Brute for PvP
I'm guessing you'll probably want EM/DA. There's all sorts of nice stuff in Dark Armour, but be prepared for End problems ...
I dont know if I'd take DA, not that strong vs S&L which is the most common damage from scrappers
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
I dont know if I'd take DA, not that strong vs S&L which is the most common damage from scrappers
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Well, thee's always Tough. So, you'd say Invuln then (and be weak against anything non-SL)?
I'd take EM/dark or EM/EA.
Like MBar already mentioned dark got some cool stuff in it and EM provides very good defense (if people cant hit you they cant hurt you )
And EM got 2 extreme damage attacks and some toggle droppers which makes it one of the best primaries 4 PvP
@Scorpio EU
EM/ and /DA would be the best. Be sure to stay away from stone/ , it's mostly a knockback/disorient set which is completely usueless against every PvP build
Thanks for the advice guys, already got a Dm/Da brute so Em/Ea it is .
Initially Dark Armour sounds very nice but the endurance drain is very high and all those toggles are just waiting to be dropped.
Be sure to stay away from stone/ , it's mostly a knockback/disorient set which is completely usueless against every PvP build
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Which blasters, defenders, controllers have Stun resistance? As far as Energy goes it's secondary is also stun... so Energy is also useless?
Stone has Seismic Smash which has a Mag4 Hold, its big Stun Power is also an AoE with a little range. Hurl Boulder has reasonable range with a -Fly.
Energy has advantages in that it's high damage, has a lot of stuns and is energy. It's barmy to say Stone is completely useless in PvP.
EA/SS FTW¬! Tried and tested with no fury kills a troller in 3 hits
Defenders aren't a big problem, they're just waiting to be killed. But Tanks and Scrappers are impossible to kill unless I can get either the stun or hold trough their mez protect, but unfornatly this hardly happens. Most trollers have enough holds/immobs to stack on me so I only win when they don't see me and I only loose when I don't see them.
Blasters are a challenge, most of them have either end drain or toggle drops an both of them are very deadly in PvP. Once they are stunned/KB/held I can just keep them on their backs or stationairy. Until they manage to stun me, in which case the tables have turned again.
Seeing as most of the PvP takes place in Siren's I only have Stone Fist and Fault to disorient, (which will most likely fail to do so) and Seismic smash to hold, which is too slow to keep it stacked (3 acc/1 rech/2 end red). And even tough Stone/ does alot of damage most of it gets resisted by PvP builds (damn the pool powers).
EM/ and the other energy sets have multiple disorients and toggle droppers, which makes them much more effective in PvP. Not saying that stone/ is impossible to PvP with, but most PvP build make you want to PvE (Thank Cryptic for the PAtron powers. Soul, Leviathan and MU have extra damage types for my cute blob
I'd take EM/dark or EM/EA.
Like MBar already mentioned dark got some cool stuff in it and EM provides very good defense (if people cant hit you they cant hurt you )
And EM got 2 extreme damage attacks and some toggle droppers which makes it one of the best primaries 4 PvP
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Wait a minute - Brutes don't get toggle droppers.
Energy Melee doesn't have any toggle droppers in the EM Brute power set. It does have Stuns which affect ATs without stun resistance, and (in theory) you can stack multiple stuns on a single target to overcome a scrapper/tank mezz resist.
I'd take EM/dark or EM/EA.
Like MBar already mentioned dark got some cool stuff in it and EM provides very good defense (if people cant hit you they cant hurt you )
And EM got 2 extreme damage attacks and some toggle droppers which makes it one of the best primaries 4 PvP
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Wait a minute - Brutes don't get toggle droppers.
Energy Melee doesn't have any toggle droppers in the EM Brute power set. It does have Stuns which affect ATs without stun resistance, and (in theory) you can stack multiple stuns on a single target to overcome a scrapper/tank mezz resist.
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@Scorpio EU
I dont know if I'd take DA, not that strong vs S&L which is the most common damage from scrappers
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Well, thee's always Tough. So, you'd say Invuln then (and be weak against anything non-SL)?
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I didn't say to take anything, just advised away from something, yes there is tough, but with a PvP build you alreay want a travel power, fitness, and probably leadership, fighting adds another couple of powers. DA could be a very nice PvP build but it wouldn't be the easiest to make
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
I'm actually also interested in this subject. I've seen some insanely powerfull EM/DA brutes, but they also use a lot of end, and mostly, dark just isn't really my thing. I also heard a suggestion of EM/ does this do in PvP? Is it truly equal to EM/DA or do they just have better end but still lack the toughness of an EM/DA?
Wanna do Sirens Call. Pick stone melee, its by far the best.
A Paragon Defender
/DA is a great res set. Blaster don't do extreme damage (still too much), but it has one big weakness: end cost. Blasters aren't lethal when my toggles run, so they feel the pain of my KB The problem is that 90% of the blasters out there have an energy/electric powerset and either drain all the end or knock the toggles off leaving DA (no passive +res) completely squishy. I don't know about other sets, but once my mez resistance is gone I usually have no defence or resistance left within a few attacks and won't last very long after that.
