Where Are They Now?




Let me just start off by saying that this isn't a rant. I'm not complaining, not yelling at the devs, not really begging or anything of the sort. I'm just curious.

I was thinking earlier during work (because I have nothing better to do) about a couple things that devs talked about coming out with that we never really saw. I'm talking about things that we've heard about a long time ago, like years. I'll list a couple. It's possible that they've just been backburnered for whatever reason and I don't really have a problem with that because I've been a big fan of the content coming out anyways.

Jetpacks - This is the one that I'm most curious about. I coulda sworn that I remember Jay saying a long time ago around the first time we got the jingle jet or maybe when villains got mayhem missions that he had something like seven different jetpacks worked up for us. Only thing is we never saw any of them. I'm not talking about the temp powers. I'm talking about stuff like rocket boots or wings, a part of your costume that animates when you fly.

Archnemesis system - I remember Posi talking about this a long while back. Now, it's possible that this simply morphed into the AE system that we have now but I'm not sure. You were supposed to be able to find clues to your archnemesis, customize his powers and outfit and such, and then take him down. It sounded like a really fun system even with AE already out so I was wondering.

Street Fighting Powerset - Now I dunno if the Devs ever actually said they were gonna do this or not but I sure know that it's something that a lotta people want. Some kinda scrapper powerset that was a mixture of kicks and punches and dirty tricks. I really thought that when willpower came out that this was not far off since the two seemed to mesh easily in my head or maybe that was just me. Again, dunno if this was something we were ever actually gonna get or not.

Avillians and Coralax EATs - I thought I remembered these being mentioned a lot as upcoming EATs. Now Avillians may have been shelved since I think their main purpose was to give us wings and we already got them but what about Coralax? Also, these EATs were supposed to be unlocked through means other than getting a 50 so more people could experiance them. I'd dearly like more EATs although all the new powersets that come out regularly are good enough for me too I guess.

Well those are the things that I had off the top of my head. Anyone know what happened? Also, as a side note, are we gonna get more costume pieces to craft? When inventions came out I was under the impression that we would but I guess that coulda been later judged to be a bad idea.

Well thanks for reading.




Jetpacks - This is the one that I'm most curious about. I coulda sworn that I remember Jay saying a long time ago around the first time we got the jingle jet or maybe when villains got mayhem missions that he had something like seven different jetpacks worked up for us. Only thing is we never saw any of them. I'm not talking about the temp powers. I'm talking about stuff like rocket boots or wings, a part of your costume that animates when you fly.

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These were never told to us as anything but temp powers. We've seen a lot of them in the game, from what I'm aware of. As temp powers, you can see why they're not costume options: there's no good place to attach them to. Large characters have them appear IN their back (ouch!), and smaller characters have no tangible connection to the jet packs.

Archnemesis system - I remember Posi talking about this a long while back. Now, it's possible that this simply morphed into the AE system that we have now but I'm not sure. You were supposed to be able to find clues to your archnemesis, customize his powers and outfit and such, and then take him down. It sounded like a really fun system even with AE already out so I was wondering.

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Might still be coming, but I don't really know.

Street Fighting Powerset - Now I dunno if the Devs ever actually said they were gonna do this or not but I sure know that it's something that a lotta people want. Some kinda scrapper powerset that was a mixture of kicks and punches and dirty tricks. I really thought that when willpower came out that this was not far off since the two seemed to mesh easily in my head or maybe that was just me. Again, dunno if this was something we were ever actually gonna get or not.

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Devs never said that this was coming. However, it was on the list of Melee powersets that they gave us during a poll a while ago. I know that it didn't win (Dual Blades did), but we're probably not going to see anything like this until other ATs who haven't gotten new sets recently get theirs.

Avillians and Coralax EATs - I thought I remembered these being mentioned a lot as upcoming EATs. Now Avillians may have been shelved since I think their main purpose was to give us wings and we already got them but what about Coralax? Also, these EATs were supposed to be unlocked through means other than getting a 50 so more people could experiance them. I'd dearly like more EATs although all the new powersets that come out regularly are good enough for me too I guess.

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These, as far as I know, have been scrapped. Villains got their own EATs in the form of the Arachnos Soldiers, instead of getting the Blood of the Black Stream, Nictus, or Coralax (which up until the announcement of what they were going to be, many players thought that the choice would come out of those three). Avilans were on the EAT list from a long, long time ago, but I think were scrapped when the Devs gave wings to everyone.

Hope this helped a bit!

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



although nothing has been confirmed for Character Creator 2.0 in the expansion/i16 (which ever it comes out in) i would bet money that backpacks/jetpacks and other accessories have been added, this is a common request since the inception of thegame, and well within the ranks of "doable but takes more reasources then we can spare" that power customization fell under.

mark my words, when you get the shiney new CC v2.0 you WILL have backpacks/jetpacks/quivers etc.....

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



AND SHEATHS FOR OUR SWORDS !!! for the love of god please !



I don't know, I rather liked the concept that my 'temp' jet-pack required fuel to fly. It seemed to fit in the theme with a 'natural' character, who would need to refuel his jet-pack once it ran out, where as a character who flies with his own powers would need to use energy he gathered. Whether you wanna call that endurance, chakra, magic, or whatever, doesn't matter to me.

I would also love a sheath for my weapons, or the option to always have them displayed. I would enjoy more back decoration as a whole, since that's what I'm typically looking at. It seems odd to me that my character can bulk up his front with armor, but leaves his back totally exposed.



It seems odd to me that my character can bulk up his front with armor, but leaves his back totally exposed.

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Just like Klingon battleships.

(Massive shields in front, almost nothing from behind.)

It keeps you from running away

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Archnemesis system - I remember Posi talking about this a long while back. Now, it's possible that this simply morphed into the AE system that we have now but I'm not sure. You were supposed to be able to find clues to your archnemesis, customize his powers and outfit and such, and then take him down. It sounded like a really fun system even with AE already out so I was wondering.

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I have my doubts this will ever appear in CoX, but it is going to be in CO. Maybe it just got shifted over to there?

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



CO is looking better all the time to me. CoX is gonna have to knock me off my stool in order for me to re-sub.

Sadly I15 wasn't enough lol.



These were never told to us as anything but temp powers.

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Well, except for Positron's post right here where he specifically says that they are working on adding jetpacks into the game.

I used to have a link that was even older where JLove said he was exhausted from the 30+ jetpacks that he just got done creating for the game. That post has long since been deleted in the many forum purges.

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Yea that's the post I was remembering. Long, long time ago when Jay said he'd just made a whole slew of jetpacks. Well it'd certainly be nice if we got quivers, jetpacks and sheaths with I16. Those are three things that I've really wanted for a while.

It's too bad the EATs seem to have been scrapped. Although I understand wanting to get more powersets out that everyone can use, and I enjoy all new powersets that get released, I do greatly enjoy having a big huge long story arc on one of my characters from 1-50.



Jetpacks, may not be here now. But I don't discount them. Put them in as a back option (Crabs will thus lack a Jet Pack...could give them a Crab Backpack and a Crab Backpack with jets on them?)...when you fly, the thrusters turn on...

AV System...no idea.

Streetfighting powerset. Was like mention, in a poll for melee and armor sets...Dual Blades got first, Psi Melee got second, and Streetfighting got a very distant third (so I wouldn't expect to see it before Psi Melee).

Even the devs thought that was wierd, as Streetfighting is a populat set to be mentioned on the forums. However, people will just hate the set anyways...so many suggestions on how to make it (Barefisted Brawler Set (mostly likely version), Dirty Fighting Set (which doesnt seem super heroy to me, when people want to use a broken beer bottle...I also find this version the less likely to happen), and Streetfighter II Set (Not likely either, but Id put it above the dirty fighting set).

The problem with this idea, is Super Strength is a barefisted brawler set. Best bet imo for a Streetfighting/Barefisted Brawler type set, power costumization with Martial Arts (choose kick or punch animation when you pick your power).

Avillians was cancelled when wings were given to everyone. Still hope for the Coralax I would think but havent heard word on them in along time.

I wouldn't mind more craftable costume options

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Jetpacks, may not be here now. But I don't discount them. Put them in as a back option (Crabs will thus lack a Jet Pack...could give them a Crab Backpack and a Crab Backpack with jets on them?)...when you fly, the thrusters turn on...

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Or, when you fly the legs face backwards/down and become thrusters... just spit balling here.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat




Avillians and Coralax EATs - I thought I remembered these being mentioned a lot as upcoming EATs. Now Avillians may have been shelved since I think their main purpose was to give us wings and we already got them but what about Coralax? Also, these EATs were supposed to be unlocked through means other than getting a 50 so more people could experiance them. I'd dearly like more EATs although all the new powersets that come out regularly are good enough for me too I guess.

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These, as far as I know, have been scrapped. Villains got their own EATs in the form of the Arachnos Soldiers, instead of getting the Blood of the Black Stream, Nictus, or Coralax (which up until the announcement of what they were going to be, many players thought that the choice would come out of those three). Avilans were on the EAT list from a long, long time ago, but I think were scrapped when the Devs gave wings to everyone.

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Avilians are absolutely scrapped, confirmed by Posi (asked him directly during an IRC chat during some event or interview or some such.) No, no redname post to point to, it was off the boards.

Coralax - no word.

Known status of EATs, 12/08