Sisarose Mansion




(( Party-pooper!))

(( I kid. I kid.))

(( Honestly though, good point.))



The prison lights went out and the alarm started howling.
The breakout suddenly got more momentum and from the looks of things pistol and her posse weren't the only ones trying to escape.
Tommy smelled his opportunity in the form of Monaldi, a rat-******* officer with a nose for easy money, who was coming his way.
He reached through the bars of his cell door and cought Monaldi by the belt.
There was a loud thumping noise and the now motionless body of the corrupt guard was slumping against his cell door.
Blood slowly trickling form a cut across his forehead.
"Serves you right, fricking leech" Tommy muttered under his breath.
With the keys of the unconscious guard, opening the doors was easy.
He picked up Monaldi and flung him over his shoulder.
"Never hurts to have a hostage." He thought.
He let out a violent roar and ran towards the smell of the beast that wouldn't help him earlier.
"I'm coming for ya red, better watch yer back if ya don't wanna loose a limb!"
This would be such a cool movie!

EDITED SO I WONT VIOLATE OTHER PEOPLE'S PART IN THIS AMAZING STORY, sorry it took a while but i had my last final just now .



((ok now i shoudl edit my post to as it tells the story of two characters .
If you guys wnt me to i will. Till that time i'll leave it here. If i dont change it fast enough, to your liking, just consider it never written.))



((People, please keep OOC chat marked this way, it makes the thread much easier to read ))



((Well, what you've just written kind of blows what SE just wrote and got my permission for out the water, put it that way ))



(( He's changing it I think.))



((Cool beans. I'll hold off on posting for a little while then.

Captain, is that your real photo in your icon? And are those your real laser beams??))



((Lets see ur post Echo))



((phew, you guys wrote a lot in the last few hours... So, a little timwarp for Skull Biker is needed...))

[Free, he was free at last. Pistol had kept her word. Skull Biker walked out of his cell, grinning like a madman.]

"Heh, thanks for gettin' me out of this hole, Pistol..."

[He nodded over to her and she turned around to free more inmates.]

(Pistol) "I catch up with you later, have some fun."
(Skull Biker) "Yeah, whatever..."

["The cellar" was filled with the sound of the alarm and Skull Biker looked around... There, in a far corner, an officer tried to hide from the broken out inmates.]

(Skull Biker) "Look who's there... Officer Farlane, nice to meet you again under such conditions!"
(Farlane) "Please, man... Please don't harm me... I... I got a family... I'm not a bad persom!"

[Skull Biker took the gun out of Farlane's holster. The officer was too frightened to do anything against it. Skull aimed at Farlanes head and grinned.]

"Good... bad... I'm the guy with the gun. Learn my lesson, officer Farlane..."

[The gun roared and Farlane fell to the floor, his head pulled back from the bullet through his forehead.]

"Heh, it's so nice to be free again... Let's find Pistol and have some fun..."



((Okie doke.))

Ziggursky Penitentiary: Cell Block H

The shouting and gunfire rang through Baby's ears as she ran down the hallway from the cells. As she fled, she tried pieced together what was going on from the distant shouts and the lifeless bodies of prisoners and guards alike all around.

She'd heard one of the guards mention an Arachnos flier in the yard and another cry out with fear when all the cell doors in the block unlocked simultaneously.

The whole place was being rocked with explosions and she'd run through a couple of interior walls that were now nothing but debris. Were these Arachnos trying to bring the whole damn Zig down over our heads??

"Gun," Baby muttered, "I need a gun. Hell, anything would do."

She picked up a small chunk of rubble and tested its weight. Baby threw a couple of practise swings with the rock in her hand when someone called out to her.

"Hey, you!"

A security guard called out as he ran towards Danger Baby. She readied her rock in defence. She didn't exactly relax when she recognised the smiling face under the hat. He was carrying a heavy looking hold-all bag slung over one shoulder.

"Cruise," she said. "What are you doing here? And do you really think it's a good idea to still be wearing that outfit?"

"No worries sweetheart. Every crook in H-Block knows who I am. Besides, every crook in H is currently preoccupied with trying to leave H at this point in time. As you can probably tell by the bodycount around you, the party's moved on."

"[censored], I need to catch up to them!" Baby panicked. "I got separated and then lost my way and... Cruise, I need a gun!"

"I'll say you do."

Baby gave Cruise her very best expectant stare. Cruise raised an eyebrow, looked down at her outstretched palm, and considered for a moment if she was really being serious.

Finally he sighed and said frankly, "You have no idea how this works, do you kiddo?"

"What? Pistol said you were the guy-"

"Yeah well, me and Pistol have an arrangement, it's true. But Pistol was never anything less than polite to me. She respected what I have going on... had going on here. She's a businesswoman. I'm a businessman. There's profit in what we do together. You meanwhile are a-"

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have disrespected you before," Baby could guess where this was going and she didn't like it. "But now I need your help! Will you help me?"

"See now that's what I'm wondering," Cruise said calmly. His cool, quiet demeanour was the exact opposite of Baby's. "You've insulted me, and you already turned down my offer once before. Now why should I do business with you? What's in it for me?"

"I'll give you anything!"

"Done!" Cruise said smugly. "You owe me one 'anything'. Don't forget it."

He took a revolver out of the hold-all and handed it to Baby.

"You know how to use it, don't you?"

"Yes, I've seen guns before," Baby said in a mock-patronising tone. Just never shot anyone, she added in thought. "Ammo?"

"It's got a full clip. Well then, have fun! Last I saw of Pistol, she was in the direction you were heading. The centre of the riot is that way too though, so watch out."

"Thanks a lot Cruise," Danger Baby as she broke into a run towards Pistol's location.

"Not a problem kiddo," Cruise broke out a wicked smile. "See you on the outside."

Written with permission from Captain_Cliche



[Shift comes running back to Pistol and the crew]

"Hey there guys... woah, looks like you guys expanded a bit"

"Tried to find my crew, but Mick here was the only one around that i could find. I guess one is better than nothing eh?"

"So erm Pistol.... we're out out of our cells now. But how do you plan to get out of the Zig. Better yet, how do you intend to get back to the Rogue Isles?"

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."




[Pistol was done confronting Lupa. She answers to Shift]

"I've never been to the Rogue Isles babes, but Cruise has been middle man between Recluse and I. He sent my boy Hawk to my aid, and a couple Arachnos to our rescue.

"Next move? I suggest we take over this hell hole, makes it easier with spiders on our side. Then we'll have to find the pilots before the stripes turn up."

[Right on cue, an army of Longbow Agents storm the block.]



The band of inmates spread for cover as gunfire rattles the halls.

"Mug, take them" scowls Pistol, "Calibre, you assist"

A silent nod from the masked inmate is all the reply he gives.

Shift offers up one of the pistols he's collected from fallen guards but Mugshot just grasps his quiver and makes a break for it. Mugshot's new lackey "Calibre" took the opportunity though and quickly grasped one of the weapons.

I must protect my Mistress

Running horizontally across the hall he lets fly 3 flights before reaching the other side. Leaping up onto a jagged piece of iron which used to be the floor above he gains his precious higher ground. Another silent nod gives Calibre his orders.
With the gunfire concentration increasing Mugshot is pinned down behind the Iron. Using a piece of shattered glass he peers around his obstacle. The guards are moving in slowly.
A quick twang of his bow unlatches a steel ladder held in position, crushing another of the red and white attackers.

Suddenly realising the oncoming enemies seemed infinite, Mugshot had by far overestimated what he could've done with only his 8 arrows. That pistol offer was looking better and better by the second....

((looks like im gunna need a hand ))



(Shift):"Mitch, give one of your guns to Mug, you ain't using it anyway"

[Mitch tosses his one of his guns to Mugshot]

[Shift comes out of his cover behind a column and shots a few net arrows onto the horde of longbow]

(Longbow Commander):"Men, take cover!"

[The arrows hit nothing but brick walls]

(Shift, Shouting to the other side of the cellblock)":
"Mug, how you holding out over there?"
"Got any spare arrows for me?

If only i had 1 or 2 flash arrows with me.

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



Arrows ya say? This lot do? *MaX conjures a quiver full of different gadget arrows out of a portal*

Always good to keep some arms on pocket planes, they turn out handy at times



((u planning TA aswell Shift? sweet))

Seeing Shift using a bow like himself Mugshot gains a new found respect for his inmate counter-part. Although fascinated by the strange technological arrows he's firing. Firing one of his last two arrows str8 at Shift, digging it into the wall next to him, Mugshot makes a break for it....



Seeing the ensuing chaos, Hatespawn turns to the men following him and barks at them to join the fray.

He closes his eyes and begins an incantation in a deep, unearthly voice. His words seem to get louder and louder as the same translucent oily substance starts to seep from his body.

Within seconds the substance vapourises and covers the guards in a thick black smoke, blinding them.

"Perhaps that helps some..."



((*cough*, its Shift, with an H :P And yes, TA ftw! ))

"Watch where you shoot those things Mug! but thanks for the arrow."

"Close your eyes guys, this is going to get nasty!"

[Shift grabs a flash arrow from MaX and fires it at the longbow]

"Quick, they're blinded for a moment! CHARGE!"

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



(( Could someone recap what just happened, so I can bring my char in? (Can't be askes to read all 7 pages ))

City of Heroes - Union
Yoshi || Magic/Scrapper || Kat/Reg || 50

City of Villains - Union
Duke of Doom || Magic/Brute || Fire/Fire || 50

and alot of alts



[After leaving "the cellar", Skull Biker just followed the sound of guns and the cries of dying men. It was just chaos. The freed inmates rampaged through the Zig and taking revenge on the officers. Suddenly, he heard the characteristic noises of Longbow weapons from the left and stormed into that room. A heavy firefight was going on, with Pistol, Mugshot and Shift involved. Skull Biker smiled. These guys sure knew how to use a bow... He raised his gun and fired two shots in direction of the Longbows.]

Hell, too much of ´em...

[He raised an arm and sent a short plea to his father... Then, a black fog began to raise from the floor around the Longbows and they were slowed down. Skull Biker picked up a gun and rammed a fresh mag in it.]

"Take ´em out, guys! Take ´em out!"

[His eyes glowing in a fiery red and guns blazing, Skull Biker charged into the Longbows...]



((OOC)) kinda dificult but i'll try:
Pistol made a deal with corrupt officer Cruise Control for some guns. She arranged a break out by arachnos and intends to leave with Skull Biker, Shift, Max, Danger Baby and Hatespawn (and maybe Lupa).
Tommy just got out if his cell and has a score to settle with hatespwan.
Spruk is still in his medical wing or cell or something.
Mob mentality is still in his cell.
If i forgot something i'm sorry.
Most people are fighting guards.



((I'd seriously advice reading the pages Yoshi, its just as fun to read 'em as it is to write, honest. But yeah, everyone's out, spiders are here and so are longbow. we got orange vs blue vs black vs red vs orange and the lot. Join in.))

"Thanks for the help Queintin. You and Shift work well together. Biker, good to see ya back in shape"

[Pistol glances up at the monsterous figure.]

"Erm.. I dont know who you are but, thanks"

[She heeds his words and returns to the fight. Contiously overlooking a dark figure in the shadows.]

"Hawk, the heroes are weak, remember the fight with the Back Alley Brawler?" The boy nods. "Good, you ready?"

"One sec"

[Without warning, the kid pistolwhips a fleeing guard, knocking him out cold. He steals his gun, spins it about on a finger before holstering it.]


"You're such a show off" she joked. "Get in there."

[It all happened in slow motion. Hawk charged headlong into the wardens, dodging bullets amidst the stream of fire. He performs a front flip, unholstering two magnums in a duel wield. He opens fire. Three weakened wardens fell to his lead before he even landed.]

"Acelere las habilidades" Pistol chanted, and her entire body seemed to glow.

"Fuerce Cerrojo!" and a massive bolt of sheer force sent a costumed warden crashing through the prison walls. "Cerrojo!" and another. "Cerrojo!" "Cerrojo!" she cried, and several Longbow officers were sent flying.

[She raced at a lieutenant, fists clenched. He fired. Time seemed to freeze as the single bullet raced at Pistol]

"Desvíe" was all she muttered and the bullet ricocheted off an invisible field.




Following a trail of dead guards, Tommy hoped to find the demon lookalike that didnt help him earlier.
After cutting two corners he finds three guards that are still alive.
"Help me! I'm blind, i'm blind!" One of the nearly dead guards screams. "the devil took my eyes!"
"i'll help ya mate." Tommy smirkes.
He takes the guard his gun from his holster.
"Open your mouth buddy. I've got some medicin for ya. This'll help ya get yer sight back."
Reluctantly he guard does a he's told, trembelling all over.
When he feels the cold steel Tommy just slid against his palate he tries to scream but it's too late.
"Bet you didn't see that coming!" Tommy laughs as he moves to the other two.
One of them soiled himself and the other was praying with his eyes closed.
"That won't help, you know" Tommy whispers and fires two rounds.
He goes down a flight of stairs, towards th sound of gun fire, and is suddenly blinded by a bright light.
Good thing the Crey scientists hightened his sense of smell.
He smells two inmates, their clothes reek of stale food, and about twentyfive longbow agents. They don't know he's behind em.
"Only twentyfive? They must be kidding, don't they know we're supposed to be super-villains?" He smirks, takes the still unconscious guard Monaldi of his shoulder and throws him at the Longbow agents, taking two of em down.
Then he jumps in opening fire at everything around him.
They never knew what hit em.
Tommy rushes through towards the two inmates still struggling against their attackers.
"Maybe I can be of service to you boys!"
He turns around and fires twice more.
Two Longbow drop to the floor.



When he comes too, Bonnot is disoriented. Completely unaware of any plans that may have been in place, his only aim is survival. Escaping would be a bonus.
"Play it cool" he mutters to himself "hrm, that big guy dissapeared."
He wanders out of his cell to find what can only be described as chaos. Chaos confuses him. He looks around for a guard. A gun. He picks up the gun and follows the path that appears to have been used by everyone else - it must be the way out.



[Gunfire stopped]

What the hell just happened?

[Shift looks up from his hiding place and sees the longbow lying on the floor, with one person standing in between them]

"Erm... Thanks, i guess"

Who is that guy? He sure pulled one hell of a stunt there.

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."