Let us delete our level 50s together.
Personally I say delete the unused characters if you want to stay on Pinnacle.
I don't know about the other servers, since I only play on Pinn.
I might create a new toon on a different server to play with some RL friends on different servers, I haven't yet, but I am thinking about it.
What makes a character exempt from deletion; you still use them for some reason and enjoy using them.
As for the purchasing option, if you buy a sub for a whole year, I think you save enough money to purchase a slot or two. Also, can you deposit the couch money electronically? If so, then yes they take couch money.
As for moving to a new server; once I have filled up all my slots with 50's I could not part with, then I would think about a new server. Until then my posterior is staying here with a bottle of tequila in my left hand and the mouse in my right.
Proud member of the Hard Liquor party
Unofficial leader of PAAS (Paragon Association for the Advancement of Stoners)
Buy more slots.
Shyft - Gravity/Kinetics Controller - Virtue and Pinnacle - write up at virtueverse
Vigilant Eye - Sword/Shield Scrapper - Virtue - write up at virtueverse
October Star - Energy/Energy Blaster - Pinnacle
and a bunch of alts....
The highest toon Ive ever deleted is a lvl 39 blaster, long live em!
Now for a lvl 50, can't ever bring myself to it.
Buy more slots.
P.E.R.C. Senior Pinnacle Rep
[url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=217406&TabID=1833355"]PERC Site[/url]
"Nothing grabs your attention like a pink fluffy bunny with imps dancing around it" -Kranny
ive ponied up for the extra slots twice....I have also deleted a few toons also and am on the verge of deleting a couple more.....if you dont see yourself using them unless to log them once in a while or are totally circumstancial keeps..then i say ditch them......if you were already willing to strip them of the enhancers i think you have already subliminally made your choice......
I have deleted one level 50 so far.It was an Axe/Fire and I realized as I playing it one day that I hated it.It was deleted the next day.
But yeah i have purchased more slots twice.
And I have started a couple of toons on Freedom but I just couldn't play over there.
You know, Boxxy, you do have the additional option to transfer a character to another server. While the same price will get you more than one slot on this server, transferring will give you a 50 on uncharted territory.
Just sayin.
And as for my feelings on deleting 50s....If you played a char to 50, there was something about it that kept you coming back, kept you wanting to see how it performed just one more level. I hold nostalgia for my 50s and have never deleted a single one, though I have felt the urge once or twice.
My wife, on the other hand, has deleted at least 2 that I know of and has deleted more than a few 40+. If she is no longer enjoying them or has no use for them after they ding 50, they're gone. Breaks my heart everytime, but she has yet to really run out of slots. *shrug*
I am currently out of slots and about 2 months away from hitting 36 months and one more. I may purchase additional slots for the first time to stay on Pinnacle with a new character or two. Depends on finances. Good luck with your decision.
@Skye McCloud

Personally, I don't ever delete a 50. Nostalgia and bull-headedness keep me coming back to them. I figure I've put all that time and work into them, they're sticking around. Then again, I have a hard time deleting any toon that made it past level 20...though there have been a couple, and I've regretted it more often than not.
I've played on other servers (have a couple toons on Triumph and Justice), mostly cuz friends have SGs on those servers, but I'm on Pin 99% of the time. And I've ponied up the cash for extra slots to stay on Pin most of the time.
Remember, too, you do get vet slots occasionally if you don't mind holding out for them.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
MA Arcs:
"Bloodlines" - 40810
"Bloodlines: Part 2" - 176139
Feedback & Rating Trades Welcome!

I deleted my first 50 because I needed room. Now I really miss it (I rarely played it before). Makes me sad when I go on test and see that it still lives there. Buy or transfer
Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!
That's been my struggle for a while now. I have 3 more toons on the cusp of 50 and all my slots will be filled with 50's. I've resorted to making team friendly toons on other servers. There's no way I'm gonna pony up money for slots. I'll start deleting Heroes if I have an itch to get another Nite rolling.
The Unofficial Official of Nothing Official
Proud member of Nites of Darkness/Shut Your Pie Hole
Just do like I do. I play on every server and have 2 accounts so my 50's are here and there.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

4 months and you've already filled a server? You've got other problems, methinks. When it gets to be a problem for me, I'll just buy more slots. If I somehow fill all thirty, i'd probably just get another account.
50s: BS/Inv Eng/Eng Blaster Grav/Rad Fire/Stone Brute AR/Kin Emp/Arch Mind/Sonic Dark/Dark Stalker Fire/Kin Thugs/Poison EM/Inv Dark/Thermal
In works: WP/SS Tank Demon/Dark Claws/Elec Brute Elec/Psi Dominator
Registered date on forums and date you started playing are way diff. I'm a 5 year player yet my registered date isnt even close.
Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!
I hopped onto the forums the day I started. I still only have my 3 month veteran reward.
I guess I should add that I've played since the January after release until just after issue 8 or 9 came out. That was when I took a break for like, two years and put my mind into other and more important things. Now, with a new account, I feel better then ever about this game. I didn't want my old account back because I wanted to start over from scratch.
Technically, I'm not a total noob and know the basic mechanics of the game, but if I look again, I'm a total noob because so much has changed. I even went through CoV Beta. These VEATs are very strange to me.
Anyway, enough about me.
I still haven't deleted my toons. I've double checked to make sure there is nothing left on them that is important and I don't have the courage to "pull the trigger" at the moment.
...so glad you brought the Boxxy avatar back...
...I'm just sayin'...
Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!
<ul type="square">[*]Purchase character slots.
[*]Move to a new server? [/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
If you have the loot, get a couple of character slots before deleting a 50. I'm sure you will miss them.
The other servers aren't that bad .... well ... maybe Freedom and Virtue ... and making a character on another server doesn't mean that you can't go back and play your characters on your home server.
I play on all of them. They are different, but one thing is the same. It's the server I'm on when I'm there. If I play like I play on the other servers, then really it's the same server. It's my server.
I know it might seem like you won't know anyone on another server, but I bet more players that play on Pinnacle other than myself play on other servers as well. So maybe finding out what other server they are on and playing there might not be as bad or different as you think.
I hate to see players deleting characters if they haven't filled up all there slot yet, but ... well ... I'm a bit of an alt-oholic.
mmm another virginian ...what part?
Well, I would move the toon as has been suggested but since I have no 50's well, it's hard to feel sorry for you.
/em Bitter.
I've a few characters at 50 who have been *ahem* fixed by changes in the game and simply aren't any fun anymore; my Stone/EM tanker comes to mind. Even so, I can't see deleting a character I've invested hundreds of hours on... after 5 years I've found that the changes seem to come in cycles and I always hold out hope that future game changes may make them fun again. I had a similar situation with my namesake Inv/Stone tanker... the issue 5 & 6 nerfs so completely destroyed the character that I pretty much stuck him on the shelf except as a Hamidon raid toon until about issue 10. Now with the changes in issue 13 he's become a lot of fun to play and a powerhouse tanker again.
The price of more slots really isn't an issue, nor is the price of a server transfer. I look at it as being MUCH cheaper to buy slots or move a character than throwing away hundreds of hours of my time. After all, in my "real life" I charge quite a lot per hour for video production... figured in those terms my 50's are extremely expensive individuals
Generally if a character has lived past the mid-20's I'm probably not going to toss them; if they're no longer fun to play I'll simply shelve them... several characters I shelved that way I've come back to a year or so later and they're fun again.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
How's it going down there in Tidewater?
sweet...we actually had beach weather this week....and whiffle ball
Wait a minute...you mean it's NOT an EULA violation to delete your main character in the game? What in the hell...
I'm never deleting my first 3 level 50 characters...a claws/regen scrapper, a katana/regen scrapper and a sonic/nrg blaster. Couldn't do it. Not even if hell froze over, the devs nerfed em to kingdom come, AND the apocalypse was around the corner if I didn't delete those 3 characters.
That's why there's all those other servers in the game...you play on Pinnacle, you alt out on those others.
Anyway. I can't force you to keep your characters, nor can I tell you to delete em, either. There is, however - other options. Buy new slots, transfer if needed, or resort to deletion. If you absolutely have to have more alts, just make a bunch on other servers ... although you might wind up with over 100 alts like me...
I've read all of these posts. It seems to me like many of you are unwilling to part with your level 50s.
What about those of you who leveled up a 50 during the post i14 farming level craze where you could get a level 50 in less then 36 hours? I am not suggesting that these two toons are post i14 farming babies.
I received a /tell from @Northpaw last night asking what I thought of Dual Blades/? tanks. He doesn't seem to like it and was thinking of deleting it, but it is level 43! I told him Dual blades, to me, only looks cool on Granite Tanks/Brutes. I know way too little of Dual Blades to give an accurate opinion of it, but if someone knows, maybe you can help him out by tossing him a /tell on the perks of the powerset.
I am actually running low on slots. There are two character slots that are not yet 50s, but are 40-49. I have choices to take action with to solve my dilemma.
<ul type="square"> [*]Delete my least used 50s.
* Level 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker (Boxxy Ninja) (My first 50 Villain)
* Level 50 Dark Melee/Dark Armor Brute (Boxxy Lilitu) (She started out as a vampire concept character and ended up as a farmer/PLer)
[*]Purchase character slots.
[*]Move to a new server?
These 50s really are least used, I'd like to add emphasis here. I used them very often until my 50 Corruptor and 50 Widow came into the picture. I removed all IOs/Recipes/SOs/Infamy from my two characters in question of deletion and transferred that which was worthy to the Ice/Cold Corruptor and Widow around 3 weeks ago.
Do you think just because you have a character to 50 you should keep them?
What makes a 50 exempt from deletion? What removes this exemption?
Would you move to a new server and keep Pinnacle filled up?
Would you scrounge up the money to purchase the character slots? Maybe they will take the pennies from your couch.
How many of you actually play on other servers? I've never actually left pinnacle since I started about 4 months ago (except to help someone get a Supergroup started up by making random characters on Virtue.)
50 Warshade (Human Only)
50 Widow (Night Widow)
50 Petless MM (Thugs/Traps)
50 Corruptor (Ice/Cold)
50 Corruptor (Sonic/Pain)
50 Brute (Dark/Dark)
50 Brute (Fire/Fire)
50 Stalker (Nin/Nin)
50 Tank (Shield/Warmace)
50 Tank (Ice/Ice)
39 Tank (Stone/Stone)
50 Controller (Stone/Kin)
02 Scrapper (A Copyright violation yet to be reported.)
00 Empty slot