Sisarose Mansion




As usual, everyday at 4pm sharp, Spruk got his medication. Bobby had the duties to give it to him. For the last two year, Spruk has been there, not moving, never speaking, hardly thinking. He had his medication via a drip, this way he didn't have to move, at all. If he was made to move, he would have a fit and attack anybody nearby. He never moved. Not for two, long years.

Bobby came up to the cell door, opened it and showed the medication before entering, "Hey there, it's time for your special stuff." He always said that, every single day he came. But this time, somthing was different, it wasn't Bobby, it was Spruk, he way laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, humming away as if nothing was happening.

Bobby looked around the room, "David?" Spruk quickly jumped infront of Bobby and screeched loud enough to be heard several blocks down "Spruk! My name is Spruk!"

Bobby stood there, in silence and open mouthed. He slowly stepped backwards through the cell door, but quickly did Spruk's medication and ran off, slamming the cell door. Spruk stood there in the dark, muttering something, something like "It has begun."

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Lady Blitz:Cell Block H

Blitz sat in her cell,staring at the dirt ridden walls,moving her vision over to the door. ''Fools,i'll kill you personally when I get out of here!'' She shouted,snarling and leaping up to the door,slamming her body against it.

Sighing deeply,she slumped herself against the door,staring at her feet. ''I WILL get out of here...I WILL....I will....''



Not a qoute! It's just a disclaimer! i never did any of this RP stuff before so if i mees things up or something dont hold it against me!

[/ QUOTE ]
In his cell, down the hall from Mob Mentality, Tommy was pacing his cell like the caged animal he now was.
Well it wasn't like he had a great deal of patience before the Crey bastards turned him into this half-bread.
The nosy reporter hadn't made things easier either.
He needed to get out. Any means necessary.
If only they wouldnt clip his claws on a daily basis, then he would be able to tinker with his 'creations' a bit to keep his mind busy.
"Eat your hart out McGyver!" He thought "And if i ever see you i will.."
He had gotten word of his imprisonement out to his boys last week, but [censored] was taking to long.
They should have come for him by now.
That little [censored] tony had probably mussled in on his turf. He'd show him.
Not kill him, but hurt him enough to make him regret, thoroughly.
"I should have made some 'friends' in here..." he growled to himself, still pacing up and down his cell.



Really nice writing everyone. This is fun!

What dya say we crank it up a bit?

You know.. overthrow the Zig, take control of the prison, blow stuff up and go on a mad frenzy prior to i7.

That was retorical by the way.. Hatespawn's already kicked down his cell. lol. Should be interesting to see how the gang meets and forms.

Act One : Scene Two : Prisonbreak

[A young punk stood over Pistol in her sleep. She stirs awake.]

"Hawk! What.. how.. when?"

"Good to see you boss. Three words. Lord Recluse and teleport. He wants you by his side."

"Well of course he does" said Pistol, with great confidence.

"Er, boss.. the cell gate.. I dont have a gun."

"I've missed you kid. Where's your brother? Raptor?"

"Recluse.. he erm, he's holding the crew hostage."

"What? How dare he? Why.. wait. Insurance, right?"

"Yeah. We have no choice but to go to him. He promises to release Dragon and Falcon the closer we get."

"Well then. Lets get outta here" she smiled.

[It took an immense ammount of effort, but Pistol fought the drug used to nullify her powers. Her eyes flashed blue, then red, then back to white. Her iris returned and Pistol was reborn.]

"Outside, in the hallway. There is a magnum attached to the ceiling, can you see it?"

"Yes boss."

