Sisarose Mansion




Mark 19 Desert Eagle.. so thats what the gun's called.. Zurd ponders as he holstered them.

"New clothes Zurd?" Pistol pestered.

"Yeah, new guns, new clothes, new everything.. why do you care?" he spat.

"One white trenchcoat among a sea of orange jumpsuits.. you'll be the first to take Sister Psyche's blast."

"She wont dare attack me."

She turned to Biker. "You're right, chopper might be up there, as well as Longbow.. it's a risk I'm willing to take"

"Mug, pick up Tommy. Lets get to the roof" Pistol barked.

[With a silent nod, the masked kid secures his bow, struggling slightly as he slumped the giant ball of yellow fur across his shoulders. Zurd eyed him condescendingly.]

"You must be Quentin" the look on his face, the tone of his voice, they all hinted insult.

[Zurd steps beside Pistol, a position that usually belonged to Mugshot. The gang marched out, heading for the rooftops]

((Obviously, written with Pious))



"You must be Quentin" the look on his face, the tone of his voice, they all hinted insult.

She's mentioned me! I must be integral to her plans, i must be at the forefront of her mind, maybe she...

Quentin's train of thought was cut off when he saw this "Zurd" walking alongside his precious leader while he was left carrying the luggage. A deep anger burned inside him, but he had to respect the show of strength Zurd had exhibited. Mugshot followed silently..

He can think what he likes, condesend me all he likes, when the time is right, i know she'll pick me over him.........i just know it...



Wolfmother: Cell Block H: Ziggursky Penitentiary

Lupa sits on the edge of her bunk and chews her nails. She can hear the sounds of fighting receding down the corridor, but there’s been no sound of an Arachnos flier overhead.

She weighs up her options: join the breakout now and risk getting rounded up by the heroes that are bound to show up (did she hear Positron’s energy blasts earlier?) or sit tight and risk being left behind?

No one seems to have noticed that the surveillance cameras in the ceiling are still working behind their bullet-proof glass panels, still transmitting images of all that’s going on to the control centre and the satellite hook up. If the escape attempt fails, there will be a reckoning.

“Damn them, why couldn’t they wait!” She wails.

In an agony of indecision, she turns the only friend that’s never let her down. Teasing out the lose brick under her bunk, she takes out her precious stash, and cooks herself up a hit…



Spruk walks down the cell block, his mist still thick around him. The cell doors which were still left were soon being rusted away, falling off by the hinges. After a few minutes, he looked up. "Cell Block H, I come long way!!"

He carried on walking up to Lupa's cell, the mist grew stronger. He turned to the door, putting his hands against the hinges, the door creaked and began to bend, "I'm coming..."

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Wolfmother: Cell Block H: Ziggursky Penitentiary

Lupa’s eyes flicker as she tries to stay conscious. She's dimly aware of a strange smell, like rotting metal, but she’s way past caring. A line of drool escapes from the corner of her mouth and pools on her pillow.

“Ohshiit” is the last thought that flickers across her mind. “I’ve taken too much”



Norton: A line of drool escapes from the corner of her mouth and pools on her pillow.

((Ewwww! Yuk! *spluter* *splutter* *spit* *spit* gahh.. gross! ))



((Quite funny that we are so close to breakout when it's live today- all being well ))



Wolfmother: Cell Block H: Ziggursky Penitentiary

The sound of several Arachnos fliers penetrates Lupa’s cell. The time has come, but she’s too wasted to even recognise her opportunity, let alone make it out to the landing zone.

Her pulse is getting weaker. This time, she’s really blown it.

((Who will save Lupa from her own folly? Can she come out of her drug-induced coma in time to make it out of the Zigg? Stay tuned for the next thrilling episode of THE GANG ))



[The atmosphere was tense as the gang marched up the stairs leading to the roof, double filed]

[They trampled over corpses of inmates, guards, longbow and even.. arachnos]

"Arachnos have been up here?" asked Zurd.

"Boss, you know what that means?" Hawk bellowed.

[It seemed her seven hearts would fail under the overdose of adrenaline.]

"We're free.."

[The rooftop door burst open, and Pistol emerged. Before her, stood five Arachnos Fliers]



[Shift saw the Arachnos flyers over The Zig]

Great, Pistol kept to her word... i knew she would

"Nice job Pistol!"

"Now lets get the hell out of here!"

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



With a malicious grin, Hatespawn turns to Pistol. "Well done for getting us out. But let get out of here, the fresh air is making me feel sick...""



I knew she'd come through for us, she'd never let us down........

Mugshot followed Pistol, intending on making sure they get on the same flyer. Tommy had started to stir on his shoulder once the fresh air had hit his nostrils...



[Skull Biker looked at the Arachnos flyers and laughed. It was just [Censored] good to be free again. He walked up to one of the pilots.]

"Room enough for a bunch of people in there?"

[He didn´t wait for an answer. He simply put the Arachnos-guy away and climed into the flyer, waiting for the others to follow...]



(( I'm extremely curious as to how this turns out! Mug, just do whatever you want with Tommy, you're doing a great job sofar!!))



The door fell down with a loud crash, Spruk took one look at Lupa and a giant grin went across his face, "Pretty..."

He walked over to her, the mist around his body calmed down. He healed her with his poison and carried her out to go to an Arachnos flier, stealing a mask from a longbow on the way, turning it inside out and covering it in the poison mist. he put the mask on, he was sure that his face was not good enough for anybody as beautiful as Lupa..

One flier left, and it was just about to take off. He ran over, Lupa in one arm, poison wrapping the other. He fused his hand to the flier, holding onto Lupa tightly. Either they got out, or they would never have to stay in the [censored] hole known at the Zig. He managed to keep on with Lupa, they were free..

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



[And so concludes our story.. on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year into the second millenium, the prisoners broke free to wreck havoc on the world.. To be continued.]






[Cue Theme Song]

[Cue Blackout]

[End Credits]

[Bonus scene]

[.Test wakes up stretching and yawning]

"What the! Where is everybody?!"




(( Why not have someone write us a theme song!
That would be sooo awesome! Something Japanese manga style,
with english lyrics that dont make any sense!

These are the lyrics to southpark's ninja episode:
The song
Let;s Fighting Love - South Park

Suba-ra-shi chin chin mono
Kintama no kame aru
Sore no oto saru bo bo
Iie! Ninja ga imasuuuuuuuu
Hey hey let's go kenka suru
Taisetsu na mono protect my balls!
Boku ga warui so let's fighting...
Let's fighting love!
Let's fighting love!
Kono uta chotto baka wa
Wake ga wakaranai
Eigo ga mecha-kucha
Daijobu - we do it all the time!


Wonderful [censored] thing
There are hairs on balls.
It sounds like that monkey Bobo
No! Ninjas are here!
Hey hey let's go fighting!
Important thing: protect my balls!
I am a badass so let's fighting
Let's fighting love!
Let's fighting love!
This song is a little stupid
I don't understand the reason
The english is irrational
It's okay--we do it all the time!




(( Cool ))



[Episode Two : Scene One : Underground Sewers]

[Zurd and Pistol are sitting on two leather chairs. The punk brothers Hawk and Raptor are playing a videogame as Dragon the pyromaniac stares intently at the TV set, fingering his lighter.]

"We've come a long way Pistol" said Zurd, picking up a magazine. "A very long way in such a short time.. how do you do it Sis?"

Pistol chuckled. "You sound like a reporter" she brushed him off nicely. "Well, the secret is teamwork"

"No shitt" Zurd replied. "You got one heck of an army with ya.. I mean, each one of your friends got their own crew! We're talking what, seventy odd gangsters.. multiply that by seventeen!"

[Right on cue, a large framed man enters the studio. He wore a thick black leather jacket and trousers, sporting tatoos across his exposed biceps.]

"Thats a good point Zurd"

"Eagle!" Pistol smiled.

"Heya boss"

"Hmm.. wassup big man. Titti!"

"Heya Dragon.. seventy multiplied by seventeen.. gee I dont even know what that sums to."

"Nobody does" Pistol kackled.

"Boss, I got the mission computer you asked for.. where does it go again?"

"Wow, good job. Was it hard breaking into the Precision Ranger base?"

"Pfft. They practically handed the machine over to me.. inside help I suspect."

"It goes in the control room Eagle. Thanks"

[Dragon finally peeled his eyes off the TV set and followed his trainer down a corridor.]

"Yahwoo.. Need any help Eagle? Ki. Kiki" he asked, unable to keep his expressions still.

"Man, you stink! You had a shower this morning?"

"Yeah of 'cos.. hmm titti!" he lied, scrathing out fleas in his mane. "Mind if I light up a splif?"

"You, need to quit smoking that crap"

[The pair disappear into the control room.]

"Why does Dragon shout out titti ever so randomly?" Zurd asked.

"Tourette Syndrome.. its kinda funny though aint it?" Pistol chuckled.



((Bah, id been wondering where that Mission Computer had gone!! ))

BOOM Fzzzt

Mugshot spun the new arrows between his fingers. Shift has called it a "Flash Arrow". Well it seemed to do the job, and don't get me started on this one with the net attached!

It seemed being in this group of Villains was already paying off. With each day he was acquiring new arrows, new technology, a new following, and new found confidence.

BOOM Fzzzzzzt

Already, his gang had grown, there was Trigger, Calibre and Whiskey, those guys were always together, and talkative enough that Mugshot could keep up the strong silent type routine. They all took orders, and had already learnt his silent nod commands.

BOOM fzzzzzzzzzzzzt

He'll keep practicing, keep improving, keep living, until his boss called to him..........



[Skull Biker looked at the Harley, which the ferry had just brought to Cap au Diable. It was a great custom job and he couldn´t await to ride it, although the lack of highways on the Rogue Isles bothered him. Smiling, he lit a cigarette and turned around. Garibaldi, his enforcer, was stopping his motorbike in front of him.]

(Garibaldi) "What´s up, boss? The boys are getting edgy... they want some action."
(Skull Biker) "Nothing at the moment... Pistol will sure call me, if any help is needed. Tell that the boys... oh, and open a can of beer... Ißll be there in a few minutes."

[He watched as Garibaldi rode of and looked back to the sea. Joining "The Gang" has proven to be a great idea. Last week he had made more money than in his whole life before. Skull Biker snipped his cigarette away and mounted his Harley.]

"Hell, it´s good to be in the saddle again..."



Tommy was walking the streets of Mercy Island.
Just visiting some of his 'contacts' to see if there was
something stirring in the undergrowth.
He knew Pistol would call for him soon but taking orders
from the freak-[censored] and her low-life brother just isn't his thing.
Better make sure he has the right people around him and
some stuff to fall back on.
First he called his old goons, Franky and Li'l Ed a.k.a the twins, and Horse.
Horse was a gun nut. Always strapped and ready to scrap.
Good thing he was on his side.
Stopping Tommy was allready nearly impossible.
As soon as he got a hold of his old right hand man, then it was time to watch out.
After that, nobody would be safe from Tommy Furr!