AE has really sparked a ton of new Khelds.




There was a time on my home server that there was count'em three full-time Khelds at play at one time and we all knew each other lol. Now can't go ten feet without seeing some Kheld zipping by, you would almost think it was some new AT introduced. Kind of bums me out I don't play mine anymore, would be a blast to try and organize another all Kheld STF again.



Never to late.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I'd be interested. Except im on triumph, and my WS is only 28.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



I'd be interested. Except im on triumph, and my WS is only 28.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hit me up sometime. I'm on Triumph too and I've got a PB and a Warshade at 50. I'm usually on weeknights after 9PM EST and after 2PM on weekends

As to the original post, yeah the Mission Architect has brought about a lotta new fifties and that's led to a big increase in the Kheld population. However, I'm concerned that the quick leveling speed may lower the quality of the pool of Kheldian players. Fortunately, a lot of 'em seem to be coming here for advice.

Bah...It's my personal opinion that adding XP to the Architect was a horrible idea but I suppose it's whatever....



Lol, when I started my WS the beginning of the week, I could not get a team to save my life. Then it occured to me why, so I put this in broadcast.

"Lvl 6 ws lft, had my 50 before AE came out"

I got an invite in about 5 seconds.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Lol, when I started my WS the beginning of the week, I could not get a team to save my life. Then it occured to me why, so I put this in broadcast.

"Lvl 6 ws lft, had my 50 before AE came out"

I got an invite in about 5 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats the funniest thing ever. But Yah I do find myself checking things like badges and vet rewards these

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Lol, when I started my WS the beginning of the week, I could not get a team to save my life. Then it occured to me why, so I put this in broadcast.

"Lvl 6 ws lft, had my 50 before AE came out"

I got an invite in about 5 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats the funniest thing ever. But Yah I do find myself checking things like badges and vet rewards these

[/ QUOTE ]

A lot of people Ive been teaming with are people who have been given their account from family/friends...dont know why but it seems to be a new trend. Sure, you gotta deal with noobery and all but I think its always good to have new faces.

Oh wait totally forgot why I started to say that....yeah so uh vet badges arent a good sign anymore. yeah thats what I wanted to say.



Lol, when I started my WS the beginning of the week, I could not get a team to save my life. Then it occured to me why, so I put this in broadcast.

"Lvl 6 ws lft, had my 50 before AE came out"

I got an invite in about 5 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've got to steal, er, paraphrase this and put it in my seach comment.

I wondered why it was hard getting on teams. I guess everyone thinks I'm a 30-day wonder.

For the record I only have one level 50, he was originally created May 19, 2004 as one of my first batch of toons, and I think I finally dinged 50 sometime in late 2008. (Too many alts).

I finally decided to try Kheldians about a month ago and have really enjoyed both my WS (level 29, Liberty Server) and PB (level 21, Virtue server). I wish I hadn't waited so long to give them a try. They are certainly a challenge to play, but in a good, fun way.

Rockburner, Fire/Stone Tanker (50)
Doc Disaster, Earth/Storm Controller (44)
Icewall, Inv/Ice Tanker (42)
Wings, MA/Inv Scrapper (42)
Shockblast, Elec/Elec Blaster (36)
..and many others.



i think its more simple than what you guys are eluding too, AE gives players an opportunity to play the game without quantum rifles and void slayers, allbeit it takes a lot of the fun outta the AT's but still, now ppl are willing to take kheldians on ae teams because that stuff doesnt spawn unless the author put it there.



i think its more simple than what you guys are eluding too, AE gives players an opportunity to play the game without quantum rifles and void slayers, allbeit it takes a lot of the fun outta the AT's but still, now ppl are willing to take kheldians on ae teams because that stuff doesnt spawn unless the author put it there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless I've been missing something, Voids/Quants/Cysts/Dwarfs/Novas aren't all that common enough to be discouraging. My wife and I run into them often enough to keep us on our toes and still surprised when we see one, but not to the point that we're always looking out for them. Though we did get a good surprise the first time we ran into a Cyst... On a Synapse... In the boss room... Thankfully we had a team with a good sense of humor and ability to take it out after regrouping.

Synergyblast: 50 Energy/Electric Blaster (Virtue)
Arbiter Bailey: 50 Bane (Virtue)
Mr. Bailey: 50 Merc/Dark MM (Virtue)



i think its more simple than what you guys are eluding too, AE gives players an opportunity to play the game without quantum rifles and void slayers, allbeit it takes a lot of the fun outta the AT's but still, now ppl are willing to take kheldians on ae teams because that stuff doesnt spawn unless the author put it there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless I've been missing something, Voids/Quants/Cysts/Dwarfs/Novas aren't all that common enough to be discouraging. My wife and I run into them often enough to keep us on our toes and still surprised when we see one, but not to the point that we're always looking out for them. Though we did get a good surprise the first time we ran into a Cyst... On a Synapse... In the boss room... Thankfully we had a team with a good sense of humor and ability to take it out after regrouping.

[/ QUOTE ]

If a keld joins the team there's always a void/quant in every mission (on large teams usually multiples) with normal missions. There's also the chance of encountering novas, dwarves, and on large teams cysts.

I'd have thought that the special mobs (voids especially) would spawn in AE missions anyway.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History




If a keld joins the team there's always a void/quant in every mission (on large teams usually multiples) with normal missions. There's also the chance of encountering novas, dwarves, and on large teams cysts.

I'd have thought that the special mobs (voids especially) would spawn in AE missions anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the only time an anti-Kheld will appear in an AE mission is if the creator just sets a standard enemy group without any specific limitations. I.E. the mission is filled with standard Vhazilok enemies without any customization will allow for anti-Khelds, otherwise they are something you have to manually place into a mob yourself. This just being a semi-educated guess given what little AE content I've done on my PB and with Khelds on the team.

Synergyblast: 50 Energy/Electric Blaster (Virtue)
Arbiter Bailey: 50 Bane (Virtue)
Mr. Bailey: 50 Merc/Dark MM (Virtue)



i think its more simple than what you guys are eluding too, AE gives players an opportunity to play the game without quantum rifles and void slayers, allbeit it takes a lot of the fun outta the AT's but still, now ppl are willing to take kheldians on ae teams because that stuff doesnt spawn unless the author put it there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless I've been missing something, Voids/Quants/Cysts/Dwarfs/Novas aren't all that common enough to be discouraging. My wife and I run into them often enough to keep us on our toes and still surprised when we see one, but not to the point that we're always looking out for them. Though we did get a good surprise the first time we ran into a Cyst... On a Synapse... In the boss room... Thankfully we had a team with a good sense of humor and ability to take it out after regrouping.

[/ QUOTE ]

If a keld joins the team there's always a void/quant in every mission (on large teams usually multiples) with normal missions. There's also the chance of encountering novas, dwarves, and on large teams cysts.

I'd have thought that the special mobs (voids especially) would spawn in AE missions anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

But Cysts are the only ones that really even matter for the rest of the team, and I have yet to see one in AE.



Pohsyb was asked during closed beta (or was it open beta, I don't recall) if he could make MA missions exempt from Kheldian-spawned enemies, and he agreed. That's why you don't see Quants/Voids/Cysts in MA missions.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



i think its more simple than what you guys are eluding too, AE gives players an opportunity to play the game without quantum rifles and void slayers, allbeit it takes a lot of the fun outta the AT's but still, now ppl are willing to take kheldians on ae teams because that stuff doesnt spawn unless the author put it there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless I've been missing something, Voids/Quants/Cysts/Dwarfs/Novas aren't all that common enough to be discouraging. . . .

[/ QUOTE ] <ul type="square">[*]Firstly, You are right about that.[*]HOWEVER, What matters here is peoples [u]perception[u] of the danger.
And too many peaople are afraid of the danger with Khelds on the team.[*]But after level 8 or so, these things are no problem at all . . . IF you pay a little attention and notice their existence BEFORE you blindly run in attacking the spawns.[*]Obviously, you are observant folks.[/list]



I've noticed the same thing. No idea why this may be though.


-Playing since COH beta and still love the game!



Unless I've been missing something, Voids/Quants/Cysts/Dwarfs/Novas aren't all that common enough to be discouraging. My wife and I run into them often enough to keep us on our toes and still surprised when we see one, but not to the point that we're always looking out for them. Though we did get a good surprise the first time we ran into a Cyst... On a Synapse... In the boss room... Thankfully we had a team with a good sense of humor and ability to take it out after regrouping.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hey, I was on that team! I believe I was the one who said, after our second team wipe where we took the Cyst down with us, "...I have no regrets". Because that was awesome. Keep on trucking and don't listen to the haters, squid-lobster-guy.



heh. didn't spark mine. my warshade was 50 last summer. and my pb was 45 when AE hit.

most recent 50 - psy/mm blaster



Weird... a part of me doesn't want this so. I like being a part of The Few, The Proud, The M...Kheldians.

Because of the qualifications of having to have a 50, Khelds will always be rarer. That, and they're simply harder to play, so higher lvl Khelds will still be somewhat rare. Even so, My 50 PB was in Went's the other day and I saw two other 50's in there shopping with me, which felt...I dunno...Odd.

Am I elitist?



You are an elitist, but it's ok so many are. *stands up to salute* I am an elitist too!

Can Q/V/C be used as mobs in AE? I'd be sick enough to want to have my Khelds go through a story gauntlet with nothing but them. Heh heh



You are an elitist, but it's ok so many are. *stands up to salute* I am an elitist too!

Can Q/V/C be used as mobs in AE? I'd be sick enough to want to have my Khelds go through a story gauntlet with nothing but them. Heh heh

[/ QUOTE ]

If it's true, and you make or discover such a story, would you kindly let me know. I don't normally play AE missions but that does sound like sick fun




Ok guys... I'll tell you a little secret here: What sparks Kheldians, is surely, other Kheldians!

And I should know!

I recently joined a SG that my wife plays on. The SG is actually a themed SG, and since I normally don't do stuff like that, I was surprised at how much fun I was actually having thinking up a TriFormShade™ who's actually a very large... Cat, essentially.

Long story short, the moment people saw my Warshade, and started teaming with me, the stories about Umbra Illuminati (my Infinity All Kheldian SG) and other stories about Quantums/Voids/Cysts and the likes started coming out of the woodwork, and before you know it, people were talking about bringing out their Kheldians, and.... ummmmmm... believe it or not.... how cool it'd be to run with All Kheldian Teams!

So... yeah, spread the word, Kheldians are on the rise!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



There was a time on my home server that there was count'em three full-time Khelds at play at one time and we all knew each other lol. Now can't go ten feet without seeing some Kheld zipping by, you would almost think it was some new AT introduced. Kind of bums me out I don't play mine anymore, would be a blast to try and organize another all Kheld STF again.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was thinking the same thing yesterday... I'm going to play my Warshade tonight now. She deserves it.