Sisarose Mansion




Spruk was walking mindlessly through Mercy Island, when he came upon a large group of RIPD... He grabbed his guns, both with his special bullets in them, he ran into the middle of the group... "Kll kill KILL!"

He was the last one standing. Spruk put his guns away and started walking, oh look some Hellions..

"Kill kill KILL!"

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



((whew... took me almost an hour to read all pages.

Now. Do you actually have IG char's or do they exist in text-form only? I'd like to jump in but I'll wait a while for the right moment to come. After all you've been trhough the breakout togehter so I'll device something that makes me fit into the story-line.))



((Yeah we got like level twenty-six thug masterminds now))

((The supergroup now has to extend to a second branch.. still thinking on a name))

((Looking forward to your post m8))



((Hmm. I don't have an IG-char, atleast not at that level and the ones that I do have I'm not sure I want to play in this environment. But I'll start leveling (Must I be a Thug MM or can I be any kind of MM? Mad doctor robotics MM for example.) a new one and when the time is right I'll step in even if my char is out-lvld by you all. See you when you least expect it ))



(( Hello all. Some of you may remember me from under Galaxy Girl, or when I co-hosted Paragon Dance Party every other Friday, but that was in the RP days.

I stopped RPing around Summer, and the game has lost a certain edge to it, so I want to start up again.

As I'm incredibly tired, and really don't have the time to read every single post in this wonderful thread, I'll just ask this plain and simple. Is it going now in real game, now i7's out? Because if it is, it sounds like great fun, and I'd want to know if I could join it...




((Yes you definately can. The first RP meet is on Saturday 17th at 3pm (GMT) till whenever!))

((All thug masterminds welcomed regardless of levels, groups or backgrounds.))

((It'll be held at the underground sewers.. headquauters of "The Gang"))



((Great! My lvl 1 is Thugs/Traps, which I can't see fitting concept wise... what have you all got? And, do you attack on them?))



((Ironically, Pistol dont use guns.. and although she's a mutant, she practices magic for shielding.))

((Level 26 Thugs/FF btw))

((Conceptually, I reckon /Traps is great for thugs. Its a deadly art.. explosives.. gas.. generators.. drones))



"Tourette Syndrome.. Oh."


"Anyway, sis listen.. you're becoming somewhat of a crimelord.. you do realise that dont you?"

"Yeah, whats your point? I mean all I'm doing is making friends.. links.."

"..contacts.. pals.. a frigin army.. look, all I'm saying is to be careful. There are a lot of bad people out there, talkless of crazy heroes trying to make a name for themselves."

"Zurd.. I aint gonna sit here and listen to my little brother lecture me!"

"Whatever.. just be careful."

[With that, Zurd makes to leave]

"You know what a syndicate is?"

[He wheels around to face Pistol]

"A loose coalition of gangsters.. gang leaders.. all controlling the wave of organized crime."

"Exactly. Tomorrow is the first meeting of the syndicate. Be there!"

((Written with Pious))



BOOM Fzzzzzzzt

Mugshot's phone beeps on the barrel to his left. It's a text

Tomorrow - 8pm - You know the place. Be There

BOOM Fzzzzzzzzzzt

...I knew she'd call for me.......



Walking out of the tailor's Tommy is feeling like a million bucks.
After wearing that laim orange jumpsuit for so long it feels good
to be back in leather and a nice pair of sneakers.
His crew had expanded a little.
The twins had decided to bring their retarded cousin Alex along.
Now he couldnt beat him away with a stick.
The kid kept torching things. A real pyromaniac.
Well, with the proper help and at the proper time, he'd probably come in handy.
[annoying ringtone]
"What the...Who of of you retards messed with my phone!"
He looked at the twins angrily.
"Me chief" Alex grinned "I just love the crazy frog, hihihi"
Alex couldnt stop laughing.
Tommy growled at him and said: "If you EVER remove my darth vader ringtone again i'll have your cousins kill you.."
Alex stopped dead in his tracks and seemed to wet himself.
He quickly turned around and lit up a cigarette so no one would see.
Because of all the yelling Tommy was to late to answer the phone.
He dialed his voicemail, listened for a second then tossed the phone to Alex:
"You keep it. I don't want it anymore. Come on knuckle heads, that was Horse; we got a job with the misses"



((Just to explain my "powers" so far really))

"Things arent going that badly. I've made more than enough money to get you out of that neighbourhood and away from dad. The guys are all back together now as well. We'll be fine, mom."
"Try and stay out of trouble, Elie."
"I'll try."

