Regen scrappers and Miracle:+Recovery
It completely depends. If you haven't any end issues at all right now, it's probably best to sell it so you can buy a bunch of moderately priced sets that will help you more, but ultimately it's not a bad idea to slot a Miracle on a Regen as having more endurance recovery can allow you to pick and use more toggles from pools/epics, slot less end red and more recharge in attacks, and so on.
Overkill maybe but on my regen I have both the miracle and numina uniques and a performance shifter chance for END in stamina and quick recovery. My opinion is you can never have to much and the blue goodness
Do you need more +end?
I have a fire/invuln/body scrapper that's not having end problems (admittedly no extended solo) and I'd imagine a regen has it even easier. I'd save the Miracle for a needier character.
Mad props on the Girl Genius pic, btw!!!
Thanks for the suggestions. Looks like I have a decision to make.
Mad props on the Girl Genius pic, btw!!!
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(Yeah, I've thought about making a Not Agatha.... maybe an Elec or Energy/Device blaster. /chuckle)
It's a shame it wasn't a lvl 40 miracle, because then there would be no question of selling it. Some are paying 200 million for the lvl 40 right now.
You probably could sell it priced above the current going rate, as it seems that the majority people aren't rolling merits (as you did) in a way to get miracles, and they've consequently gotten rarer. The rarity might make it worth saving for another toon.
I'd say sell it, my fire/regen has enough endurance for two heroes.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Sell it or keep it for another toon. My mind/storm was so end-hungry that I didn't even think about selling the Miracle she got from a Sister Psyche TF (the good old days before merits), I slotted it immediately, she was level 24.
Maybe respec out of your Fitness pool then spec it in with Numina +Reg/Rec? =/
It depends on what you are doing and your personal experience with how much end you need. Most of the time, there is going to be adequate time between mobs for a good amount of recovery, and you won't need something like the Miracle.
Personally, I have a Kat/Regen with QR and Stam, so I have those slotted with performance shifters, end mods, and I still need a miracle elsewhere in my build. Why? Because I fight AVs, and constantly running every toggle to stay alive while using an endless attack chain tends to try to eat away endurance.
So basically, determine based on your personal performance so far whether or not you need to use it. If not, sell it.
Maybe respec out of your Fitness pool then spec it in with Numina +Reg/Rec? =/
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This. Personally, I think that, since you're already packing Quick Recovery, it would behoove you to start thinking outside of the bounds of the Fitness pool. You'd be amazed at what else an IO build is capable of doing with another power pool choice, especially if you're packing a blue bar friendly secondary like */regen (which is about as blue bar friendly as you can get considering the clickies are pretty end light and the only toggle is .26 end/sec Integration).
Well I'm just saying.
B/c if he drops Fitness pool, then he'd be able to slot more on something else. Maybe another attack power could be useful and such. =/
Plus not everyone are facing AV's very often =/
(And what I say are usualy pretty biased from my old PvP experience =x This is probably the biggest reason why I usually don't take Fitness pool, especially when I'm rolling a /Regen or a /WP.)
I had a similar situation come up. Assuming you have a base in which you can safely store it (and not worry about SG mates pilfering it) I would save it for another character. I can understand the logic of respecing out of Fitness, but I wouldn't want to give up Health on my Regen. Stamina is then only another power away.
Unless you really, really need the cash I'd save it. Thats what I did and my soon to be made Fire/Shield scrapper will be thankful.
I can understand the logic of respecing out of Fitness, but I wouldn't want to give up Health on my Regen.
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I wouldn't want to either, but Health does Regen the least good of any of the secondaries, so if any secondary can skip the Fitness pool entirely, it's Regen. But I wouldn't want to skip Hurdle either because I love bunny hopping with Hurdle + Combat Jumping. I'm a Fitness junkie. Never made a toon without it.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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I'd argue that Health is something that I absolutely want on my /Regen's more than any other secondary (maybe Willpower). So I don't know if I'd agree that it's not as beneficial to Regen as any other secondary. I personally love it stacking with my other powers so I can get 60+ hp/sec.
I'd argue that Health is something that I absolutely want on my /Regen's more than any other secondary (maybe Willpower). So I don't know if I'd agree that it's not as beneficial to Regen as any other secondary. I personally love it stacking with my other powers so I can get 60+ hp/sec.
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I did exactly the same thing. But Health's contribution to survivability is based entirely on the level of damage mitigation in the build (i.e., damage resistance and defense). Regeneration has the lowest damage mitigation of all the secondaries. Health is therefore least useful on a Regen.
To give an example that may explain it better, let's take a Regen with no resistance and no defense, and compare it to, say, a Willpower with 50% resistance and 25% defense, and a Super Reflexes with 45% defense. For simplicity, let's say everyone has 2000 hit points. Health at 100% enhancement will then heal about 7 DPS.
On the Regen, that means Health lets you survive an extra 7 DPS of incoming damage.
But the Willpower is avoiding half the hits that would have hit the regen, and also only taking half damage from the hits that can get through. So Health on Willpower lets you survive an extra 28 DPS of incoming damage. Health is four times as effective on the Willpower.
The Super Reflexes, meanwhile, is only getting hit by 10% of the attacks that would have hit the Regen. So Health on Super Reflexes lets you survive an extra 70 DPS of incoming damage. Health is ten times as effective on the Super Reflexes.
