How do you PBs live with it?




I finally dinged my first 50 and thought id go toy around with a couple of low lvl Kheldian builds jst to get the feel for them.
Hav to say that, from seeing them played as i lvld my Tank, and from playing through the first 3 or 4 lvls a couple of times for each, i like the look and feel of the PBs. Crystal white/Blue light, glowing eyes + all, I think that would be my choice, except for the constant sf/x
you know which one i mean:
everytime I activate a power:
How do u guys put up with it? I think PB are my choice over WS but i dont exactly wanna hav to play the game silent just to keep my sanity
are there any powers that dont hav that sound effect on them? or can I expect to be hearing it in my head constantly if I roll a PB?



PB sounds are not very good, the constant ringing of the sheilds I find the worst, incandesent strike has a nice sound, sounds like a missile flying past building up to a big explosion, other than that when i play my PB i turn the sounds down and fire up media player



Not just PB's but the general sfx and sound quality is poor and overbearing... i play in complete silence now, with either Teamspeak or a DVD on



Damn, i was hoping for a slightly more positive response . . . . . anyone ?



I always play CoX with the audio off and Winamp running - the only time I switch it on again is when glowie hunting.

[/ QUOTE ]

I haven't had the sound on since Day One, even for the glowie missions. I only found out glowies made noises when someone told me.



I dont think PBs sounds are so bad. Personaly I think that Spines scrappers sounds are much more annoying

@Scorpio EU



Nothing has been worse than a spines/dark scrapper when the dark armor used to do all those damn annoying sounds



I happen to like the PB sounds. I can think of several other powersets far more annoying.



I don't think I've ever found a set in the game that had sounds I don't like.

I especially hated it when devs made the targetting drone sound fade, that was one of the best sounds IMO :/



You think PBs have it bad, Just try playing WS long enough for the constant Monotonous shwom of their attacks get to you, you'll be yearning for PB SFX soon enough.



Strange this. When I'm playing my Kheldians I never notice the sound effects. I teamed with a WS yesterday with my defender and thought the noise was horrendous

I forgive them the noise though, their flexibility makes up for that particular shortcoming



Well, easily. Winamp can run in background :P


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I don't think I've ever found a set in the game that had sounds I don't like.

I especially hated it when devs made the targetting drone sound fade, that was one of the best sounds IMO :/

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/dev is now playable with the sound on. Lots of sounds wind me up, PBs, Claws, flaming aura sounds silly, quills gets to you after a few hours, flash from the illusion set............. but just play something louder is my answer. Soul Drain drowns out everything, most of the time with my fire brute I hear Breath Of Fire, AA for the dominator........... this does mean I cant play a PB when I get that 50, but I want the control with the WS anyway, so it doesn't concern me, I always have the SFX on, but also always have Winamp on

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



really? you dont like the sounds i think there ace like laser guns shooting



really? you dont like the sounds i think there ace like laser guns shooting

[/ QUOTE ]Ah Khelds with laser guns.. those would be the days



i tend to sing along with it *awwwwooooooooooooooooooooooooooo*
lol its what makes my day

or u can play some system of a down over the top of it :P

i think the sounds r ok




I havent had the sound on since i hit about 25 with doomsayer!

Its all about I-tunes in the background playing the best in hardcore, metalcore and anything heavy, hectic or ambient! I'm also known to have some Darkwave or EBM going on when i'm 'arresting' those bad guys!

Problem solved. The eye candy on the khelds is fine for me! Love those powers! Just because the sound sucks you shouldn't be put off!
I hear the sonic blaster sounds are ear cringing..



PB noises arnt awful THERE COOL like laser guns and missiles



Not just PB's but the general sfx and sound quality is poor and overbearing... i play in complete silence now, with either Teamspeak or a DVD on

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I preety much agree, but playing Hidden Healer isnt to bad i mean you only get the heal sound, buff giving sound um... and a few attacks :S but yes i do have team speak and music playing most of the time, really only ever use it for a glowie mish



Been listening to the Beetlejuice theme for 5 hours on repeat.

Turned it off.

Awooooooo! Sweeeeeeeesh! <3



I happen to like the PB sounds. I can think of several other powersets far more annoying.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mm, is that the sound of bad ice sound effects or just annoyance?

I like the Flash Arrow sound.

'Bew-de-bee! Thwip! BOOOOOM *OH SHI!* Oh. No aggro! <3'