Second Invincible Respec Trial - Sat July 18th
Well, Ironshield got 2 levels on a Sarah Moore TF last night so he's outleveled this. However, I happen to have someone in range who is particularly useful. I'll bring my level 43 ice/force field controller: Ice Force. Team two, please.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I will not be online next week. I'll be in Seattle visiting my son and his family.
Brother Glacier (Cold/Ice def) for team one please.
Sign me up. Chaplain Huss level 41 Tanker, probably 42 at least by next weekend.
Please add Yeti Prince (level 40 ice/em blaster) to team one.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
i'm optimistic that i'll be back online this week. please sign me up for team one. cross yer fingers for me!
Add Doctor SKF fire/energy blaster for team two please
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
I unfortunately won't be around this Saturday, but I'll be back the following weekend
Behind The Veiled Mask
Arc# 526759
Can Escapee No. 14 make it?

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
Alas I, too, cannot make it this Saturday. I have a friends wedding to attend. But I will be back the follwoing Saturday! If I can suggest...Doctor Whatshisname needs the Synapse TF to complete the Task Force Commander....that would be awesome if we could do that....also, remember that next week starts the Rikti Invasion...I'll be around on Friday and Sunday...if anyone wants to get some Rikti Teams together.
Good Luck on Saturday!!
-->Infinity Server<--

Okay, two separate options:
GoldArrow Star, lvl 36 Emp/Archery Defender to team 1 OR Garnet Star, lvl 40 Inv/Dual Blades Tanker to team 2. Please put me where most needed. Thank you
That sounds an awful lot like a math problem. I was under the impression that there would be no math.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
A freak tank starts towards a nuclear reactor 1,000 meters away, traveling 5 meters a second. An Ironblade junky travels towards the same reactor, but is 1,200 meters away and is traveling 7 meters a second.
At what point will the Ironblade junky overtake the freak tank?

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
After 100 seconds, 500 meters from the reactor.
Put me for Danalla Skysong my blaster I think she's 43 I need to double check that. Would be great start for my double exp leveling on her. Yes she's 43 energy/fire blaster
One day my Villains will run these with you.
One day...
Please add Gwen Novak, ss/inv tank, to team 2.
That sounds an awful lot like a math problem. I was under the impression that there would be no math.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wazza math problem? You talkin to me?
Well if ya is, let me 'splain it to ya! Team 1 could use an Emp and team 2 could use a Tank, so I figured since I could bring either one, I'd let Johnny decide
If you arn't talkin' to me, just disregard everything I just said!
When did City of Heroes becomes City of Math... Thats it.. one more math problem and I am holding all you responsible for my death in the 2nd respec
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
(updating the roster)
Freedom Phalanx is entrusting us with some of the most serious tasks imaginable. Several of you have now earned your Task Force Commander badges, so expect that new heroes will see you as models of upright adventurers. Still, once we've finished the press interviews and so forth, we'd best look into concerns that Captain James Harlan has about some disturbing Freakshow activity.
Saturday July 18th 1:00pm EST (12 noon CST) (10:00am PST)
Meet at Captain James Harlan in Founders' Falls, who is 275 yards SE of the hospital
The range requirement is 34-44, with those above exemplared down to 44 automatically
Team One (Invincible):
1. Johnny Taxibot (team lead) - lvl 50 Elec/Energy blaster
2. hilker >> Brother Glacier (lvl 41+ Cold/Ice defender)
3. Late_Knight >> Chaplain Huss (level 41-42 Tanker)
4. Ullikummis >> Yeti Prince (lvl 40 ice/em blaster)
5. Taxi Dermy - lvl 39+ warshade
6. Fainche_Skysong >> Danalla Skysong (lvl 43 energy/fire blaster)
7. Eagle_Star >> GoldArrow Star (lvl 36 Emp/Archery defender)
8. Mareal >> Al Dedillo (lvl 37 cold/ice defender)
Team Two (Invincible):
1. Gata (team lead) >> Gata Amarilla (lvl 50 Kat/Regen scrapper)
2. Ironblade >> Ice Force (lvl 43 ice/force field controller)
3. Doctor_A_Science >> Doctor SKF Spine (lvl 50 fire/energy blaster)
4. Typo_Cop >> Magic Taxi (lvl 40 fire/emp controller)
5. Gillian_Boardman >> Gwen Novak (lvl 38 ss/inv tank)
1. Ad_Astra >> Agoniste (lvl 36 fire/rad controller) -or- Brighid Frost (lvl 35 fire/ice blaster) -or- Isotope 165 (lvl 41 rad/dark defender)
- This is a task force challenge series, where both teams will seek a reasonably high difficulty level, depending upon the team composition.
- We do not generally speed run these adventures, though we do seek to make good time and enjoy being in the story.
- When doing a higher level challenge, the team lead needs to be in the zone before anyone enters the mission. Otherwise, the mission difficulty will default back to Heroic.
- For team composition, the suggestion is to have 1-2 tankers, and 2-3 blasters for AoE crowd control. However, we will not blindly attempt a difficulty that is beyond the team makeup. When unsure, we begin at Tenacious and gradually increase the difficulty.
- For Teams Two and Three, it is asked that there be a tanker for each team to provide good aggro management.
- Since this is a Respec Trial, the key is the rate at which we can clear mobs. For the initial door mission, we will be set at Invincible. However, if it is judged that we are "slogging" through mobs, then we will dial-down the difficulty. FYI, we've completed this on Invincible; it's all a matter of team makeup.
Uh oh, now look what I've done! Been put into overflow.
Okay, please put GoldArrow Star on team 1. I'd be happy to be team healer!!
I'm not sure if I can make it. I will stop by the contact if I can, but I totally understand if the teams are full before then.
I would be bringing either Isotope 165 (41 rad/dark def) or Brighid Frost (35 fire/ice blaster) or Agoniste (36 fire/rad controller).
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Please add Al Dedillo to team one lvl 37 cold/ice def.
Freedom Phalanx is entrusting us with some of the most serious tasks imaginable. Several of you have now earned your Task Force Commander badges, so expect that new heroes will see you as models of upright adventurers. Still, once we've finished the press interviews and so forth, we'd best look into concerns that Captain James Harlan has about some disturbing Freakshow activity.
Saturday July 18th 1:00pm EST (12 noon CST) (10:00am PST)
Meet at Captain James Harlan in Founders' Falls, who is 275 yards SE of the hospital
The range requirement is 34-44, with those above exemplared down to 44 automatically
Team One (Invincible):
1. Johnny Taxibot (team lead) - lvl 50 Elec/Energy blaster
2. hilker >> Brother Glacier (lvl 41+ Cold/Ice defender)
3. Late_Knight >> Chaplain Huss (level 41-42 Tanker)
4. Ullikummis >> Yeti Prince (lvl 40 ice/em blaster)
5. Taxi Dermy - lvl 39+ warshade
Team Two (Invincible):
1. Gata (team lead) >> Gata Amarilla (lvl 50 Kat/Regen scrapper)
2. Ironblade >> Ice Force (lvl 43 ice/force field controller)
3. Doctor_A_Science >> Doctor SKF Spine (lvl 50 fire/energy blaster)
4. Typo_Cop >> Magic Taxi (lvl 40 fire/emp controller)