Sisarose Mansion




*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* The door to Spruk's cell was slowly coming loose *BANG* *BANG* *BOOM* it fell to the ground, Spruk still standing there with a huge grin on his face, he walked down the corridor, slowly but surely. The only thing in his way was another door, which other prisoners that had escaped were trying to open up, but once they saw Spruk they all ran, trying to get away, trying to get out of the way of the mist which came with him.

Spruk put his hands over the hinges of the door as they began to rust away very quickly, with a few sqift kicks and punches, it again fell to the ground. He walked through the door and looks down the corridor, there was a guard in the way with a gun, it was Bobby. He didn't shoot him, he just stood there, pointing the gun at Spruk.

Bobby - "Don't make me shoot!"
Spruk - "Move."
Bobby - "Get back to your cell David!"

Spruk's face filled with rage as he threw a green mist at Bobby. Spruk walked onwards, over the rotting remains of Bobby, taking his gun on the way.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Aside from Danger Baby, the only people now in Cell Block were the dead and the seriously wounded. She didn't know where that creep Cruise had gotten to. The only sound to be heard were the blaring alarm and the distant sounds of gunfire, laserfire and explosions coming from elsewhere in the prison.

Baby came into a room where the bodies were piled much higher, some prisoners but mostly prison guard and Longbow. Longbow were here now as well, then? The upturned tables and crates described a large gunfight.

It was then Baby heard the cold click of a pistol's hammer from some way behind her. Spinning on her toes, she aimed her revolver in the direction of the noise.


"Planning on shooting me in the back, Earl?"

Earl Watson was a mess, his face was swollen and bloody. His movements were groggy and he probably just regained consciousness a couple of minutes ago. Still he could walk, unlike his unfortunate friends. Earl kept his arms straight, pistol aimed square at Baby's chest.

"How about yah'll surrender now?" the guard broke the silence. "Ah'll put in a good word for yah. If yah give yahself up, ah reckon judge'd be willin' to knock a couple o' months or more off yah sentence. I know you ain't done killed nobody here."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah it's true," Earl chuckled. "You don't have the guts. Now will yah come back to your cell or do I have t'shoot some sense intah you?"

Danger Baby gritted her teeth and growled at Earl. She had the gun pointed at his chest and she wanted to pull the trigger, shoot this ******* dead. She really wanted to see him dead, but just couldn't make her hand pull the trigger. Pull the trigger, every thought in her head urged her finger to obey. Shoot him, let him rot. Burst his chest! Pull the trigger! Pull the trigger!

"Give it up, Cry-Baby!"

She pulled the trigger.

The bullet cannoned through Watson's left knee and he came crashing to the floor.

"Aaargh!" he cried in pain. "You shot my leg!?"

[censored], I missed!! Baby calmed herself and ran over to Earl, her gun trained still on his prone form.

"You stupid [censored]! Arrgh, [censored] that hurts," he wailed. "Yah missed me, y'amatuer!!"

"I'm sorry Earl," Baby said smoothly. "I'll try and be more accurate in future."

She shot three rounds into his chest.

Earl Watson went limp. He didn't make another sound, but blood began to seep out his mouth.

It was much easier the second time, Baby smiled. She took Earl's pistol and ran to catch up with Pistol and the rest.



((Yo Cabbage, is Spruk /DM or /poison.. want me to chuck him on-site?))

"What did your boy just say there Pistol?"

"I sure hope he didn't say Positron, otherwise we'd be in some deep trouble"

[Two dozen Longbow Wardens spill into the isle, then, a metal-cladded figure strafes into view. It was Positron.]

"Right, now we're in deep trouble, me and my big mouth"

[Shift ducks for cover whilst shooting a flash arrow at Positrons feet]

"Run guys! RUN!"

"I'll hold him for a bit, GO! NOW!"

"Like spit I'm leaving.. this block is ours!" Pistol exclaimed.

"This is our turf Tin-can, gang territory! Get your ugly green self outta my sight, or suffer the consequences."




Mughsot listened to Pistol's words, confirming everything he thought she knew about her. She was a leader, confident, had a way with words and seemed to have a control over people. Everything Mugshot wasn't. Mugshot stepped forward, catching Pistol's eye, and nodded. Pistol had no doubt that Mugshot was along for the ride, her "Trusted Bodyguard" wouldnt let her cute lil bee-hind get into trouble now would he.

Hatespawns words filled Quentin with a feeling he'd never felt before. It was strange, it was a sort of Empathy and understanding towards another life. Being a slave, being tortured and USED. But then gaining power, and using that power to never let that happen again. Maybe this hairy beast would be more than a big bullsye afterall.

Positron walked around the corner and Mugshot froze. It had been 2 years since Mugshot had seen Positron, and last time, Mughsot ended up in a cell.
Pistol hurled abuse at the Hero, Positron responded with his first attack. Mugshot dived infront of Pistol, turning his back to the blast. It scorched at his skin, but then again it was never as bad as that fire....

Pistol dived out from behind Mugshot and started chanting her incantations at Positron. The invisible force shots only delay his inevitable approach while her minion Hawk emptied clips into his metallic armour.

Mughsot looked around at a suprising bunch. Each were powering up to hold their own. "Payback time". Some of them had been here for years...............and they werent about to be kicked OUT by a no-good hero....



Silent Creeper

The riots in the prison had destroyed some electronical installations, which made Silent Creeper awaken from his slumber. He had been kept in sleep for several months. Ever since he sat fire to that [censored] guards head.

But now he was awake. He sat the bars on fire and waited untill they were melted. He had been in a special cell down in the cellar. He was walking through the H block and saw a strange gathering of people. He decided to watch them from a distance.



After the Longbow struggle, where he had come to the aid of what turned out to be Shift and Mugshot, Tommy decided to stcik around.
There was some sort of gathering and that hot piece of tail, Pistol, was doing some serious speeeching.
He saw that the red-skinned devil was with em.
"I'll just wait here" He thought to himself
"And when i get the chance, I think I'll take one of your eyes demon."
All of a sudden all hell broke loose, that goodie two-shoes Positron had shown up with some major Longbow reinforcements.
The others wasted no time: He saw Shift shoot a flash-arrow-thingie and the others emptying their clips.
Good thing they hadn't moved earlier. The confined space in these halls would very well work at their advantage.
Posi worked best in wide open spaces.
Tommy checked his gun and his ammo, he was glad that he had stopped to 'confiscate' the guards' weapons.
He let out a roar that made several heads turn in his direction and opened fire.
"Eat lead ya stinking wannabe's! There's nothing for ya here but pain, and a lot of it!"



[Several Lieutenants of the Longbow Army screamed out orders]

"Quit your evil ways Alicia!"

"Get back into your cell, all of you!"

"This is a correctional facility!"

"Stand corrected Pistol!"

"Learn to behave woman!"

"Shut up!" she screamed. "All of you!"

[They continue]

"Tommy Furr, you're coming with us!"

"Stand down prisoners!"

[Something brushed past Pistol in a rush]

"Hello sweetheart".


"Pistol" he replied, with a sarcastic bow. "Who uncaged you?"



As always, her words carried weight. It must've hit the inmates deep, because they gradually allied with her. My sister. Dad would've been proud.

[Zurd approached quietly, like the assassin he was. He appeared out of nowhere, gun poised at Synapse's head. Bang. The hero falls dead.]

"I never liked your boyfriends sis"

((Zurd/Pistol relationship set with Pious' permission))



((wow, what just happened?! Sister?! Synapse dead?!
The plot thickens!
This next bit happens after Pistols story and before zurd's, and i'll highlight Tommy's lines from now on too.))
As Tommy was getting rid of his bullets by firing them at the Longbow.
"Tommy Furr you're coming with us" One of them yelled.
"Guess i'm more popular then i thought..."
He threw his head back and let out another loud roar.
He saw Positron aiming for him and got ready to duck for cover.
Lucky for him Posi took a hoove to the head and missed.
The demon-guy smirked at him again and Tommy could swear he saw the beasts lip move soundlessly saying: "What can you do little man."
A blur raced past Hatespawn. This could only mean one thing:
More trouble.
Then everything went dark.
[Tommy gets knocked out by synapse and falls to the floor]



