FF trollers
Can anyone enlighten me as to why I might want to roll a /FF troller. It is one set I have not tried and in essence it seems you only need the AoE shield and shields for teammates. Correct assumption?
[/ QUOTE ]This is exactly what makes many FF users mere bubblebots.
FF gets very useful repel and knockback powers that can in some situation be better than controlling ones. Also, the single target phase shift is very useful for isolating a hard foe until you can wipe out rest of the spawn.
FF powers in order of usefulness:
1. Dispersion Bubble
Mez protection toggle for a squishy? Must have, plus it's PBAoE and farily decent END cost, making it absolutely great.
2. Force Bolt
Can keep single target off it's feet for endless amount of time, works on most bosses. Use this, one hold, this again and then other hold, boss held without it getting a single shot off.
3. PFF
Absolutely great for ghosting/escaping/getting rid of aggro in fights, also great for PvP.
4. Force Bubble
Huge AoE, keeps melee mobs away from the party, especially useful with a ranged party but has other uses as well.
5. Insulation shield
Better than deflection due to giving defence against the types that most tanks/scrappers have more trouble with.
6. Deflection shield
Do I need to explain this?
7. Detention Field
As I previously stated, great for holding that single big threat.
8. Repulsion Bomb
Shatters mobs, panic tool.
9. Repulsion Field
Force bubble works just as well as this in many situations, not worth it IMO.
Thanks for that advice Max. Makes it sound a little more interesting than i thought might roll ill/FF to keep the damage up. Had thought of doing mind/FF but i would like to solo when i need to and mind not damage heavy.
Mind is the heaviest AoE damage dealer, and the 3rd best single target damage dealer, right after illu and grav.
PFF is a godsend. On my level 22 Mind/FF controller, I walked into the Arachnos Base past the defences using PFF, and during the Tyrant mission it guarded me from several blows from him (Until he Bone Smasher'd me for 6k damage.)
P...Until he Bone Smasher'd me for 6k damage...
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Forcebolt is really useful for trollers IMO.
Another reason to take FF would maybe be to allow you to concentrate on your primary set - both in selecting powers and also during a fight (as your buffing will be done already as opposed to say Kin).
PFF rules, like everyone else said.
FF gets very useful repel and knockback powers that can in some situation be better than controlling ones.
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One thing to remember, most of those repel and KB powers (especially Force Bubble) will make the least defender member of the team the biggest target. That would be you by the way
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.
FF gets very useful repel and knockback powers that can in some situation be better than controlling ones.
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One thing to remember, most of those repel and KB powers (especially Force Bubble) will make the least defender member of the team the biggest target. That would be you by the way
[/ QUOTE ]That's what PFF is for
FF gets very useful repel and knockback powers that can in some situation be better than controlling ones.
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One thing to remember, most of those repel and KB powers (especially Force Bubble) will make the least defender member of the team the biggest target. That would be you by the way
[/ QUOTE ]That's what PFF is for
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PFF rulezzzzz
FF gets very useful repel and knockback powers that can in some situation be better than controlling ones.
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One thing to remember, most of those repel and KB powers (especially Force Bubble) will make the least defender member of the team the biggest target. That would be you by the way
[/ QUOTE ]That's what PFF is for
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just the fact if you activate PFF with forcebubble on, you cancel the effect of forcebubble (after all, with PFF you are only allowed to use powers that affect you and not others
And yeah, use forcebubble sparingly, as every enemy affected by it will just get a knockback hit from you, therefore you are aggroing it unless somebody else taunts it. You dont want to die by aggro-overdose now, do you? Other reason is the huge AoE which will make accidental aggro almost inevitable.
though I really enjoyed playin ill/FF to 50
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
also don't forget that insulation shield gives resistance to end drain. For all you Malta Sapper needs
Mind is the heaviest AoE damage dealer, and the 3rd best single target damage dealer, right after illu and grav.
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Max, what the hell are you smoking?
Mind has one AoE 'attack' - Terrify. It does, however, has a great chain of ST attacks, and I'm pretty sure that in terms of DPS it either outdamages, or comes close to outdamaging Grav in terms of ST damage - Propel is great and everything, but the animation is just so damn long - and Grav is Smashing damage as opposed to Psionic and Smashing damage found in Mind. I know for a fact that it outdamages Illusion - unless you take /TA, you can only set up containment with Blind and Flash, and Illusion's main ST damage output (Spectral Wounds) doesn't fully benefit from containment.
"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD
"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love
I feel I have to add that I have a hard time considering Illusion, taking the pets into account, as "single target" damage. That phrase speaks to me of being able to systematically lock down and destroy single mobs, something Mind and Grav can both do beautifully. What Illusion does is unleashes its pets, who are actually mini-Blasters controlled by newbies with ADHD. The chances of getting the mob you want killed first are utterly minute. The chances of them aggroing the next spawn and then not actually finishing anything off are always far, far higher.
For the record, my Grav/FF solos pretty beautifully, as does my Ill/Rad - they just do it differently. And they both secretly want to murder Syn's Mind/Kin because with DOs (SKed up), he was outdamaging my Grav who has a full set of SOs.
Those were just my observations of playing all three at low levels, although it has been a while and mind might be better than I remeber...
But anyways, mind is still the best for AoE's, and if it's the best single target damage too, all the better
Also, I wasn't counting pets, just the powers available to the controller, as pets are unreliable.
The chances of getting the mob you want killed first are utterly minute. The chances of them aggroing the next spawn and then not actually finishing anything off are always far, far higher.
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There are ways around that you know
Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world
The chances of getting the mob you want killed first are utterly minute. The chances of them aggroing the next spawn and then not actually finishing anything off are always far, far higher.
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There are ways around that you know
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I'm probably just bitter because they all went nuts the other day while I got ambushed by three waves of Council robots that my psionic damage could barely tickle. Leaving each one half-damaged and then moving onto the next one would have been just fine, if I could have actually finished the damn things off...
Can anyone enlighten me as to why I might want to roll a /FF troller. It is one set I have not tried and in essence it seems you only need the AoE shield and shields for teammates. Correct assumption? What would be the best primary for this set?