Freezing Rain, at a loss on slots

Chaos Creator



I know to 6 slot it but whats the best ones to use? get some recharge and end redux, sure I got that but do I go for deff debuff? damge? IO Sets?



Start with 3 Recharge and go from there. I like to round it out with procs (Touch of Lady Grey, Achilles' Heel, and Positron's Blast), but End Reduction is never a bad idea with Storm, and Def Debuff doesn't hurt either. Slotting for Damage isn't worth it.



I 5 slot posi blast and put an Achilles proc in slot 6.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



My personal preference is 4 of the Lady Greys, including the proc, the Impeded proc and the Posi proc. The 3 damage procs have two shots at firing on the group I throw it under, which is a nice damage addition. The bonuses on Lady Grey for the full set are quite fine as well, if the extra damage is not important.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Recharge is the most important thing, followed by Defense Debuff. I went with 5 Lady Grey (including the damage proc) and a Recharge. I get good bonuses, max Defense Debuff, max Recharge.

I tend to slot a power for its maximum or near maximum benefit -- especially a power like Freezing Rain that I use constantly. Personally, as a controller, I prefer to control even if it takes me a little longer to kill something off. Maximizing the Defense Debuff means that my other powers, and those of my teammates, will hit far more often. I think that provides more benefit than most procs.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Maximizing the Defense Debuff means that my other powers, and those of my teammates, will hit far more often. I think that provides more benefit than most procs.

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The base debuff is enough to cap your hit rolls in almost every situation. For the most part, enhancing it further is overkill and unless you're gaining some great set bonuses out of it, wasted.



Except when you're fighting AVs, especially ones that have Elude or MoG. Paragon Protectors too. Those are the times you'll wish you slotted the def debuff in FR.



Except when you're fighting AVs, especially ones that have Elude or MoG. Paragon Protectors too. Those are the times you'll wish you slotted the def debuff in FR.

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You still dont need the defense debuff portion slotted



Except when you're fighting AVs, especially ones that have Elude or MoG. Paragon Protectors too. Those are the times you'll wish you slotted the def debuff in FR.

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You still dont need the defense debuff portion slotted

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I don't have the numbers (and y'all haven't shown them), but I feel that slotting Defense Debuff makes a difference, especially against AVs and other hard-to-hit foes. It seems to counter the massive -ToHit from Circle of Thorns and other foes using negative energy types.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Personally I go for 2 recharges and the Achilles heel proc, atleast for now. Personally I never see the need to slot for defence debuff, it is just a waste of an enhancement slot.



Except when you're fighting AVs, especially ones that have Elude or MoG. Paragon Protectors too. Those are the times you'll wish you slotted the def debuff in FR.

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You still dont need the defense debuff portion slotted

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I don't have the numbers (and y'all haven't shown them), but I feel that slotting Defense Debuff makes a difference, especially against AVs and other hard-to-hit foes. It seems to counter the massive -ToHit from Circle of Thorns and other foes using negative energy types.

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When I use the 3 Lady Greys, I concentrate on Defense Debuff and Recharge, and with the various bonuses I get from other sets, FR always seemed to be up for each new group, or often enough in a long fight to make a difference.

As far as I could tell, my team was hitting well enough to where I thought FR was making a difference, since we typically worked the mobs over. So as a general rule, I do not think that my 3 damage procs were detracting from Recharge or Debuff.

My admittedly anecdotal experience comes from my leveling up, not how my lvl 50 seems to do with all set bonuses in place.

Still, I can see how, if you typically are on a team and you encounter a lot of baddies that debuff accuracy that you might want to max your own Debuff on FR. A good call, Local Man, and another demonstration as to why these boards are so useful.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



The defense debuff is somewhere in the 30% range for Defenders with it a little lower for Controllers. That is plenty defense debuff. With slotted accuracy on your attacks and a mobs defense debuffed by 25% you should be able to hit +5s like you do +1s. Defense debuff slotting is a waste of slots. The same goes for Radiation Infection. That power should be slotted for -tohit instead of -defense.

You really arent getting how massive of a defense debuff the power has unslotted. The description even says it severely reduces a targets defense. Unless you plan on fighting +8s you just dont need it, it really is not that hard to understand. Nothing in the game so far has debuffed my acc/tohit to a point where the default defense debuff did not make up for it.

One of my toons with FR is a Storm/Dark Defender with no access to aim and does nto have tactics. I have stood dead in the middle of CoT ghost runnig Darkest Night while getting hit from dark attacks dropping my tohit to about the 50% mark. Drop freesing rain and guess what... all the missing stops. All of it.

5 Posi Blast/1 achilles proc is a cheap and great way to slot it
5 Armag (All but damage) +Achilles proc is how I went on my Cold/Storm. With enough recharge you can stack FR debuffs since it last for a set poeriod of time after the last tick hit the target

I will end saying it again. You just dont need to slot for defense debuff. Yes it does lower their defense more but you dont need it any lower.



Except when you're fighting AVs, especially ones that have Elude or MoG. Paragon Protectors too. Those are the times you'll wish you slotted the def debuff in FR.

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That's what Tornado is for.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Except when you're fighting AVs, especially ones that have Elude or MoG. Paragon Protectors too. Those are the times you'll wish you slotted the def debuff in FR.

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You still dont need the defense debuff portion slotted

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I don't have the numbers (and y'all haven't shown them), but I feel that slotting Defense Debuff makes a difference, especially against AVs and other hard-to-hit foes. It seems to counter the massive -ToHit from Circle of Thorns and other foes using negative energy types.

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When I use the 3 Lady Greys, I concentrate on Defense Debuff and Recharge, and with the various bonuses I get from other sets, FR always seemed to be up for each new group, or often enough in a long fight to make a difference.

As far as I could tell, my team was hitting well enough to where I thought FR was making a difference, since we typically worked the mobs over. So as a general rule, I do not think that my 3 damage procs were detracting from Recharge or Debuff.

My admittedly anecdotal experience comes from my leveling up, not how my lvl 50 seems to do with all set bonuses in place.

Still, I can see how, if you typically are on a team and you encounter a lot of baddies that debuff accuracy that you might want to max your own Debuff on FR. A good call, Local Man, and another demonstration as to why these boards are so useful.

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Well, it was kind of fresh in my mind, as I had recently been using a Grav/Storm in missions against CoT -- with those bloody Spectral Demon Lords that debuff your ToHit to the floor. Whiff, whiff, whiff. Add in Freezing Rain (but without Defense Debuffs in it yet) and we were able to hit some. But I recall using some of my higher level */Storm controllers and being able to hit those guys far more reliably. I think the difference was that I had Defense Debuff slotted up -- but without some testing, I can't be sure.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I seriously frankenslot it. (Keep in mind this in LVL 33 slotting on my Earth/Storm). I was mainly looking to max recharge and end reduction, because I find Earth/Storm to be a bit of an end hog for me, especially casting FR as frequently as I like to.

My slotting is:
Analyze Weakness- Def debuff/end/rech
Undermined Defenses- end/rech
Shield Breaker- Def debuff/end/rech
Tempered Readiness- Slow/end/rech
Pacing of the Turtle- Slow/end/rech
Achilles Heel- -res proc

This gives almost ED-capped rech and end reduction with almost 40% extra def debuff an slow enhancement plus the Achilles Heel proc (lvl 36 enhs, mostly). I will probably respec it later (as I near 50) to fit in a couple Lady Grey's (including the damage proc), but right now it is working like a charm.



2 rech, 1 achilles heel def/rech, 1 achilles heel proc, one lady grey proc, one positron proc.

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I've never had high accuracy in FR, but is 0% accuracy viable? I mean, im sure you can get by with it, but am I the only one that puts a lil acc in FR?

I either do 5 posi (with proc) and a rech IO, or 2 lady grey (for easy HP) +plus what ever else to round out the recharge

perma jump is ---> /up 1



2 rech, 1 achilles heel def/rech, 1 achilles heel proc, one lady grey proc, one positron proc.

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I've never had high accuracy in FR, but is 0% accuracy viable? I mean, im sure you can get by with it, but am I the only one that puts a lil acc in FR?

I either do 5 posi (with proc) and a rech IO, or 2 lady grey (for easy HP) +plus what ever else to round out the recharge

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Freezing Rain is not like pulse powers that pulse every few seconds, or one-shot powers -- it has bunches of icy rain drops. At least some of those icy raindrops will hit with no accuracy slotted . . . and the debuffs then last for a while after the last raindrop hits. Once one raindrop hits, the defense debuff kicks in to make it easier for the others to hit. You can see this because even unslotted against high level foes, you still see some "-1" even if there aren't nearly as many. I believe Freezing Rain has an inherent accuracy of 2, also.

Slotting damage is mostly a waste. All those little "-1" you see are actually a third of 1 (at level 50, and less in lower levels), so doubling them does not increase the minimal damage hardly at all. If you want to check this, try running Herostats. It will track the damage done by Freezing Rain.

So, there is virtually no benefit to slotting Freezing Rain with either Accuracy or Damage enhancements.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



there is virtually no benefit to slotting Freezing Rain with either Accuracy or Damage enhancements.

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Yeah the only reason mine gets damage is a by product of me attaining set bonuses. If they offered a different set with better bonuses that only effected Freezing Rain's rec/end redux but had the capability of boosting range/slow/tohit debuff/etc I would still slot it simply because Freezing Rain only requires recharge to be effective. The only set I would not slot would be Knockback because the mobs would be thrown out of its radius.



I always slot for Recharge first and Endurance 2nd. That power costs a hefty chunk of end. Roughly 19 points. Its one of those powers that constantly gets used, so in long fights that end cost really hits hard. Especially on a troller. Unless you have an end recovery power or really good recovery bonuses. Even then I tend to feel the sting in big long fight without a good chunk of endurance reduction.

After that I slot procs in it. I agree that slotting damage is mostly wasted and slotting def is also a bit much. However the -def sets are really good and they offer more RECH and END ruduction then the AOE sets. However 5 slotting posi is a nice bunch of bonuses.

Personally I agree with those who suggested Lady Grey for the set bonuses and the achilles heal proc. They are affordable and help the 2 stats i want to effect the most. The extra def debuff is just icing, I do find it really helpfully in Pvp tho against defense based toons who have lotsa -def protection.
*cough* Super Reflexes *cough

However YMMV.



2 rech, 1 achilles heel def/rech, 1 achilles heel proc, one lady grey proc, one positron proc.

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I've never had high accuracy in FR, but is 0% accuracy viable? I mean, im sure you can get by with it, but am I the only one that puts a lil acc in FR?

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah. Even against +millions, FR generates enough chances to hit that you'll hit anything, thanks to the streakbreaker. Love that power.

Note that the -def/rech piece there? Entirely because I wanted the 1.5% damage buff. The -def enhancement is meaningless.



So comparing Sleet to Freezing Rain in Mids' they seem to be exact clones.. are they?



So comparing Sleet to Freezing Rain in Mids' they seem to be exact clones.. are they?

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Freezing Rain is technically more powerful than sleet, but because of class modifiers they can look the same. On a defender Freezing Rain provides a 30% defense debuff, a 35% res debuff, and a 50% recharge debuff. Sleet on the other hand provides a 30% defense debuff (same) 30% res debuff (5% less) and a 40% recharge debuff (-10%).

The defender sleet numbers are the same as the controller freezing rain numbers which is why they appear to be clones. If controllers had access to sleet, though, it would be less powerful than controller freezing rain.

Although having said that...looking at RedTomax, i have a new theory. Corruptor and defender sleet appear to be the same. So whereas there is a defender and controller/corruptor version of freezing rain, there appears to be only one version of sleet that everyone uses. This one version of sleet appears to be the same as corruptor/controller freezing rain. So I would say that they are the same, except that there is no defender version of sleet. So if you are a defender FR is better.

Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here



So comparing Sleet to Freezing Rain in Mids' they seem to be exact clones.. are they?

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Freezing Rain is technically more powerful than sleet, but because of class modifiers they can look the same. On a defender Freezing Rain provides a 30% defense debuff, a 35% res debuff, and a 50% recharge debuff. Sleet on the other hand provides a 30% defense debuff (same) 30% res debuff (5% less) and a 40% recharge debuff (-10%).

The defender sleet numbers are the same as the controller freezing rain numbers which is why they appear to be clones. If controllers had access to sleet, though, it would be less powerful than controller freezing rain.

Although having said that...looking at RedTomax, i have a new theory. Corruptor and defender sleet appear to be the same. So whereas there is a defender and controller/corruptor version of freezing rain, there appears to be only one version of sleet that everyone uses. This one version of sleet appears to be the same as corruptor/controller freezing rain. So I would say that they are the same, except that there is no defender version of sleet. So if you are a defender FR is better.

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If you check mids' on a corruptor both versions are the same.
Anyways, that means sleet doesn't need Defense debuff either?



I went with 3 Undermined defenses, 2 Lady Grey ( including proc ) and Positrons proc. You can Max recharge, get good endurance reduction, and add a little defense debuff plus two procs, and good set bonuses.