"Get ready to catch it"

[With that, Pistol projected a massive bolt of sheer force. It deflected off the wall adjacent and knocked the pistol into the cell.]



ok here goes. I'm throwing EVERYBODY in the deep end of the pool. (or atleast i'll try to )
Tommy rose from his cot. A strange smell had risen to his nostrils.
It was far from visting hours (as if anybody here would get visitors) so something nasty was probably going down.
As he tried to identify the new smell he realised there was someone with that hot looking dame up in H.
He'd recognize her smell anywhere; It was a smell he'd used for sex a couple of times.
Then the shouting started, followed closely by the shooting.
The smell of gunpowder mixed with the smell of fear and something he hadn't smelled in quite some time now: Adrenaline.
Putting two and two together Tommy realised that people were breaking out.
As in more then one. The [censored] was probably busting some of her lackeys out too.
[Tommy holds cell-bars and tries to push himself through to get a better look]
In the distance he could see Mob Mentality using his little mirror to do the same.
Realising that the escapees would probably come through his cell block to get to freedom he steadied himself.
It was now or never.
Using sheer willpower and his feline teeth he managed to get out of his shakles and tried to bend the bars if his cell door.
It was of no use. The idiots who build this hellhole sure new how to build a reinforced cell.
Suddenly there was dust every where.
The loathsome creature people referred to as 'the demon' had
just busted through the floor outside his cell door.
"take me with you!" Tommy screamed "I need to get out if here! I can help you!"
The being known as Hatespawn merely looked at him and laughed.
ok this is all for now, sorry if i messed up your plans Hatespawn!
As for the rest of you: I was going to include you but i realised that would that probably ruin some of your fun.
See you all soon!
Inmate TF270481 a.k.a Tommy Furr a.k.a Tommy Fangs a.k.a The Man-Eater
"I know you're ugly now, but just wait till i'm done with ya!"



((It's fine ))

Hatespawn ground to a halt. Looking Tommy up and down he grinned.

"And exactly what do you think you can do for me little man?"



right, not a big roleplayer myself, but this looks fun, im gonna try


Cell Block R: Isolation Wing

[Shift is lying in his cell. Still thinking how stupid it was to rob that bank when he knew the chance of him being ratted out where big.]

[A few of the guards are talking to eachother, Shift is trying to make out what they were saying]

"Hey Walter, whats this thing going on over up in Block H?"

"Dunno Jack"

[Guard sips his coffee]

[Phone Rings]

"This is Guard Walter"
"Y-Y-Y-Y-es Sir!"

"What's up Walt?"

"They're breaking out....."

"We have to make sure that they don't spread through the wings, looks like block H has already been compromised"

Interesting, looks like Pistol finally set her little plan into motion, i gotta find a way to get to her and join the rest."

[Shift takes a quick feel under his bed, feeling if he's still got got that 1 flashbang bomb, jup, its still there]

"Hey guard!"
"Yo Guard!!!"

"Shut it inmate, you're in isolation, you aren't allowed to talk!"

"Come over here a second please guard."


[Guard walks up to Shift's Cell]


"What do you want now Shift?"

"Just your keys"

"Heh, funny.."

[Guard leans against the bars of Shifts cell]

Double idiot....

[In an instant Shift throws the flashbang and grabs the Guards arms. He delivers a swift blow and the guard knocks out]

"What's going on over there???"

[Shift quickly grabs the keys and opens his cell door]

"Hey, what you doing???"

[A soft "thomp" sounds]

And thats 2
Right, lets head over to Block H.

Just used the format you guys do, hope you like it

edit: My name in speaking will be Shift btw, Mk II is just added because some [self-censored] alrady took my name on union :P

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



((lol, nice one Shift, you've laid that out better than most transcripts i've seen ))



(( Hehe, thanks, i kind of pictured it as a movie, so i guess the detail just came with that :P))

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



Tommy: I know you're ugly now, but just wait till i'm done with ya!

Zomfg Kingwill! Lets have that as the phrase! Its awesome!

Guard: What do you want now Shift?

Shift: Just your keys

Loved it.

Okay. My turn.

[After several rounds of gunfire, the reinforced gate finally fell with a mighty roar. Dust clouded the corridors, Hawk held up his pistol and rolled out of the cell opening fire to two running guards.]

"Coast is clear boss"

[Suddenly, Hawk is shot square in the chest. The shotgun sent him flying across the dusty floor.]

"Collateral" said Pistol, as she stepped majestically across the threshold.

"Freeze!" came a guard.

"Stay where you are Alicia!" came another, a handgun raised directly at Pistol's head.

[She remained ever so calm, as though through the smoke, she'd seen the man, clothed in orange..]

