2xp weekend should not apply to AE arcs.




This is the core concern some of us have. Some people feel that for the 2 days that the event is in effect we shall see a return of the "Insta-50's" that were the result of using the AE exploit.

HOWEVER . . . one cannot deny that the purpose of the 2xp weekends is to level as quickly as possible.

As I see it both sides have valid arguments.



2) the all Bosses as mobs is an exploit still. Was invited to one where 7 of us doorsat while an invuln tanker did the whole map. didn't stay, but it did happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is not in any way related to an exploit, or custom maps. The idea of lowbies who doorsit is not unusual.

If they tell you that in a TF does that make the TF an exploit?

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Yea that nictus farm in the ITF needs to go. Either that or I need to be able to make 10 ambushes as well in my missions.




Who taught you to troll . . . City_Life?

[/ QUOTE ]

er... Hello Kitty Adventures.

just kidding. you laughed though.



I'm not taking a side on it, but I think that I see a temporary solution to the problem I've been reading about on these forums.


1) This is a punishment to AE users.
a) Nope. A punishment would be taking something away. Since we are still allowing anyone who wants it to get double XP, this is a false argument.


[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly, the entire post was nothing but anti-AE.. How can you seriously make a claim that "Everyone gets double exp except a few designated users" isn't just a tad bit biased?

Your little Q&A was nothing other than justifying your position with questionable logic.

It might apply if you'd asked them to remove double exp altogether. But you're asking for double exp for everyone except people using a small part of the game.

It's like saying it would be okay to introduce something like IO's that only drop in certain zones, and claiming it doesn't affect the zones where it doesn't drop because "Gosh, you don't NEED them to get to level fifty, and we're not punishing you because you never had them to begin with."

Alright, it's an idea worth considering due solely to ability to create exploitative missions in MA.. something I still think could be dealt with via the petition system. But it's STILL punishing those of us who don't use the MA for exploitative missions! We already give up the end of mission bonus, in exchange for ease of use and the other benefits of the MA system.

We're still denied something everyone else is given without anything in return. Your arguments don't change that fact.

Especially if you propose they apply this to influence and ticket drops as well.

J/ Wilde

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



We're still denied something everyone else is given without anything in return. Your arguments don't change that fact.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry that argument doesn't work. If you are limiting yourself to one tiny feature of this game, then YOU are the one responsible for your missing out on everything CoH offers.



^^^ This




Sorry that argument doesn't work. If you are limiting yourself to one tiny feature of this game, then YOU are the one responsible for your missing out on everything CoH offers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ignoring Cyro's blatant +1 which added nothing to the conversation and is against the hypothetical forum rules...

I think this fits the strawman argument, honestly.

Playing MA at all means that's all I ever play? I never said that, I don't believe it's a good or fun idea, and it's an illogical way of responding to what I did say.

Maybe I wasn't clear, so I'll restate it. The original poster singled out MA if you limit it from double experience on a weekend where that is the whole point.

The original poster is against having it for MA because it might be abused. Okay, I can see their point... but then he falsely claims that it's NOT a punishment because you're not getting something for doing MA that everyone else gets? It doesn't hold at all.

Or that you can still get to level fifty in MA without double experience.. That's more of an argument for not having double experience weekends at all than it is for having them everywhere except MA..

I don't see how (s)he can even claim to be unbiased with 'logic' like that.

*Ahem* But getting back to the point, even if I did exclusively use MA (reminder: I don't), 'missing out on the rest of the game' is your justification for not giving MA double experience when the rest of the game gets it?

You could be playing only radio missions for all I know.. does that mean the developers should exclude them from double experience weekend 'just in case?'

There's a lot better reasons to argue against it than that.

J/ Wilde

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



It isn't a punishment. The devs already restrict items from the 2xp weekends. I don't see you claiming that those are punishments.

Also for it to be a punishment it would have to be selectively applied.

Flagging peoples accounts that were caught using the AE Rikti exploit to prevent them from participating would be a punishment.

Not allowing Freedom to participate in the 2xp weekend because of the population problem would be a punishment.

Not allowing anyone to get 2xp while running AE missions is a restriction, just like patrol xp, drops, etc are restricted.



It isn't a punishment. The devs already restrict items from the 2xp weekends. I don't see you claiming that those are punishments.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never had I reason to comment on the other issues, one way or another. So you've never seen me claim they haven't.

I can accept your definition, otherwise. Point conceded.

J/ Wilde

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



Thanks Josh, seeing it described it as a punishment was bugging me.

I do agree that the whole point of the event is to make leveling easier, so I can't deny the validity of allowing 2xp in the AE.

My concerns are that we are seeing more and more new players that think the game consists solely of Atlas Park and the AE. If that's all they think there is to this game they are going to get bored and quit.

By excluding the AE we might get them out of the building and get them to look around and see all the other stuff in the game.



I used to look forward to double xp weekend.
I was excited about leveling quickly and knowing that tons of players would be playing and I'd get to play on some great and full teams.

Honestly, now I could care less about double XP weekend, and I agree that the AE is part of that.

It seems that farmers complaining have made the DEVs back down or at least be very quiet about their actions against them.

The AE was created with the intent that it would not be farming or power leveling tool.

Not allowing double XP in the AE would be a good way to force players out of the AE.
Obviously if it is allowed, it just doubles the cheating and exploits that are already out of control in the AE.

For myself, I am not very excited or motivated by Double XP weekend.

It would be a shame if double xp was allowed in the AE and that cheaters should prosper.

[/ QUOTE ]

If allowing double xp in AE would make you quit the game, then I'm all for it




Who taught you to troll . . . City_Life?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a little harder to type out than +1 or /jranger but it might stick.



Thanks Josh, seeing it described it as a punishment was bugging me.

I do agree that the whole point of the event is to make leveling easier, so I can't deny the validity of allowing 2xp in the AE.

My concerns are that we are seeing more and more new players that think the game consists solely of Atlas Park and the AE. If that's all they think there is to this game they are going to get bored and quit.

By excluding the AE we might get them out of the building and get them to look around and see all the other stuff in the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then we have to deal with them. :P

If rested exp doesn't apply, I'll admit I don't expect double exp to.. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. At least rested exp, as a friend just mentioned, delays debt and, if you do get it, eats away at it.

Double exp weekend is just going to suck away players from MA.. of course, there's plenty of support for actively pushing players into the rest of the game as well.

I am leaning towards just flipping a coin to decide if I like it or not.

J/ Wilde

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



I don't see a single valid reason not to grant 2x xp on AE arcs. The entire point of AE was for players who have done the same arcs over and over to have some new content to grind. Taking away the 2x would mean now that 2x xp doesn't apply to you just everyone else. Maybe I am the only one but I actually play AE arcs (not farms).



Actually, the Devs should develop a special datamine filter that evaluates a Story Arc and apply double XP weekend bonuses only to those Story Arcs that are definitely 100% non-farmable.
Thanks for reading.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



We haven't seen a single valid reason why it should be allowed.

The AE buildings aren't going to be locked so no one can enter during the event. No one is preventing them from experiencing player created content.



Actually, the Devs should develop a special datamine filter that evaluates a Story Arc and apply double XP weekend bonuses only to those Story Arcs that are definitely 100% non-farmable.
Thanks for reading.

[/ QUOTE ]

Every mission is farmable. Even paper missions. Even contact missions. Even 'dev choice' missions. Even impossible missions. Everything is farmable. Everything.



Actually, the Devs should develop a special datamine filter that evaluates a Story Arc and apply double XP weekend bonuses only to those Story Arcs that are definitely 100% non-farmable.
Thanks for reading.

[/ QUOTE ]

Every mission is farmable. Even paper missions. Even contact missions. Even 'dev choice' missions. Even impossible missions. Everything is farmable. Everything.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not entirely correct. Timed missions (not AE missions) cannot be farmed.



We haven't seen a single valid reason why it should be allowed.

The AE buildings aren't going to be locked so no one can enter during the event. No one is preventing them from experiencing player created content.

[/ QUOTE ]

By your logic than their is no reason why any mish should reward 2xp.

All features should be equally encouraged throughout the game. Whether it be TF/SF's, street sweeping, normal mishs, radios/papers, or AE. I personally have done the same normal arcs over and over and find some of the AE content refreshing why should I be "restricted" to normal xp and still suffer the horrid lag of this event?



Actually, the Devs should develop a special datamine filter that evaluates a Story Arc and apply double XP weekend bonuses only to those Story Arcs that are definitely 100% non-farmable.
Thanks for reading.

[/ QUOTE ]

Every mission is farmable. Even paper missions. Even contact missions. Even 'dev choice' missions. Even impossible missions. Everything is farmable. Everything.

[/ QUOTE ]
But what is going to be farmed unless it has a distinct advantage of some kind?
Missions with the best rewards/hr ratio will be farmed.
Rewards, in this instance can be XP, Inf, drops or badge credit (7th gen PP's in Founders comes to mind), depending on the mission and the characters running them.



We haven't seen a single valid reason why it should be allowed.

The AE buildings aren't going to be locked so no one can enter during the event. No one is preventing them from experiencing player created content.

[/ QUOTE ]

By your logic than their is no reason why any mish should reward 2xp.

All features should be equally encouraged throughout the game. Whether it be TF/SF's, street sweeping, normal mishs, radios/papers, or AE. I personally have done the same normal arcs over and over and find some of the AE content refreshing why should I be "restricted" to normal xp and still suffer the horrid lag of this event?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, by my logic since we now have the AE they should do away with 2xp weekends altogether.

As to the reason why you should be restricted to normal xp, is beacuse the devs all took a vote and it was unanimously decided that they don't like you.

Oh and if you think that just because you use the AE there won't be horrid lag during a 2xp event you are delusional.



We haven't seen a single valid reason why it should be allowed.

The AE buildings aren't going to be locked so no one can enter during the event. No one is preventing them from experiencing player created content.

[/ QUOTE ]

By your logic than their is no reason why any mish should reward 2xp.

All features should be equally encouraged throughout the game. Whether it be TF/SF's, street sweeping, normal mishs, radios/papers, or AE. I personally have done the same normal arcs over and over and find some of the AE content refreshing why should I be "restricted" to normal xp and still suffer the horrid lag of this event?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, by my logic since we now have the AE they should do away with 2xp weekends altogether.

As to the reason why you should be restricted to normal xp, is beacuse the devs all took a vote and it was unanimously decided that they don't like you.

Oh and if you think that just because you use the AE there won't be horrid lag during a 2xp event you are delusional.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow way to add nothing to the discussion. When did I say AE wouldn't be affected by lag? Of course there will be lag the devs love lag since its the only thing 2xp does well. Personally I would much rather do away with 2xp altogether. It causes nothing but problems for long standing loyal customers.



Umm...if AE doesnt give double xp how can i possibly fill freedom up with 50s? Ever think of that?



When did I say AE wouldn't be affected by lag?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll give you that one. I misread what you were saying and drew an erroneous conclusion. My bad on that one.