I'm not sure I believe it...




...but I've just had my first mission as a Kheldian with no Voids/Quantums!

Alright it was a small mission (I think there were 15 bad guys, 20 tops) but I'm still in shock. I'm going to go lie down now.

"If there's anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetantly."



i already had quite a few missions without any void at all. Or maybe i was lucky and went straight for the mission-targets and skipped the void

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



I did Synapse TF yesterday and there were no voids or quantums at all but instead there were lots of novas, dwarves and a shadow cyst crystal! It was pretty scary on such a low level but the team did really well, to be honest much better than many high levels teams I've seen.

I've only got 2 crystals during my 36 levels of peacebringing and they worry me a bit as I've seen them cause multiple teamwipes when team didn't know how to handle them or wouldn't listen. If it happened on a team because my PB was in it, I'd feel a bit responsible. On the other hand I find them kind of exciting and not really that bad if everyone just concentrates on taking the crystal out fast.



I have no Peacebringer or Warshade as yet, but I know of the Voids and Quantams and the hate that comes with them.

I haven't heard of the others that you've just mentioned though, anyone mind telling me what they are and what they do that makes them such a threat? I'd like to know before I go up to them to say hello.



I have no Peacebringer or Warshade as yet, but I know of the Voids and Quantams and the hate that comes with them.

I haven't heard of the others that you've just mentioned though, anyone mind telling me what they are and what they do that makes them such a threat? I'd like to know before I go up to them to say hello.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dwarf = tanker-form of the kheldian.
nova = squisy-form of the kheldian.
but this time its on the side of the guys you have to arrest. They have the same powers as the kheldian ones, not that hard to take down.

That crystal thing is darkcolored standing thing, that once you get close it spawns a huge ammount of floating blobs. By the huge gangbang this group can do, often such crystal results in a complete team-wipe.
The few times i encounter it, i went solo into it with my granite tanker, a good succes Blaster's nova/blizzard is also very effective.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Also, the crystals go bang in a big way when they die - don't be anywhere near them when that happens. Another room is good.



I did Synapse TF yesterday and there were no voids or quantums at all but instead there were lots of novas, dwarves and a shadow cyst crystal! It was pretty scary on such a low level but the team did really well, to be honest much better than many high levels teams I've seen.

I've only got 2 crystals during my 36 levels of peacebringing and they worry me a bit as I've seen them cause multiple teamwipes when team didn't know how to handle them or wouldn't listen. If it happened on a team because my PB was in it, I'd feel a bit responsible. On the other hand I find them kind of exciting and not really that bad if everyone just concentrates on taking the crystal out fast.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wait till you get to the later Kheldian arcs - you'll get missions with 4 or 5 Shadow Cyst Crystals to defeat (and they're mission objectives so you can't skip them ).

I can solo them easily on a 4+ man team with my Warshade and with a little luck when I'm on my own.

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iirc they spawn 3 or 4 nictus for every teammate that comes close to em, so on an 8 man team they can spawn bout 32 of those nictus buggers.
However on my WS i never saw em as a threat, just run in as dwarf and SMASH! or.. post 41 (when i got quasar), just run in as dwarf, mire, eclipse, quasar, pummel crystal

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



[That crystal thing is darkcolored standing thing, that once you get close it spawns a huge ammount of floating blobs. By the huge gangbang this group can do, often such crystal results in a complete team-wipe.

[/ QUOTE ]

... Reason why people avoid teaming with Kheldians, as long as having to mind the void/quantums. Prolly being so hard finding teams is what prevents people from playing their khelds till 50



[That crystal thing is darkcolored standing thing, that once you get close it spawns a huge ammount of floating blobs. By the huge gangbang this group can do, often such crystal results in a complete team-wipe.

[/ QUOTE ]

... Reason why people avoid teaming with Kheldians, as long as having to mind the void/quantums. Prolly being so hard finding teams is what prevents people from playing their khelds till 50

[/ QUOTE ]

aye, often takes a bit of proving yourself to a team i found, yet when you have proven you are a valuable asset you'll get some team regulars with no trouble at all

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



[That crystal thing is darkcolored standing thing, that once you get close it spawns a huge ammount of floating blobs. By the huge gangbang this group can do, often such crystal results in a complete team-wipe.

[/ QUOTE ]

... Reason why people avoid teaming with Kheldians, as long as having to mind the void/quantums. Prolly being so hard finding teams is what prevents people from playing their khelds till 50

[/ QUOTE ]Voids and quantums are never a threat to the teams really, and neither are nictus dwarfs/novas. However, the crystals are nasty for inexperienced players.



Voids and quantums are never a threat to the teams really, and neither are nictus dwarfs/novas. However, the crystals are nasty for inexperienced players.

[/ QUOTE ]
True, but having to be alert, and attacking them even before real threats to the team, like bosses for instance, is what make people prefer to team with other ATs commonly



[That crystal thing is darkcolored standing thing, that once you get close it spawns a huge ammount of floating blobs. By the huge gangbang this group can do, often such crystal results in a complete team-wipe.

[/ QUOTE ]

... Reason why people avoid teaming with Kheldians, as long as having to mind the void/quantums. Prolly being so hard finding teams is what prevents people from playing their khelds till 50

[/ QUOTE ]Voids and quantums are never a threat to the teams really, and neither are nictus dwarfs/novas. However, the crystals are nasty for inexperienced players.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd say the crystals can be nasty to even experienced teams, For some reason they won't be spotted until its too late.. And people I have teamed with don't seem to prioritize attacking it very high. I was on a team yesterday and there was a crystal in a group of rularuu. As per usual it caused about 6/8 team wipe. Only thing standing in that storm of dark energy was me, eventually I managed to kill it. Its annoying that the -rec in its attacks prevent my use of taunt effectively.. Normally the -rec prevents me killing it until unstoppable is on the verge of crashing.

Voids and Quantums cause only the death of Kheldians at worst but arent a danger to the rest of team. Except at very low lvls.



Ive done dozens of missons without a single void or quant rearng its ugly head
but then again ive had a mish or two where every other mob had a quant or void in it and in total i had to best 17 void/quant in one mission :-S



Yesterday, with my first pb *dances* i went on the first mission, i didnt meet a void or quant! Second mish there were 2-3... i really think its luck



Yesterday, with my first pb *dances* i went on the first mission, i didnt meet a void or quant! Second mish there were 2-3... i really think its luck

[/ QUOTE ]
Is it possible to encounter voids/quants in the tutorial?