"Hit me. I dare you"



(( Glad you liked it ))

[Shift reached Block H after a few minutes of walking, he knew this prison like the back of his hand after being in this rotten place for 4 Years. Arriving in Block H, he saw Pistol cornerd by a few guards.]

[2 Shots sounded]


"Looked like you could use a hand there."

[Pistol smiles]

"Trying to break out without me? I was only gone for 2 weeks to solitairy. And we all know who's fault THAT was."

[Pistol looks towards Shift and raises an eyebrow]

"So, mind if i join in?"

"I'm not sure where my crew is, haven't had contact with them in a while. But as long as i got this guards rifle, and a bow and some arrows, i should be a usefull asset to your cause."

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



"Someone's sounded the alarm. Lead me to Biker, then Mob. Know where they are?"



"Think i saw Mob over there on the way, not seen Biker yet though"

"You happen to have anything that looks like a bow inhere? I managed to make some net arrows, but couldnt find the material for a bow"

[Pistol nods into her cell]

"Right, knew you'd have one inhere."

[Pistol smiles]

[4 Guards come rushing in]


God i wish i had Ice powers now"

[Shift swiftly fires a few of his net arrows pinning the guards to the ground]

"Good boy, now stay down!"

"Lets go Pistol"

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



As Shift and Pistol emerge from the cell, two more guards come flying past them.

"Whaaaaaaa......" One guard catches between some steel stairs, snapping his neck like a ragdoll. The second guard climbs back to his feet. Quickly looking around, the guard runs in the opposite direction to where he came from. Beneath his feet a patch of what looks to be oil spreads around him. Within seconds, the oil covers the guard, moving up his body and filling his mouth. Through muffled screams his body spasms under the strange substance. Slowly it drips back off of his body, revealing a now fleshless skeleton beneath.

Pistol and Shift look at each other, a little disturbed by what they've just seen. In a flash, the substance becomes translucent and almost screams on a psychic level, mimicing the last cries of the guard it insnared. As they look down into the pool a large cloven hoof drops into it. Hatespawn stands there, absorbing the substance into his body. His muscles begin to fill and his body cracks with bones re-aligning.

"Mmmmmm, now that feels gooooood..." Hatespawn turns to look at the two escapees in the cell. "What? Want the address of my tailor? We've got a chance to get out of here, and i'm sure not hanging around. So you gonna help or just stand there?"



"God damn it, she's only been in here a month! A [censored] month and she thinks she runs the place! I want her dead. I want her dead! Dead! You hear me O'Neil? Get your boys! Get the whole [censored] army in here, get Longbow for all I care, I want Pistol dead!"

* * *

[Pistol watched the giant in awe.]

"...So you gonna help or just stand there?" was all she heard, but it was enough to make her dislike the thing.

"Answer that question yourself pal. In the meantime, I'm off to free a mate."

[She fixed him a long hard look before returning her gaze to Shift]

"I dont know about Mob but Biker's in 'the cellar'. Follow me."



Hatespawn chuckles to himself. "Cretins don't know what's good for them. But I will need help establishing a power base once we get out..."

Turning to the minions following him, Hatespawn grinned with manic glee. "Come on boys, we've got work to do..."

With that he turns and follows Pistol and Shift down the corridor.



[Down in the Cellar the 3 are looking for Bikers cell]

"Biker! You around here somewhere?"

Damn, lots of Cells here, we're never going to find him like this

"Over there! Shoot them"

[Lots of bullets fly through the air]

[Hatespawn, Pistol and Shift duck for cover and return fire]

[Then from the back of the block there's a faint sound]

"Is that you Pistol?"

((take it from here, tried to make up someone who's in there, but really not very awake at the moment :P))

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



[It all happened in slow motion. Hawk re-emerged, running from the darkness. He skids to a halt and opens fire onto Biker's cell door. An explosion, the door blows apart, Pistol catwalks into view.]

"Skull Biker"



She said she'd come for him, she'd promised. She'd even called him "handsome", something Quentin had never been called....

This "Pistol" had the charm and leadership Mugshot needed to learn to survive in the outside world.
Suddenly the door flew open and there she stood. She was surrounded by other in-mates. Noticeably a monterously huge beast.

