Sisarose Mansion




Romanov listened. The fact that he would need to join this axis or destroy its members sooner rather than later was becoming reinforced with each word. Bazini had impressed him, that much was true. It was a bold move and not without its merits.

However, the general could not escape another fact, namely that with two exceptions he would not even consider those assembled for a position in his organisation never mind treat them as equals. Hatesman displayed his mental frailty as blatantly as Borealis’ suit belied his physical weakness. Perhaps it was a ploy to make others underestimate them, but that was the wrong card to play so early in this particular game. The thin man in black and whatever was inside the hi-tech armour were unknown quantities. As was the Countess, but Romanov already sensed that she would make a more appealing ally than adversary.

Romanov held out his black gloved hand, drawing attention to himself before gesturing to the Countess. “I am still digesting the proposal and the speeches I have heard so far so choose to hold my judgment a little longer. I would be most interested to hear the Countess’ thoughts.”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



From the shadows a bit in the back Elizabeth had watched and listened to what the others had to say. Sipping the blood in her glass like it was an age-old wine. Thinking of ways how to use an alliance like this to her full adventage.

The thought of treating some of them as eaquals repulsed her deeply. Especially the, what seemed to her, robot and the unmannered oaf with the split personality. Still, she saw opportunity in this.

Drawn from thought by Romanov's gesture she lifted her head, looking at the beings around the table trying to pierce their thoughts with her cold blood-red eyes. Slowly and with grace she stood up.

"I walked this earth for over 400 years and I have slaves in high places everywhere by now. That being... I am sure the power I crave is within my reach... even though it might take another 100 years." Liz said adressing Bazini directly. "The last time I trusted someone was with Stefan, only months after he became Recluse. He betrayed me deeply and I ended up imprisoned."

She pauzed for a moment, her eyes flaming up with hate while her nails left deep cuts in the wood of the dinner table... looking around at the others. "I will not allow such betrayal again. And I will not trust any of you ever completly. But I would like to speed up my revenge. And it looks like it that an alliance like this can do such a thing. We would be like a dark illuminati... as our combined influence is obviously greater then any. Combined we have an army bigger then that of Arachnos."

"As for total distruction of our enemies... I can't deny that I was not able to destroy them myself. The greater forces of juicy heroes stayed out of my claws, as did the elusive Ghost Widow and the man now known as Recluse. Only a fool would ignore that fact. So I am willing to set aside my pride and give this alliance a chance." Elizabeth says with a look as if it was a great sacrifice from her admitting this.

"Those are my thoughts... gentlemen... ms. Bazini..." She says while sitting down again.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Romanov bowed his head slightly. “That you for that impassioned speech Countess.”

He stood, resting his palms on the tabletop. He had addressed thousands of troops before battle as well as the unearthly horrors that dwelt in the darkest part of his lair, but this situation called for a more subtle approach. But he was as adept at making his case in the boardroom.

“As the Countess has said some of us are further along the path to what some of you have called rule here today. Myself perhaps more than all of you. I and the organisation I am part of exert control and influence in many parts of the world. That leads me to the natural conclusion that your efforts, if they were allowed to proceed, would bring all of you into conflict with me. And believe me when I say the progress of your alliance would end there.”

He paused for a moment, allowing his audience to form their own thoughts in the stillness.

“However, I cannot deny that I have been impressed with Ms Bazini’s proposal, in the main part for the sheer bravery or audacity of its scope. And the opportunity to form an alliance with her and Countess Bathory is one I have given careful consideration to. As for the rest of you, I have to rely that her judgement in arriving at her proposal also extends to those she chose to invite to be a part of it.”

He suppressed a sneer.

“One thing I will say is that some of your notions on rule will have to be corrected. If you want your head on a coin, this is not the path for you. True power, global power, is that behind the throne. However, I look forward to debating that point and others another time. For now, it is enough to say that I will join this alliance and give my word that while it stands I will not harm any of its members.”

He nodded to signal that he was finished. Briefly looking at each of the men and women to read their reactions before sitting down.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



As the words "if they were allowed to proceed" issued from Romanov's mouth, Borealis suspected for an instant that the jumped up mystic was about to oppose them, and his hand twitched imperceptably, ready to freeze the mystic mid-speech, before his mind read the tone correctly.

This need for posturing and showing off will undo us all, he thought with disadain. It was typical of the ones with arcane powers to be those most needing to boast and posture. It must be some prerequisite of controlling demons or some such, for it seemed all mystics were equally arrogant in his experience.

He marked Romanov and Balthory in his mind as the ones most weak in terms of personality, the ones most predictably needy of toadies, at the same time noting that the forces they could command beyond themselves made them potentially the most powerfully dangerous in his estimation.

It was precisely these factors that had lead Borealis to conclude that the arrogant and insincere Romanov would have to die first in his initial instinctive reaction to the proposal - to use and betray - before considering the futility of a false alliance to them all.

Part of Borealis' mind listened to the rest of Romanov's speech, but it merited no real attention. It was merely a long-winded and self-serving way of saying yes while probably trying to convince himself he was superior to all others here. The sound washed over him as he considered the coming weeks.

As Romanov finally sat back down, probably still unaware of how his need to posture had so nearly started an annihilation at this table, Borealis turned his gaze to Lord Erebus. The only one left to agree, and perhaps therefore the most grudging.

Hard to be sure, for it was Romanov that had put off agreement until seeing just how many would likely act against him if he attempted to leave with knowledge of this League without commitment to it. It made his convictions questionable at best. A man who dithers and agrees only after seeing himself utterly outnumbered is not a man who's agreement is to be trusted at face value.

Borealis found himself feeling most impressed by the Dark Pistol and by Hatesman so far. Alicia was a woman who was not unfamilar with alliances and honour. Oswald had impressed him with his preparation to be able to control his madness. Besides the immediate trust issue, these were two he felt no opposition to at all.



Lord Erebus allowed a smile to play across his thin lips while the others spoke. He knew of the people in the room, by reputation at least but that did not endear him to playing nicely with them. He was used to keeping to she shadows, taking what he wanted and not caring for the consequences. Alliances were few and far between for him, just the way he liked it. The sewers were his domain, the Lost and the Vahzilok giving him wide berth. The Council had tried to invade his territory more than once but once he had consumed a number of them and left their desiccated remains for the others to find, they left him alone as well. But other career criminals? He almost shuddered at the thought. They all wanted their empires of silver and gold, nothing like the utter desolation that he desired. Would he be a hypocrite to help them build their kingdom only to consume it from within? A debate for another time perhaps. As long as he was allowed access to the forbidden magics hidden by some of the heroic organisations, given opportunity to practice them without interference and had enough souls to gorge himself on, he would be happy. Content with his logic he spoke.

“What you propose sounds agreeable. And I too share the accord that each of us should not seek to destroy each other until we have achieved our goals. However, we should also be aware of each others goals so that we do not interfere unduly. Do we all feel comfortable sharing such secrets with one another? Who here feels that we can share that degree of trust?”

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Hatesman sneered back at Romanov as he finished, and continued to slip further from sanity as the talking continued, now entering a slow and drunken world, intoxicated by the suppressor drugs, yet free and concious enough to speak his mind.

"Hah! Trust? At this table?" replied Hatesman with a twitch in his eye and a growl in his voice. "I gave up on trust the moment I saw the truth..."

"The truth that we don't need trust, in this world. We don't need order in this world. Rules, regulations, safety nets for the weak them all."

"No, we need nothing that Humanity has concocted to bring itself superficially closer to god."

"No... the dirty little secret, is that even if we can live forever and command the heavens we will never be gods ourselves. No, not in this lifetime! Even Zeus was a deluded wretch with visions of grandeur beyond his station."