Bonnot could barely remember where all his traps and devices had come from. One from here, one from there, scavenging through boxes and finding useful 'toys' wasn't that hard, especially on his excursions to Paragon. The only thing he could definately remember was the temporal distorter. It had been dropped by Professor Echo during a battle, and thanks to a bit of tinkering, Bonnot could use it to slow down time for everyone else, as well as speeding it up slightly for himself.
He seemed to be developing quite a skill for leadership as well. After all, the guys didn't mind following his orders, even his old mentors.



[Skull Biker rubbed his neck. The pain of the barbed-wire, which he had slung around his upper body was just right. He opened another can of beer and watched his buddies, who were watching the latest show of "Cops".]

"Look at those losers, man... they should really learn to drive those cars, man."
"Ah, look at that guy... he´s s´posed to be a thread to the public..."

[Skull Biker smiled and lit a cigarette, when his mobile phone was ringing. He listened carefully and nodded to himself.]

"Alright boys, it was Pistol. There´s a meeting tomorrow at the base."

[The posse grumbled, until Garibaldi took Skull Biker in another room.]

(Garibaldi) "Look, boss. The boys aren´t happy to work for a woman... Heck, you know we should ridin´ the highways and do... stuff."

[Skull Biker smiled and rammed his fist into Garibaldis face, then grabbing his head.]

"Look, G. First, you´re absolutely right. I don´t like it either. Second... Pistol got me out of the Zig... Where were you with the boys then? I never heard a [Censored] word from you, man. So long as things go smooth, we´ll help her... heck, I would even bite a bullet for the gal, y´know?`So don´t mess with my plans any more and just do what I tell ya. Got it?"

[Garibaldi nodded and Skull Biker let him go.]

(Garibaldi) "I´m sorry, boss."



((Yeah! You tell em Biker!))

((Bonnot, wicked story. Is the time device explaining his superspeed and 'hasten' abilities?))

((Looks like arsonists are one for the asylum hey Kingwill? lol. Loved the crazy frog.))



((Bonnot, wicked story. Is the time device explaining his superspeed and 'hasten' abilities?))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Yep! Spot on ))
((Would join in with this bit just don't know what it's about, hehe.))



((It's an in-game event B. If you're free between 3pm and 6pm (BST) you should come to base.))

((Its basically a get-to-know each other IC meet))



[Zurd had been busy running around the island reuniting with old friends. He had his sister's permission, to help form and lead a twin coalition between the gangs of the Rogue Isles.]

[On his way back to the underground sewers, Zurd literally bumped into an old enemy.]

"What the fu** are you doing here?"



"Boss.. we got trouble! Major trouble!"

[Zurd came running through the sewer gates. The whole crew leapt to their feet at the sound of the word 'trouble']

"Whatsup bro?"

"You'll never guess who's outside"

[A long pause. The look in Zurd's eyes made Pistol edgy. She couldn't stand the tension. Suddenly.. a large man barged through the sewer gate. His entire body emblazened with tatoos.]


"Wheres my fu**ing gang bi***!?"


"Shut ta fu** up!"

[Like Pistol, he had a strong New York accent. But where she had a Latin American flavour to her words, Axel's carried the typical African American lingo.]

"I aint gonna ask you one more time! Wheres ma crew?"

[Right on cue, Dragon, Raptor and Hawk stepped into view. Flanked by Falcon and Eagle, the double agents.]

"We got no business with you Axel. We work for Alicia now."

[Falcon's words hit Axel like an uppercut]

"Oh that right?"

"Yeah. Thats right" Zurd butted in. "I was there at the hiest, yeah. The Statesman showed up and you high-tailed it! You betrayed us all man."

"Who the fu**'s talking to you?"

[Axel turned on him full on. His face contorted with rage. Deep inside, Axel was hurt by loosing his gang and right about now, he was about to blow.]

"I asked you a question fool. Who. the [censored]. is talking to you?"

[He was inching menacingly close into Zurd's face, with a threatening look etched over his bald head. Zurd was scared. The rest of the gang looked to Pistol expectantly, hoping for an order.]

"What the fu** you all looking at? What you think this tiny bi*** can lead a gang?" he turned to Pistol. "You think you can steal my boyz and get away with it? Han?"

