Hami Strats - Revisions/ Ideas
You'd need more phases, as hami spawns MORE mitos at 25%, 15%, 10% AND 5% health.
You'd need more phases, as hami spawns MORE mitos at 25%, 15%, 10% AND 5% health.
Nothing more?
Maybe even 80%, 75%, 70%, 65%, 60%, 50% 45% and 40%!!!
Anyway, ask bobthedemon as he have 2 Hami-O and he knows for sure how to work things out!
I been doing a few tests with the telekinisis power from the controler or epic defender set,
I have this on my kinetic defender from the epic pool and im finding it great.! its like a perma hold and other holds stack on top on av's Gm's etc which in turn would make holding hami alot easier.
I dont think we have tried this yet and it might mean a few ppl respecing into the psi epic pool on there defenders but for me its been working on lvl 52 av's and i can hold them alot on my own just from this epic pool so the stacking of telekin works.
Now the prob with this normally is the massive end drain but with all the Ra's and Am's etc going about this will be ok.
Just a thorght thats all and maybe woth a try sometime for a holding phase of hami. (might just give us that egde we need)
Hamidon Regen can be floored with enough lingering radiation and thanks to some very helpful info from Defianteers people who are out of Line of site at a mito spawn wont end up dead so we can hide -regenners behind rocks.
Once that hurdle is overcome a mito spawning raid is possible. -res on hamidon makes it exponentially easier and tanks/scrappers will still have a less important role but there's possibility.
Also, after the second mito spawn we could also just let people wing it and beat Hamidon down.
If I get 2 free respecs I'd gladly Be in the Hami Aggro Team(one respec to get into hami aggro speciality and one to get to normal)
theres been some discussing of this already, check out this topic: clicky
it might resolve some facts.
Also like I said I would know how you will handle the 2nd mito spawn, if you want to let em spawn from an all-ranger team, after they drop the PA team will have a helluva lot harder time to regain aggro from all those mitos cause theyre spread out.
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Right so: Hamidon=GIANT MONSTER
Mitchondria=GIANT MONSTER or MONSTER or BOSS (dunno)
Why don't you take out the Cells and then hit Hami and then when Mito's respawn pull back and heal but let non-healers attack?
How many Mitochondria's is there btw?
Hamidon <-|
1000xMito's |
Mtio's die
Mito's spawn
\ /
PUll back and then do it all over again!
Just a thought
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If I get 2 free respecs I'd gladly Be in the Hami Aggro Team(one respec to get into hami aggro speciality and one to get to normal)
[/ QUOTE ]nothing more to say than LOL, that's the spirit that we all want from someone that is comin to an hami raid, lmao!!!!
If u want to come u don't have to specialize in anything, just change the enhancement in your holds, nothing else...
But that will require a respec FOR SURE!!
Everything inside Hamidon is classed HAMIDON, so no Gianto monster, Bosses or the such, just HAMIDON.
Hamidon = Hamidon
Mitochondria = Hamidon
its an unique villain class which cant be compared to others
anyway, retreating after the spawn wont work because the damage they deal is so high that a team that is in the blob will just die straight away. Also you need to check where it spawns cause otherwise the 2nd wave will just get shredded thanks to mitos
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Hamidon = Hamidon
Mitochondria = Hamidon
its an unique villain class which cant be compared to others
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually it's only the rank of Hamidon and his Mito's which is unique. Hamidon is the "leader" of the Devouring Earth race..Just to clarify
villain class.. villain rank... its all good
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
If I get 2 free respecs I'd gladly Be in the Hami Aggro Team(one respec to get into hami aggro speciality and one to get to normal)
[/ QUOTE ]nothing more to say than LOL, that's the spirit that we all want from someone that is comin to an hami raid, lmao!!!!
If u want to come u don't have to specialize in anything, just change the enhancement in your holds, nothing else...
But that will require a respec FOR SURE!!
Everything inside Hamidon is classed HAMIDON, so no Gianto monster, Bosses or the such, just HAMIDON.
[/ QUOTE ]
FYI Jiaozy Hammi aggro team after ED needs to specialize. Max Heal/m and and recharge times of buffs for the defenders to be effective as well as the Tanker/scrapper himself has to pull some changes.
Nothing more?
Maybe even 80%, 75%, 70%, 65%, 60%, 50% 45% and 40%!!!
Anyway, ask bobthedemon as he have 2 Hami-O and he knows for sure how to work things out!
[/ QUOTE ]
hmmmmmmm HO number doesnt really speak of how much u know how to work things out.
As far as hami strats i will agree with Xanthus regarding the OP plan. You will need more phases due to the multiple mito spawn.And i agree with Jersey as well regarding controlled spawn and wingin after the 2nd spawn.
On Defiant we are working on a diffferent plan. As soon as some testing is done we will try and put it in practise and come up with some resuslts.
1 Yellow mito spawns for every hero within x range, and apparently in line of site, on top of that hero's position (or so it seems after the last raid). Each yellow does 700+ damage easily. This damage cannot be resisted, or avoided. The only reason I've proposed the 'suicide' idea is simply because that's what it is. If the mitos spawn, you die. As yet, no one has found a way around this
i escaped spawn remember anyway we should make a date say somewhere after feb 14 when ppl have made themselves poor cos of valentines and wont afford to go out
. we can try to get as many people invited and listed on forums and then workout what we lack and who can do what. Maybe we can gm kill durin phases to exciten it abit for those who hate standin around and wont normally show. 6 weeks is plenty of time for invites and good notice. i remember the first hamidon, people had good time to get ready and some could say "i can level to it by then!" as it is my mindcontroller/empath may make that! i feel incented already as she will give ab to another controller as well as smack holds on till cows come home. it maybe worth trying to make a bigger issue out of it and give lots of time for people to know.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
think test raids have proposed quite alot of times and I myself have always been up for it. Having putting alot of thought and effort in the raids post-ED earlier, I will be there to help and try to bring him down/weaken him.
PS. @Tainted Greek: the bobthedemon part was a bit of a sarcastic remark as he seemed to know everything bout hami raids just cause he had 2 HOs and flamed everybody that thought otherwise
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
wow....another REAL hami raid....with another REAL hami at the end of it. I can't wait!!!
Love these REAL ones....they are always so successful compared to the none REAL ones!
@Sweet Chilli
Well after the 25%controlled spawn you wouldn't need to withdraw again because you'd have hit the home sretch. Hamidon 'might' spawn a final mito set at 5% which is unconfirmed as far as I know but my vote is for all out carnage after 25%.
prob is maintaining the aggro of all those mitos after they spawn and getting team back up to its feet after mass wipe (disregarding possible server crashes ). I also vote for an all out bullrush at the nucleus after 25%.
PS. dont feed the trolls
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
wow....another REAL hami raid....with another REAL hami at the end of it. I can't wait!!!
Love these REAL ones....they are always so successful compared to the none REAL ones!
[/ QUOTE ]
This post is not about a Hami Raid. I am not planning a Raid at this point, since I will not be avilable during January or February to run it. I am merely throwing an idea out there as an alternative to using a plan which is not working for us anymore. This post is about Hamidon raid strategies.
I also don't understand this reference to a 'REAL' raid. What is that supposed to be? There are no fake Hamidons in the game, so how could any Hamidon raid not be real? Please explain.
I'm investigating two things now based on This US forums thread
I may post my findings/conspiracy theories soon but riddle me this:
1. What purpose does the rest of the seemingly redundant Hive serve
2.Consider parallels between the Hydra head and the Hamidon.
-Both have enemies protecting them (tentacles/mitos)
-both have similar layouts (consider the placements of the Monster walls/krakens)
-both spawn enemies to protect them (mitos/rikti) and both were formerly able to be defeated by being held to stop the protecting spawns appearing.
-When the hydra head was held, its shield did not reappear, when Hamidon was held his resistance would drop to make him easier to kill.
- Both have been altered to prevent them being defeated the wrong way.
-Yet one has clearly defined way to beat it and the other does not. In a paranoid mind, the huge lag caused by the raids is beacuse there are more people in the Hive than intended. Consider again: How many people are allowed on an item of power raid? Why won't the devs increase the SG member limit? I think they intend to limit the number of heroes in one place and the number of heros fighting in one place. Should a raid then be possible with 25 people?
Also, looking at the devouring earth mythos I would like to know if anyone could decipher a clue from what we know about the Hamidon. It can write love letters and wasn't always a big blob, people are transformed into DE monsters by the Hamidon but what do we know that could be used against it?
Do keep in mind however, this could all be crackpot raving.
Not at Hami levels, so neutral as far as these things go. bobthedemon seems to be a waste of space troll who spends his time trying to p i s s off anyone who has made it to 45.
Seems that way to me anyway. Best to ignore him, wipe your shoe on the grass, and pretend the dog fart-ed if anyone asks about the smell !
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from kiasa.org
EU, Union mostly.
Didn't Hamidon used to be a man? He took some kind of drug and turned into the big jelly-blob we see in the hive. Maybe there's some way to reverse the process by defeating GMs? But then why would Hami drop Hami-O's after a hold-based defeat?
Another thing to take into account; there are lots of Devouring Earth GMs organized into sort of ranks or lines, perhaps protecting something? Why?
I guess I'm looking for a big button that says 'nerf Hamidon resistance.' My logic is that if you could do that then you could defeat him with three or so teams and taking the mitos on as they come.
A question about Mito range though. Could we have half of the blasters at range on one side and when they die send the other half in on the other side away from the mitos and hope the first set spawned doesn't notice?
if you use blasters to attack from far sides, PA bombs are enough to take away the aggro
also I always wondered as well if we maybe just though too big and in too high numbers to bring down hami. Dunno if it is still true, but it used to be that the more ppl in the blob, the higher hami's hold resistance. This clearly indicates you arent meant to have so many people in it.
However, the mitos are so strong you can barely scratch em without constant team wipes (with small numbers), which implicates big numbers are needed.
Then again, like you said, what does the hive serve for? When hamidon dies, mitos die as well, so that must be some connection?
Also judging from that topic, there is another way to kill him, the actual designed way from the devs.. indeed the tactic we used to use till now cant be the correct one seeing it relies too much on a specific class. The correct way will always be that each AT has a role to fill together with some neat tricks.
Also if the comparison to hydra is correct... hydra had some special weapons to beat him did he not? So obviously theres some special way to bring down hami. Also why is that abandoned portal corp building there? just for show? i doubt it...
Anybody want to form a team/teams someday to fully explore the hive and see if we find something awkward?
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Hello, luvs

I think it is obvious to the informed that the EU servers are not easily going to eliminate Hamidon.
So, it's about time we seriously started discussing our alternatives. I also think we need to take a chapter from Chaplin's book, and collaborate between servers.
There really isn't any communal home for this post, I felt, so I'll stick to the server I play on, namely this one. If you feel you can / would like to contribute, please do
Hami Raids - my thoughts:
The tried and tested method for the EU servers doesn't work anymore. I think we must all humbly accept that. I know numbers haven't been ideal on the last few raids, but most of the time, they *won't* be, and on the latest Raid, the numbers were pretty damn good. (I speak here specifically of Union, of course )
Rather than cry ED, even though I am sorely tempted, I am bending my thoughts towards finding a working solution. A new plan.
I've been throwing ideas around with some of the other recent Raid organisers/ planners on Union, as well as various skilled friends in multiple ATs, and one of the
ideas which seems feasible is the controlled mito spawn.
(I'm ignoring server stability issues completely. I'm merely looking at the mechanics of a Hami raid for now.)
I saw the mito spawn for the first time on the last Union raid, and to my delight, it's fully localised, and appears to be limited to the plasm.
SO... the plan:
We stick to our current plan up to the point where we would ordinarily attempt to hold Hami. The turtle + Hami aggro management (tanking) works just fine, after all. My alternative to the holding phase consists of two parts.
Phase 1) We form up melee teams, with mostly Tankers and Scrappers, and enough Empaths/Defenders thrown in to keep them alive while taking Hami aggro. They damage Hami past the half-way point, forcing a mito spawn. Obviously, they will all die at this point. (We can worry about the mechanics of getting them out and res'd after phase two has begun)
*Assuming the server manages to withstand the mito spawn, and mass deaths*
Phase 2) Once Phase 1 starts we pull our Hami aggro and PA teams out. We form up purely ranged-based damage and (de)buffing teams, and keep them in reserve, while we wait for the Phase 1 damage teams to do their job. Once the mitos spawn, the PA team starts dropping their pets, and the Hami aggro team moves back in to taunt Hamidon. Onbviously we co-ordinate it so they don't pull mito aggro. We then bring in our Phase 2 damage teams to continue damaging Hamidon. It will require a little co-ordination, and there is a possibility that Hami will regen back past 50% between Phase 1 and 2, so we'd need to move quickly.
IF we pull it off, we'd all be eating Jelly by the end of the evening, and we might even be able to cut down on Raid times.
This 'plan' is really just a basic idea atm, to illustrate my thoughts, and needs to be refined.. or discarded