"No. Not with these dirtied genetics can we become great. No. We can only hope to speed the process of evolution to its ultimate end, and we can only do this by ridding the world of the weak and their pens and self-inflicted cages that protect them from their fate..."

"You see I honestly don't care what your goals are. You'll be pleased to know that so long as it involves the purification of weakness that humanity so needs, I and my Terra Liberation Front will be there, waiting to cleanse and free the weak from their mortal bonds."

"That is why I am so quick to accept alliances but what could any of you be so desperate to achieve? I wonder?" he asked with a careless smirk about his distorted lips, belittling any answer that was to follow.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



In the thoughtful pause that followed Hatesman's latest response, Borealis considered just how much of his plans and motivations these allies would need to know. Or in certain cases, could understand.

"Well, I have never had any desire to waste precious time on running the affairs of the insignificant." He spoke with a manner that was as cold as his frozen heart. "Even to rule from behind a throne tends to sap one's time answering the peurile questions of its occupants."

"However, the autonomy I require for my projects and works, and the freedom to further the course of science, has lead me to the inescapable conclusion that I must take a hand in politics. I must either support a new order that will give me the free reign and resources I require, without hesitation, or else create such an order myself."

"I have tried, to this point, simply declaring autonomy, and refusing to be beholden or answerable to any nation or authority beyond my own. But of course, they fear me and my work just too much, and too little, to leave me undisturbed in my works. Thus I am saddly forced to waste precious time in attaining power to dissuade others from interference." Borealis shook his head a little to himself at the unpleasant necessity to waste time on such frivolous and unrewarding matters as the bulk of humanity.

"So. I approach this alliance with a view that I might, at least, find assistance in culling the population of the world to a more manageable level, reducing the attention it will take from my true calling. I have absolutely no interest in ever having dominion over any of you. And my only possible cause of fricton with anyone at this table, would be if they sought dominion over me. Aside from assuring my autonomy is preserved, I have no opposition to, nor frankly much interest in, the affairs of any here."



Hatesman found himself nodding and silently agreeing with everything Borealis had to say.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Elizabeth looked at Borealis with some renewed respect. "In this I have to agree on most terms with you good sir, Borealis it was... wasn't it? I have lived in most countries across the world now. My... needs... always tend to end up in such an unhealthy situation that I had to relocate. This I wish to stop!"

"Freedom in movement and act is what I crave. Respect and luxury that is mine by birthright is what I must have. Controlling from behind is the best way... if the end-result gives me free reign and access to my prey. If this is not possible... total control is just as fine. Although I learned over the years that a position like that makes the acting power much too public, and therefore much to vulnerable."

"I can't speak for all of you... as I haven't heard all of youre statemants yet... But I will not stand for total mass destruction in any way. After all... if all humans are dead... who's blood will I and my kind be drinking!"

"I also have to state that the well-being for my kind is too be garanteed! There is another alliance beside this one that I am a member off that will not tolerate any dabbling there. Just to make that totally clear!"

"These are my goals and terms... The way towards it I do not care about. I have my ways, but am flexible enough to do it either way!"

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Borealis nodded assent to the Countess regarding his name.

"Countess, if you mean that none of your kind should ever be harmed, I would be reluctant to agree to such ... racism. However, if you mean that no genocide of your kind be undertaken, then I am in perfect accord. I would treat vampires, and any other races, no differently to my own, judging each individual on its own merit, and killing only as needed to achieve my needs. Does that suffice?"



"I don't care about individuals... I was talking about genocide. And more out of alliance then for myself. Just as I am against genocide of the human blood rescource.", Elizabeth looks around the room.

"As I said... those are my terms... Take it or leave it as the saying goes these days..."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



"I must say, the only point that I will not compromise on is that we will burn Paragon to the ground. It is too much of a stronghold, too much of a bastion, and too much of a hope to be left standing. If we don't, I can almost garentee that we will face opposition and rebellion from it.

All other points I am more than happy to agree to... Especially yours, Borealis. You seem to be a person with similar needs as mine."



Lord Erebus tried not to laugh. Burn Paragon City to the ground! And lose what riches it held in it's steely grasp? Clearly the intent of some here lay no further than simple destruction. But then perhaps, would it not be best to destroy so that then they could rebuild? Long forgotten plans for Erebus' Temple of Pain reappeared in his head and he tried not to become too excited at the prospect. Grasping his cane, he took to his feet to talk.

"Destruction?," he began, "Perhaps. But let us not forget that there will need to be a bright new future to replace it and if we are of one accord, that bright future will be ours and ours alone. I have little need for the plebians that crawl amongst the city, you may rule over them as you see fit. All I ask is for fresh ones to consume on a regular basis. What I desire are their hidden depths of their knowledge. MAGI hold rare and precious magics that could render this planet assunder, that could elevate one to the plane of the gods themselves! And it is those that I seek above all other. Should there be a trail of broken bodies in my wake, so be it."

He resumed his seat, slightly annoyed that he had shared so much. "Preserve them and you have my assistance. Burn them carelessly and I cannot promise to be merciful. That is all I require of you."

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



"Harvest the weak like cattle for all I care, sait your blood-thirst. Drink deep in their misery." Hatesman now seemed to be getting intoxicated by the discussion. "Those who can't defend themselves will become our prey, while the cunning and strong should be left to flourish if they are able to do so. Thankful that their meaningless life was spared." He stopped.

"But I share XV's vision to demolish Paragon City and capture or destroy Statesman and the Freedom Phalanx too! All of the heroes, all of them from that place have to die painful deaths or live tortured and alone if they stand against us... all of them must suffer the consequences of their vigilance!"

ORACLE nodded in agreement. "He is correct. The considerable threat Paragon City poses to this Alliance cannot be ignored."

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



"It seems to me that we can all agree to sack the city of Paragon. We defeat its protectors, destroy its governance, and lay claim to whatever spoils of that city we wish." Lord Borealis mused soothingly. "Whether we then utterly destroy the city, or let it stand as an accursed memorial of forlorn hopes of opposing us, can be decided thereafter, can it not?"

"For now, I am minded to hear what Romanov hopes to attain from our alliance." Borealis turned his cold blue eyes to Romanov and waited.



Borealis’s stare washed over Romanov but he recognised its intent. He returned it, but withheld the intensity that could reduce most living things to a trembling mass of fear filled flesh.

“What do I want? To put it simply I want to rule the world and choke its rivers with the corpses of all who oppose me.”

He turned away, enjoying the image he had conjured for a few seconds.

“What is clear from this brief conversation is that there are those of us who wish to destroy and those of us who desire to shape a new order. I don’t believe those positions are necessarily at odds with each other. Some of the world’s strongest regimes have grown from the ashes of chaos, despair and revolution.

“As for this city? I wish to continue to erode all faith in its precious heroes until the very people they wish protect force them into the shadows. When vulnerable I want to spread fear and mistrust through the population, to eat way everything they believe in like a cancer. Then will be time for your chaos and destruction.

“And when the dust settles and those we have allowed to live in their desperation seek out for guidance? Then I shall take my allotted share and do as I will.”

He ran his hand along the surface of the table. “But I have no intention of ending with Paragon City. I fact, I am not completely convinced it is the right place to start our enterprise whatever its eventual form. So to return to your original question…I want the world.”

He looked around the room again, acknowledging each of its occupants before continuing. “I wonder what your response would be to this proposal. A smaller target less protecting by the costumed cretins that seem to be attracted to this place like the proverbial flies. At the very least it would give us the opportunity to see how our individual resources and skills can be put to use collectively. And it would give us a base to plan our next, more ambitious campaign.”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Alicia Barzini waited for the thoughtful, if not respectful silence that followed the heavy speeches, before rising to her full height to share her thoughts. "Hatesman wants the weak removed" she began. "The Countess wants to herd humans... Lord Erebus wants MAGI... XV wants Paragon City and its Lighthouses of Hope, completely wiped out... Lord Borealis wants to further the course of science... Romanov wants to rule the world... Fu** it, I just wanna kill a few billion people."

"Clearly, our goals aren't totally at odds. In fact, I like Romanov's idea. We form a number of strategies to win this game, then practice them on a few small countries. If it all goes well and nothing is traced back to us, we'll take the best plans global, maybe even universal, then dimensional. We don't ever really have to stop.

"Under Romanov's rule, the Countess can have endless resources of fresh blood! Lord Erebus, you would not only command the sewers but possess the greatest knowledge of magic! Lord Borealis, you would have freedom to practice all manners of experiments, and science would have you to thank! Hatesman, you would have liberated the world from the chains of political oppression, the humans deserving and strong enough to survive would roam free and wild across the planet! XV, you would at last have the manpower of this Alliance, to bring down Paragon City. And I will also be free to ruin lives, make the people of this evil world to feel the pain that I felt, I will make them see death as I did and let them know that only in the afterlife can total salvation be found. If we all agree to Romanov's plan, put it to words now and we can begin on Sunday 20th."



Elizabeth nodded in agreement...

"Taking over even a small nation completly like that would take some serious extra firepower. It will not be possible to get complete control with just the domination of the ruling government. I am rather sure of that... the country has to be forced to surrender.", Elizabeth says with a grim face.

"Still it is possible... I suggest a small country not too far from Paragon City, so we are able to keep a close watch on the activaty here... and travel back and forth... Haiti or the Dominican Republic comes in mind. Both countries are already in chaos and the general population of the world can stay oblivious from our take-over."

"I already have some familiars in both countries on high places. It will not be so hard to get control of the ruling dictators. The army would have to be convinced by the public show of weapons of mass destruction. That as it may be... we all know where to get weapons like that!"

Elizabeth looked around for a moment... letting the suspence increase... Still slightly uncomfortable sharing this much of her plans.

"Gentlemen, I suggest we gather nuclear and biological missiles in Warburg for that. A lot of them... if possible. They will give us some leverage."

"Then increase our influence in the country of our choice from the shadows..."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



While part of Borealis' brilliant mind listened to the words of Pistol and the Countess, a deeper part was engaged in reflection on the contries of the world, their political status, natural resources, and strategic usefulness.

He rather favoured the middle east. The resources were excellent, and the political situation was such that every nation of the world would want to step in to have an excuse to annex a part of the region, weakening the political stability of the entire UN almost instantly and unavoidably.

Of course, it would be a sacrifice move, taking the land only to have every superpower immediately dispatch all its resources to reclaim it, but that was precisely the appeal. It would drain all the first world countries of significant funds and resources, create a quagmire of domestic unease and demonstrations, and create ever increased tension between nations. A most useful and effective strategem for undermining the governments of the world, and keeping them distracted.

For land to take and hold... well, ideally Thaiand or the Philipines. The countries were both rich in human resources, and life was cheap. The super-powers did little enough to prevent the outrageous human trafficking that went on in those lands, and would not be overly keen to extend themselves in opposing a takeover - especially if they thought they could deal more easily with the new owners.

Eastern Europe was also promising, and he was sure that both Romanov and Balthory might easily support a move to dominate one of the ex-soviet nations. Most resources other than human were not so ideal, but the accsss to some of the organized crime syndicates of Eastern Europe would easily compensate.

When the Countess finished speaking, he put forward his thoughts.

"Countess, while the weapons stored in Warburg might indeed save us a few weeks of development, gathering them at this stage might be a little too public, without using ignorant external agencies for the aquisition."

"Besides which, opening our play with a nuclear strike or devastating traditional biological weapon, especially on territory so close to the US mainland would obviously say to those in all lands that they might be next. It lacks ... subtlety."

