i16 and warshades...




So I've been contemplating on making my first WS and, with today's i16 update, I made a connection with what I had read regarding their gameplay.

More mobs = more playthings for WS, ya? So the i16 difficulty slider should be a great boon for them?

..or have I misunderstood the comments regarding group play - do the buffs from one's group members play just as big a role?



More mobs = more playthings for WS, ya? So the i16 difficulty slider should be a great boon for them?

[/ QUOTE ]

My Warshade is going to be abusing this SO hard. I may not set for a team of eight, but I will be setting it higher then three. Between Eclipse and the Mires, I'll be an 18-Wheeler of Pain.

Plus, I'll be able to do different missions for farming, instead of the single Nemesis one from Dark Watcher. No more having to go to the RWZ for my Farms for me!



I agree. This is going to be crazy fun for my Warshade & brutes.



At 50, with a purple build, spawn sizes matter more than teammates.

The only thing a teammate can give you that is of great significance is mez protection.

I'm not against teaming - but I want big spawns 100% of the time. Now I get my wish.



One thing I was wondering, is unchain essence gonna be a little more popular now?

One of the big excuses I heard for not taking it before was that it was hard to target the dead body and then most of the mob is dead anyways, but I can see this being different when solo with the difficulty cranked up.

Course the recharge time is still really high which sucks. Just wondering if anyone might plan on taking this power now.



In all honesty, Dark Extraction always targets dead bodies for me, even if I'm in the middle of a fight with several live ones. So I've been hitting that (even if it's not recharged yet), then using Unchain Essence.

To be honest, it confuses me why one can target, and the other can't (surely that wouldn't be a design choice, would it?), but I use that to my advantage. You know. When I actually pick that power.



I've never heard of that. That's intereasting. Thanks. Should make it easy to get off unchain in a fight.



I just use "/targetcustomnext enemy defeated" for easy corpse targeting. Bind it to whatever key is convenient and you're good to go.



I just use "/targetcustomnext enemy defeated" for easy corpse targeting. Bind it to whatever key is convenient and you're good to go.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's what I do. Have it set up for the v key (x is cyst>void>quantum>enemynear, c is enemynext, z is enemyprev, and shift-x is enemynear).

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.




One of the big excuses I heard for not taking it before was that it was hard to target the dead body and then most of the mob is dead anyways

[/ QUOTE ]

I have my z key on my warshade bound to

/targetcustomnext enemy defeated

So targeting corpses is easy. I'll often fire off one attack, and while it is animating, I'll be tabbing through corpses. (Or, occasionally, targeting an enemy I know will die from this attack, planning to explode his corpse)



Well so far I find that I can very quickly kill a guy while in human form. I also find that I could use a little more AOE. Often I can AOE from nova and get the spawn down to where it looks like about one more good AOE would finish off the minions.

I'm thinking my plan is to get Unchain and slot it up, then when it's up, use Inky Aspect, run in, kill off a minion quickly with gravity well and the high damage blast (that usually does it maybe one more blast) and then explode him, then go into nova and hopefully polish them off.

How long is the recharge with 2 recharge SOs? I think the base is somewhere like 4 or 5 minutes which seems really long but if I take it and slot it up will I be able to at least use it a couple times a mission while solo?




One of the big excuses I heard for not taking it before was that it was hard to target the dead body and then most of the mob is dead anyways

[/ QUOTE ]

I have my z key on my warshade bound to

/targetcustomnext enemy defeated

So targeting corpses is easy. I'll often fire off one attack, and while it is animating, I'll be tabbing through corpses. (Or, occasionally, targeting an enemy I know will die from this attack, planning to explode his corpse)

[/ QUOTE ]

I use that keybind, fire off the power then quickly shift back into dwarf mode to keep on fighting. Had a few teammates wonder if my WS was having an identity crisis.