


Well, PBs are more Uber damage, and Warshades are more Holds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well maybe you should join me or double on a mish and see how much holding we do....and maybe be surprised how much "uber dmg" we can do

Squiddy tanking ftw eh double



how about "me AND double"? doing long, long TFs with no blasters, just us as two WS will show you how much damage we can really, really do, while our resistance cap is 85% is fully used.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I'm doing both...




Make both.




[/ QUOTE ]Err...I think you never saw Double Shade in action....




[/ QUOTE ]Err...I think you never saw Double Shade in action....

[/ QUOTE ]

*turns red *
Anyway, once you reach level 22, maximum 24, and pick up the level 22 Stygian Circle, you WILL know what 'Uber' means.

Edit, i'm also running a PB, currectly level 21. We shall see whos the best one.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



and are better.

[/ QUOTE ]No one of them can be better or worse than the other [...]

[/ QUOTE ]

[...] I think that PBs are [...] better [...]

[/ QUOTE ]
See that "I think" part you left out when you quoted? That makes the statement subjective... as in stating an opinion.



how about "me AND double"? doing long, long TFs with no blasters, just us as two WS will show you how much damage we can really, really do, while our resistance cap is 85% is fully used.

[/ QUOTE ]

oi! since when are you leavin me out of WS rampage fun

ECLIPSE FTW!!!111!!!1!

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



The minute i hit 50 im going to created a PB, wanted one since i first teamed with a squid with my first charachter. Love the look of them and dawn break is amazing!

Got a while to go though...



Nobody seems to have mentioned the inherents so I'll go right ahead...

PB attacks have -DEF, and WS attacks have -spd -recharge

Also the inherent ability is the opposite for each type:

Peacebringers balance the team and get a damage buff for Tankers and Defenders in the team, and a toughness buff for Blasters and Scrappers.

Warshades take on the attributes of their team-mates and have the reverse of PBs. They get toughness from more Tankers and Defenders, and a damage buff for Blasters and Scrappers.



and dont forget the mez resist for trollers

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



The minute i hit 50 im going to created a PB, wanted one since i first teamed with a squid with my first charachter. Love the look of them and dawn break is amazing!

Got a while to go though...

[/ QUOTE ]

/em wonders if him teaming with lord has anything to do with it

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



doubt it... cause that would prolly make people want a WS rather than PB

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



[color=purple] The Human form Warshade can be strong, but I think that it only starts rocking at level 22.

In my view, you must have Gravity Well at level 18(mine has 3 accuracy slots and 3 hold slots) and Stigian Circle at level 22. To me it feels more like a blaster but with a cool purple blasts.

I don't know much about Peacebringers apart from that they are white and can fly.



storm defs FTW *slaps aliens in the eyes with a large chair, runs off giggling into the sunset and then flies off spouting l33t* XD



warshade plays kind like a dark/trollery type toon that doesn't rely on self buffs but rely's on mobs to gain its buff, hence no build up but instead it has sould drain, and PbAoE dark regen power aswell as oppresive glooms style power.

Peace bringer is more invul/nrg/blaster type toon with dull pain build up more melee/single target damage attacks. very much blastery, and doesn't thrive on mobs but instead has self buffs, aswell as having an unstoppable like power

I don't like either epic ATs but if i had to choose i'd pick human form peacebringer.



hm, its a misunderstanding that warshades are "trollery" sure, they have an immob and a hold, but if that immediately qualifies you as a troller, then some blasters and defenders should be called trollers as well.
I'd more see a WS as a dark blaster/scrapper. Even though human form has no melee attacks (apart from the melee hold and the PBAoE buffs).

Sounds like PBs are better because their buffs dont need enemies, but imo WS has better buffs as soon as there are enough enemies to fight. Or, differently put, the more enemies the stronger the WS, however a PB will likely be better vs small mobs (buffwise).

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



They also have a PbAoE disorient aura and a weak cone/knocback disorient to (gravity emanation or something) aswell as pets i would say that classes them more "controllery" than peacebringers anyway. They can effect foes with status effects, just the way ice blasters have holds, and we can call ice/elec blaptrollers

Also in Human form warshades lack some upfront damage in comparison to peacebringers. I wouldn't call them "dark blaster/scrappers" at all they have no melee. Warshades will gain more from shapeshifting, a peacebringer can handle its self fine in human form.

Also you are forgetting warshades aren't tanks they have low hit points so the more enemies around a warshade sure it can get its buff however it won't be able to handle the aggro it generates from that PbAoE damage/self buffs. Warshades can perform very very very well IF they have a good tank/controller around them.



My Dark/Dark Defender is more of a controller than my Warshade. My WS plays more like a blaster.



seems you are focussing bit too much on human form. Sure, no tanks, but with dwarf I could most of times do the job just as well if no tanks are available. No melee attacks? "Dear devs, dwarf smite and dwarf strike are broken, they are supposed to be ranged rather than melee"

If you check out the dark melee and dark armor sets from the scrappers, you'll find some scary similarities between the scrapper and the WS. I'd post a list if I werent that tired atm to go through all powers.. maybe after I went to bed I'll post one.

Lack of handling aura, after I got eclipse at 38, using dwarf to take the alpha (dont forget dwarf also almost doubles your hp), mire to buff up dmg/acc, eclipse to buff up res, and sunless mire for even more acc/dmg, then it didnt really matter what form I was in. Depends on the player if you can handle the aggro you generate. Unless by handle you mean keeping all that aggro on you, which I have to agree (but that counts for BOTH pb and ws) you cant keep em taunted at you cause the dwarf taunt is less effective than tanker taunt.

Btw, PBs also got pulsar (pbaoe disorient). If you count all sets which attacks got a possibility to mez opponents as controllery, almost every powerset is controllery. Energy melee with the stuns, martial arts with stuns/immobs, etc etc.

Lot of people say WS are controllery, but having played multiple trollers I'd say its nowhere near it. Sure, nothing gets near a troller I know that. But even as far as "trollery" sets go, I wouldnt count WS to it.

As said before, imo, in tri-form WS are better, human-only I'd go for PB though I know good human-only WS that can outperform some human-only PBs I know.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



super simple questing, im a troller when i get to 50 (10 levels) should i get a pb or ws?



btw dont give me reasons just tell me WHICH ONE




