Kheldian Travel Powers




This might be abit stupid but i've been wondering, Has anyone just chose being a PB just because they have Fly instead of TP or chosen WS just because they have TP instead of Fly?

P.S not being offensive



I went for pb due to fly from lvl 1 as i never got on with tp



i think its one of the reasons I played my PB more, then i got Nova form and didn't want to go back to playing a WS without Nova. I know it don't take that long to get to lvl 6.

Actually can't think of any other reason tbh.



well at least i know some ppls opinions, when i get my lvl 44 to lvl 50 i was gonna make a PB because of fly as well tbh



Never ever ever thought of picking a PB due to fly, too slow to be even classed as travel power.



Through no fault of my own I ended up with both Super Speed and Superjump on my Warshade, which helped take the sting out of TP (Not that it's bad, it's just a lot of effort to use ).

I was forced to take Super Speed after then rendered Nebulous Form useless with the timed toggle [censored] so that I could stack it with Shadow Cloak for Invisibility (and I already had Hasten).

I had to take SJ to get Acrobatics and I needed 3 powers for my last 3 choices that didn't need any slots (I didn't have any left anywhere) so the CJ/SJ/Acro seemed the obvious choice

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even though i don't have a PB or a Warshade i'd pick a PB to my standards but in the end of the day its what u like best



Never ever ever thought of picking a PB due to fly, too slow to be even classed as travel power.

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Irrationally enough, it always bugs me when people come out with statements like that, as if speed was the only qualifier for travel-power status.
My 1st toon has super-jump and I maintain it's probably the most fun and 90% of the time faster than super-speed. However fly is by far my favourite travel power. None of the other allow you to head to your destination and roll a cigarette or talks to your mates with as much ease.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
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I wouldn't make a decision based on it, simply because they both have access to both Flight and Teleport with the forms.

I do wish peacebringers could get Recall Friend, though.



However fly is by far my favourite travel power. None of the other allow you to head to your destination and roll a cigarette or talks to your mates with as much ease.

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Exactly the reason I like fly too, it may take a little longer but the journey itself is much more chilled.



Never ever ever thought of picking a PB due to fly, too slow to be even classed as travel power.

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Fly at lvl 1 is just a bit faster than normal run and u get nova at lvl 6. Its faster than quantum fly and cost no endurance

@Scorpio EU



Irrationally enough, it always bugs me when people come out with statements like that, as if speed was the only qualifier for travel-power status.

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Well, you get a travel power to reach your destination faster, otherwise you could stick with Sprint, so I guess that speed is, in fact, a qualifier for travel power.
For moving with ease, chatting and rolling whatever you could simply pick Hover and slot it for flight speed: Sprint speed but while flying so you would have lots of time to chat, go make a cuppa and such



Personally, I'm a hardcore teleporter. My PB has made me rethink this somewhat. Fly is the slowest, but it's still fairly fast. If I'm in a real hurry I can dwarf-teleport until my endurance runs out, then switch to nova (travel power that recharges endurance, anyone?).

At level one, Fly is probably easier to handle than teleport (both big endurance whores), and you can use it indoors.

Fly is still the only travel power that lets you have a wee en-route .



Well, you get a travel power to reach your destination faster, otherwise you could stick with Sprint, so I guess that speed is, in fact, a qualifier for travel power.

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That is a "made up" qualifier. I would like to stress that point; YOU made this up. Equally, I could make up the point of travel powers is to get you to your destination MORE SAFELY, or with LESS EFFORT, or to make moving about simply EASIER. In which case fly come out close to the top as the supreme travel power.

And for the record, certainly more the half the time I can beat people with SS to the mission from the same starting point (depending on the map) since fliers don't have all that annoying going around corners to worry about.

And lets be fair here, in Khedlians fly is free, and effortless in Nova form. What more could you want

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
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I'm a big super jump fan myself but Fly is the only travel power that lets you chat, get a drink, take a bio break, sort out your enhancements or alt+tab to a browser to check something without stopping. If that doesn't save time, I don't know what does



Fly at lvl 1 is just a bit faster than normal run and u get nova at lvl 6. Its faster than quantum fly and cost no endurance

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Now that last statement is NOT correct. Nova flight is now faster than Quantum flight. Q-Flight is max flight speed (+phase shift), no flight power is faster, and only a slotted level 50 flight can get almost) near it.

Nova flight at level 6, is about the same speed as normal level 14 flight speed, and you'll quickly exceed it's speed on normal PB flight with a couple of slots.


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Since you can usually hit level 6 about an hour after rolling your toon and both forms can fly in Nova form it never really affected my choice of WS. What DID affect it was the fact that PB blast sound effects make my ears bleed . That and those lovely Koosh-Ball™ pets you get at level 32. With 3 of those out at once (thanks to SB from a /Kinetic) and Nova form you could lay waste to a serious amount of bad guys very quickly.

Oh and Hi Nova (FFM), how's things mate?



Fly at lvl 1 is just a bit faster than normal run and u get nova at lvl 6. Its faster than quantum fly and cost no endurance

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Now that last statement is NOT correct. Nova flight is now faster than Quantum flight. Q-Flight is max flight speed (+phase shift), no flight power is faster, and only a slotted level 50 flight can get almost) near it.

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Ah yep ur right sorry i wanted 2 say energy fly

@Scorpio EU



Personally, I love teleporting and holding, which as a controler comes natural... so when I turned my controler main into a Kheldian (same person for RP settings), I picked a Peacebringer...

Because the background of PBs fit better than WSs... Not regretting it, though.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

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Oh and Hi Nova (FFM), how's things mate?

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Hey Nuc! You came back from the dark side then? What you still doing on Deviant? Get over to Onion! We have a better class of wierdo!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Well if CoV is anything to go by, if would be hard to have a worse class . Sometimes I feel like I've been made sit at the kiddies table in a restaurant while the grown-ups have some peace - although I've found it's tolerable if you /hide, disable broadcast, switch on stealth and fly between missions with your eyes closed .

You might see me on Onion at some stage since I've used all my slots up, but I'm trying to get at least 1 villain to 40 (altaholism still as bad as ever ) since a few of the Loons will be taking a break from DDO and coming back for I7.



hmmm im used to tp... and you get fly with nova at level 6... sooooo im going with ws better for moving around



Can't agree that tp is better for moving around than fly. TP is a little clunky and innacurate for me and you've got that period of hovering at the end of it. Great when you're airborne, but a real pain when you're at your destination and need to move quickly.
Besides, you get dwarf step at 20.

I know travel powers are down to personal taste, but I can't help sticking up for fly as, imho, it's simply the most versatile.

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