(( Note, to write others' actions into your story without consent is bad practice))

(( Kingwill, I've highlighted Pistol's three lines from the previous post. She knows not Tommy's name))

(( Still reading, still loving. Keep it up guys))



Spruk walked slowly down the hall, the walls getting rusted as he went, a green mist surrounding him. His head was lowered as he walked, because he knew nobody would come near him, nobody would try to stop him, they would just rot away very quickly. He could hear alot of gunfire coming from down the corridor, "a hero must have come" he thought to himself.

As he walked forward, a few longbow spotted him, one of them stepped forward, "stop in the name of the law, or we shall be forced to shoot!" But still, Spruk walked forward, he wasn't going to stop, he was never going to stop. A chain gun was aimed at Spruk, so he raised his head and released a continuous cloud of green mist from his mouth, filling the corridor hitting the longbow and anybody else who was in the way. When it cleared, all that was left was a large amount of rotting bodies and rusted weapons with the odd piece of longbow armour which managed to keep in a single piece. Spruk continued to walk forward to the doorway they were at, expecting to see a hero.

((These were the longbow reinforcements that Positron had, now, your turn ))

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



((Aah makes more sense this way. I'll change them.
This RP writing is hard work ))



[Zurd spins around, ready to defeat Positron and the Longbow Wardens but was shoked to see them all dead. All but the superhero.]

"Cool new friends you got here sis"

[Without warning, he charges at Positron, docking and diving. He leaps over the fallen body of Tommy Furr and lands a roundhouse kick square across the hero's helmet, sending him flying through the hole in the wall.]

[Zurd raced to the ledge, leveled his handgun on its side and fired a single round down at the falling hero. As though in slow motion, the bullet riped apart Positron's armoured suit, unvieling a mutated atrocity. Seconds later, the man exploded in a magnificent show of corrosive green fireworks.]

"Got anymore of your old pals coming sis?"

[Pistol simply smiled]

"Seriously. I'm in the mood for murder"



"A man after my own black heart..." Hatespawn smirked as he surveyed the destruction around him.

Marveled at the power of these 'bullets' he wondered how his worked. True his was a race of industry, but such weapons of chaos had never been forged. Gripping the ornate handles on the pistols, he raised these weapons given to him. The pistols start to vibrate gently and cover themselves in a dark shroud. Suddenly, dark trails begin to drift from the fallen bodys around him, faint screams filling the room.

A guard enters the room and the pistols automatically arm themselves, ready for action. In a blur Hatespawn opens fire, bullets made of forged souls begin ripping into their target, burning away the guards body.





"Zurd. You big looser, come here and gimme a hug"

[The two embrace]

"You guys are all over the news. You've alerted the entire Longbow Army" said Zurd.

"So you thought you'd come piss off the Phalanx.."


"How dyu get in here?"

"You see any guards left standing?" he replied, cocking his pistols.

"New guns.." she snatches them off him. "Mark XIX Desert Eagle.. gas-operated semi-automatic.." she whispered in awe, releasing the cartridges onto her palm. "Oh my god, .50 Action Express.. gold-plated steel frames.. 10 inch barrel with integral scope mounting.. Zurd, what in gods name? Last time we met you had a tiny Jericho 941 from the black market.. how the hell did you afford all this?"

"Sis.." he replied, snatching his guns back off her. "You know alot about guns for someone who dont use 'em"

"I do my research.."

"A man after my own black heart.." Hatespawn smirked as he surveyed the destruction around him.

[A guard enters the room and his ornate pistols automatically arm themselves, ready for action. In a blur Hatespawn opens fire, bullets made of forged souls begin ripping into their target, burning away the guard's body.]

"Interesting.." Hatespawn uttered.

"Your Eagles are spanking Zurd, but his are cooler"

((Zurd written in, with Blade's permission))



[Shift saw all the destruction that had been caused]

(Shift):"But erm.... it was MY flash arrow which blinded them, so it was easier for you guys to kill him"

[A longbow warden walks in]

(Longbow Warden): "Holy ........"

[In a split second Shift turns around aims an arrow and strikes the Warden right between the eyes. The warden falls to the ground dead.]

(Shift): "BOOM! Headshot..."

[Shift's smile reaches from ear to ear]

(Shift): "What???? why you all looking at me like that??? It was a perfect shot!"

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



((Where is Lupa right now?))

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



[Skull Biker grinned at Shift]

"Yeah, nice shot, dude, but... talking to yourself? I mean, c´mon... Kids do that while playing these viedeogames..."

[He lit another cigarette and offered Shift one, too.]

"So... Let´s move out here, it´s time to change our position after this mess here. And I really hope these Arachnos-guys fly in in the next couple of minutes..."



((It's /poison btw))

Spruk looked around at the group, grinning evily as he did, the green mist around his still thick. He looked down at the rotting carcasses surrounding him, then at Pistol. All he could say was a simple "Bleh."

Then his sight went upon Lupa, as a large smile went across his face, "Why... Hello." He then looked at Positron and smiled even wider, "PLAY TIME!"

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



((Hehe.. sorry Cabbage, old tin-can went BOOM a while ago.. followed by a distinct SPLAT.))

((Lupa.. I dunno, I think Norton's busy RL or somink. But she's here.. near her cell somwhere I guess.))

"Good thinking Biker, it starting to stink in here.. what dyu'say we head on to the roofs?"



"The roofs? Well, it´s the only place Arachnos can bring down it´s flyers... except the yard... But the fighting there is still going on."

[He scratched his neck and looked at the others.]

"But then it could just be a [Censored] trap. If Arachnos is too late... You can imagine yourself how [Censored] up we are up there... Heh, but if I have to die here, I´m gonna die with style..."



((Since Tommy is unconscious do to a blow to the head from synapse, i would really appreciate it if one of you, doesn't really matter who, would be so kind as to take him along in your story somehow. I'll jump back in later.
Tx in advance and i'm really curious to how this turns out.
Feel free to do whatever you want with Tommy, as long as you don't kill or maim him .))



((hehe.. we got poisoners.. they cud heal/wake/rez ya))



Who is this guy? Why'd he call her Sis? and how come he was lucky enough to take down Posi before me!

"Mug, pickup that unconscious guy, he seemed of some use. Lets get to the roof, we'r gettin outta here right now", Pistol barked.

With a silent nod Mughshot secures his bow and hurls Tommy over his shoulder.



The balls soared up to within inches of the cell ceiling. Then down again, only to rise once more as the prisoner practiced his juggling with single-minded obsessiveness. His thoughts raced around and around like mice on a wheel, never straying far from the picture of that witch of a Ring Mistress as she laughed and cast him out of the Carnival tents.

He giggled as he caught one ball behind his back before launching it upwards again. "Soon. Soon, I will have my revenge on them all. The boys and I, well we're just gonna have to show those B*TCH*S that their way isn't the only way to make a name in the Rogue Isles." He giggled again, a trickle of drool smearing the makeup around his mouth. "Oh yes. Show me a way out of here, and me'n'the guys are gonna give some people a wake up call they won't like...Mr Jingles' circus is comin' to town!"

There was a bang on the door. "Quiet down in there!!"

Mr Jingles eyed the inside of the cell door, his hands still flickering as they continued to make patterns in the air with his juggling balls. He could feel the darkness inside him, pushing to be released in a glorious orgy of violence and death. "Soon," he whispered to himself. "Very soon..."

As the sound of sirens and gunshots penetrated his fractured thought patterns, he began to chuckle again. The sound of cell doors unlocking was the stimulus for him to gather up the balls, and he hefted them carefully, judging their flight characteristics now that they were stuffed with chunks of lead.

Jingles popped his head out of the cell in time to see the guard jogging towards the exit. The first ball thumped into the back of his head with a satisfying crack, and the guard collapsed bonelessly. Dead or just unconscious, who cared? Placing his bright yellow derby back onto his head, Jingles headed for the block exit and the freedom that lay out there somewhere...