"Who's this pip-squeek...?" Growled the beast

Pistol grinned a wicked grin.

"Show him....." she itterated, throwing Quentin his confiscated bow...

"Ha, a puny stick and string..?" snarled the towering creature

Pistol went to the pocket of a fallen guard, retrieved a coin. With a a dazzling flash she force pushed the coin high into the air and across the room. With equalled speed, Quentin drew his bow and fired. The ***** of metal on metal was all that was heard in the darkness.

As they walked past the coin, they could see that the arrow had gone str8 through the Heads side of the coin and pinned it to a wall. Pistol smiled as the new member joined in behind her...

"BOOM.......Mugshot" Quentin whispered behind the beast (( ))



Left by that awfull red monster Tommy was desperate for information or help to bust out.
Pistol and her crew hadn't come round his block yet.
The screams now seemed to come from below.
"Mob! Eh Mob! You listening? If the [censored] comes for you take me with you!" Tommy was all out of ideas.
His keen mind was at a blank. He simply couldn't do this alone.
Refusing to give up Tommy tears apart his cell.
All useful parts as well as all his contraban he spreads out around him.
There HAS to be something useful here.
He takes two minutes to focus, drowning out the guards' screams, to let all possibilities sink in and starts to work.



[The gang is standing together wondering what to do next]

"Hey guys, im gonna go see if i can find some of my crew in this shithole, i'm gonna meet up with you guys later"

[Shift runs off and up the stairs]

[On top of the stairs he stops and turns around]

"What is it Shift" sounds from below


[He looks a pistol and gives a quick wink, then he runs off]

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



The Wolfmother: Ziggursky Penitentiary: Cell Block H

“Damn fools” Lupa growls to herself. “They just couldn’t wait. They might be able to get out of their cells, but there’s no way they can get past the outer defences or the dampening field without outside help.”

“Hey Pistol!” she yells “you got ADD or something? We were told to wait until the Arachnos breakout team got here. Even if you make it past the perimeter, which you won’t, how the hell do you think you’ll get out of Brickstown without the Arachnos fliers we were promised?”

“Frikkin amateurs” she mutters, and rolls over on her bunk, stuffing her head under her greasy pillow to shut out the noise.




[Pistol had freed her pals, but when she returned to cellblock H, it was chaos. Inmates had defeated guards, stolen keys and broken out. There were enemy inmates fighting. Throwing rocks and battering each other with rods. One woman was bleeding severely from a gang assault.]

"This is crazy.. I love it"

"Hey Pistol, you got ADD or something?" was all she needed to hear.

[Hawk came running from the darkness, guns blazing.]

"No Lupa, not attention.. hyperactivity" a sudden blur and Pistol was up close and personal with the wolfmother.

[The ceiling lights went out for a second, when it came back up, everything was red. The alarm screamed louder and louder, and Pistol was fueled with adrenaline. In her mind, she played out a brutal order of events, strategy, if you could call it that.]

"You got a problem with me Lupa? Step out of this gate and lets deal with it."



*MaX wakes up from meditation in his cell*

"Ah, finally it is time... Now I'll just have to join the group and wait for the spiders to come....And then things will start rolling..."

*He snaps his fingers, and is consumed by shadows, emerging a moment later in the middle of the group of escaped convicts*

"Everyone here? It's nearly time for our 'extraction'"



((out-of-character)) Hey ppl, let's not get carried away here! Try and remember the golden rule of roleplay: Don't write other people's stories for them, and don't force other's to conform to your idea of what they should do or how the story develops. It's ok to say "Angry Woman aims a blow at Defencless Man's head". It's not ok to say "Angry Woman cuts out Defenceless Man's heart and feeds it to his children" as it hijacks all future possibilities for Defenceless Man's Roleplay and is thus considered rude. You have to give Defenceless Man the chance to reply "Defencless Man ducks Angry Woman's swipe", after all! ok, back into character!))

Wolfmother sees Pistol glowering at her from the other side of her cell door, and wonders what violence she's imagining in her twisted little mind.