This is all overly simplistic, of course, but hopefully you get the idea.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
No, I certainly understand the concept. My point was that as a Regen, adding more Defense doesn't help much unless you can get nearly 20% defense or more. Resistence helps a bit, but it's a lot harder to get resistence anywhere outside of Resilience and Tough (Fighting Pool). However, stacking more regeneration is quite effective.
Back to the main point, I wouldn't skip Health. In addition to the Regen bonus it gives, you can also add the Regenerative Tissue, Numina, and Miracle uniques in it. Slotting Fast Healing for regen is a more effective than slotting Health for regen because it has a higher base regen bonus. And if you get Health, you might as well get Stamina.
I think the best advice I read is to give it to an alt. that has End. issues.
No, I certainly understand the concept. My point was that as a Regen, adding more Defense doesn't help much unless you can get nearly 20% defense or more. Resistence helps a bit, but it's a lot harder to get resistence anywhere outside of Resilience and Tough (Fighting Pool). However, stacking more regeneration is quite effective.
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The issue is then whether you should apply the SO build logic that you're using (not many sources of +def) to what is most likely going to be an IO build situation? Personally, I don't see the point. Getting an extra 4 hp/sec whenever you're already packing 50 hp/sec isn't really all that awesome, and it's not really all that effective. Health isn't really all that great for a regen because it's already got ludicrous amounts of damage recovery available to it. You're better off abandoning it for more sources of damage mitigation.
Back to the main point, I wouldn't skip Health. In addition to the Regen bonus it gives, you can also add the Regenerative Tissue, Numina, and Miracle uniques in it. Slotting Fast Healing for regen is a more effective than slotting Health for regen because it has a higher base regen bonus. And if you get Health, you might as well get Stamina.
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The only situation in which you would take Health as a proc mule is if you were purposefully 6 slotting Fast Healing. By taking Health, you're only getting 1 "free" slot. The slots you're adding to Health could just as easily (and for greater benefit) be given to Fast Healing, especially since the +regen of the Regen Tissue and Numina procs is increased by the +heal enhancement in the power itself. You're better off consolidating all of the procs into a single power than splitting them between two and, since Fast Healing sees more benefit than Health from +heal slotting and it only takes 2-3 IOs to bring any specific enhancement value to the ED redzone, it would behoove you to slot all of them into Fast Healing along with the full enhancement. The only IO that doesn't have a good reason for specifically being placed into Fast Healing rather than Health is the Miracle proc simply because the value will be static no matter what. At this point you then have to ask yourself whether 2 power choices (to get Health) are worth the same as a single slot in Fast Healing.
especially since the +regen of the Regen Tissue and Numina procs is increased by the +heal enhancement in the power itself
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Say wha? This is actually true? I saw that Mids was adjusting the proc numbers on my Claws/Regen but I thought it was an error, and went into the database to make the Uniques unenhanceable. I thought all procs were static bonuses...
especially since the +regen of the Regen Tissue and Numina procs is increased by the +heal enhancement in the power itself
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Say wha? This is actually true? I saw that Mids was adjusting the proc numbers on my Claws/Regen but I thought it was an error, and went into the database to make the Uniques unenhanceable. I thought all procs were static bonuses...
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you even get more out of them when you put them in intergration or rttc. that is still odd workings to me.
"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."
@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.
especially since the +regen of the Regen Tissue and Numina procs is increased by the +heal enhancement in the power itself
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Say wha? This is actually true? I saw that Mids was adjusting the proc numbers on my Claws/Regen but I thought it was an error, and went into the database to make the Uniques unenhanceable. I thought all procs were static bonuses...
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Yeah, I can verify that. I calculated the assumed numbers on paper and then compared them to my scrapper's numbers in-game. From what I understand, this is not intentional, but rather a consequence of how the game engine works.
It's a tough decision... you really have no use for it on a regen scrapper but it would be VERY useful on another character and it's hard to come by. On the other hand it would probably sell for enough to completely outfit your scrapper with IO sets.
Personally I would put it into base storage for a needy alt but then I have enough high level characters to play sugar daddy that inf hasn't been an issue to me but finding rare IO's frequently is. It's up to you and whichever way you decide to go you'll probably end up kicking yourself for making a mistake
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
especially since the +regen of the Regen Tissue and Numina procs is increased by the +heal enhancement in the power itself
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Say wha? This is actually true? I saw that Mids was adjusting the proc numbers on my Claws/Regen but I thought it was an error, and went into the database to make the Uniques unenhanceable. I thought all procs were static bonuses...
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This also works on the +recovery of Miracle and Numina's, but the only power I know of that takes both end mod enhancers and heals is drain psyche.
Global - @Seigi no Akuma | Freedom mains:
Galvanized Justice - Electric Melee/Shield Scrapper
Overclocked Justice - Fire Blast/Traps Corrupter
Insanguinato - Fire Blast/Kinetics Corrupter
Insanguinata - Night Widow/Fortunata
This might be a silly noob question, but....
/E/R, Miracle:+Recovery).

I just got lucky on some merit rolls (Mako:Lethal, Kinetic Combat
Was all hyped about the Miracle, ran off to my base and crafted it, started to think about where to slot it correctly... which point the question occurred to me: Hold on, I'm a Regen scrapper with Quick Recovery and Stamina. Do I really *need* this?
So, what do people think. Is it worth slotting, or would that be massive overkill and I should just sell it?
(Fire/Regen, currently level 38. Been playing about a month.)