And Stone being the best in Siren's? I've seen all brutes take down trollers, blasters and defenders with ease. Tanks and Scrappers are way too hard for my little stoney (disorient and KB never get trough) so I just start the "who-runs-out-of-end-loses" battle and see what happens
And Stone being the best in Siren's? I've seen all brutes take down trollers, blasters and defenders with ease. Tanks and Scrappers are way too hard for my little stoney (disorient and KB never get trough) so I just start the "who-runs-out-of-end-loses" battle and see what happens
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I rarely have problems with Scrappers and Tanks with my EM/Fire Brute - it can get silly against Regens with heal vs heal, but Fury usually wins out so long as it stays a fairish fight (1v1/2v1 - 3v1 can get a little hairy). I even managed to drop a couple of Warshades/PBs in Lobster mode in the last week, which was great as they usually always TP out as soon as they hit 1/8th health (in fact, one of them did, but Build Up+Fury'd Total Focus had already been activated, and splatted him 100 yards away in the water. ).
As a PvP armour, Fire isn't so bad for Brutes as it's usually painted, you just have to adapt to the resistance limitations of the set and take as much "offensive defence/control" from your primary and power pools. Healing Flames/Consume are the main tools that give /Fire Brutes any longevity in PvP, in terms of allowing you to build Fury and then giving you enough endurance to use it. Build Up + Fiery Embrace is also really helpful for on-demand burst damage, something Brutes tend to lack from a standing start.
I don't expect to see anyone building a /Fire specifically for PvP, that said, as it's not a prêt à porter PvP set - I had a specific concept in mind, and knew the tactics I'd be using from the outset. It has obvious (and some less obvious) shortcomings, but nothing that can't be solved with good support. YMMV, as always.
"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD
"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love
As a PvP armour, Fire isn't so bad for Brutes as it's usually painted, you just have to adapt to the resistance limitations of the set and take as much "offensive defence/control" from your primary and power pools. Healing Flames/Consume are the main tools that give /Fire Brutes any longevity in PvP, in terms of allowing you to build Fury and then giving you enough endurance to use it. Build Up + Fiery Embrace is also really helpful for on-demand burst damage, something Brutes tend to lack from a standing start.
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This is really good advice. Most Brutes will struggle to build Fury in PvP so two really good self-buffs will be a great way to make a quick start.
In my (albeit limited) DA experience you have to be selective about what shields you run and when. This means that it is more demanding to play in the first instance, but ultimately more rewarding and flexible in the long run.
If you intend to sit there with all your shields on, pummeling away with few end redux'ers slotted then yes, end will be a problem.
The other point to make about DA is that it is a Jack-of -All-Trades. Equally it is the master of none. Your S&L resistence will be low and I found that unless you're very careful you can soon get out of your depth. A BS scrapper will have you for breakfast.
The same could be said about FA but at least you get Healing Flames, which is IMHO the best Brute or Tank combat heal. Well slotted and with Hasten it will be up regularly enough to making you a lot more resilient.
Well i will throw in my 2cents.
Humm i dont get to much into the statistics of it all.
I am a EM/EA brute, and I havent seen anyone else doing the same damage I am capable of
in my time levelling. Maybe they just havent been wacking their enhancements in or something. I have done quite alot of lvling with Stone brutes and i didnt see anything special with them, just seemed slow to me
Plus we get Total Focus and Energy Cloak, what more could you ask for.
As for non toggle droppers, I was in the arena with my brother playing his DM/DA brute and my attacks would knock off his shields if I landed a disorient hit. Maybe I have that wrong, if you are saying it doesnt?
So yea, IN MY OPINION EM/EA is the way forward. You are more than welcome to disagree :P
in terms of shields i'd go energy hands down
Wanna do Sirens Call. Pick stone melee, its by far the best.
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I'd say there's not much difference between SS and Stone. Rage makes knockout blow into a real killer attack, but Stone have those 3 high damage single target attacks. It's a close run thing.
question about the disorient of energy melee : this effect doesnt drop the toggles like sleep or immo ?
question about the disorient of energy melee : this effect doesnt drop the toggles like sleep or immo ?
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Well i could have sworn it was for me, when i was duelling my brother in the arena.
It can drop a random toggle, if the first attack drops your Mez protect and the next one connects you could be mez'ed. Happens alot to my /DA, I think energy sets just know what to drop
It can drop a random toggle, if the first attack drops your Mez protect and the next one connects you could be mez'ed. Happens alot to my /DA, I think energy sets just know what to drop
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Only blaster energy melee has automatic toggle droppers. Tank and brute have to do it the old fashioned way, by stacking enough disorients to break past the mez defence. This is pretty unlikely to happen.
I'm usually not very interested in PvP. With the upcoming I7 and recluse's victory I wouldn't mind having a though villain to run around in there.
I chose the brute because I want protection in the form of shields, either resistance or defense.
Primary powerset will be energy melee, looks great and has acouple of very nice big hitters.
Other then that, I'm clueless. What secondary would fit PvP? what travel power would work best? Any pool powers I should pick up along the way? This brute would be more geared towards PvP in the higher lvls so I'll probably build him for PvE and respec him once he's up acouple of levels...