"Our first target should be as remote from the US and NATO countries as possible. It should currently have a regime that is unpopular and seen as evil. That way when we take it, other nations will not be able to even consider simply undoing our changes and putting things back. The more we make them think, and the higher we push the cost of interferring, the less chance any will bother. Particularly if they see little gain thereby."

"The ideal targets would be any of the revolution-torn lands of Africa, and the ideal cover would be to create what appeared to be a new humanitarian league of heroes to go in and take control for the good of the people" He allowed himself a small smile.

"Personally, I'd rather take more useful land, and I rather favour Thailand, or perhaps North Korea. Good sized lands with plenty of natural resources, where human life is a little cheap, and where some rather unsavoury treatment of its own people helps muddy the morality."

"North Korea is certainly rather ambitious as an opening move, and that suggests that Cambodia, Laos, or even Burma might be far more cost-effective initial aquisitions. Burma in particular opens access to China and India for us"

"One of the former soviet countries would be a viable alternative, but I think simply buying and exerting control of those lands through the Russian mafia makes more sense and causes less resistance in the long term. There are useable organizations there that are better preserved for later exploitation I think".

"However, I had a notion for a second phase, requiring a little sacrifice of resources, but with a great potential to completely undermine the entire UN."

Borealis explained his notions for the middle east, and suggested that either Palestine or Iran might be superb options. In either case, they would not need to march in an army, but simply to forment and exacerbate the existing factional unrest in the region to create chaos and tempt the greed of other nations.



Lord Erebus shrugged his thin shoulders when he heard the plan. It seemed acceptable enough. Give the do-gooders something to run around and get excited about while the real evil goes on beneath their noses.

“I approve,” he stated in his sepulchre like tones. “A simple diversion followed by the real acquisition. And although I agree that use of nuclear bombs might be a tad extreme, I see no reason why the threat should not exist. If we are to oust some other world power, fear can be a very effective threat. What if the nation was to merely think that they were under nuclear attack? Their outwardly hostile reactions to other nations may be enough to ignite whatever powder keg already exists there. Meanwhile we simply move in and take what we desire.”

He shrugged again and leaned back into the chair.

“Either way, utter chaos is not my aim. Fear, despair and desolation make for a malleable populace, one that is easily ruled should you so desire to do so. But I intend to rebuild. Miss Barzini may know of my current domain but my aims go far beyond the ruin of nations. To rebuild the world in our image requires the current world to be swept away. And I feel that with a little push, humanity is quite capable of doing so itself.”

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



"At least I agree on the main point of view Romanov here has... Like Bazini says... give us a ye or no and meet each other again Sunday 20th."

"This is not a decision or plan made lightly... votes must be heard... glasses raised."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



"Quite right, Countess, quite right" Lord Borealis nodded. "We are getting ahead of ourselves, caught up in the possibilities. The agenda for this meeting was to consider an alliance. As Dark Pistol so aptly put it: a League of Righteous Destroyers. We have managed to rise above the pitiful jealousies of our lessers and see the wisdom of a true alliance. Let us vote acceptance of the League, and that we shall meet again on the 20th to discuss what we would achieve. That way we can each bring a proposal or plan for consideration at that next meeting."

He raised a glass, looking to all those gathered before settling his gaze upon Alicia Barzini. "I, Lord Borealis, hereby accept the proposed alliance, and give my sworn alliegance to our League!"

He drained his glass. The commitment given.



"I am more than happy to join this alliance." His helmet tilted slightly to regard the glass.
"I am sure, however... You will forgive me if I do not drink" he chuckled.



Romanov stood, picked up a glass and raised it.

"Agreed. To us."

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Lord Erebus raised his glass.

"I concur," he stated, "to victory. Our victory."

He drank the wine hastily. It brought him no pleasure but then that was expected. Stimulation of the flesh had ceased to mean anything to him years ago.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -