rule that he wouldn't assist infighting between Mafia factions as it'd be bad for his business. Any target otherwise was accepted with zeal, and his considerable talents were more than enough to provide a 100% success rating.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



"Wasted journey Zampelli. The Barzini family are already well trained" said Axel, not buying any of it. "As you might know, the family's deep in a gang war at the moment and the boss isn't around at this time." He nodded to one of the men holding the intruder. "Show this man the way out"



"I di'nt come here and spend all that time getting in to leave empty handed, chief." Vincent took a step towards Axel. "You know what I had to go through to get into this fortress? Why I even tried?"

One of the Enforcers pulled Vincent back and slapped him across the head with a heavy blow, Vinnie stayed with his head slightly dipped from the blow as he continued to speak. "You've clearly mis-underestimated me and my honourable intentions, Mr. Hunter. I want to speak to Don Alicia."

The enforcers pulled on Vincent to take him away.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



"The woman's not here!" Axel grunted. "Leave your go'damned contacts with one of the doormen. Someone'll get back to you, understand?" Axel spun on the spot, his fur coat sweeping the floor majestically as he headed back to the chair.



Vincent stumbles out onto the pavement, before a selection of confused looking Gang henchmen types in the courtyard.

Standing up, he free's himself quite effortlessly from the rope tie and then sprints off, his skin fading into transparency as his footspteps can be heard dissapearing into the afternoon. One of the enforcers hold up Vinnies Assassin's Claw and looks to the other baffled.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



((Roleplaying in this meeting is by Moderator invitation only. Notice I have dated it to the 12th to allow us enough time to forum roleplay this with minimal timelag. It will most likely be written in speech and response monologues anyway, with very little action reaction. Let us begin play assuming the host, Alicia Barzini Hunter, is sat at the dinner table with company. Choose to enter, escorted by the front of house service or maybe you're already sat. In your first post, try to provide us with what your character looks like, what they're wearing or maybe even how they talk. Perhaps you can use a Handbook character profile if you have one.))

Introduction of the Lords

Saturday January 12th, 5:53pm. A small conference room at the Sisarose Mansion. The table is decorated with food covered under stainless steel platers. An array of chicken, vegetables and roast boar. Drinks and beverage of all kinds are positioned near the expensive looking forks, knives and plates decorated with traditional Italian silverware art.

Alicia Barzini was dressed completely in black, a smart polyester trenchcoat with a high collar, her hair neatly packed into a bun at the back of the head. She sat, giving silent orders to the footmen. She called over a balding man who by his appearance was probably the house butler.

"Are you certain the invitations reached everyone?" she asked him.

"Er, yes Ms Barzini. I'm quite sure" he replied, pulling out a plain white card signed, 'Alicia Barzini, the Dark Pistol'. It read;

Recipient, you have been invited to the Sisarose Mansion in Nerva Archipelago by Ms Alicia Hunter to discuss some potential business. Also invited, was the Countess Báthory Erzsébet, Lord Erebus, Lord Borealis, XV18222, The Hatesman and Lord Romanov.

Date: Saturday 12th of January. The meeting will be undertaken over dinner and shall commence at exactly 6PM. We hope you will be able to join us. By the way, the delivery girl has no family and will not be missed. Feel free to keep her and use as you see fit, a token of my respect.




Slowly, the old clock in the room inches closer six... and with each stroke of the clock mist is forming within the room, coming from underneath the door... Like a thing alive.

The dark mist takes on the form of a woman... vague at first but with extremely blood red eyes showing. While the form takes shape it shows how the woman looks like. Long reddish hair... young but with an expression of age years older then the body would show itself. Dressed in a black dress. On her neck hangs an amulet of gold embedding a blood-red stone in which a demonic face is vaguely seen. The red eyes not showing any form of emotion.

Now completely formed and solid the woman slowly opens her hand and throws a card on the table. It is one of the invitations sent.