[Axel marched across the dimly lit sewer, entering into Pistol's private space.. something nobody else ever dared. He glared into her eyes and laughed]

"I could walk all over ya latin little [censored].. you can't stop me. I could trash this place down.. you can't stop me." He turned to the gang of five. "You fu**ing retards! Let a woman lead ya and you'll end up sucking pu***. I should beat you all down right here, you fu**ing morons"

[With every cursed word, the brute was building up his anger.]

"Han? Han? You got yourself a TV set?" With a mighty jab, the screen smashed to pieces. "Not anymore.. oh.. will ya look at this.. stereo system.. holographic displays.. Jesus Christ! You even got a mission computer?"

[The man started on his rampage.. trashing the base like he had threatened to. Falcon and the army of five looked desperately at Pistol.]

"Boss.. snap out of it!"

"Yeah boss, we need to stop him!"

"Yeah man! Or else we wont have nothing left in here"

[Pistol eyed her ex-husband as he walked around destroying the headquarters like an enraged gorilla]

"Alright. Call the guys! Get everyone in here promto! Mugshot, Biker, Bonnot.. everyone you can reach.. Axel's going down"



Mugshot looked at his watch. He wasn't going to be late. Trigger and the boys walked behind him, innane chatter berating his ears.

Suddenly his phone mysteriously beeped again. No1 contacts him...

With a quick look at the display, he throws the phone to the boys behind him and starts off at a sprint.

"Boss, boss, where ya going?"

Trigger looked at the screen.

"oh SNAP, Pistol is in trouble, come on, there's no WAY i'm missing Muggsy arriving, lets high-tail it!"



"Boss, the boyz are here. They're on their way down"

[Axel looked about the upturned base, satisfied at the chaos]

"Well, I guess I'll be leaving"

"Thanks for dropping by. How much do we owe you for redecorating?"

"Aint nothing but a chicken wing, sweetheart"

[With that, he disappeared]



"What a jerk! Who does he think he is?! Pistol, I swear ta god, I'm gonna kill him!"

"You couldn't if you tried Zurd.. that man was and always will be a 'Kingpin'. He's untouchable."

"Not from the gang! You just gonna let him go like that? I got half the syndicate on their way here."

"Then call them off"

[written with Pious]



[Two days had past since the appearance of Axel Hunter, a Kingpin in organised criminal operations from downtown New York. Pistol had made the effort to contact him and arrange a date]

"Enough with the chit-chat now sweetheart. Get to the point, I dont have alot of time" Axel muttered, through a mouthful of two fried drumsticks.

"Charming. I mean honestly Axel, who talks with their mouth full of chicken?"

"Look woman, you got no place correcting my table manners no more. You aint my wife now remember?"

"We're in a public restaurant, the least you can do is eat neatly"

"MY public restaurant! Alicia, I am getting angry!"

"Right, right.. Axel the Furious, wouldn't want to get you angry"

"Ya damn right. Now tell me what you want, I'm not here to argue!"

"You destroyed my base man"

"It stunk"

"It's in the sewers, what did you expect?"

"I repeat.. it stunk"

[Alicia fell silent]

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry.. there you happy?"

"Axel, I'm in this position because of you"

"You're in power now, that's what you always wanted right? Power.. money, respect.. recognition"

"I'm a friggin mess! Look at me!"

"Why, you look beautiful sweetheart"

[She completely ignores the remark and pushes on]

"Axel, everytime I try something out by myself, you're never there to support me! The only thing I can expect from you, is to come in and break everything"

[Axel was hit by her words, he made a pretentious dab at his lips with the serviettes]


"No" she rose to her feet and prepared to leave. "I hate you"

[She made for the exit. Axel's ego kept him in his seat, but his heart was screaming at him, telling him to give chase]

"Alicia. Alicia wait"

[Half the restaurant followed to voice, most knew who Axel was and quickly averted their gaze]

"Erm.. okay, I'll erm.. I'll get you a bigger, better base for operations, hows that?"

[She smiled. Everything had played out precisely as she planned it]



Thread title changed at the request of the original poster.



Sionis and the Circle of Thorns - Noon. Wednesday 4th of April.

It was an oddly beautiful day in Nerva Archipelago. Outside of a Crey office tower, two figures stood talking. Both wore long black trenchcoats that draped majestically off their shoulders. One was roughly six feet tall with a dark leather mask covering his head entire and with great big dragons tattooed onto manly biceps. The other was female, shorter and thinner, her dark hair fell backwards under a black bandana.

“Sionis, an honour meeting you, call me Pistol” said the woman, offering a handshake. Interestingly, the man simply stood and stared at her. “Okay. Well, your reputation precedes you as I can only assume mine does, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Your gang is more than welcomed into the syndicate as discussed, and today, I get to see how you work.”

Several minutes later, the two crimelords were doing what they did best, crime. A golden bullet erupts from a dark barrel and flies across a derelict office floor; it bursts through a hollow pillar and penetrates the skull of a gowned Circle of Thorn mage. The wizard is thrown backwards off his feet and sent falling over a balcony. With a bone-crunching thud, he lands into a ceremony of demons, spirits and wizards. A dozen spirits and two Behemoth demons rise onto the balcony to investigate, followed by a string of wizards running up a hidden stairway. Sionis and his gang were quickly cornered on that balcony, while Pistol and her armed thugs looked on from afar.

Without hesitation or prolonged drama, the demons engulfed Sionis’ gang in the flames of hell, narrowly missing the crimelord himself. Arrow after arrow grazed Sionis has he made an escape through a nearby corridor. He backtracked on his own steps and found himself back in the company of the notorious Pistol.

The woman was not impressed; in fact she was disgusted at the appalling display of battle. In her mind she analysed the situation and orchestrated a plan in which the invading team, her and Sionis, could clear the room before them quickly and efficiently.

“Stay here” she ordered, as Sionis’ backup crew joined the party. She had roughly sixteen thugs armed to the teeth with machine guns, pistols, knives and even sledge hammers. Sionis’ crew brought the numbers to about twenty-two, but even then, Pistol knew a full-on attack would only get them an express medical teleport to a hospital, with burn marks to tell the tale. “Everyone wait in here, I’ll be right back”

A small string of pure energy smacked one wizard across the head, as hard as a pebble. He spun round and followed the direction of the attack, gingerly making his way towards Pistol. She backed up into the waiting crowd of armed gunmen and eventually the wizard too emerged, only to meet his doom. As predicted, the Circle of Thorns demons, spirits and wizards filed into the waiting mob to investigate, only to be gunned down one at a time.

“Job done” said Pistol, with a patronizing smile. “Find the Mu, tell him you’re here to rescue him, if he hesitates, just grab him and meet me at the New Mafia Headquarters. Got that?” Sionis didn’t reply, but merely ran back through the corridor and onto the balcony where a Mu hovered aimlessly. “What is he, mute?” asked Pistol.

“His gang is a little untrained but I see potential, boss” said Falcon, one of Pistol’s trench-coated enforcers. “At least they’re following your orders”



Punishing the Mole - Mid-afternoon. Wednesday 4th of April.

“You shouldn’t have killed him so soon. We could have played with him a bit more, because him more pain” said Spruk, the toad-like teenager who loved to inflict death and pain to all except allies and beautiful women. He stood with the notorious Pistol, in the compounds of the New Mafia Mansion, after murdering an associate of the New Mafia syndicate down at the basement.

“What did you have in mind Spruk?” asked Pistol, sporting her usual black leather trenchcoat, a huge contrast to Spruk’s lime green one, which only matched his own poisonous skin colour.

“We could have cut him, or shed his skin or poured acid over him”

Pistol remembered breaking into her own basement to find two ‘Freakshow’ metal swipers, street punks with crude bionetic implants disfiguring their bodies, wandering around. At the sight of her, they stood rigid, struck with fear. “Err, hiya boss”

In the blink of an eye, Pistol had blown the freakshow’s head clean off its neck. His friend tried to run but a shot of acid from Spruk’s mouth held him in place before melting him into green gas.

“Spruk, I think we caused Crash and his guards a lot of pain” said Pistol, waking from her day dream.

“If I ever leaked inside information out to your enemies Pistol, would you kill me too?”

Another flashback struck, reminding Pistol of the tin-clad traitor nicknamed Crash as he lay on the basement floor, bleeding from a dozen bullet wounds. She remembered slowly walking up to him, pumping with rage and spitting a question or two at him, before kicking his head in with the heels of her shoe.

“Yes” said Pistol, “so don’t.” She opened up her cell phone to receive a call, but flips the phone shut two seconds after. “Spruk, listen up. Last night, the gang had a small party; we invited a few circus performers and word is, their leader plans to take me out later this evening… maybe I’ll show up early”