What's the oddest question you remember asked?




Someone once asked me why I wasn't bubbling them. I assume they saw my shield and wanted one for themselves =P




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When my warshade was asked that I said "Yes". I then joined the team, demolished the first large group of enemies while the team laid there dumbfounded (they were all dead and I wasn't rezzing them). I then hit stygan circle to heal/restore endurance and passed out wakies.

They accused me of lying about being a healer. I pointed out I'd used one of the strongest heals in the game, thus am a 'healer'. It just happens to be self only. They booted me from the team. I then stood outside the mission door and waited. Over half an hour they ran back to the mission 30 times. Finally they reinvited me. They'd been dying on the next spawn without killing anything.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



They'd been dying on the next spawn without killing anything.

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We shall now quote the great and mighty Lady Sadoko for effect:

Heal0rs are like Depends only for the incompetent.

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It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...