The School Returns




Im back, I was out with a case of whogivesacrap,

here's the doctors note

*Hands in crudely forged doctors note reading "IG was owt wit a cass off whogivsarap"*



*looks at doctor's note carefully* really crappy writing...yep, it's written by a real doc.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



*plops down a huge stack of papers on IG's desk*

That's the work you missed, fool. Due by Friday.



Is Angry a teacher now?



Haven't you heard? I've been promoted from student to instructor. Welcome to Anger 101.

First assignment. I want a 10 page essay on the history of Paragon City. It must be written on computer, printed out, and compiled in a presentation envelope (no exceptions!)

Due by Friday!



I didn't read that far back in the thread



Haven't you heard? I've been promoted from student to instructor. Welcome to Anger 101.

First assignment. I want a 10 page essay on the history of Paragon City. It must be written on computer, printed out, and compiled in a presentation envelope (no exceptions!)

Due by Friday!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey now, promotions by murder only work on Klingon starships. Also, that sniper round really hurt when it hit the back of my head. The four after it didn't feel good, either.

Right, back to your seats, forget that assignment, your real homework is a twenty-page research paper on the history of research papers. Due at an indeterminate time in the future, so get crackin'!

*Mysteriously picks bullets out of skin*

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



No, do not forget that assignment. I am on as a second instructor in addition to Mr. Bitt Player. My class is still valid.

I know, I could've just done that instead of trying to kill you, Mr.Player, but bygones be bygones eh?



*gets out flamethrower*

I'm going to enjoy this. Alot.

*sets kheldarn on fire*



No, do not forget that assignment. I am on as a second instructor in addition to Mr. Bitt Player. My class is still valid.

I know, I could've just done that instead of trying to kill you, Mr.Player, but bygones be bygones eh?

[/ QUOTE ]

*Is still mysteriously removing bullets*

More like bygones be gone to detention. Get down to Sub-Basement Three. The one with the pointy things on the floor. You'll be there for the rest of the day, so don't forget to stop by on your way out to find out what other homework assignments I've pulled out of my- I mean, carefully planned.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



*wonders why all the KhelClones look like Jerry Lewis*

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



*kills all the Khels*

hey! There is one left!



Mr. Mysterious transfer teacher, I finnished all my work
*Hands in papers where all answers are Banana and a drawing of a flail, The History of History treports are 5 words long*



It's like the Gremlins! O.O



***looks around***

***turns on a device that just lights up and vanishes***

Damn, they still just jump into the future without me.

***waits about five minutes to see if it'll land back in his hand***

Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay

You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free



*walks in and takes his old desk next to Emmi and Early*

I got demoted! They said I was a hack who couldn't teach a fish to swim! Damn you, Mr. Player! You had something to do with this!



psst --Khel, Healix already warned you about the Khel-Clones multiplying!! Be careful with that water!!!

psst--- passes Emmi note:
(wanna skip third period to get some ice cream at DQ?? )

"Hello, Ay glad to have you comin to DQ too?

---snaps back to attention before Mr.Player catches us goofin off.



*passes note to Early and Angry that reads "Will meet you at DQ for some GSTPBPB's and stuffs"*




Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf