Sisarose Mansion




[It was done. Cellblock H now belonged to the convicts.]

"Fuerce Cerrojo!" and a massive bolt of sheer force sent a costumed warden crashing through the prison walls.

[In the aftermath of the fight, a large gaping hole pierced the reinforced stone of the exterior walls. The prisoners breathed fresh air. Pistol walks onto the ledge.]

"Thats a long way down. Hawk, can you handle it?"

"Typical, just typical. Send down the expendable punk kid."

"Precisely. Now, listen.. I dont see any carrier choppers so I'll need you to scout the outer perimetre, talk to the Arachnos, find out when our pilots'll be here."

"I'm on it."

[With that, the kid leaps out into the night. Pistol turns to her fellow convicts]

"They call us criminals, they label us a threat to society and throw us into confinement. They feed us horseshite and force us to drink murky water. They nullify our powers and surpress our magnificense with lethal injections. They treat us like dirt and spit at our feet, they call us ugly because we come as lizards, wolves, aliens and demons. Why? Because they are afraid. They are scared of our visions, our overwhelming will to accomplish our various goals.

"Some of you simply want a home, some want a family, others, like me, have plans for the nation entire. Heck, some of you geniuses wish to rule the world; you have pre-meditated the better ways in which this planet should be run.. Others live on destruction, perhaps you simply enjoy the death of all that is weak and frankly.. worthless. Pfft! They call it villainy. I call it sanity. I call it ingenuity.

"Look around you now. We stand before the night, our pride unblemished, our powers restored. Why? Simple. Because we are the stronger of two opposite forces.

[She points down at the continuous wave of Arachnos versus Longbow down below]

"Down there, lies your example. Every time the good dares to challenge evil, it is constantly thwarted in shame.

"My fellow inmates, our time has indeed come.. because we are now free. However, I ask that we stay together. It is not by coincidence that we have come to the aid of one another, but by fate. Let us all share our cause and help in its execution. We are thugs, there is no doubt about it but together, we are an adamantine armour, we can rule with an iron fist. Deep inside each and every one of us lies a special ability that could contribute the perfection of this armour.

"As one, we are unstoppable! A brutal wave of steel, a juggernaut of masterminds! Right now. Right here. Let us form a pact. Let us form a gang that will shake this world with fear. As one, we shall dominate all and conquer what we wish. Are. You. With me?"



[Skull Biker thought about Pistols words. His father couldn´t have put it any better. He grinned and looked down on Pistol.]

"Count me in Pistol, I don´t want to miss the show..."



[Pistol simply nodded in acknowledgement. Without warning, Hawk came flying in through the hole, he leant in close enough to whisper a message, though being extremy careful not to touch the girl. He knew all too well the fatal consequences of entering Pistol's personal space, let alone a physical breach.]

"Boss, nobody knows when the pilots'll arrive."

"Great!" she whispered back. "Just great.. I guess we wait here, fend off attackers, all the while getting properly aquainted with one another."

"Sounds good to me Boss. It's a shame there arent any chick punks in here."



Bonnot scrambles out and hears a female shouting. Following the sound, he hears what seems like the end of her speech.

"... we are unstoppable! A brutal wave of steel, a juggernaut of masterminds! Right now. Right here. Let us form a pact. Let us form a gang that will shake this world with fear. As one, we shall dominate all and conquer what we wish. Are. You. With me?"

Bonnot joins in with all those cheering around him.
What am I getting myself into? At least I look normal compared to most of these people.



Listening to Pistols last remarks, Hatespawn ponders the fact he may have misjudged this race.

"You speak well meatsack, the talk of war and death make me tingle with a pleasure only I can feel"

Pausing for a moment, he gathers himself to speak again. Hatespawn turns to Pistol.

"You've proven to me that you humans do thirst for destruction and industry, take pleasure in agony and pain. Perhaps my skills can be of use to you? My powers were taken from me and until I can get them all back, i'll be vunerable. But do not take this as a sign of weakness, lack of magical ability won't stop me ripping you limb from limb if you double cross me..."



((liked the speech Pistol. Oh, and i hope its still ok that we know eachother from earlier days, still didnt get to write up my bio today ))

[Shift listend to what Pistol has to say]

"Hear Hear!!"

"Ever since we did that bank job together 5 odd years ago Pistol. I knew that someday we'd team up again, fight for a mutual cause. That day has come upon us. Now let us fight, and get out of this shithole."

[Pauses for a moment.]

"About our transport out of here.... where is it?"

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



"Hawk, tell the thing with the foul body odour that some humans do cherish honour."

"Er, listen.. Hatespawn, she er.." the kid gulps under immense intimidation. "Well you heard what she said" he chuckles nervously, stepping back as wide as he could.

"Shift darling, it'll be just like the old days" she winked.

"Word is, we gosta wait for the pilots. Nobody knows when they'll get here. Arachnos has a very bad habit of prolonging suspense; makes the clients suffer over time" Hawk announced.



"Bah, honour is for those who lack strength. A justification for the weak that they tried their best but were too weak to succeed" He turns and snorts.



[Shift didn't take this insult to honor lightly and swiftly pulled an arrow and aimed it at the beast]

"Watch your words Hatespawn"

"Or my finger cramp might just come back suddenly.."

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



"..Cryptic has a very bad habit of prolonging suspense; makes the clients suffer over time" Hawk announced.

(( Edited for accuracy.))



A strange gurgling noise erupts from Hatespawn's throat. At first it sounds like a deep rumble, but with the increasing pitch somewhat reselmbles what is known as laughter.

"Of course, I mean no disrespect. Whilst we are all in this situation together, we will have to rely on each other to help regain our power bases"

A smirk runs across his face.

"And i'm not in the mood for picking out your skull and brain matter from under my nails..."



((Oi, Deluge was too fast for my post...))
[Skull Biker frowned at Hatespawn and Shift.]

"Oh come on, guys... don´t behave like children, ´kay? Now, to get back to the point... when do we get transported out of this hole? Pistol?"



((grr, sanguinius ninja-edit!))

[Shift drops his bow and puts the arrow back into his quiver.]

"Shooting you is a waste of arrows anyway"

"So Pistol, we got any way of contacting your pilot? or are we just stuck in this place till he shows up?"

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



"We're pretty much stuck here" Hawk blurted.

"Come, I want to here stories. Tell me where you are from.. Hatespawn" she eyed him carefully.

"Think of this as a pastime"

((Blade is on the ball. He has the right idea. lol.))



((Yeah, Deluge´s post caught me off guard when mine was finished, so sorry shift ))



((tis okay, i myself have also mastered the art of the ninja-edit! ))

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



((Well, it was the first time for me... yay, I´m a master, too ))



"Where am I from...? My world was a paradise, a relative to what you would call Eden I believe. My race were the lower beings on the planet, birthed in the core of the world, beneath the thick rock that formed the planet's surface. We were forced to work powering the generators and systems for the world above ours, unknowing to the people that populated it. Only to the ruling establishment, a council of Mystics that sealed us in our rocky tomb."

As Hatespawn talks, his eyes begin to glow a dark red.

"But I found a way out... An energy source close to the core, hidden from where all but the most hardy dare to tread. A gem that magnified my rage, my hate and my passion for domination over those who dare to oppress me" He gleefully rubs his hands together.

"I escaped. I ran riot through their streets. Slaughtering every living thing I could find be it man, woman or child. With a following of my people we destroyed the coucil of mystics and took the world for our own. Bringing machinery and death to the surface. Putting MY mark on a work that sought to hold me. They believed they could do it on this planet too, but I have other ideas..."




[She paused for a long while, studying the monster]

"Well.. what about you Biker.. who is this father?"

At heart, even a mighty warrioress is a sucker for romance thought Hawk.

"Boss, I'm gonna guard the doors." With that, he disappears around a corner.



((Phew, this is pure stress... ))

[Skull Biker listened carefully to Hatespawns words and suddenly felt, that this... guy had more in common with him than Pistol, Shift or even Bonnot. He stared into Hatespowns glowing eyes, which resembled his own since he has returned from the dead.]

"You know what, Hatespawn? Wish I were there... Tis the only way to deal with such people... Ah, to roam free through the land and do whatever ya want, man. I´ve done that, too, ridin´ my Harley, spreadin´ death with my buddies... Yeah, wish I were there..."

[He took a box of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one. Then Pistol asked him about his father...]

"Ya really want to know that, Pistol? Well, to begin with... I´m not a living being anymore... I´m dead, more than 10 years now. Went straight to hell after I drank myself to death... I tell ya, it´s not a nice place. The fire, the chains and torture, nah... It´s a hell of a place..."

[Skull Biker laughed and glanced at Pistol, his eyes blazing somewhat amused...]

"But somehow, I fitted right into this place, don´t ask me why... I got the chance to make a deal with the big boss down there, which tought me an awful lot in dealin´ with people. Make up the rest yourself... Shouldn´t be that hard, I guess..."



[Pistol chuckled]

"You're like a cross between a skull and a hellion arent yah?

"Skull Biker.. the undead hellion" [she chuckled more]

[Suddenly, Hawk comes stumbling in, an infectous green corroding away his skin]

"P- p- its.. get heated! It's Positr-" and the kid falls dead.

((uber fun this writing stuff. better save a slice for the others. *yawns* nn))



((Yeah, reminds me of my old forum days on forenplanet, heh. We did a "never-ending-story" in the Wh40k universe there... was a good laugh in the end nighty night... zzz))



(( hehe, yup, never RPd really, but this stuff good fun ))

[Shift looks up]

"What did your boy just say there Pistol"

"I sure hope he didn't say Positron, otherwise we'd be in some deep trouble"

[Positron walks around the corner]

"Right, now we're in deep trouble, me and my big mouth"

[Shift ducks for cover whilst shooting a flash arrow at Positrons feet]

"Run guys! RUN!"

"I'll hold him for a bit, GO! NOW!"

((Hey, i've always missed a few wires in the upper chamber :P))

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



Shift: [Positron walks around the corner]

(( Am I hearing things again.. or do you guys hear it too? M0rTaL k0mBAT!!))

(( Rather suiting.))