What's the oddest question you remember asked?
Mine was when I first made my WS. Some guy in the tutorial zone sees me teleporting around, and he sends me a tell asking 'How much did you have to bribe the devs for a level one travel power?"
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
"Hey, cool costume! How'd you manage to build the squid look?"

While exemping down to run with a level 32 team and using Dark Extraction:
"Whoa! Where the hell did that thing come from?!"
"You heal in human form, right?"
from a friend when I mentioned I would be setting up my all-human PB's second build for triform.
...Why, yes, of course! *Reform Essence*

@Amarlex in game, on the Virtue server.
Good times all around I see...
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
"You heal in human form, right?"
from a friend when I mentioned I would be setting up my all-human PB's second build for triform.
...Why, yes, of course! *Reform Essence*
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't forget Essence Boost! Another powerful heal.
In all seriousness, I do enjoy Glowing Touch, although my dual form PB hardly ever gets to use it. And, if I ever do have to use it, it means I'm on the wrong team! I should roll a human form build just so I could maybe devote some slots to that power. I dare not on my dual form, since the builds are so short on slots already.
I just got rid of my alternate build that had Glowing Touch and the Med Pool.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
I plan to get glowing touch in my late 40's on Mr. All-Human, but it's only for the awesome power effects. :P
And, well, to create a bit of irony when I save the friend who asked that's [censored].

@Amarlex in game, on the Virtue server.
Glowing Touch is the only current power I've picked that I don't use regularly. Thinking about 'speccing out of it...but it sure is simply cool to have, and looks awesome, and it does help on 'rare' occasions... Maybe I'll keep it
Well, in our All-Kheldian SG, Glowing Touch and the Med Pool prove to be very useful for both PB's and WS's.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
I had someone (a young kid I think) run away from my Dwarf Form once. He called me a "Hurd Beast" and broadcast to the zone that he needed help fighting a monster. I told him I was a Warshade and showed him Dark Extraction and he said "do that to me now".
I had someone (a young kid I think) run away from my Dwarf Form once. He called me a "Hurd Beast" and broadcast to the zone that he needed help fighting a monster. I told him I was a Warshade and showed him Dark Extraction and he said "do that to me now".
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait... He saw the blue targeting rectical indicating a friendly, he saw your char name, he saw your level and archtype... And he STILL thought you were an npc enemy?
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
Which is why Knowmad is probably right assuming that was a young kid
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
"Wait, you don't have to be a squid?"
Well, you don't really have to... but it IS fun
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Unless I'm misreading you, that's what someone asked me, not what I'm asking. I wasn't too surprised by the question since most Khelds I see never use anything outside of Nova form.
Oh... ummm my bad then, I thought that actually was a question!
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
First time I ever teamed with a couple of Kheldians they kept talking about Human Form versus Tri-form and something called Light Form and I had no idea what the heck they where talking about and their powers had such strange names that didn't seem like anything else in the game so I must have pestered them with dozens of questions. Still don't think I had a good grasp of the powers available to Khelds until coming to read the guides on this forum.
In a tell: Dude, wtf r you?
And I'll add in myself that when I first rolled a WS after hitting 50, I went several levels(10-12ish..I remember going through Atta in Human because of it) after picking up Nova, thinking I had to train for the Nova form attacks. I don't remember exactly how I found them but needless to say, I felt pretty stupid
In a tell: Dude, wtf r you?
And I'll add in myself that when I first rolled a WS after hitting 50, I went several levels(10-12ish..I remember going through Atta in Human because of it) after picking up Nova, thinking I had to train for the Nova form attacks. I don't remember exactly how I found them but needless to say, I felt pretty stupid
[/ QUOTE ]
Haha, pretty sure I did the same thing. It only lasted a level or two for me though. I think I noticed them one time when I was adding slots and said to myself "Where the hell did those come from?"
In a tell: Dude, wtf r you?
[/ QUOTE ]
Sheesh that's awesome!
I still get a kick though out of helping abandoned young heroes (think pre-teens) get out of Skyway City and back to less hostile zones with my TriFormShade that comes out of nowhere and invites them to a team and teleports them to safety.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Not what I heard, but what I asked...
In my newb days, I thought Kheldians were a kind of 'Add On' to an existing AT that you'd gotten to 50. I thought it was 'the way' to play a character beyond 50.
Like, once you're ding 50, these 'Exalted Aliens' considered you worthy enough to imbue you with more power, but in the process you get turned into one of them. So, I'm seeing these flying tentacled grotesque monstrosities flying around Atlas and I'm thinking, "If that's what my toon will look like when I hit 50, forget it!"
So, essentially, I strike up a conversation with 'one of them', basically asking about all of the above. Once I was corrected, I'm like "Aaaahhhhhh... ", and then I wanted one.
Looking back, I imagine what that kheld player must have been thinking and I applaud them for their patience (though I imagine them chuckling and loling at their PC)
We always knew playing Kheldians takes patience
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
So... just for fun, what's the oddest question you remember being asked about anything Kheldian-related, while playing a Kheldian character?
Mine just happened last night when I was asked if Pulsar was a purchasable power...
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati