Order Of The Cruciform Swords




Aburame = definition of pwn.

Uh, try and keep up with him



Nothing to see here, move along......



ahh missed out on the ss tf oh well maybe next time :P



ahh missed out on the ss tf oh well maybe next time :P

[/ QUOTE ]
changing this to this, cos Sin doesn't want to do it now [ QUOTE ]
Sunday 18th July 2006, 10 am British Summer Time

Omega MCX - ill emp controller
Marius . - fire fire tank
Plight Trawler - elec elec blaster
Red Roy - ice dev blaster
GL Jaz - rad nrg defender
Aburame - DM SR scrapper
E-gen v2 - ill kin controller
Keef - ill emp controller

[/ QUOTE ]




Plight, I think I should use my Rad instead. We'll need it for the AV...

Lt. Keith- Lvl 50 Ice/Radiation Controller.

All other Keith/Keef characters are usually me.



ahh missed out on the ss tf oh well maybe next time :P

[/ QUOTE ]
changing this to this, cos Sin doesn't want to do it now [ QUOTE ]
Sunday 18th July 2006, 10 am British Summer Time

Omega MCX - ill emp controller
Marius . - fire fire tank
Plight Trawler - elec elec blaster
Red Roy - ice dev blaster
GL Jaz - rad nrg defender
Aburame - DM SR scrapper
E-gen v2 - ill kin controller
Keef - ill emp controller

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Since when did i become an illusion emp? :P
Oh by the way ill hopefully be getting started on my group picture on monday ill start off with solo pictures to get a feel for the characters and then finish off with a group picture so hopefully that will be the best picture since i would have drawn everyone before
Now all i have to do is tear myself away from playing this game for a few hours



Look what time I post mind control boio

clicky please read this post on the villain thread, we'll get the same thing hers side soon




Changing this yet again, to compensate for the added emp of MCX, Keith will bring Keef (prest, w00t)(and cos i am a spaz and posted MCX's sets incorrectly)

Sunday 18th July 2006, 10 am British Summer Time

Omega MCX - ill mind controller
Marius . - fire fire tank
Plight Trawler - elec elec blaster
Red Roy - ice dev blaster
GL Jaz - rad nrg defender
Aburame - DM SR scrapper
E-gen v2 - ill kin controller
Lt. Keith - ice rad controller

[/ QUOTE ]





Sunday 18th July 2006, 10 am British Summer Time

Omega MCX - ill mind controller
Marius . - fire fire tank
Plight Trawler - elec elec blaster
Red Roy - ice dev blaster
GL Jaz - rad nrg defender
Aburame - DM SR scrapper
E-gen v2 - ill kin controller
Lt. Keith - ice rad controller

[/ QUOTE ]

lol!, you did it again so now i have 2 controller sets now illusions and mind awesome ill be unstoppable



Oh FS!!!!! Right!
Sunday 18th July 2006, 10 am British Summer Time

Omega MCX - mind emp controller
Marius . - fire fire tank
plight Trawler - elec elec blaster
Red Roy - ice dev blaster
GL Jaz - rad nrg defender
Aburame - DM SR scrapper
E-gen v2 - ill kin controller
Lt. Keith - ice rad controller

[/ QUOTE ]
You bloody happy now!?

I did say if there were any changes to post them yourself

Why do you think i went to bed at 8 45 last night, candle, both ends, burning...




Ok, think I'm approaching the final build now, thanks to the massive help from Plight on test
Dropped stun, in the end, takes too long and not as good as TF, really, plus, no damage from it barely.

Brought Conserve Power in instead, with stamina and that, I can swap out the end rex for recharge redux instead, but I can swap them if needed, depending on hw it plays

[/ QUOTE ]
Looks good. Very close to my current build (i've now dropped force-epic and gone back to elec-epic, that hold is invaluable IMO, plus charged armour is very good indeed), which now kicks major beehind. Fast'n'furious. And the dropping of end-rdx and putting recharge-redx in there is a good idea. You'll have more attacks than you'll cope with tho' It's like playing a rabid hamster on speed going postal.



lol indeed Bolti.

I've been messing around on Crey Industries, where I registered my US cliky) and now my EU ones (not finished yet) and I've recreated Plight and made the SG, so you can join it now I thinks1 w00t!

Might be worth it for a laugh, but the only thing I'm really bothered about is reading this thread tbh.




If there is one site i try to evade at all times in the CoH scene.. Its that crey website (i use the badgetracker site, gives sufficient info on your toon too :P)

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



So i was just thinking for the SG and CoP trials later o, who do we have etc. So here's my attmpt at a list, please PM me any changes and I will add them all later (use the title SG roster pls).

thinking about this i'm gonna breal this down into some kind of activity list, so the most active go at the top, least active and alts etc go at the bottom.

01 @BindWhore / Plight Trawler 50 elec elec blaster
02 @DreamWeaver / DreamWeaver 50 emp psi defender
03 @Marius / Marius 50 claw regen scrapper / Marius . 50 fire fire tank / marius- 50 nrg elec blaster
04 @Sinergy X/@Encore / Sinergy X 50 ice nrg blaster / MaceX 50 stone nrg tank
05 @Rigormortis / Flash G 50 emp elec defender
06 @eXus Primus / X Zor 46 ill rad controller
07 @Metalshaper / Red Roy 48 ice dev blaster
08 @Lokanna Elianna / Loqanna Elianna 50 peacebringer
09 @Meddler / Volt Bolt 50 elec elec blaster
10 @Omega MCX / Omega MCX 50 mind emp controller
11 @Lotus Assasin / ScreamingSword 25 sonic nrg? blaster
12 @Fire-Beetle / Fire Beetle 40 stone fire tank
13 @Aburame / Araquel 50 peacebringer
14 @Coin / Coin 50 nrg nrg blaster
15 @GL Jaz / GL Jaz 50 rad nrg defender
16 @Composure / Composure 50 FF dark defender
17 @Spork / Texas Thunder 27 elec elec? blaster
18 @Reptile / Elixa 41 emp psi defender
19 @Dark Infinity / Dark Infinity 39 ? kin? controller
20 @Keith / Keef 50 ill emp controller
21 @Question. / Question-Bringer 28 peacebringer
22 @Nuclear Fairy / Quak (forgot and only active on CoV atm iirc)
23 @Dawnie / Little Hawk 29 TA arch? defender
24 @Cambo / Tridento 46 claw inv scrapper
25 @Master Dojo / Shadowstitch 37 dark? dark? scrapper
26 @E-gen / E-gen v2 44 ill? rad? controller
27 @Didier / Flambee 23 fire? fire? tank
28 @Mini / Mini Radz 11 ? ? tank
29 @Blastie / Blastie 18 ? ? blaster
30 @Mike Black / Dark Pride 50 ice ice tank
31 @General Bod / General Bubble 14 FF ? defender
32 @Baccarac / Baccarac 45 emp ? defender

CoV only (soon to be heroes too)

33 @MindFocus (formerly MindFlux of the Femmmes. new account)
34 @Naya
35 @Major Pain
36 @Gregorand
37 @Elyagra
38 @Lost Ninja/@Eschatologist
39 @BlackLotus

others : /

40 @Chili, totally can't remember if they have any toons in the SG atm, hmm.
41 @Grey Lensman 50 ? ? controller, RL family of an SG member, should hopefully return at some point.
42 @Albescent / Adrenalize 3? ? emp controller iirc long term AFK due to RL atm (i always forget if i have this one right though : /)

So there are about half a dozen people who are either on breaks or CoV only atm, the rest are prett much full time and are contributing lots to the hero base. If i missed any let me know, but it looks like we can pull together a reasonable team for the CoP trials later on.

Please note I haven't included alts that aren't 50 or are in other SGs etc. Wew, sets from memory is tough work .




If there is one site i try to evade at all times in the CoH scene.. Its that crey website (i use the badgetracker site, gives sufficient info on your toon too :P)

[/ QUOTE ]show us how Sin (infact make ur own version! lol)




**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



whats wrong botty?



PLEASE CAN EVERYONE READ THIS AND TAKE IT IN THE CONTEXT IT IS MEANT, TY. So I want to post on this before anything gets blown out of proportion (not thats I expect it to, we are all grown ups and the issue is resolved).

Tonight, whilst heroes were rading RV, I was told by more than one person that members of our SG were galavanting about pwning (which usually is what I like to hear . However, this was supposed to be a community event, so I recalled the team to Kinetik and asked them to wait for instructions from the event organiser.

I was being my usual slow/laggy self and arrived at a pill box (btw 4 had already been taken for heroes, no idea who by, but this spawned the signature AVs), most of the team as far as i could see were standing about but I wasn't really checking as I am no one's baby sitter. I received a few more messages that someone from our group had been killing some AV or another that the main group wanted left alone for now(all this is for ensuring badges were got by all present, not an issue for a team with 3 blasters). So anyways I asked why I was getting tells stating this, no names had been given at this point, and Sin piped up that I was talking to him, and asked why I was getting flack for it and not him. I also asked 'what am I supposed to tell people? Oh that's ok, they can do what they like'. Well this is my point people, whether we like it or not I set this SG up, I set this SG up for the sole reason of making friends and creating a positive environment for those friends to play in, because of this, it is me who gets the flack when someone steps out of line and it doesn't mean I'm anyones boss, it just means people associate the SG name with me, and I am sure that if anyone who has joined recently had a problem, anyone who has been with us for longer would be there to intervene or give advice. In the past people have complained to me and I have stood by our members and told the other party that imho there was no fault and that maybe it came down to PoV, in this case I do not care whether Sin was in the wrong or not, but making other people unhappy is not on, and making it a problem with me or anyone else in the group is not on either. As a good friend told me tonight, we all have our off days, all can be forgiven and forgotten, but I'll let people take from that what they will.

I was also upset by Sin's response when I asked him to wait for everyone to join in/leader to give directions, the reply I got was that 'This is defiant' the next part was something along the lines of you have to do what you want and take what you want as no one will wait for you or play fair. Now tbh I agree to an extent, but I and we I hope have always tried to set a good example, if not the best, and I would much rather stand idly by and wait for Kinetik or any other leader to give me an order at 'their' event, than to join in with the people who choose not to listen/help in a coordinated fashion. If I get no badges I don't care, I can still say I tried to do what the community wanted.

Sin's toons have left the SG now, he has been left in the OotCS global channel as a white name, it is open and all may join. He said he will collect his villains soon, if I don't get on CoV later.

I am gutted to see you go Sinergy X, for 14 months or so you have made this place more fun for me and many good friends of ours, and you have been far more help to people with your knowledge of the game than I have probably been, your choice to leave is one I grudgingly accept. I am sorry if you think I want to be your boss, as it is not the case, maybe we can talk about this some other time. Until then, or until you leave for Rose, adios .

A not so bouncy as usual Plight :'(



Oh i left with all my toons? Sad Plight, that you cant even tell the truth what happened. So i though i was talking to you? No, i plain quoted exactly what you said.. and others were for the same reason confused by your line, basicly nobody understood. I made someone unhappy, i asume that must be you. For what reason? Showing my PoV and basicly keep it real? Who kicked me out of the team? So i took the choice of letting SinergyX take responsibility for his own acts, if someone had to blame me. they could have done it straight by pm'ing, instead of you. He's been in and out of the SG more then once, no big difference there.

But at the moment i finaly see my GF ingame after so long, i see no name under her nick anymore, no supergroup anymore. The one who took me in the SG, kicked me out.. not only SinergyX, but all my toons? oh wait, I took my own characters out? Took the characters out a SG i was still teamed with, partied with, fighting with? lol no, you made the choice for me. I left? i would collect my toons? I didnt even touch them, not even said anything that i will take any toon of out the SG, and you just trying make it sound like it was my choice from the start. Nobody even know they were out of the SG, untill i told them so in the global... and you werent even there. I stayed, in the hope you came back online, maybe talk it over.. but no, when you finaly came online, not a single word, not even stating all my characters are kicked and soon my CoV's will be gone too.

