(insert here whatever it is the Mods want us to say, because everything else just gets deleted)
I think it was the request of felecia.
Man you avatar is creepy elf
What does his hand say? Don't touch butts?
Since this thread is about the community getting together for events i am thankful the moderators are kind enough to keep us on topic. I did not request it, but it is nice to know they care!
Free speech is fine, start another thread for it
(insert here whatever it is the Mods want us to say, because everything else just gets deleted)
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, sonik.. on his hand its remind him to don't touch. Back to the topic you must have requested for it. The Dev's would have simply lock the thread. Also what you denied your custome contest is a recruiting tool.
Yes, sonik.. on his hand its remind him to don't touch. Back to the topic you must have requested for it. The Dev's would have simply lock the thread. Also what you denied your custome contest is a recruiting tool.
[/ QUOTE ]
You are right Elkie, it is wrong for them to throw community events for the purpose of recruiting new members. Instead they should just send blind [censored] invites to everyone who logs in to the game without a VG.
There a button that pop up accept or decline... or a opinion which they can decline all sg invite. Thank you come again. Btw the methods is working since we were able to surpass L.E.S in ranking!
There a button that pop up accept or decline... or a opinion which they can decline all sg invite. Thank you come again. Btw the methods is working since we were able to surpass L.E.S in ranking!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah! Don't be dissing those opinions y'all!!
"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett

There a button that pop up accept or decline... or a opinion which they can decline all sg invite. Thank you come again. Btw the methods is working since we were able to surpass L.E.S in ranking!
[/ QUOTE ]
Lol, not hard to do being LES doesn't try to get prestige. Nor do we kick people out for being inactive for a few days or weeks. Nor do we farm, pl, or even have lvl 50's playing for anything but cash for themselves. Nor do my guys have to be embarrassed to be in an SG that has the reputation of annoying half the server with random blind invites all the time.
So you keep on climbing up that ladder while my guys just play and enjoy the game.
So you keep on climbing up that ladder while my guys just play and enjoy the game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Woohoo! Enjoying!!
Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous
LOL we enjoy the game very much... We do everything PVP, Teams, TF/SF, Events, Kickball, PL's, Plant Crops, Kill monster, and badge Hunt. I don't force my members to be in Sg mode. They enter sg mode cause they want to. Like Bud could tell you some of those blind invited toon turn out be some good players. Yes I would enjoy climbing the ladders and fun with my Sg mates. Look out for ELITE LEGENDS GOLD a fast growing Villain Group, thats run by SmackDat!
LOL we enjoy the game very much... We Plant Crops
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, it doesn't sound like a bad VG. I might wanna join.
some of those blind invited toon turn out be some good players.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, Blind squirrels do find nuts occasionally. Doesn't make the process less annoying for anyone that happens to be in a zone where the tells fall like rain.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Well if you some Sg tags you wont have that problem!
There a button that pop up accept or decline... or a opinion which they can decline all sg invite. Thank you come again. Btw the methods is working since we were able to surpass L.E.S in ranking!
[/ QUOTE ]
He has u thar , no lie lol
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
Why do you guys keep posting without reading? I did say we are NOT recruiting during these events and they are for the purpose of bringing ppl together! At no time did i say join our sg!
As for promoting the sg, this event has been going on with great turnouts since we started the sg and it has not brought us a single member. All our members were recruited while teaming with other members.
This thread is for the purpose of giving you guys a place to state what kind of events you would like to see.
As for attaching the AOW name to it, if we host it, we get our name attached to it! If you guys want to host your own event then please do so!
PERC and PvPEC i hear already does hold regular events, but for my convenience i schedule events at a time i can always be on and make it a regular monthly event.
I enjoyed the AOW costume contests. I thought they were well-run, won some Influence, and generally had a good time. It brought my attention to their SG, but I didn't feel pressured to join at any time, and nothing they said indicated that.
Keep up the good work, AOW.
Yes, Blind squirrels do find nuts occasionally. Doesn't make the process less annoying for anyone that happens to be in a zone where the tells fall like rain.
[/ QUOTE ]
Is it REALLY that hard/annoying to hit decline and reply with a "no ty"? C'mon people, you're making it seem far worse than it is.
Never has anyone been invited to AOW by a blind tell! We don't send them.
To get into AOW you have to get on one of our teams and prove you are a caring team based hero first before you even get an invite OR you have to request an invite, there is no other way to get into AOW!
Thank you for your kind words Sonic, and congratz on your Bio success with AFRO, and your placement in the top 10 main event with HORDESMAN (I did not realize those were yours, well done).
Reprint from the AOW website:
A special thank you to our co-host Flamin Frickin Nator (DO - Left For Dead)
WINNER (25 MILLION): Heaven's Mercy (Paragons Freedom Fighters)
2nd place (10 Million) : Azyicron
3rd place (5 Million) : Burning Bud (Stoned Templars)
4th place (2.5 MIllion): Blaze of Spines (The Untouchables)
5th-10th won 1 Million each.
5th place: Destiny of Earth (DarkGuard Apocalypse)
6th place: Insuciante (EL LADO OBSCURO DEL BIN)
7th place: Liberty's Angel (Titans of Paragon)
8th place: Twisted Humour (The Kings Army)
9th place: Moise (Basement Storage)
10th place: Hordesman (Wierd Alliances)
Never has anyone been invited to AOW by a blind tell! We don't send them.
To get into AOW you have to get on one of our teams and prove you are a caring team based hero first before you even get an invite OR you have to request an invite, there is no other way to get into AOW!
Thank you for your kind words Sonic, and congratz on your Bio success with AFRO, and your placement in the top 10 main event with HORDESMAN (I did not realize those were yours, well done).
[/ QUOTE ] awwwww you have to be caring and kisss kittens. We know its all a front. Your trying to become a popular kid in COH. Trying be a cool kid. I sent tells when I recruiting and sometimes I blind invite. Both methods seem to work. Seriouly what I heard from 1 of members that you tend to blame others then your self when issue arise.
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
The supergroup ALL-OUT-WAR is dedicated to helping all it's members enjoy all aspects of CoH. But we also make it our business to also help the public!
AOW MONTHLY 25 MILLION COSTUME CONTEST- First saturday of each month at 7pm est. in Atlas Park under the Atlas Satue.
This sg was formed Dec. 15th/07 and Jan. 1st the first AOW event was started and prevails to this day.
The purpose of this event was to get the public interested in making better costumes and getting people together to chat and make new friends.
Since then we have included the Under Level 20 CC and Biography contest to make it fair to new heroes and those who like to write great bios. Both these events have a top prize of 10 Million.
All 3 contests have a top 10 list of winners and you can win all 3 events.
To make the event fair a second judge from outside AOW is asked to help. The judge each month is from a different sg, so no one can say a specific alliance has been formed.
We do not recruit during an event, this is for the public to enjoy each others company.
We had a monthly PvP Event and a Monthly Gladiator Event. The PvP Event was stopped because of a lack of interest (only 2-8 people showed up each month). If enough interest is shown, AOW is willing to host the event again 2nd sat. of each month at 7pm est.
The Gladiator Event had lots of ppl show up but who could not really compete because of a lack of gladiators. My 3 Shivans, 3 Freakshow Tanks, and deadly Cog ruled for months until Flafatron showed up with Longbow Warden 2's, Swift Steels, and Crane Enforcers which then ruled from then on. Before this event can be brought back, ppl will need to work together to get gladiators so no one person rules consistantly. If there is an interest in gladiators again, we will restart this event as well 3rd sat. of each month at 7pm est.
The times listed is for my convenience, i am sure others want events at another time, we will need someone else who is a leader to host events at other times.
If anyone has an idea for an event and wants our help, let us know in this thread!