"I am the Countess Báthory Erzsébet... but you may call me Elizabeth!" Elizabeth introduces herself. "I am most eager to hear what you have to say and if it is interesting enough for me to stay." Elizabeth says while sitting down. She notes that her chair had specifically been served with bottles of blood, instead of wine.

"Bottles of blood. A good hostess. Your delivery girl also, was a delicious gift." Elizabeth says while the balding butler fills up her glass. "I hope the others will not take long. Even though I am immortal, time is precious to me."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Adam smiled as the mansion came into view. The armored suit he wore completely encompassed his body, covered in thick plating. Two mechanical wings jutted from his back, and two forcefield amplifiers, designed to look like huge gears, one set on each shoulder One of his hands was covered in a bulky gauntlet, the other wasn't so easily removed. It was through that that he head heard XV speak into his mind via the nerves in his flesh and steel arm:

" I am quite sure that this is safe, nevertheless, i'd make sure you didn't eat" It intoned.

"I'll be fine" Adam said into his featureless grey helmet, the sound completely muffled outside, as if a world away.

"Let's see what Pistol wants, shall we?"



Lord Borealis watched the arrival of Elizabeth Balthory with a careful facade of mere polite interest. In actuality, he studied her entrance carefully. How people chose to present themselves spoke a lot about them, and Lord Borealis was prepared to read every sign.

This Balthory's entrance for instance - pure showmanship. She was broadcasting who and what she was immediately, as though craving the respect and attention it could merit. Her entrance said too much of who and what she was, and when knowledge is power, that could be a great weakness. Some would say it showed confidence to so easily proclaim one's powers. In Lord Borealis' extensive experience, it was the quiet ones, the ones who gave away little or nothing, who neither craved nor needed attention that were the most confident. But a lack of confidence was not the same as a lack of power. Balthory would be interesting to study.

Borealis himself was dressed as always in the cumbersome armour that he depended upon. The only alternative after all was a wooden overcoat, and he'd gone through so much already to avoid that particular outfit.

He'd prepared for the evening by standing in the buffing engine for a little longer than usual, and as a result, the antique brass appearance of the cumbersome suit gleamed. He went bareheaded tonight, but his spikey white hair was too frozen to move at all as he flew to the mansion.

Not that the suit encumbered his movements. The engineering of the suit was the work of a twisted genius, and it was powered just enough that the suit effectively allowed him to move with the strength and speed of a trained athlete.

Neither the steam engines nor the clockwork motors made any sound, despite the power. Sound was a byproduct indicating wasted energy. His suit was far too efficiently constructed to lose energy through heat or sound or vibration detectable without instruments.

Lord Borealis had also put thought into arriving precisely fourteen minutes early. Most people of power would choose to arrive late, flaunting their power to make others wait upon them. It was predictable. It showed need to be recognized. It was almost childish. So Lord Borealis had rejected such tradition, and arrived early.

Alicia had selected or trained her house-servants well. The calm and professional manner of the doorman had not been fazed at all by the arrival of a blue skinned man with spikey white hair and near permafrosted twirling moustache. Not given a second glance to the gleaming brass bulk of powered armour, nor been surprised at the silent tread of inch-thick rubber soles to his brass boots. He'd reacted as though guests looking like some Smurf version of Nemesis arrived all the time.

As he'd greeted Alicia and taken his seat, he noted the reinforced chair with relief. He wondered whether it had been constructed for tonight, or whether unusually heavy guests were common here. He smiled inwardly as his mind answered itself: It depends if they are wearing concrete overshoes already, perhaps?

"Good evening, Countess. I am Lord Borealis" he stated simply, his never-still mind already wondering who'd be next to arrive, and in what manner.



The door to the room swung open and the next visitor was shown in. The man was tall and gaunt but in apparently good health. He wore an immaculately tailored black suit with grey undershirt which contrasted with his white hair and strode with confidence into where the other guests sat. Despite a thin, black cane by his side he walked with no impediment.

“Good day to you,” he said, taking a seat apart from the others. There was something insidious to his deep voice, a low, snake-like hiss and the way his eyes flicked about the room had a tendency to put others on edge. “I am known to others as Lord Erebus and I come as requested. Have the reasons for our summons been disclosed?”

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Alex Romanov entered the conference room. His steel grey eyes didn’t flicker and they took in every inch of it and assessed each occupant with the interest of a predator.

On the surface a well-groomed billionaire in his early thirties, Romanov was wearing a tailor-made, black Brioni suit. The only point of light on his attire was a solid silver tiepin in the shape of an eagle, reminiscent of those seen on the standards of legions of ancient Rome. A handsome man with pale skin, elegantly defined face and regal bearing; most people experienced a palpable feeling of fear in his presence. Like sheep who could sense a wolf in their midst.

He nodded to Alicia Barzini. “Ms Barzini. I am Romanov. Consider the time I have given you a gift and be advised to use it well.” His voice was strong and clear, a refined English accent with the faintest trace of Russian.

In normal circumstances he would have refused such a meeting, or at best sent Night Druid or one of his daughters in his place. But the fallen angel Samyaza had been banished, his strongest opposition on the board of League Associated Industries Henry Swift was disgraced, and the Guild of Gentlemen Adventurers were showing little sign of becoming close to the threat they once were. He craved a distraction.

He nodded briefly to the other people in the room, lingering a heartbeat longer on the woman who by process of elimination among other telling factors was the Countess Bathory.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



"Late?! Who do you think you are?!"

An usher flew through the door at the end of the table, rolling into a limp heap on the carpet. Hatesman turned to the approaching security guards. "You want some too?!"

At his side a young woman in her mid-twenties placed a hand on the brutes shoulder, motioning his gaze to the conference members like an embarrassed mother. ORACLE -- Hatesmans companion droid -- appeared as a tall sleek woman, dressed in a little red dress which shimmered with an unnatural glow like her pale skin.

Turning on the spot, the heavy set Doctor flicked away her hand and marched towards the table.

"Sorry I'm late!" he said in a maliciously dark American accent, throwing his arms out theatrically. "The traffic was... horrific." he added much to his own delight.

Hatesman was wearing what seemed to be as casual clothing as he could get... dirty black boots, wrapped with heavy industrial chain, the metaphorical Chains of Oppression. A thick dusty brown trenchcoat, with the sleeves forcefully removed, hung over a green shirt and was emblazoned with an Anarchy Push-Pin on the left breast. His baggy desert camoflauged combat trousers were crossed by a holseter holding a strange looking gun without a barrel. It was a retractible lightning gun -- developed by the TLF -- capable of channeling the Hatesmans power into a deadly long range bolt of lightning.

As he made his way across the room, he knelt down and slapped the limp body of the usher across the face hard. The young man woke up coughing, rolled to his knees and limped away holding his gut and his face as Hatesman took his seat at the table.

ORACLE held a perfectly calculated flanking position to Hatesman at all times, managing to stay an exact distance and angle to Hatesmans shoulder all the while he moved. She was like a hovering dronefly, beautiful escort girl and emotionless bodyguard all rolled into one.

"Alicia Barzini, Alex Romanov, Countess Báthory Erzsébet, Lord Erebus, Lord Borealis. I am O.R.A.C.L.E, Online Response and Command Liason Entity of the TLF, and this is Hatesman, Chief Architect of the Terra Liberation Front movement."

"So you have your uses ORACLE?" Hatesman chimed in, scaldingly. "I hope you don't mind her Pistol, she insisted... and when a priceless Artificial Intelligence with multiple ways to maim, kill and murder, insists something... I go with it." he said uncompromisingly.

ORACLE's Thermoptic Camoflague flickered for a moment like a TV with bad reception, revealing her bleached white wiry mechanical innards beneath the near flawless holograpic illusion of skin and fabric.

