







"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Just think of this...

With your steath cloak on and SS wade into a big mob , bit eclipse and maybe a break free (depending on what your fighting) ,Sunless , Dark dwarf mire, nova form , 2 blasts and your pretty much done.

Needless to say that with 16mobs you can hit the damage cap i tihnk and you will hit the resistance cap with eclipse meaning you can blast away happily.

You can take the remaining few down in a few seconds (+2 or +3 luits and bosses)

Then just pop back into human and stygian circle and you have full end and health :P

Ready for the next mob.

Need I say more...



Just think of this...

With your steath cloak on and SS wade into a big mob , bit eclipse and maybe a break free (depending on what your fighting) ,Sunless , Dark dwarf mire, nova form , 2 blasts and your pretty much done.

Needless to say that with 16mobs you can hit the damage cap i tihnk and you will hit the resistance cap with eclipse meaning you can blast away happily.

You can take the remaining few down in a few seconds (+2 or +3 luits and bosses)

Then just pop back into human and stygian circle and you have full end and health :P

Ready for the next mob.

Need I say more...

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i prefer dwarf tp in with mire, eclipse after.. the mire boosts your acc so less chance your eclipse misses, also detoggling dwarf is faster than toggling into dwarf to fire mire and last but not least, with increased hp and mez resistance you can take bout every alpha.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



i prefer dwarf tip in with mire, eclipse after.. the mire boosts your acc so less chance your eclipse misses, also detoggling dwarf is faster than toggling into dwarf to fire mire and last but not least, with increased hp and mez resistance you can take bout every alpha.

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Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



i prefer dwarf tip in with mire, eclipse after.. the mire boosts your acc so less chance your eclipse misses, also detoggling dwarf is faster than toggling into dwarf to fire mire and last but not least, with increased hp and mez resistance you can take bout every alpha.

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If they were not reasons enough....




And they gave you enough reason, plus THEY'RE PURPLE1!!!111!!!



PvE only - Warshade
PvP too - Peacebringer



PvE only - Warshade
PvP and PvE - Peacebringer

About sums it up..

But I stand by my guns when I say: WS = mobs, PB = Solo Target..

put a PB in a Arena with a WS 1on1, and PB will wipe the floor with it.



um.... WS FOR TE WIN



i feel sorry for deffenders i mean pbs are scrappery and blastery and ws are controlery and tankeryish but what abour deffenders???






i feel sorry for deffenders i mean pbs are scrappery and blastery and ws are controlery and tankeryish but what abour deffenders???

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No need to feel sorry for Defenders. Many defender builds are almost obscenely powerful. They took a backseat to Controllers due to the awesomeness of post-32 multiple controller pets... but now Defenders just rock, even solo.

Except perhaps the Empaths. They get a raw deal when soloing compared to just about any other form of Defender. Empaths definitely need a team.



i feel sorry for deffenders i mean pbs are scrappery and blastery and ws are controlery and tankeryish but what abour deffenders???

[/ QUOTE ]Defenders are possibly the most varied in playstyle of all the ATs... Playing an Empath is nothing like playing a Kinetics, which if very different from playing a bubbler.

I love my PB, and I came from playing a Kinetics defender. Offender builds shouldn't find it too hard, but if you're a "sit in a corner and fire off heals" kinda guy, this is going to be a shock to the system.

I play my PB the same way I played my kineticist - ranged attacks at near point-blank range. I quite like not having to worry about whether other people have enough endurance at this exact point in time. It's a pleasant change not to be labelled "buffbot".



Warshades are definately harder to level up than the Peacebringer, mostly due to the fact that they have 3 self heals (Restore Essence, Reform essence and White Dwarf Sublimination) and a self rez which doesn't need enemies around to activate.

Warshades need enemies around them to use their heals and there's no guarantee of success when you use them, even with accuracy enhanced. Its the same with their self rez as it needs mobs around to steal the life essence from the enemy.

Personally I like both though I have to admit I play with my PB more than my WS. Maybe when I get my PB to 50 I'll concentrate more on my WS lol.




Warshades need enemies around them to use their heals and there's no guarantee of success when you use them, even with accuracy enhanced.

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Hold on , are you on about Stygian circle or life drain ?
IIRC Stygian is a autohtit on dead bodies which can be used during a fight to gain health(good method) as it only has a very short recharge in comparison with the self heal(PB)

If you ment Life drain then yes I agree on the less usefulness of it compared to the PB self heal(s)



Yeh, Peacebringers are definetly p.iss easy to level up but in the mid-late game Warshades are far more destructive than PBs and far more survivable.

Nothing can be compared to nuking a mob and ending up with a dead mob, 85% resistance to all type of damage and full health and endurance and the only AT that can do such a thing without touching any inspiration it's a WS.

PB are good in team where the massive damage is done by someone else and they can focus on taking off the bosses and other pesky single enemies, if you there is lots of stuff and you need it dead and quick a WS is far better.



the only AT that can do such a thing without touching any inspiration it's a WS.

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aaaaaaaaaactually, you will need a cab to activate stygian circle for the full hp/end part otherwise the corpses, ahem, arrested foes, disappear just as you get that tiny bit of end needed to activate styg circle

if you there is lots of stuff and you need it dead and quick a WS is far better.

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ah yes... nothing spells "aoe frenzy" more than multiple pets + nova form

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



aaaaaaaaaactually, you will need a cab to activate stygian circle for the full hp/end part

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A simple Speed Boost is more than enough recovery to give you those 9 end to fire Stygian Circle, not to mention any AM, RA or AB



so you rely on a buffer basically if you get AB you dont even need to use styg circle. Base line bein you need to either touch 1 cab or have a buffer to regain some end. Still your survivability after quasar is higher than the other nukes in the game imo

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Well, PBs are more Uber damage

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Dont think you're quite right there..
PB's do more raw damage, they do more consitent damage
Warshades do less damage initially but their strength lies in sunless mire (and other buffs) with them going they're far stronger my friend




Also in Human form warshades lack some upfront damage in comparison to peacebringers. I wouldn't call them "dark blaster/scrappers" at all they have no melee. Warshades will gain more from shapeshifting, a peacebringer can handle its self fine in human form.

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i disagree with that shapeshifting ws comment, I've been on team with an All Human PB & All Human WS (at the same time) and the WS handled itsself, tanked better (eclipse ftw) and kept itsself alive longer than the PB did. Course one could say the PB player is "rubbish" but both are highly competent players. Having seen both in action at the same time, im highly inclined to say All Human WS are VERY effective, and its the way for me.

Purely a personal preference though

Babel Horror - L-50 Illusion/Empathy Controller
Dactylic Antithesis - L-50 Human Warshade



I'd have to agree with babel being probably the all human WS he is talking about :P - i think people mistake WS for controller because we have a few hold powers, i'd say we're more mayhem causers with high HIGH damage resistance and damage. The reson i went all humanwas because i didn't like my slots spread all over the place i prefered them focused on one area - that's why i think when people say human WSs lack upfront damage, they don't realise that we have a high amount of slots on our human powers so our human forms will be completly different to a tri-form players human form - that's maybe why they think we are weaker in human as probably their human forms are weaker (not meaning to offend) - Also ont he note of PB vs WS... me and Starlet. a level50 PB are taking it to the arena tonight - so we'll see how that goes.... so we can get the whole PB vs WS thing sorted and proven (PvP wise) - come and watch the fight if you want, otherwise i'll post the results here after




Hell, i'd fight you, chimmy, with both my 50 WS and my 48 PB. Tell me when and where, and I'll meet you there.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I know the results of the fight but that was to be expected, a PB has as much self heals as a Regen Scrapper(Reconstruction and Dull Pain), Build Up and a panic button that is Light Form.

The WS to hit the same levels of damage, damage resistance and accuracy needs 6-8 foes around, then it'll really shine but 1 vs 1 I'm afraid to say that a PB does better.