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  1. Oh my..... I can't believe it. To see a game that you've been playing for like 7 years now to just be gone at some point... I just don't know.
  2. Gotta fix that scroll button. Takes time ;D
  3. My first character was a Fire/Fire Tank named Fire Ranger. Still have him. He's on Zukunft. He's lvl 6.
  4. The anticipation is killing me.
  5. Seing as its your FIRST I guess its pretty okay
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    It's a scrapper, I grow more annoyed with that picture everyday, makes him look like a claws user, but hes reaching for his broadsword.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I thought he was reaching for his Katana. Oh well Better than claws

    Btw those pics are awesome!
  7. Its_Yoshi

    Going on holiday

    How did this happen?!
  8. Its_Yoshi

    Sisarose Mansion

    (( Could someone recap what just happened, so I can bring my char in? (Can't be askes to read all 7 pages ))
  9. I can hardly read the Chillbaze one
    Other than that, awesome
  10. It took me 666 hours to get Yoshi to lvl 50
  11. Its_Yoshi

    Linx. Lvl 5-0

    Ya finally made it!
    Gratz Linx
  12. I can make it Saturday or Sunday. Both are fine

    The only thing is that I don't quite get how this SF is gonna work. Do we all need to be in coalition or doese the SF started need to activate the sg computer?
  13. I'd be definatley intrested

    Duke of Doom - lvl 28 Fire/Fire Brute
    Mac 5 - lvl 23 Robotics/Forcefield Mastermind
  14. Big gratz Tinks Wish I could've been there . Oh well enjoy your Kheldian or whatever you will do now

  15. Its_Yoshi

    Naming minions

    Well okay I got my MM back from the grave and lvled him to 21 now. Here are his robots so far

    Battle Drones
    (see Nightmare before Christmas)

    Protector Bots

    I will prob call my second protector bot Homer or some Simpson character and my Assault Bot bog Boi
  16. Awesome Event. Great job to Rocker And thanks for the 2.5 mil ^^
  17. Sign me up
    I'm lvl 26 atm so will be exemped down to 20. I'll meet ya there
  18. Well...

    Yoshi is 22 years old
    His EVIL TWIN brother Koopa is also 22 years old
    Duke of Doom is 500 years old. He "died" when he was 32
    Ice Cold Killa is 18

    There you have it
  19. I'm lvl 20 now. btw whats the minimum level for Sirens Call?
  20. I had that mish yesterday. The guy was two lvls above me but I still kicked his [censored]. FEEL MY FURY!!