Hatesman picked up a fork and dug into the nearest roast boar, before pouring himself a tall beer. If it was poisoned or not, Hatesman was willing to risk it to add to his mounting bravado.

((Sorry, the forum ate my post twice before this one.))

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Lord Erebus barely even raised an eyebrow to the sudden violence as the latest guest entered the room. He watched the usher crawl away to nurse his wounds and made a mental note to seek him out later once he had established whether or not the mistress of the house would notice his disappearance.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Elizabeth looked at Hatesman mumbling something that sounded like "Unmannered barbarian!" while carefully testing the blood in her glass for potion.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



"Thank you handsomely for coming" said Pistol, composed in her chair, fingers crossed. "You are, no doubt, probably curious as to what business I propose, so ladies and gentlemen, I shan’t waste your time. You are here because I need your help and equally, I offer you mine. All seven of us either share a common goal or our methods of operation could benefit one and another. What I propose we do, is something that I believe has never been done before, at least, not successfully. Ladies and gentlemen, imagine a combined force of all our ingenuity, our resources, helping one and another to achieve each of our goals. No-one would ever be able to stop us. Why? Because the media-hailed clowns, the so-called heroes do just that; they combine their strengths to weaken the efforts of you and I. Simply because we see the world differently, and our perspectives, our methods are frowned upon by the rest of civilisation; a civilisation that is built on evil and degenerating with darkness. Gentlemen, I propose that we form a real team, a league of righteous destroyers. L.O.R.D's over organized terror! Terror upon Paragon City, terror across the globe, until our goals are met."



Elizabeth raises an eye brow... Intrigued by the proposal... Still... did the woman really think she was not able to wipe out her enemies alone...

Anyway.. it would speed up the process working together. If the terms are right.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Adam smiled under his helmet as Hatesman came in. He was ever so entertaining when he was like this.
"He is ineffecient in this state, Adam"
"Yes, but the destruction he causes is far more unpredictable, and done with greater ferocity and intensity..." Adam thought to himself and his AI unit.
XV gave the mental equivalent of a shrug and closed the mental link. He brought his mind back into focus from half thoughts, half programs of melee based destroyers in his mind to listen to Pistol speak.

"Oh, what do you propose we do?" He quizzed.
"After all, we won't get much done without a plans..."

XV loaded up the folders with the thousands of nanite infections, nuclear bombarbment plans, and full scale invasions he'd planned, as he thought to himself.
"Ah, thanks" he said to the unit.



"An excellent question Adam" said Pistol, her Sicilian accent showing through the monotone voice. "I believe we aught to handle our operations one project at a time. Communicate on a daily basis through secure video networks, something I'm sure one of us can provide. We should meet together in person, once a month and keep our affiliations totally... totally... totally, secret. As for a plan, well to be honest I am currently bored to the bone and I ask your help for entertainment. In fact, this brings me to an interesting question, because to work together successfully we must bond, not just in cause, but in personality. Tell me, ladies and gentlemen, why you seek to terrorize, destroy, regenerate and then control the world? That is a vision we all share, no?"



Romanov did nothing more than observe the pantomime performance of Hatesman. With the exception of the Countess who stirred a little interest, he felt the company of armoured freaks, gangsters and escapees from the pages of a Penny Dreadful beneath him.

His first reaction to the proposal implied in Pistol’s word was offence. But the mind that had kept him alive and at the top of the food chain for most of his 133 years was already making connections and exploring possibilities. An opportunity to strengthen his play to take his rightful leadership of the League of Scoundrels. To see the righteous oaf Britanic and his witch of a wife dead without any of the messy consequences that murdering two high profile heroes would bring. Offence became intrigue.

He casually fingered the small silver eagle on his tie. Too soon to make his opening move, he prepared to listen to the response of the other guests.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Borealis felt his spirits sink at Pistol's first proposal? Common goals? No. Similar goals, yes. But it was not Borealis' goal to see Hatesman rule the world. Nor Romanov. Nor even the Countess. Oh, they could all happily align to destroy things, but before that was finished they would be bound to turn on each other.

