Finally got to 50!
Gratz! I hope the villain comes faster
That is awesome! GRATZZZ!!! Kool screenie too!!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
Conga Rats!
Congratz.. and don't feel too bad, a lot of people just don't seem to have the time to lvl their characters.
FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha
My DA page
WOW!!! Talk about timing! *points to our posts time*
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
Woooooo! *confetti*
Thanks, I was really excited.
Yeah it took so long cause I just haven't played enough, lack of time and other excuses.
Awesome, grats!!
Super-Mega-Ultra-Gratz, Larissa! I love the screenie, sort of like ascension, hehe.
Very nice. Now you must go badge.
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Ah, the first 50. It's like candy.
Nice work!
Yeah the first time is always sweeter ...
My first took me a while too ... then somehow the ball got rolling and I got a few more.
I never manage to get the good "Ding" screenshot though either I pay attention up to .2 bubbles before 50 and then I forget about it and it goes "Ding" and I'm un-prepared or ... I take screenshots but there is too much happening or something and it doesn't look good ...
anyhoo ... gratz again and cool screenshot!

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Yeah the first time is always sweeter ...
My first took me a while too ... then somehow the ball got rolling and I got a few more.
I never manage to get the good "Ding" screenshot though either I pay attention up to .2 bubbles before 50 and then I forget about it and it goes "Ding" and I'm un-prepared or ... I take screenshots but there is too much happening or something and it doesn't look good ...
anyhoo ... gratz again and cool screenshot!
[/ QUOTE ]
Funny enough, my characters are usually defeated when they ding level 50. Probably because I'm typing "Woo...50!" just as the sparklies come up.
Woot! Grats!
Busting heads since 1938
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My main, DeWayne is close, but probably still months away from leveling (47 at last check).
Oh, and Gratz!
PL Meh!
Yer main dinging 50 is always memorable, and don't sweat the time it took. As long as you had fun on the journey there, that's all that counts.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
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Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
Congo Rats.
Grats on finally hitting the big 5-0! Time to make a Kheldian and join in the fray.
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Congratulations! The first 50 is always the sweetest! Though the first 50 of the opposite faction is just about as sweet!

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Sometimes you have to say these things twice before you can feel their impact!
Smoochie Bootches!
Larissa finally hit 50 last night on the Kahn TF. She's my first 50. Only took a little over three years *sheepish look* Here's to hoping Villainside doesn't take as long, lol