


yeah, for the record the "result" was Starlet 1 Chimera Adalent 0

Babel Horror - L-50 Illusion/Empathy Controller
Dactylic Antithesis - L-50 Human Warshade



hm earlier this week I had a lil round of triform WS vs triform PB, result: WS 0 - PB 0

Basically we almost had each other at points, but neither could deliver the killing blow. Closest mustve been that I held him at low hp, then stupid end runs out...

PS. I'll happily take on starlet with my triform WS

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Any time Nef, just say when, and btw, rules are.. no insps, this is to be based on powers alone, and for the record, my rumble with Chimmy, i only used human form.

I was Crey Pistoled LOL but it was too late, i was well into Dawn Strike and that finished it off.

@Psychochill & @Psychochill.



sure, i'll think of a time and let ya know..

though 1vs1 i still think im in the disadvantage, ah well

would be fun to see what a 8 v 8 WS v PB rumble could do (apart from making your vid cards scream for mercy)

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



sure, i'll think of a time and let ya know..

though 1vs1 i still think im in the disadvantage, ah well

would be fun to see what a 8 v 8 WS v PB rumble could do (apart from making your vid cards scream for mercy)

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright