


Well I've just dinged 50 and was about to roll my Kheldian and really couldn't decide which to go for...

Can anybody give me a quick comparison between these 2 AT's in terms of pros and cons and the similarities and differences between em?

Cheers, V.


Proud Member of the Liberty Legion

Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender



There are/were numerous threads on this topic around before the boards were wiped, but it looks like most are gone now. The main differences are to be found in human form since Bright/Dark Nova and White/Black Dwarf are basically for the same for both (blaster & tanker(ish)).
The Warshade has a more controller style to it's powers, uses TP as its mode of transport and is purple and dark.
The Peacebringer is much more of a scrapper in human form, uses fly for transport and sort of bluey white and bright.

At the low levels, up to about 8ish, they play very similarly and both are likely to spend a lot of time in nova form and cursing

Play both for a bit (doesn't take long to get to level 8+ with the kheldian missions from your contact) and see which feels more comfortable. Personally I like my peacebringer and didn't really get on so well with the warshade, but your mileage my vary..




Cheers mate I did a search but didn't turn up anything along the lines of comparisons...

decisions, decisions... I quite like the Darker aspect of the WS but I really dislike control powers, I much prefer fly to tp as well... hmmm. I really do prefer the look of ws though...


Proud Member of the Liberty Legion

Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender



Oh and one more thing, I found the warshade sound and visual effects more annoying




They are nothing alike. yes, it is the same in the first levels, and the nova's are pretty much the same, but then they are just different - but it is still the same basic 'epic' powers.

Warshades do a lot of self-buff stuff, and a lot is all about foes, dead or alive. I've written a guide about my WS, and it should be around this board.
Peacebringers are the easier path - scrapping and self-buffs which don't require enemies to fire, heals and that sort of stuff. they will be the easy path for an empath, because i havn't seen a lot of empathish WSs around.

It is all about style: if you want pure melee damage and some buffs, or PvP, PB is yours to take. However, WSs are harder, and around the 30s they are the stronger side of aliens, which uses a lot of damage and control powers to benifit yourself only.

Read the guides, they all speak the same language

Edit: BTW, I did found out that around the 30s, it was MUCH easier for me to hunt big groups (8+ of enemies) around brickstown, then the 3 enemies inside the missions, and it is well known that invincible reputation and hunting gives better xp then missions -> quick leveling around the slow 35-38.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I have to disagree there, PB's aint easier they are just different, if u come from a scrapper or blaster background, it will take less time to adjust to them than it would a WS

on the whole both are very very good, i admit to choosing the PB cos of the effects

played both to lvl 20 at first to judge them..

ED is a bit harse on them to now



I can only speak form my experience but once you get the hang of a kheld they arent to hard and the higher you get the easier, and cooler it becomes It's great switching between forms whichever you are but from my scrapper background there was only one choice . Tho remember the most important thing dont be afraid to face plant and have fun

Oh and while im here:
Venture - Lvl 50 Empath - 283 Badges

[/ QUOTE ]
283 badges!?!?!? wow and i thought i was obsessed

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



So, to sum up (possibly)

identical in terms of forms (nova/dwardf) but the human fors differ with WS being more of a controller and PB being more of a scrapper?


Proud Member of the Liberty Legion

Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender



Well, WS's dwarf got the dwarf mire which is a HUGH and importent part from the WS's buffs, and his heal is anchor (from another enemy, not auto-hit), whereas, if i'm not mistaken, the PB has a PBAoE and a self heal that doesn't require enemies to fire.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



*sob* 50 is so far away and not getting any closer any quicker! Haven't leveled in 2 nights!
only 33 or something now!

I so want the warshade, just 'cause it's dark and purple!!!

Waily Waily Waily! Make my toon 50 instantly!

O well, slog through it is all that I can really do init?



I must say I also like the WS pet better (your pet nova really) to the PB pet (kamikaze blobs). Also the mires and using defeated foes to recharge your hp and end is a nice addition to the WS. But on top of it all is the mother of all powers.. eclipse! Words cannot describe how much i love eclipse . Compared the the PB "ultimate" armor, eclipse can be used in other forms which (if used correctly) can make your nova bout as resilient as your dwarf. However the prob is it needs enemies to activate and thus you first need to find quite a few enemies to pound on your fragile human to activate it.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



PB is more powerful as you start cos you have 2 regen powers(dull pain and reconstruction)and thus far more survivability than a WS, but from what I know, the WS gets far more powerful in the late levels due to Eclipse and the pets..
I got bored of my WS before getting Eclipse, but all those that managed to get there said that after that it's a breeze getting to 50...The only problem are the first 38 lvls.... -.-'



The only problem with Eclipse is the lack of any visual cues that it's running.

[/ QUOTE ]
true, but thats what the handy buff bar is for

and ji, even those first 38 lvls werent that hard once i got dwarf

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



I might agree with nef here: I enjoyed my WS most of the time, with or without eclipse. Trip to 6 is as short as it should be, then Nova makes it a breeze to 20, and the Dwarf is a semi-tanker that makes things easier and quite resistance to everything, with or without eclipse. Then, as we all know, ED came along
Regardless, the damage resistance is still as good as a normal inv tanker, and after two blasters I found that enough to hold myself alive, most of the times anyway...


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



Short answer from me:
Both can be extremely fun...
Play them both and decide for yourself I'd say...



*sob* 50 is so far away and not getting any closer any quicker! Haven't leveled in 2 nights!
only 33 or something now!

I so want the warshade, just 'cause it's dark and purple!!!

Waily Waily Waily! Make my toon 50 instantly!

O well, slog through it is all that I can really do init?

[/ QUOTE ] ME TO, can santa do it?



How cool does a human form WS look when stealthed, bubbled and orbiting death?
And WS's get recall friend as an inherent power while PB's have no access to the TP pool.
And everyone and their brother plays as a PB.
Its an unofficial fact that WS's are more hardcore generally as they require greater skill to play, while PB's are usually played by girls, kids, and PL'ers.
*ducks and runs for cover*



Well, I might be a girl(I'm a wimp), a Kid(16 years old, thank you very much), and a PL(not really...), but after getting that WS to 50(very satisfiying I might add), I'm going back for that PB and leveling it to 50.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



while PB's are usually played by girls, kids, and PL'ers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quite a sweeping statement that one

Maybe i will roll a Warshade to show you how they should be played !

As for 'everyone and their brother' playing a PB, IIRC the sg im in seems quite evenly split between the two kheld types.

And as far as I'm concerned..... PURPLE IS A COMPLETELY GIRLY COLOUR !



OI!!! Purple is for mad crows as well



Well, PBs are more Uber damage, and Warshades are more Holds. On the whole, I think that PBs are easier to team with, and are better. But WSs are more fun, and diverse; however, too evil for us Heroes.



warshades more holds? there only is 1 hold

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Which is oddly enough the same number PBs have ;o



and are better.

[/ QUOTE ]No one of them can be better or worse than the other because they are DIFFERENT...
Plus, everyone plays a PB, so roll a WS!!!

And yes, they both have only 1 Hold power....