Martial arts all the way, have you SEEN eagles claw
ooo stupid boards
stupid boards again >_>
one post would be enough to mention that
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more
gotta agree with powernova, but then again i might b slighty biased
go with ma/regen jewely =)
MA is a lovely set, take it, kill bosses, grin lots
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Okay, this seems convincing...
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more
I can't help but feel this topic will be slightly biased whenever someone gives their oppinion.
Errr yes Katana -don't look at my sig-
In any case, both sets are very cool and its really down to personal preference
I dont play either set, so dont have that in my bias, my bias is towards boss killing builds. And MA is a nice boss killing set, with the status and a nice high damage output.
Katana has devine avalanch which makes it a very good defensive set, with regen could well stand forever in I7s new defence. But I think I'd find that dull.
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
But wouldn't you need to know how both sets work in order to come to that conclusion?
MA is a nice boss killing set.. so is the Katana?
Divine Avalanche is there to fill in the gaps of an attack chain, which is stackable too.
Katana is great. MA is supposed to be not too bad either.
So I would say personal preference as well.
Katana has the better names though. Soaring Dragon, Golden Dragonfly, The Lotus Drops, Divine Avalanche...
im totallly biased as i have a lvl 50 kat/regen, but it really is great, dont see how MA is so much more a boss killer (but i never used one, just teamed with one). some of the katana attacks have excellent damage and also knock targets down which is useful especially when solo'ing, divine avalanch for defense buff is very useful too.
plus i love the look of it. in the end there is not much diference between the scraper sets i nregards to one being far better than the rest
Katana! What, I'm not a boss-killer?
I guess MA would do more knockback and stuns, but personally I dislike running after knocked-back mobs all the time. Stuns are great, though.
Katana's two top moves have a pretty regular knockdown/knockup, which is good enough to keep a boss on his back most of the time if chained properly. And Divine Avalanche is great, obviously. And I think Katana does more damage
on a off-topic note:
I finally realized what "biased" means.
Sorry for my n00bishness, but this was one word that i just didn't understand 'till now. And so several of your posts now make perfect sense.
okay, back on-topic
I think i'm going for the MA/REG, i still like the moves mroe then those of Katana. So i made up my mind and will try a build on the hero-planner tonight.
Thanks to all for your input.
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more
I'm considering on building a scrapper for solo purposes.
I like the Martial-Arts moves, but also the coolness of the Katana-blade.
I'm certain to take Regen as a second, because of the self-heal and self-buff abilities. But i can't make up my mind about getting MA or KAT??
Any help would be nice...plz
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Okay, a few questions:
1) What do you want to do with your character?
2) Look at No. 1.
3) Again, what do you want to do with your character.
Katana has the strong-point of having a Cone, one AoE and some solid Single-Target attacks.
Martial Arts acctually have slightly higher damage, but except for one attack it's all Single-Target. You won't ever be doing any huge mobs. Well, Katana won't either but at least part of the capability is there.
As far as concept go, pick what you like. If you're only 26 you still have a long way to go to 50 so have some time to think about yet .
PvP - MA
PvE - Katana
A Paragon Defender
Have both types mid-teens atm. I have to say while both are fun I'm slightly more drawn towards my MA.
To be highly analytical about the whole thing the Katana sounds a little to swishy while the MA sounds more like you're breaking bones.
In my opinion Katana comes into its own in the late powers wheras MA seems to get nice soild attacks early on.
Could be wrong but IIRC Kat has a +5% ACC bonus over MA due to the drawing of a weapon. So does BS which would be my pick
Could be wrong but IIRC Kat has a +5% ACC bonus over MA due to the drawing of a weapon. So does BS which would be my pick
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, Katana has a 5% ACC Bonus to all of it's attack. But MA has a 10% ACC Bonus.
Well, My Katana/Invul has a perfect balance of Defence and Resistance, and is pretty much unstoppable. MA is much better in PvP, with Disorient/KBack etc, but Katana is much better for Solo mishs. Wasp - Divine Avalanche - Soaring Dragon - Divine Avalanche - Golden Dragonfly - Divine Avalanche - Wasp - Dull Pain - Divine Avalanche - UNSTOPPABLE!!!! mua ha ha ha!!! Katana FTW!
Could be wrong but IIRC Kat has a +5% ACC bonus over MA due to the drawing of a weapon. So does BS which would be my pick
[/ QUOTE ]and MA gains an inheret ACC bonus, just like weapon sets, which means they're equal in accuracy, meaning that MA wins
Okay I understand why the weapons gain a +5% but why does MA? The weapons gain it due to the slight amount of time that it takes to physically draw the weapon (from sheath) yet MA gains 10%? However DM is -15%(IIRC) how does this all work out? Claws (which need to be drawn) gain no +ACC:
MA +10%
BS +5%
KAT +5%
Claws +0%
DM -15%???
Sorry this has me confused.
Each one is good in it's own right.
PvP - MA
PvE - Katana
[/ QUOTE ]
I think this pretty much sums it up. The reason being that the Katana has an AoE with Flashing Steel, The Lotus Drops and Golden Dragonfly.
Now that Golden Dragonfly is the most powerful of the set, you can hit two to three enemies with this attack which significantely increases the damage done on groups of mobs.
I also feel that the Katana has a pretty good critical capability in compairison to others, but this is open to debate.
as my new controller quickly progresses towards 50 (is now 26) and did this on only 6 of her own missions, outleveling about 8 contacts.
(NO PLing involved, just didn't do her missions when i was team-leader and had full teams.)
I'm considering on building a scrapper for solo purposes.
I like the Martial-Arts moves, but also the coolness of the Katana-blade.
I'm certain to take Regen as a second, because of the self-heal and self-buff abilities. But i can't make up my mind about getting MA or KAT??
Any help would be nice...plz
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more