And he had no reason to believe anyone sat at this table didn't realise the exact same thing. Was not already looking around and deciding which of their comrades they felt would need to die first. Perhaps even thinking ahead to how they'd get the others to assist or even kill for them.

Pointless. It would be more efficient to simply declare war on each other now while they had yet to learn each other's weaknesses, or to push each other into situations that might reveal them.

And yet...

Pistol was quite right that the Heroes advantage was precisely that they could cooperate. That their goals were not mutually exclusive. That heroes did not eventually have to turn on each other to leave only one.

Looking around the table, every mind here was brilliant. Perhaps not as brilliant and inventive as his own, of course. Even that crazy brute Hatesman had a deeply brilliant mind somewhere beneath the madness. Surely they might all have the same realization?

It was worth, just one more total break from tradition.

"Normally, Pistol, this is where we all look around, think to ourselves how we can use and later betray each other, and seal our own failure right at this opening moment." Borealis spoke, his voice soft yet with a compelling edge of a man who'd put thought into his words and would not lightly waste his own time speaking were it not worthwhile to listen.

He looked around the group, seeing which eyes were on him.

Borealis nodded, "Yes, I have the same thoughts. We all do. It is why we are the kind of people to be sat at this table. It is why we would be wasting our time to accept, because right at this moment even, before we have begun, we are already putting more thought to controlling and destroying each other, eventually, than to our real objectives."

He paused again, certain that they all knew this as surely as he did.

"And yet, we are each proud of our ability to plan masterful strategies to dominate the world. Have we therefore the intelligence and wisdom to find a way through? To finally honestly attain what none have attained before?"

He shook his head, "I honestly don't know."

"I don't think we need to determine whether we should work together. I think instead that if any of us are so certain of success alone, that they should walk out now with their haughty pride and prepare to face the others later"

"I think we instead look at finding a way to ensure that we can trust each other, even if by assured mutual destruction, and thus asserting the logic that it is better to share rulership of a whole world with a few who helped earn it, than to have ones pride and no rulership beyond what we have now"

"We all had our suspicions that a gathering such as this was for such a purpose. And we all came. But if we are merely going to condemn ourselves to the same old failures of a million brilliant - lesser of course, but still brilliant - criminal minds before us, we may as well walk out now."

He paused once more, for the next words would be a commitment never before given.

"I am prepared to break the mould. I am willing to sit here and admit that in all probablity, if I were able to dominate the world alone I would have already done so. Instead, I am willing to purchase my dominion of the world at the price of giving away an equal share of that world to each person here. And upon my honour, a word several of us here understand, I will deal honestly with those who feel the same"

"Eventually, of course we may turn on each other, still afflicted by the greatness in us that needs to dominate. But let us do so once we each have dominion of an entire portion of the world unchecked. If we must have our battle royale, then let us do that when we are rulers of nations."

Until then, a pact that we shall make no move against each other until no other threat remains. And a pact that we all turn as one on whichever of us has not the bravery and conviction to wait, destroying them utterly for their weakness"

Borealis sat back and sipped his wine.

The entire world hung on this small moment like some cosmic pivot. At this moment, the fate of the world might be decided, either with bloodshed at his daring to accuse them all of his own sins, or betrayal by those without the wit to defeat the trap of all their kind through history, or with the unthinkable - a genuine pact that would shake the very world and seal the destiny of all life upon it.



Hatesman glanced over at ORACLE, instantly she knew what to do, raising her arm in the air it shimmered and her hand dissolved around a metal frame. Needles of all shapes and sizes appeared.

Turning to all the others with just a hint of malice and spite it seemed for a second as if she were to strike at them, but instead she moved over to her master and injected him in the neck.

Hatesman doubled over and punched at the table cloth, holding it tightly in his grip.

"You will pay for that wench..." he growled ferociously using a voice that audibly shook the room, from somewhere deep within his blackened soul. The Android took a step backwards. Not in fear, but out of calculated precaution.

Hatesman quivered and shook for a moment as he breathed heavily in severe pain. Closing his eyes he slumped forwards in his chair.

"This time is not for Self-Destruction." he began anew, still slumped in his chair.

"For now, my beast slumbers, but I can't sustain such clarity for long..." he raised his head again, with a wry smile on his lips. "I'm sorry for my oafishness... I felt it might serve a purpose to carve me a place of power, but I can see now with this opening statement from Borealis that these tactics aren't welcome among such refined patrons."

ORACLE rematerialised her hand again, covering the needles in what appeared to be flesh. "Due to his condition, the Chief Architect can delude himself to the nature of variables in his logic."

"I believe that condition to be amplified human nature ORACLE. As Borealis has laid down, we can all delude ourselves when we are built of flesh, blood and grandeur.

"I agree with the man, this isn't a debate of our alleigance. I think that is a neccessity, it always has been and forever shall be!" finding himself growing in ferocity once again, Hatesman briefly hushed himself for several seconds to temper his inner fury.

Quietly he began again, "If we're all going to kill each other in the end, then we ought to start now and be done with it..." he said, pulling out his side-arm and extending the trio of metallic prongs outwards. "...for if we intend to work together, we must do so to the end."

Beads of persperation formed on Oswalds brow as he gazed around the room. The weapon was a tempting offer to his demon, who was furiously chomping at the iron bars of its cell to pull the trigger at the nearest bystander. His grip began to quiver slightly as his Logic and his Instinct battled for supremecy.


It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



"I don't know about you, but i have plans, and plans withing those plans set out to conquer most of this globe." Adam began.
"However, even after a month of dissapearing, and laying stronger roots, even after defeating Back Alley Brawler and Requiem, I feel I couldn't take the combined might of Paragons heroes.

What we all want the world for is of course, the power. As of yet, I know I know I don't have enough power to take the world on my own. Perhaps with time, but I fear... Certain enemies would prevent me from doing so."

He gave a few moments for his words to sink in.

"However, united, we hold the same advantage as the heroes do. Remember the Longbow raid onto the Rogue Isles in an attempt to retrieve those who had escaped when Arachnos first stole "Destined Ones" away?

They reclaimed a dozen, at most, because the villians that had escaped were desperate to preserve their freedom, and willingly co-operated. The Longbow organisation is at least as strong as many of this worlds Militaries, so, if a concentrated effort to preserve could defeat one of the biggest superpowers-and i mean that in the sense of concentration of metas, rather than, say, America or China-then I don't see why an effort to destroy wouldn't succeed as admirably. I am, personally, willing to make a large amount of compromises to gain such power.

If we must fight towards the end, I would be happy to, but, if we want a truly stable society, it would be unwise to do so. To fight among ourselves would promote political unrest, and would lead to us waging war on our own citizens.

I am willing to share rule, in order to keep it."



Calculating swiftly that with Pistol, who's proposal their aliance had begun with, they were now four in favour with only three left to speak their minds, Borealis began working on the logistical issues of the alliance.

Not that he relaxed yet. Romanov, Erebus, and the Countess were forces to be reckoned with, and arcane power, which he strongly suspected was the speciality of each, did not always fit with logic. Perhaps they might yet precipitate bloodshed this night. Still, logic said that whoever survived the next few minutes would be part of a hitherto unthinkable alliance. A league indeed... in a league of their own.

He might even feel humbled by such a moment, were he that sort of a man.



Alicia Barzini had sat completely still, analyzing the speech and reactions of the world's most wanted. She took a moment to enjoy the scene, how glorious it was that with just a simple and polite invitation, six mighty individuals could come together and discuss an alliance, one that would no doubt make history, and possibly change the world. Silently, she waited for the last two to share their own opinion.