The act as 'leader', to kick 5 toons, to demote 2 globals and saying a single word to the one you kick, you call that 'friendly and fun'? Not even had the dignity to stand up and take your responsibility of you actions? I took mine.. Sinergy X was out of the SG afterall right?

Then if _you_ make the choice to kick all my alts from the SG, those 14 months were a plain waste. Serious not the members, each i can get along with perfectly, some of them are really great ingame friends. And seeing such low action, after all have been through.. no , that OotCS is history for me.

Luckely i soon have Rose to go, because the choice of sticking around and still continue playing became just alot easier.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!




19 @Dark Infinity / Dark Infinity 39 ? kin? controller

[/ QUOTE ]

39 Ill\Rad



I am an sg leader in The Phalanx, Black Dragon Society oh heck i got lots of toons with high positions in many sgs and i am a sg ldr of 5 of them but sgs are set up to keep friends and likeminded people together. Now in our sgs we like all types of people in order to be an sg that offers anyone else at least something. I dont like to see people fail, it really gets me down. I dont like making peoples life harder than things need to be as people are people behind their toons who dont like to have to do things over and over or spend hours at something when it could take just 20 mins.

Wasn't it lieutenant uhura that said the "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few".

It would take someone to really go against the grain of the sg members interests to warrant a kick.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



You left Sin, you can't take responsibility for one toon and not others, it's in or out, I would have thoght that much was obvious.
All you did to make me unhappy was be argumentative when I asked why I was getting tells concerning SG members, not any one person in particular, the fact you responded to this strikes me as defencive at best, there were several people, and I wasn't there to see what happened initially, so I asked why I was getting tells saying what they said etc.
Showing your PoV and keeping it real, I heard since that this involved replying to friends of ours that you need the badge, when they asked you not to do what you were doing, it seems to me you were on a mission Sin. Keeping it real is not sinking to the lowest common denominator as I said above.
Yes, you left the SG before, and I was thankful when you came back, I thought it meant something to you. Reading the rest of your post seems to me that you thought you could play the one raid without an SG and take all responsibility for your actions, then rejoin afterwards, this isn't the case, our actions follow us for a long time sometimes.
As far as I am concerned Mika. is your toon, to my knowledge you play her and level her more than your girlfriend does, if she is back ingame and wants to stay, I have no problem with that.
As I said about all your toons, there is only one person, and that is you, toons doesn't come into it.
And yes, again, you left the SG, so I kicked you from the team. Afterwards you told me you would be along to collect your other toons, so I saved you the time, or so I thought.
As I said, it was your choice, you left.
I stayed on for a few hours on hide actually, then i logged for less than hour, but more than 2 hours later, for a while to eat, I was on most of the night. I was actually bothered enough to not want to do anything with anyone.
You took your responsibility to leave the SG, so I carried out the next logical step as leader of the SG, I removed all of your alts and changed the only thing which indicates you are an SG member in the global channel. In or out, that's how it is. I don't see, to be honest, that I had any explaining to do, you leave the SG, I make sure it's done and dusted. As far as I can see, I took responsibilty by asking why I was getting tells about our behaviour, everything else kind of went from there.
Yet again, you left, if you leave you take your alts, there are all you.

To be honest Sin I have thought there was something up lately, I hope there isn't, I really do, but if there is and you didn't want this to happen then just say so, and we can sort this out. But CoH aside, I hope everyhitng is ok with you and that Rose is good again.


P.S. In reply to SHANNON (@Dawnie), there was no kick, he left. If he would like to un-leave then we need to talk about it somewhere ingame.



I'm away until Thursday now, so see you all when I return.





I didnt really want to post anything in particular regarding this but will throw my two cents worth in.

I beleive I have killed more signature villains than anyone on the EU servers, I killed them on the US test, 2 US servers, Union and the EU test server. I have also ran raids akin to what kin was trying to set up but tonight I felt like a break and sat back and let him run his show, previously however I had I gaven Kin as much of a guide as I could, regarding sig behaviour and what the most dangerous ones were (GW/Recluse/Mako/Shirocco/Scorpion is the order if anyones interested). 4 points were taken by 'rogue' (bored) heroes and the first set of sig were spawned, Recluse and Black Scorpion, given the powersets and stategies that are used by the sig Recluse was primary target in this spawn so all should ahve been on him 1st and scorpion second in order to maximise the amount of people who would get the badges.

However despite raid leaders target calling others were going for Scorpion including someone we all know in the swords, I recognised the individual and presumed he wasnt following the chat as in the heat of things we often get carried away. So I sent a tell saying what the first target was, to which I got a no, (I also have chat logs, I keep them for when I petition a certain defiant moron (not a sword ) who spams /ac and insults everyone in the pvp zones as he craves attention) I then identified myself and was told in no uncertain terms that they had no interest in taking down recluse as Scorpion was the badge that they needed. A selfish point of veiw and no mistake as not only would this result in people not getting the badge concerned but potentially split the team and could just have easily robbed the rest of your team from getting the recluse badge (if they needed it) This isnt keeping it real, or survival of the fittest or anything like that, it was just a petty act.

But so what? We all act like jerks and cretins from time to time.

Firstly you shouldnt get upset or suprised that plight gets comments about the behaviour of the SG members, the swords is like a family, one of the nicest SGs on any server and I know of no real jerks in their ranks. Due to the obvious SG infrastructure plight has a patriarcal role in it, the same as anyones guardians would have should they be dealing with anyone who is causing a bad rep for their family. Hmm seems to me that the reaction of a person whos guardian has been informed of their actions would ahve a somewhat familar reaction.

But all this is irrelevant and boils down to this, someone wanted something and rode roughshod to get it which is a shame as a badge is meaningless and integrity is eternal. But really what does it matter, we are all prone to selfish gestures from time to time in all aspects of life problem is being pulled up on it is a embarrassing thing and everyone around gets uncomfortable and goes into a protectionism mode.

I have acted in a similar way, Marius really pissed me off one time with language that I perceived as beneith him, got a bee in my bonnet and did the whole throwing the rattle out of the pram routine. I didnt want to talk it over with him as I was bugged in the early days and then embarrassed in the later ones as it wasnt that big a deal, everyone has off days and to err is human etc etc. This wasnt Marius problem, it was mine and the way I had reacted to it and the same thing applies here, Plight has done nothing wrong but try to find out what was going on and someone acted like a big baby (dont get bothered/upset by this term, everyone does at some point, its human) and Im fairly sure things went like this, tempers were frayed, things were said "im leaving", "well go then" blah blah blah. Simple fact is Plight has nothing but the greatest respect and admiration for the people in/who were in the Swords, he never ever refers to it as "his" sg in the context of ownership, you are all family to him and perhaps we all need to take a little bit of the heat of him and appreciate what he does to try and keep things going smoothly.

Also in a PVP arena match the other day i was force bubbled into a corner and ganked and I blew up, went and got one of my stalkers and every time the bubbler dropped pff I dropped her, my sole aim was to kill her over and over again. Pretty damn childish and petulent, I could give a load of reasons why I did this, it was late, I was ganked, unsporting use of force bubble blah blah but I simply acted like a vindictive jerk out for revenge. Im not proud of my actions, I am repentant and I dont think I would do it again (but cant say for certian, I am human)

Bleah this is getting into a speech, I could seriously carry on writing this crap for pages and pages (and yet havent finished my book, go figure) Hows this, say sorry and move on, as you damn well know plight would take you back in a heartbeat but thats not weakness, just the kinda nice guy he is. If you acted like a jerk in real life whilst in the company of a good friend and they said something would you end the friendship? Of course not, thats what friends are for, to point out things that we may not really notice about ourselves but should, if a friend doesnt interject when we act like jerks would they really be a friend? Plight gets involved because he cares, simple as.

Seriously get over it, is 14 months of friendship not worth it? Its only a waste if you allow petty differences to cloud your judgement.

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault