Sisarose Mansion




Lunk smirks cockily "Would it perhaps be because you find anyone who isnt bellow you a threat? Perhaps you could answer my question... what exactly is it that the New Mafia does? So far i've seen beatings, rumours of protection rackets, and a hell of a lot of posturing. Yet nothing worthy of the major crime syndicate you claim to be."

He tilts his head back, and gestures with his palms upwards "so tell me... what is it you do? or is it all about thuggery, and wiping that shaved mongrel of your's nut-butter off your chin"



Succubus had been dispatched on bodyguarding orders from the Doc at the request of Ben.

The sound of her voice like that of a teenager, "i am NOT lumbering pile of metal."

She giggled like a schoolgirl when Lunk patted her leg, "I like you..." She ran a quick scan of the bodyguards assessing their capabilities quickly before turning her attention back to Pistol.

She couldn't help but giggle again at Lunks comment.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Completely disregarding the robot as pathetic artificial inteligence, Pistol continued with Big Lunk. "Lunk, you are an outsider to my family and so you will never see beyond the rumours. In all honesty, I do not think I can even entrust the truth onto you. If ever you learnt the true cause of the now so-called New Mafia or my position within the Gang and the rest of the syndicate, it will no doubt be the last thing that you do. So for your sake, don't dig too deep. And if this is a matter of superiority... between me and you, our positions can very easily be ascertained" said Pistol, her voice as cold as ice, yet her facial expressions remained as calm as the ventilated air-conditioning humming in the background. "I suggest we discuss the current state of affairs, I hope to reach a peaceful negotiation regarding Doctor Mechano and the pain his drugs have brought upon my home."



"It would appear that your sidestepping the question, but no matter, im sure the rumours that can arrise from not knowing are infinatly more entertaining than the truth ever can be"

He sits back, with his elbows resting on the chair's arms. and his clasped hands raised bellow his face.

"As for this business of Edward's... I can honestly not see where the problem lies. If Chronodyne was ever take off, it would prove most profitable, possibly even cutting a large chunk of the Superdyne market held by the Marcone Family. Edward contacted your organisation in the belief that your.... substancial manpower could provide him with the necessary resources to break it into the market. Something he failed to do on his own. And it was your sister's desicion to take up this contract."

With smile, Lunk tilts his head to one side
"Your sister is capable of thinking for herself, is she not?"



Succubus issued a low growl (think ED209)

"Don't you hurt my Edward it's not his fault your sister took him up on the offer, just like Ben says!" Succubus made a quick plan for any escape routes should it be needed. The easiest way would be to simple use her booster jets and fly through the roof, though carrying Lunk would mean her fuel cost doubled, he wasn't a light bloke.

Dual Plasma cannons and a flamethrower would make a mess of Pistols office even if it didn't take down any of her goons (i imagine a flamethrower would be far more effective in RP terms than ingame terms...but it's not going to go that far).

She rested one of her arms on Bens' shoulder. The cover still over the end of the plasma cannon so she obviously had no intention of firing.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Lunk pats the cannon sat on his shoulder
"Calm down, Succubus. we're guests here. We dont want this to decend into violence unless it has to"



She sighs.

"Very well then...since it's you asking..."

The hulking robot seemed to revert to a less aggressive stand, cannons down by her side, pointing at the ground.

If she could give a nasty glare, she would be giving one right now at Pistol.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Are you done?" Pistol remarked sarcastically at the agitated robot, before continuing with Big Lunk. "Let me make one thing very clear to you. Contrary to popular opinion, I am not the madman who would kill for sport or out of temper. I am not a murderer and neither am I a thief. In fact, I have never been the villain, merely a largely misunderstood hero, so when you bring drugs to my doorstep, you bring trouble. I would have both your doctor and my sister arrested and let the punishment be issued by the Rogue Isles Police, but frankly, I dont want to do that. I had hoped that instead, we could work something out between ourselves. But judging by the circles this meeting seems to be making, I doubt we'll get there. Let me know when you're done with the childish insults about my sister and are finally ready to talk. I have a call to take"

One of the guards crossed the room and handed Pistol her cellphone. She rose from her executive armshair and made to leave via a nearby room to answer the phonecall in private.



Lunk laughs loudly at the mention of Pistol being a Hero not waiting for her to finish.
"Clearly, Miss Barzini, you are quite, quite deranged"

He stands, picks up his handgun, pushing it back into his belt as he stands as Pistol leaves, and calls after her "I must say, I'm greatly disapointed. I come into your home, i insult you, and refuse to show you one iota of the respect you think you deserve. And yet you retain your calm. Far from the angry young woman I have previously encountered."

"Tony, Rex, Stand down" and a speed boat engine is heard fire up in the bay outside, and roar off into the distance.

With a quick tap of the comm button on his coat, he mumbles into his collar "Normaly, i would call an end to this right now, but you see, i've taken offence to that talking gorrila Axel. I do not take threats lightly, nor do appreciate the manner in which he spoke to my wife. Have him delivered into EVIL's custody, or this may escalate further."
Pulling a small orb from his pocket, he turns to Succubus "Now, do as Eddy told you"

"Have a pleasent evening, Alicia!" He calls out again, before pressing a button on the orb, teleporting out before the robot can begin its rampage



Instantaniously, Pistol made a gesture of her left hand and trapped the robot in an invisible oblong force field as powerful as an intergalactic vaccum. "I need information and you're going to give it to me" said Pistol, through gritted teeth. "Eagle, cancel all my appointments and postpone that phonecall"

((Things are getting heated. I suggest discussing character strengths, potentials and weaknesses, via PM?))



((Things are getting heated. I suggest discussing character strengths, potentials and weaknesses, via PM?))

[/ QUOTE ]
((PMing now (sorry on the delay, i had to pop down the bank)

Just shout with anything in particuler pistol would try and find out. Theres a 20kb text file with most of Lunk's info in it (part of the upshot of a 3 year old charector. Lots of bumph gets added whenever a question is answered)))



Succubus would have smirked if she could.

"Oh very nice...yes i've seen Edward use the same type of thing to pin people down...takes a lot out of him and it never seems to last does it...especially when there's force involved in trying to break it...or there's something else or your mind...i did prepare for such a problem of course"

There was a roar of thruster engines as two large somethings burst through the walls.

"You called Succubus?" The sound of an old matron the protector bot known as Gizelda. Followed closely behind by the other known as Arhnuld.

Smashing through the window (if there is one, or the wall if there isn't) three smaller shapes appeared and landed, the docs three smaller robots.

All of them turned to Pistol.

"Aggressive mode initiated," spoken as one voice as they pointed their armaments pointed at Pistol...before shifting to the goons and general office and began firing.

Succubus knew their arrival would herald a distraction and hopefully provide her enough time to start her own little fun.

((heh read the PM you sent me altered the post)).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Pistol rubbed her eyebrows, slightly annoyed at the mess the machines were making.

"Note to self, never lower the shield around the mansion"

One hand holding the Succubus imprisoned, Pistol reached out the other towards the robots, using her energy to vibrate thier molecules to the point of implosion. With one fell motion of her hand, she threw the minion out through the holes in the walls. Simultaneously fixing the bricks, cement and interior wallpapering back into place.

An invisible force field shielded the mansion entire as Pistol slowly began to crush the succubus's steel exterior, within her detention field.

"You wont understand pain, but I'm sure you'd mind being damaged" said Pistol, through gritted teeth. "No more fancy tricks, I have five questions and I want answers, you understand me? First question; Doctor Mechano built you, am I correct?"



Succubus knew she wasn't going to survive this.

"I'm not answering any of your questions Miss, far from it...i'd rather be destroyed than tell you a matter of fact..."

She paused.

"Self-destruct initiated...of course i'm not going to leave behind the mess i would have hoped but thankfully being an AI i could do something you humans cannot...exist in several places at once...good bye Miss Pistol..."

Inside the detention bubble there was a brief and bright flash, once it faded there was nothing left.

In a lab somewhere on the Isles.

"Hmm my own signal appears to be cut off Edward...the self destruct was initiated..."

a Carbon copy of her old body powered up as she transmitted a copy of her personality into it.

"She seems to be a pretty powerful lady that Pistol..."

"Yes quite right..." both the copy of Succubus in her new body and the one remaining within the mainframe, "now if you don't mind, my disembodied self is off to cruise the information highway...look after him."

"You know i will..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Pistol sighed, disappointed in the way things had gone. Suddenly, a deep voice carrying an African-American accent echoed from a nearby corner in the room.

"Like I said boss, a real brute knows another brute" said Axel, emerging from a camouflaged force field.

"Okay fine, you were right. But I am going to the Ball on business, you and Lunk can settle your scores elsewhere" Pistol exclaimed.

"Not a problem Alicia. Just give me and the boys the go-ahead and we'll do our thing, I promise I wont even look in your direction. Besides, me and the boys are looking for some new guns too" said Axel, smirking.



Edward arrived at the mansion, looking about.

Trouble was, Edward had a little 'accident' last night while fiddling about with the arcane and didn't look much like Edward at all.

While he was youthful, which was a boon, he had long black hair and light red skin. Short black horns protruding from his forehead and large black demonic wings folded against his back, he'd had to cut a hole in his cargo trousers to make room for the nice new demonic tail, which he still wasn't use to being there.

"Suppose this is what i get for messing with the Arcane when i'm a man of science...really shouldn't have tried that spell.."

He buzzed on the intercomm, "Tell the Godmother that the Doc is here to see her, unarmed and unaccompanied," he doubted she would recognise him...but that was a boon.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Falcon Blitz recieved the message over the intercom and beconed for the enforcers to go downstairs and escort the Doc up to the Office, where she sat waiting.



he noted the odd looks from the thugs as he shook his head, "yes I'm the Doc...don't ask what happened..." He followed them up to the office. He was giving off a strange smouldering heat haze, he guessed it came with the new look, his tail swishing backwards and forwards.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Two guards outside the Office said something into their comms and the door slowly opened, one enforcer steped out and ushered Doctor Edward into the room.

The soulless remains of Sicilia Barzini sat rigid at her sister's desk, no expressions or emotion greeted the Doctor has he entered, Sicilia was completely empty of heart.

"You look diferent Doctor" she uttered, looking so pale she resembled a black and white motion picture.



sighs, " arcane ritual gone awry, shouldn't have jumped into it without learning the ropes i'm young, red and demonic."

He coughed, "erm...about last night Falcon...what actually happened...i mean i'm not the only one looking different around here..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Doctor, in some ways you freed me last night from the grasp of an evil spirit. I believe you met Madrilene Potter. She is a witch, ten centuries old and hungry for eternal youth. Years ago when my sister and I graduated from university, Madrilene attacked me but Alicia came to my rescue. For selfish reasons, I actually welcomed Madrilene into my soul later that same week. What I didnt know is that our souls would be merged together forever and if ever she escaped my body, I would just die."

Sicilia focused her ghostly gaze onto the Doctor, making sure he was listening to what she was about to say. "I died last night because you gave Madrilene reason to leave my body. In fact, Madrilene has been dormant for ten years until your proposition of Chronodyne. Sicilia Barzini would never have dared to cross her sister and meddle with drugs. I never did such thing. It was all Madril's doing. She's possesed me for the past four weeks hungry for some way to get your youth formula. And now you've given it to her." Sicilia paused for a second, making sure her words were sinking in. "If I were't void of emotions, I would be crying along with my sister. Because technically, I'm dead. Dead. Just dead. One of your agents did some magic or something and now, I'm just a zombie. A re-animated corpse. Why? I would have been better of dead! I mean, what am I going to do now? My sister is going to kill you! Right now she is crying her eyes out to blood and she's looking for somebody to blame!"



Edward sighed, "i didn't know what was going on alright, yes Pistol has got more reason than any before to come after me..." he paused a second, "perhaps i could make things right need a soul yes, something that lets you feel emotions, that lets you feel alive, well.."

He flexes his wings alittle.

"I may be Edward Johnson...the crazy scientist but now i am also a monster, i killed four people last night, drained the very souls from their bodies, just because i felt like i had to, this new found power obviously comes with a heavy price..."

He stared at her, "You need a soul do you not? I am quite capable of giving you one, it may be second hand and not your own soul but that is neither here not is a soul none the less, you would be able to feel emotions again...and since this is all my fault there of course is no price attached...if you do not wish it then so be it..."

he slowly stood up, "we both lost something that made us human last've got a chance to be that way again...i'm not even sure they'll be able to reverse what's happened to me..."

"The offer is there Falcon..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Five minutes earlier...

The notorious mafia boss laid curled up in a fetus on her queen-sized bed, crying her heart out. She sobbed and screamed and kicked at herself. Her ex-husband had spent the night with her to keep her company. Mob boss Axel Hunter who knew his ex-wife more than anybody else, save her own twin sister. Axel simply knelt by the bed, stroking Alicis's long orange-dyed hair.

"Everything will be okay Alicia, please just stop crying and get some f**king sleep already. Its already noon and you've kept me up all night... there I am thinking I was getting some action for consoling you, ya know?" Axel mumbled to himself, getting up to park his giant backside on the bed. Alicia wiped her eyes for the hundredth time and climbed out of the bed, her silk light-pink nightgown hung across her bare shoulders by a single strap, the other hung loosely by her left arm.

"Babes, you might wanna pull up your strap, you're showing a little" Axel grumbled, but Alicia just collapsed onto her knees, crying out a new flood of tears.

"Axel, she's f**king dead. She's just dead... I mean that thing walking around in the house is NOT my sister. Its an empty void, a f**king zombie Axel, a walking corpse. My sister's dead... she's dead" Alicia sobbed, wailing greater than ever, she seemed to shudder in her sobbing, suffercating herself as she cried. Axel couldn't bare the sight anymore. All night he had done all he could to cheer her up, but she was clearly long gone.

"I'm sure they can sort something out. You can't really blame the Doctor, I mean he's actually a decent guy, how was he suposed to know?" said Axel, quickly regeting his words as the woman came charging at him.

"What are you saying? What, you think this is my fault then? Am I to be blamed?" she screamed, towering over her ex-husband.

"Alicia, you need to calm down abit, I was just stating the obvious here" he argued.

"You're gonna take his side. I can't believe this!"

"Look, Sicilia accepted the witch into her soul; now the witch possessed her for like a whole f**king week, Sicilia confessed so herself, remember?"

"My SISTER has the freedom to make her own decisions, okay?! Madril has been dormant for ten f**king years, while Sicilia had power, real f**king power." Alicia screamed, pacing across the room in an attept to calm down. "But what would you know about power you bald headed lumbering pile of idiocy, you're f**king pathetic, you know that? I can't believe you're taking his side on this; never take sides against the family. You knew that when you married me."

"Oh dont pull that old-school bull**it on me Alicia" argued Axel, pulling on his trouser amd boots. "You know something, truth is, you Sicilians are the same; crazy motherf***ers. Hit this, hit that, send him down with the fishes... Good thing I did f**king leave you, you've always treated me like a f**king idiot."

Alicia stood rigid at the foot of the bed, she was vexing on the insult Axel had just made, they seldom argued but never had Axel made an insult at her.

"You know what, get out of my house"

"Duh, you see me pulling on my boots dont you?"

The intercom buzzed and the Doctor's voice is heard from the comms in the bedroom.

"Looks like the Doc is here" said Axel, stating the obvious.

Alicia took a moment to take in the situation, the opportunity didn't pass on her, she wiped her face to clear the spots in her eyes and headed for the bedside drawer.

"What do you think you're doing?" said Axel, a look of terror drawn on his face. He watched Alicia produce an oversized Mark XIX Desert Eagle, gold plated, she unclipped the magazines with fluid motion, checked for bullets and clipped the mag back in, cocking the gun ready for use.

"Alicia, come on what are going to do with that?" said Axel.

"The Docs here" she said, a frighteningly lunactic expression on her face. She stood there, gun in hand and half a breast expossed in her unhung nightgown, she looked like a mad woman on the verge of suicide.

"Oh come on, you can't just kill him. Its not you, you're so hung up on the time you shot Don Cordini, you couldn't even finish off that punk hero Coile. Alicia, you couldn't hurt a fly, come on gimme the gun"

Without warning, Alicia rendered an invisible bolt of force directly at Axel, so powerful it knocked him through the bedroom walls. He laid crumpled outside in the hallway, knocked out cold. Her guards posted at the doors came running in, saw the burning fury in their boss's eyes and simply ran back out.

Another bolt of force broke open another hole in the opposite side of the bedroom, Alicia cat-walked through the hole and headed towards her office.

((sent you a PM mechano))



The idea of living off someone else's soul, somebody else's essense, thier person, thier spiritual identity revolted Sicilia. If her muscles could enact emotion, she would appear disgusted by the thought alone. She opened her mouth to respond to the Doctor's proposition but was rendered speechless by the explosion of bricks and debris which ushered in her enraged sister.



as the door exploded Edward turned to see Pistol in all her raging glory.

"Pistol what the hell are you doing?"

He quickly got to his feet and glared at her.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!