Sisarose Mansion




Alicia's Fury - Monday 28th, Mid-Afternoon.

[Rated unsuitable for children under the age of 15. Story contains strong language and moderate violence.]


Alicia made her way down two corridors and blasted a path through two bedrooms and an upstairs kitched before arriving outside her office. She aimed her handgun and fired six rapid shots at the door. The bullets seemed to slow down to a crawl as each exited the barrel and began vibrating to the point of implosion. With an aggressive wave of her right arm, Alicia sent the six fragile bullets whirling at the door at the speed of light. Upon contact with the wall, the bullets exploded like a pack of dynamite, causing a gaping hole through the office's front wall, the carpets caught fire and quickly began spreading around the room.

In her fury, Alicia failed to register the fire. The only thing in her line of focus was the Doctor in his mutated demonic form. "MECHANO!" she bellowed, her face contorted with rage.

"Pistol, what the hell are you doing?" he uttered, rushing to his feet.

Without regard to what was said, Alicia charged at him, raised her left arm and trapped the man in a field of impenerable force. With an aggressive wave of her right arm, she threw the doctor against a side wall, so powerful was the push that it left cracks through the brickwork.

"Give me a reason Mechano, give me one good reason not to kill you right now!" she murmured, tears flooding her face. In her peripheral vision, she noticed the animated corpse of her twin sister stood transfixed, whether by shock of the carnage or for loss of emotion. "GIVE ME ONE F**KING REASON!" she screamed, leveling her handgun up to the Doctor. Her mind was racing uncontrolably, her arm was unstable, she began to rock backwards and forwards, her nightgown flaring dangerously close to the burning carpet. She continued muttering to herself "I'm holding you responsible for this Mechano, and I should just f**king kill you. I should just f**king... look what you've done... just... just look at her, LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO HER!"



He found himself pinned inside the bubble and looked at Pistol.

"I didn't know this way going to happen. I can help her Pistol...i can help her get a soul, i can make her what she once was...look at me Pistol, look at what i've become..."

For once he could feel his own heat, trapped inside the bubble, his image shimmering as if he was surrounded by heat haze, the fire Pistol had started hadn't helped.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Alicia chuckled in her madness. "Help her get a soul... thats funny. Thats a good one Doc... I can get a new sister, just like shopping for a new barbie doll right? Slap in a voice machine and we're good to go, right? Right Doc?" said Alicia, smiling at her sister, then back at the Doc. Suddenly, the smile vanished. "WHAT THE F**K do you take me for?"

With another violent push, Alicia slammed the doctor across the room, pinning him onto the opposite wall. With her energy, she forced the man's neck inwards, squeezing away his breath and essentially strangling him until his red demonic skin broke sweat.



He gasped for air.

"I'm..only to hel..p"

He moved his hand down to his wrist and pressed a single button. He may have come into the building unaccompanied but he had not made the trip here alone. His bots smashed through the walls and windows, taking up defensive positions quickly.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The sound of broken glass and bricks woke Alicia from her fury, for the first time she processed what was happening around her. "What the f**k is this? You brought your toys to burn down my house? Trying to kill me, too? You realize I can pull your f**king eyes out of their f**king sockets without so much as touching you? I swear to god any fancy moves and I'll push your heart right out of your [censored] chest!"

Responding to protocol, Alicia's enforcers piled into the room and leveled thier uzi's at the beeping robots. The machines lined up on one side of the room, and the hitmen seemed to position themselves adjacent, Pistol stood in the centre of the room holding Mechano high on wall. The zombie Sicilia stood transfixed in a corner, watching the situation unfold.



He smiled, "I'm a monster Pistol but i never meant to hurt your sister...let me go and we'll settle this once and for all ..."

He awaited to see what happened, perhaps she would take him up on this offer, who knows, but it would be interesting finding out.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"You bring drugs into my home, insult my intelligence, embarass me in front of my allies, you disrespected me and brought shame to my family. Then, after apologizing, for a SECOND time, at the Mercenaries Ball, you sold Chronodyne to my sister. No, in fact, you sold the youth formula to my sister's symbiote. You practically killed her. Now, if you were me, what would you really do?"



Grins, "oh i'd get mad...which is why i'm saying we settle this once and for all, you have your men, i have my helpers," he looked about the office a moment. A flash burst around his hands as he threw down his Dispertion field, "let's get this over with..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Alicia held her handgun poised at the Doc, but in her mind, she was unstable. Hearing the man declare a challenge genuinely made her pity him. Memories of the day she murdered her own mother in a fit of rage, flashed before her eyes like a black and white motion picture. She remembered killing the mafia boss Don Cordini only to then rise to power herself. She sighed and lowered her gun. With a single wave of her hand, the Doctor was thrown clear across the room, into his own line of machines, freed from the detention bubble. She shot a look towards her enforcers, and mouthed an order, taking position behind the line of fire. "Waste him"



The Doc growled, "open fire," The bots were fairing well enough, blasting away at anything that move, it would have been an interesting fight to watch two people in control of Forcefields...though through different means, the place would have pulsed with energy.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Elsewhere, Axel came to. He staggered a little trying to get up to his feet but eventually fought off the disorient. Slowly making his way back into the bedroom, he reached into his leather jacket and produced a syringe labeled 'R-Type Dyne'. It was the drug the Doc had sold him the previous night, at the Mercenaries Ball, free of charge. Without hesitation, he jabed himself with the needle and emptied the whole tube into his veins. Almost instantly, his feet turned to stone.

"Holy mother of Je***!" he muttered. "What the f**k is this sh*t? God damn it... DOC!" he screamed, lumbering through the building, heading directly to the office. He thought he heard lasers being fired and looked to see fire spreading from the room. Alicia stood by the doorway, shielded in her force fields along with a handful of enforcers. He barged his way in just as rocks protruded from his shoulders.

"DOC, what the heck is this sh*t? I said I wanted to be invulnerable; as hard as a rock... but not LITERALLY! I want a f**king refund! Quit shooting at the boss and get this sh*t off me, please!"



Growls, "heh...R-Type D...Rock enhancement type Dyne...a man of intellgience knows there is more than one way to strike at an organisation than violence...oh...i should have told's highly addictive...just like regular dyne...who know my experimentations would have paid of...oh don't worry Axel, it'll wear off soon enough"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



If there was anything worse than Alicia in her fury, it would be Axel in his.

In the midst of fire, the Doctor laughed and bellowed across the room. "R-Type D... Rock Enhancement type Dyne... a man of intellgience knows there is more than one way to strike at an organisation than violence... oh... I should have told you, it's highly addictive... just like regular Dyne... who would have known my experimentations would have paid of so well... oh, don't worry Axel, it'll wear off soon enough."

With impressive speed, the brute charged across the room, straight for the Doctor. Bullets ripped through the air and deflected off invisible shields of vector force, lasers penetrated particles in the air only to be stopped by more walls of impenetrable shields of force. One robot finally took damage as a bullet ripped through the Doctor's defenses and dismantled an arm belonging to the machine.

All the while, the room engulfed in flames, wallpapers tore and fell, burnt to charcoal black. Suddenly, Axel was hit with a weak bubble of force, aimed to entrap him but he merely broke it with the greater force of his momentum. Reaching the Doctor, Azel swung his giant fist in an arc over his shoulder and brought it down and over, connecting a nasty uppercut to the Doctor's jaw.



The Doc was sent reeling...he hadn't expected the big man to move so fast, he had expected his detention field to hold the brute in place. He sailed through the air and landed on his back...wincing and groaning.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Reload" said one of the enforcers, and the team reloaded their uzi's in unison. "Aim... fire!" The sound of gunfire echoing in the office was like a heavy rainstorm, the flashes of light as bullet after bullet burst from its barrels lit the room entire like a bolt of lightening. Axel had knocked out the Doc in a series of blows and now his force fields were down. A hundred and one bullets ripped the exposed machines apart like a piece of modern art. Bits of metal and computer chips flew across the room and one after another the robots shut down, punctuated by the loud clung of the falling Succubus.

Alicia took her time crossing the room and taking a victorious posture over Mechano's frame. She held her gold plated Desert Eagle to his head as she had done to the hero Coile and pondered on ending his miserable life.

"It'd be so easy Mechano, just the pull of a trigger and never again would I worry about who killed my sister" she whispered coldly. She wanted her words to haunt this man for the rest of his afterlife. "I'll ask you again, give me one good reason not to kill you"



*his eyes flickered open slowly...a smirk spreading across his lips, "Don't...become...a" The robots already had bodies which they were no doubt downloading copies of their own intellgience into at this moment.

He looked straight up at her, "there's a monster in everyone it seems," he gave a smile.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Alicia watched the Doctor without sympathy. The ways she saw it, he was not truly remorseful for what he had done, he didnt have the heart, not could he physically understand the pain she was going through. He was merely trying to undo his mistakes to feel better about himself and his stupid experiments. She sighed, observing the man's absurdly odd appearance, huge demonic wings, red skin and baby horns. She rolled her eyes and lowered her gun.

"Put out the fire" she ordered her enforcers "and get this mess cleaned up. I'll fix the walls myself. As for this pathetic clump of dead brain cells..." a gesture of her hand and the Doc was pushed across the room by a sudden bolt of invisible force, out of a nearby hole in the wall and into the waters of the ocean surrounding the island. "...he'll be sleeping with the fishes"



he landed with a splash in the river....his Wrist comm still active and flashing. Heavy metal footsteps dulled in the water as a lumbering hulk came to him and took hold of him, bring him to the surface and out the water with a blast of booster rockets.

Later, He crouched down on the ledge of one of the towering skycrapers in Aeon city....

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



(( *claps* Very nicely done. ))

Meanwhile, in the Grandville slums, a thick green gas slowly came from a shack as Spruk frenzied into the night with the corpse of a very unlucky passer by. Many screams were heard earlier which came from the young woman who offered Spruk a drink, but sadly no-one dared answer them.

The door broke off as Spruk opened it, various blood splatters across his leather uniform made the local bums run and hide. With a satisfied look in his eyes, he staggered off and disappeared down a nearby sewer for return to the mansion.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



-------------------- INDEX --------------------

Chapter One: Ziggursky Penitentiary - Pages 1 to 3

Featuring the Wolfmother; Skull Biker; Cruise Control; Danger Baby; Hatespawn; Mob Mentality; Spruk; Lady Blitz; Tommy Furr and the notorious Pistol. In this chapter we are introduced to the founding members of the underground criminal syndicate known only as 'the Gang'

Chapter Two: Prisonbreak - Pages 3 to 15

Featuring the Wolfmother; Skull Biker; Cruise Control; Danger Baby; Hatespawn; Mob Mentality; Spruk; Lady Blitz; Tommy Furr, Pistol, Shift, Mugshot, MaX, Bonnot, Silent Creeper, Zurd and the hilarious Mr. Jingles. In this chapter, we see the Gang battle members of the Freedom Phalanx to escape the high security prison, aided by Arachnos.

Chapter Three: Underground Sewers - Pages 15 to 18

Starring Mugshot, Skull Biker, Pistol, Spruk, Zurd, Bonnot and the infamous Tommy Furr. In this chapter, we follow the lives of some of the crimelords in the syndicate after fleeing from the Ziggursky Penitentiary, to the Rogue Isles.

Chapter Four: Sionis and the Circle of Thorns - Page 18

Starring the notorious Pistol and introducing Sionis. This chapter tells of the recruitment of the infamous criminal mastermind, Sionis into the Syndicate.

Chapter Five: Punishing the Mole, The Assasination Ring, Gun Kata - Page 18

A chapter of three parts, starring the murderous Spruk and the notorious Pistol on a typical day of betrayal, vengeance and blood-soaked violence.

Chapter Six: Hatesman and the Terra Liberation Front - Pages 18 to 20

This chapter stars the venomous Spruk, Pistol and her twin sister the Falcon Blitz. Featuring the Hatesman, who is invited to the Scisarose Mansion after his proposal of anarchy and social discord upon the world.

Chapter Seven: The Long Halloween - Pages 20 to 22

The chapter tells of Sionis's origin and his plot against an old nemesis and the New Mafia's rival family, the Marcone. Featuring Sionis, Pistol and the Falcon Blitz.

Chapter Eight: Brawling the Brawler - Page 22

The Falcon Blitz and the Cross Fist gang rush to the aid of fellow criminal mastermind, the venomous Spruk on an assignment to capture the ex-member of the Freedom Phalanx: the Backalley Brawler.

Chapter Nine: Assasin - Page 22

Starring Mob Mentality, the notorious Pistol and introducing the infamous Bunji. The assasin is invited for dinner at the Scisarose Mansion concerning an impending threat to the New Mafia.

Chapter Ten: Chronodyne - Pages 23 to 27

Life as we know it at the Scisarose Mansion just got shot twice in the chest, stabbed in the back and dumped in a dark alley, metaphorically speaking. This long chapter brings a new saga of betrayal, loss and the usual blood and gore. Introducing Big Lunk and Doctor Mechano of the European Villainous Immorality League, the Falcon Blitz and Axel Hunter co-star with the notorious Pistol in this intense drama of drugs, guns and extreme profanity. The mafia boss, known for her patience and tolerance is pushed to her limits after her sister gets involved with experimental drugs.




A knock rattles Don Barzini's office door.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



The door opens to reveal two enforcers dressed in black trenchcoats, armed to the teeth with live ammunition. They usher in the captured intruder as they prepare to exit.

At the desk, the executive chair faces away from the door, looking out through the open window.



The man stumbles in and falls to his knees, hands tied behind his back, he keeps his head low and defeated. A burgundy red Duster covers his entire face, matching the colour of his smart trousers.

One of the Enforcers holds up an Assassin's Claw-Glove, signalling that the intruder has been disarmed.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



"Vincent Zampelli" came to deep voice of the mob boss Axel Hunter from behind the chair. "Distant cousin of the Barzini, I'm going to ask you one question and you're going to answer me, understood?" said Axel, exiting the chair and walking across the room to tower above the intruder. He looked half respectable in his all-white pimp suit, matching full-length fur-collared coat, a fashionable walking stick encrusted with diamonds that caused a blinding sparkle together with the pieces of silver and white gold hanging from his neck and wrist.



Vincent Zampelli

Vincent looked up at Axel with arrogance, behind his round amber tinted glasses, his eyes barely fixed on the man before him. Lifting his head, revealed from beneath the duster a torso covered in dense tattoo's of all shapes and styles. A closer examination of his skin would reveal surgical scars running along the lines and contours of the tattoo's, the paint that hid the purpose.

"Understood." he said with an unmistakable Italian-American accent. His voice-tone cold but co-operative.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.